19th February 2022 Fragment: Some bit outside with childhood friend D. Unusually, he's sad or depressed, in an angry sort of way. There's a city road and cars, they seem abandoned? Later. In a school place with H; there's some Chinese children and we have to walk through this room where some of the children are, to get to the teacher's desk. We have to be careful because the room is somewhat packed. The teacher is male and speaks in English to us. 20th February 2022 Fragment: Something about factions and such. There's a sort of palatial and governmental-like building with guards, who tell me to take my boots off. In a certain part of the dream, playing soccer against my cousin T; we're both bare foot and she kicks me on the genitals as we're playing. It feels purposeful? I tell this lady supervising us that this isn't fair and that I would play better with my boots on anyway. This lady supervising is some sort of regional regent. There is no sense of a waking-world country being related to this place and its government. (later) In the kitchen. Putting something for H in the red thermos (the one from family). 22nd February 2022 ~6:00-10:00 Fragment (DFLN): In some kind of base or complex. The walls are plain concrete or metal and there's a dry-green tinge. There's only artificial lighting and I can't recall daylight at any point. I interact with other characters though I mostly only vaguely recall a segment on some kind of descending shaft with a stairwell or something. A group of assassins that I'm investigating or something? Following a trail perhaps. In this cylindrical shaft with the stairwell I find a katana with a gilded pattern both on the hilt and at the base of the blade, the edge may be gilded too. I discuss the blade with someone, a woman(?) nearby, as I inspect it. Fragment: Space. Going towards the edge of the galaxy with a fleet. I encounter a previously unknown race which sells or trades with us for some technology blueprints they have available, including blueprints for a battlecruiser, or perhaps a battleship. I see a HW-like user interface and accept the exchange. I remember thinking that it would be very helpful to have some extra firepower because of others with overwhelming numbers. Then, in a further region of space, further along towards the galaxy edge I think. Something about space or reality is distorted in this region. 26th February 2022 Scraps: Something about cotton buds; blue stalks, in a clear plastic tub, round? Notes: - I've recently been playing Homeworld, so that's probably part of why there was this theme in the last fragment. Though in the Homeworld games there's mostly a focus towards going towards the galaxy core, as there is in some other similarly themed sci-fi games. In the dream, there was more of a sense of exodus away from the central areas, which also relates partly with the Homeworld story. When I've recently played the game again, I gave the story a lot more thought than the first times I played the games, years ago. - It's curious that there was the theme with the assassins and the katana. I've recently had very vague thoughts about playing Divine Cybermancy again and I feel that the themes in that dream were partly intrusions from these thoughts. - The bit where I'm playing soccer with my cousin, I think we're both adults and it's like she's implied to be an agent for this unknown government. I think in the dream I had a more connected sense of what was what but if I did, I couldn't hold on to recall it after waking. - We were playing in a room and the whole thing felt like some kind of test. I imagine the low-blow has some kind of metaphorical meaning, anything relating to blows or hits to the area is a rare event in my dreams, and usually feels especially symbolic for some reason, perhaps in part due to its rarity too. There was also a sunset and cinematic-like feel, despite the fact I was myself in first-person.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I live in a community within a sheltered complex with many layers or levels inwards. We can go outside but we have to be careful coming back to not reveal our entrances and entrance codes. I go out for the 1st time and without permission, by sneaking out after some group. Inside the door there is a poster with the pin number to come back in and I have to memorize it. The outside is just a normal city alley. I get in trouble soon after when I encounter a group of dudes who seem to be up to no good. I try to shake them off, but they keep following me, so as soon as I can, I try to go back into the complex. But somehow they saw me putting the pin code and they manage to come inside. The first tier of the complex is just a giant warehouse organized as a maze and I manage to escape them as I know the place better. But they also seem to know too much, so I try to reach the authorities to warn about the intruders. I learn they aren't the first ones. There has been some attacks and intrusions from the outside and seems like there are people from within helping out and we are about to go into war. They want to recruit me to fly a drone, but the process is too scary. They basically plug in our brains to an AI drone. It makes no sense to me as the AI is making all the decisions any way and the pilots just look like zombies. They say if the drone is shot down the pilot isn't even aware of anything. I don't get it. So I run away from that to and join a rebel group within this world that lives on top of a hill with trees and a whole natural life. Some drone crashes into their territory or so I thought. Turns out it really just landed in there and it brings weapons. Basically this group is also being called to join the fight. Then I meet some really underground rebels and join them. But I am a bit suspicious of their methods. They take me along to some mission at an official governmental building full of people who are there to work out some bureaucracies. Riverstone is there. My "friends" disappear for a while and when they come back they put on some masks and tell me we need to go. I know what they just did, so I say no. They leave me behind and block the exit door. I warn people that there is a chemical weapon about to blow up and immediately something blows up in smoke. Riverstone panics and I ask him to look around for heavy objects we might use to break the door or a window. He tries a vase to break a window, doesn't work, he inhales some gas and starts collapsing. I see a secondary door in some nook where the smoke hasn't reached yet and I grab a fire extinguisher and strike it down until I break the lock. It leads to a hallway with open access to a garden with a lake. I go back and call everybody to this door and tell them to help the ones who already lost conscience and are laying on the ground. After some effort, there were no casualties, but people are very tired and in shock. A couple persons offer me some cookies as a gesture of appreciation for my help and I find them delicious.
14th February 2021 Dream: (Long-ish. Recall broken up a bit.) Some bit in my home town. It seems dark but it's kind of day time, it's not just cloudy, because there's still colour saturation even in the dark. I walk around a corner of a modified version of where the primary school I went to is. There's something about this dream segment that has some consistency with previous dreams around this area. The buildings' height seems slightly exaggerated. The school itself has the main building in a different place, it's where the gate should be. There are some people I sort of bump into and talk with, I forget who. We are on the pavement by the main road that passes here, in front of the police station and where my cousin used to live. (Another bit, don't recall surroundings) There's some kind of wooden cabinet, not unlike the one we have here at home but smaller? Lighter wood stain. I'm trying to climb it. It has a hole of some sort on an inner side panel up top in the middle. Somehow, this is the entrance into a building. I've been there previously in the dream but recall is lost. The centres of mass in play mean that I can't balance myself properly to climb up. I remember I ask someone for help, someone I knew from school comes by, C? (gap) There's something about a vacuum and my eldest sibling. A car parking lot? Sort of hilly. Then, I'm in some kind of complex. It's got a high tech but magical feel. Purple and deep blue hues, with light blue highlights. Light seems neutral otherwise. Crystal walls or something. I am with other people, forget who, but one I think is a dream character and is guiding the way. Then a room with a crystal bridge or something. I think I cross it. Then I'm in a more normal looking basement. There are more people here, some possibly from my family. Some are just pure dream characters. (gap) I'm at a table in this basement with some other people, or perhaps I'm just a presence. A guy is having a happy conversation, with the air. And someone at the table starts to think this is odd. Then I see through his eyes and see he's talking to a ghostly woman. (rest of recall too vague to put into words) Notes: - Lately I've been playing a game where a character keeps seeing his dead girl-friend. That last bit from the dream seemed to be a related intrusion from that context. - The crystal place had a certain familiar feel, but I can't quite place it. On introspection, it only seems to be related to a general feeling of certain archetypical locations from several media (primarily animated films, games).
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At some kind of hotel in the country, boars come down a road around the building and everybody goes see it through the windows. I want to take picture, but I get too late, think I only catch a glimpse. Meanwhile someone's walking a dog and the boars pass right by, peacefully. Go on the subway with some kid and another adult, we're doing some study and I need to ask people money for the purpose of whatever survey we're doing. We check the coins we got from people and some dude comes to rob us. I fight back, he steals my purse. I chase him, we fight. He says I gotta let go and throws the purse far away. I say I don't care about the money (it is very little) I just want to teach him a lesson. And I beat him really bad. On top of some building with acoustic resonance, it's made of metal structure. It makes a hum with some organic or digital noises. I have a security clearance for access to this building. I detect threats and detect something weird involving one lab where they do genetic stuff, but also some time related search. Some guy robbed a scientist carrying a new formula on a syringe he thought gave him superpowers, but instead it just ages him very fast. He freaks bout, tries to reverse time on the department of time travels. He opens a portal that has consequences for 2022: the economy will shift and poor will get rich, rich will get poor. The people in charge want to fix the interference, but it reaches public knowledge and the people don't want it changed. Live in a farm in the middle of nowhere. A couple of dudes on an helicopter with a large package dangling under, land and request asylum. I allow them in, but soon realize they are up to no good. I hear them sating they need to get rid of me, I tell them I don't care what they are really up to. They don't buy it. I say I need to take care of my chores and leave them, but one of them goes after me and sees that the farm is a façade for a secret military complex that I keep. I am actually an AI android or some kind of genetically improved super soldier. They get scared, they think they know what project this might be, they are military too maybe. I manage to dodge them and lock myself in a room making a plan for what to do with these two. Then I go to a flying car and simply leave, locking up the compound with them inside.
Dream 1(fragments): I was playing some rts and there were missions, the terrain was grey and i had to build some turrets to defend the base from some enemy waves, they were way too weak though, mission was pretty tough. I've started different one, grey terrain again and here i was kinda racing enemy in building some rather overpowered units, which then started massive battle with lots of explosions. Then i've built 'Doomsday tank' which then crushed massive waves of enemies. Dream 2(fragments): I was in some team and we were trying to find way out of city. We were moving between some large balconies and fighting or avoiding enemies. Dream 3(fragments): I was with a group of people and we all had some abilities and we were trying to figure out what causing problems in some kinda of complex. We have found nests of giant ants in underground area and there were two types of them, different colors, one of types was friendly and they were fighting each other. We started fighting hostile ones and defeated them, then we started searching way out and after a while found it. Then hostile ants were back and started causing earthquakes, and also enemy soldiers started attacking the complex at same time. I was easily defeating them but after a while got lost in outdoors area. Then there was something about using panels to cross sand.
Dream 1(fragment): Some kind of video game. Dream 2(fragments): I have entered some underground complex and was using radio to communicate with someone. I was searching for quite a while around various areas. Then i finally found what i was searching for and found way to disable security on it. I went through opened passage and reached a chamber with massive futuristic energy weapon, there was a panel near it where i switched a few things and went back through the passage, i could switch lights on and off using some kind of cursor on the way. Then i've found way out of complex and there were castle ruins near the exit. Group of rebels were fighting someone, which then turned into a large fight between two sides and i had to get through that. I"ve found a truck and started getting around but then road got blocked by random rocks. Luckily a bunch of dynamite packs were nearby which i used to blow rocks up. Then i've reached some kind of glass underwater passage and then some dude appeared and started using sleep inducing weapons, i resisted them, retreated a bit then counterattacked. Then later as i continued through passage there was something about butterflies. Dream 3(fragments): I was playing some doom mod and there was a level that was like huge maze complex set from sections 4 by 4. Some enemies were different and there was one enemy that was throwing skulls. I got lost for a bit but then found way out using a map, exit was unlocked but i was trying to 100% level, soon part of map opened revealing a horde of lost souls, against which i used a rocket launcher. Dream 4(fragments): I was playing serious sam and there was some desert temple map with enemies appearing in groups, i was trying to get through it without saves. Dream 5(fragments): There was some fight on ruined rooftop where i have teamed up with someone else and we had to fight a team of two girls with some kind of psionic abilities.
Dream recall from today's naps. Dream 1(fragments): I was playing Doom and roaming through some huge map. It was some kind of complex with outdoor areas at west and indoor areas at east, and also some ventilation system passages. It was pretty mazey and used alot of grey/white textures in places, but also brown ones in other places and green in outdoor area. There were some new enemies and something about player character was dragon-related(can't recall exactly what though).I realized that it's dream while viewing automap briefly and tried to memorize it. Then i lost lucidity. Dream 2(fragments): I've had chain of false awakenings during which i either was trying to deal with mosquito or was talking to someone about PC hardware. Then there's another false awakening, and this time some nice voice is asking something, i try to respond and eventually get up i feel that i am dreaming and i feel... quite more aware of surroundings than usually, there's some female DC, we talk about something for a bit and i end up following her and losing lucidity, there are three more DCs, i become aware of dreaming again while going downstairs but then talk continues and i lose lucidity again, i look around and think about reality checking, but end up talking with DCs again. They say that we are going to certain place and i didn't liked it so i went back.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening (...) I find myself in some sort of complex lab. There's a strange room with strange chubby white babies on a nursery and a large aquarium. There's a kind of white organic tower on one side of the aquarium, with round openings under water and an opening to the outside of the aquarium. The babies in the nursery go inside this tube and enter the aquarium through the holes. The water is not normal fresh water, but a warm and dense fluid, and the babies can stay there apparently without breathing for a long time. Something happens and I end up inside the aquarium. I hold my breath for a while but when I can't hold it any longer I realize I can also "breath" the fluid, although it feels claustrophobic and I want to get out as soon as possible. I notice another white tower with more openings on it, but this one has some kind of nests inside, on top of each other, and inside the nests I find what seem to be tiny carcasses of dinossaurs. I find a hatch (I couldn't fit in the openings that the babies use) and I get out of there. I am wandering trhough this complex building, through corridors and stairways. I see nobody but I hear strange and creepy sounds. Then I bump into a very scared man and he says the dinosaurs have escaped and are hunting down the humans. I can hardly imagine a full sized dinosaur running through the narrow hallways, but then I do see a human sized raptor, coming in our direction. We run and we go different directions. The raptor goes after me and I feel very close to dying when he is just inches of grabbing me with his claws. A door opens and I am pulled into a room. The door is locked behind me and I find myself among a group of good looking young males and females. I ask them about what is going on and at first they don't really want to explain anything at all, but as I go along with them on the chase of the saurians, I become aware that they are not really humans. They are also "dinosaurs". They are some sort of hybrids who were born and raised on this complex. They look human but they can turn into the dinosaur form if they wish so. Most of their kind is heartless and preys on humans, but some of them feel more human than saurians and have the instinct to protect us. There was some kind of trouble in this complex and they got loose. While some starting killing all the humans, others organized to save the humans and stop the other saurians from getting to the outside world. But they were playing a "double-agent" role so they could approach the mean saurians without raising suspicion over their intentions. They come accross one of the evil saurians, who is in a human form, but clearly looks different, more like a vampire - very pale, reddish eyes, big canines - and he seems to be a leader figure, so they try to behave like they are under his orders, so they can infiltrate the command and do some damage. But there's a problem. He can smell me. I try to play cool, try to pretend I'm just one of them, but he can sense there's a human among them and that blows the whole thing up, because he immediately realizes they are traitors and protecting a human among them. They tell me to run away. He transforms into a dino and there's a bloody battle of saurians inside that room. (...)
I was in some sort of training complex for all sorts of stuff. How to shoot a gun, how to use a sword, how to drive some fancy type of vehicle, etc. It was outside, and extended to a low, gray, brick wall. In the background, people where driving fancy vehicles that looked like a mix between a jeep and a golf cart, and was made for one person. Others were fencing with very nice looking swords, ranging from rapiers to katanas. Some people were kneeling and shooting automatic weapons at bags of flour. I was in a line to be assigned to one of these activities. People in front of me were being handed guns and swords and whatnot from a military looking man with a clipboard. He was obviously some sort of marshal, though I was not sure that this was a military complex. Worried, I felt around my head, and found with much jolliness that I did not have a buzz cut, and at the moment, that convinced me that I was not actually in the presence of the military. When I reached the marshal looking fellow, the looked me up and down briefly. His eyes stayed on my left hand for a moment. I looked down at it to notice, for the first time, that I was holding a pair of scissors, with a shiny blades at an angle from the black scissor-handle-doodad. I looked at the man in front of me. He pointed to my right and grunted. He then walked grudgingly elsewhere, as I was the end of the line. I found a group of six or seven other people, one of them an adult man with black hair and a coat, an instructor of sorts. The other five were the same group of people more or less than my age that seem to follow me around on the weekends. ( :O ) If I remember correctly, there were three men including me (But not the instructor) , and three women, and all of us had scissors with black scissor-handle-doodads, but not all with shiny angled blades. The instructor instructed us, though I do not remember any specific thing he said. We seemed to be a group of elite scissor ninjas, and proceeded to go through drills such as scissor tai-chi, scissor dueling, and snipping at the necks of training androids with fake flesh. At the end of the training, I twirled the scissors around my index finger, feeling rather pleased with my skills in scissory. Then I woke up, and felt disappointed with the tiny blunt scissors I got in kindergarten.
BiscuitHappyz's Dream I was in some sort of training complex for all sorts of stuff. How to shoot a gun, how to use a sword, how to drive some fancy type of vehicle, etc. It was outside, and extended to a low, gray, brick wall. In the background, people where driving fancy vehicles that looked like a mix between a jeep and a golf cart, and was made for one person. Others were fencing with very nice looking swords, ranging from rapiers to katanas. Some people were kneeling and shooting automatic weapons at bags of flour. I was in a line to be assigned to one of these activities. People in front of me were being handed guns and swords and whatnot from a military looking man with a clipboard. He was obviously some sort of marshal, though I was not sure that this was a military complex. Worried, I felt around my head, and found with much jolliness that I did not have a buzz cut, and at the moment, that convinced me that I was not actually in the presence of the military. When I reached the marshal looking fellow, the looked me up and down briefly. His eyes stayed on my left hand for a moment. I looked down at it to notice, for the first time, that I was holding a pair of scissors, with a shiny blades at an angle from the black scissor-handle-doodad. I looked at the man in front of me. He pointed to my right and grunted. He then walked grudgingly elsewhere, as I was the end of the line. I found a group of six or seven other people, one of them an adult man with black hair and a coat, an instructor of sorts. The other five were the same group of people more or less than my age that seem to follow me around on the weekends. ( :O ) If I remember correctly, there were three men including me (But not the instructor) , and three women, and all of us had scissors with black scissor-handle-doodads, but not all with shiny angled blades. The instructor instructed us, though I do not remember any specific thing he said. We seemed to be a group of elite scissor ninjas, and proceeded to go through drills such as scissor tai-chi, scissor dueling, and snipping at the necks of training androids with fake flesh. At the end of the training, I twirled the scissors around my index finger, feeling rather pleased with my skills in scissory. Then I woke up, and felt disappointed with the tiny blunt scissors I got in kindergarten.
October 18, 2010 Synopsis: Abstract dream. Were escaped test subjects running from an evil doctor. Brief lucidity. Flying. Next dream, I try to rebel the system from within it. Note: I was very sleepy after I woke up from my dream. Well, I didn't really wake up. More like, I was only half awake. I stayed drifting in HI for a few minutes before I remembered that I even had a dream. But by that time, what felt like a vivid dream was hard to recall. Abstract Adventures Me and a friend want to leave. We walk straight out of the house and into the parking lot. Waiting for us is a small helicopter. My friend makes me drive it! I'm terrified! I don't know how to fly this clunky machine. Once inside, my whole world turns upside down. Uh, literally. We crashed. But were fine, and I think nothing of it. It turns out we were so desperate to leave because were running away from this evil doctor! We were his unwilling test subjects for some sort of experiment. We run through suburbia, which was just abstract and weird. We reach a tower, and climb up its various levels. I don't remember much of the tower anymore, but I do remember on the top most floor was a witch conjuring up a spell. I didn't figure out who's side she was on. Were on top of the tower now. The doctor has us cornered! But that's when I suddenly realize I'm dreaming. Lucid, I tell the doctor "were not going to run from you anymore!". Then I grab my friends hand and fly instead. I try to grow bird wings, but I don't know if it worked or not. My friend disappears. Common. Lots of DCs just up and puff away when I become lucid. I continue flying and exploring my strange abstract dream, like giant cardboard boxes strewn together. I woke up after wards and fell into random HI for several minutes. Thoughts: the tower was a spiral, a repeating pattern in my dreams for 2010. Probably not a coincidence that reaching the top made me lucid, since the spiral itself can represent consciousness. Rebel from Within Some evil corporation has everyone I know slaving away from them, in an all-generic-building. Oh, and these weren't regular people. They were scheming rats, like the rats from Nyhm. I had two choices. Slave away, or rebel. I saw what happens to people who rebel outwardly. They got locked away in some room, never to return. I thought I could out smart the rats though. I'd work hard, earn their trust, learn more about their system. And eventually, I'd learn about their weak points and take them out when they least expect me to! Well, it sounded like a plan. Except that it's really SLOW. Anyways, I never actually got a chance to rebel! Unless you count spying. I was spying on the big boss while mopping the floors. He had an assistant named Amadeus. Amadeus seemed like an honestly good rat, and it annoyed me the way the boss would say his name and call him for any little thing. Thoughts: it could have something to do with me trying to overcome old habits. The process is slow, and you have to observe yourself.
Updated 10-19-2010 at 05:35 AM by 6004
July 30, 2010 Synopsis: I'm told to find my friend who is lost in the dream world and help her. I feel like I enter my friends dream, and we have a crazy adventure! Water monsters and riding a manta ray! Lucid. Shared-dreaming theme. Night Time Note: I had read a mantra before sleeping, but I forgot what the mantra was! A Friend is Lost in the Dream I'm in a large house with lots of old faces from my old job. I don't remember who told me this, or when, but I just remember being told: Our friend is lost in the dream world. We have to go find her. Sam and Laura have already left into the dream to go looking for her. I don't know who the friend is that's trapped in the dreamworld. And I couldn't remember who Laura was, I had trouble recalling the right face to the right name. But anyways. Me and my old co-worker Megan get ready to enter the dreamworld. I decide to leave first. I make my way to the back porch. The porch is actually a staircase, that mysteriously stops in mid air. Below us is the dreamworld. My mother is sitting on the steps, I thought of her as a gatekeeper. A cat nearby seems to be a guardian. Before leaping off the staircase, my mother tells me "The first person you'll find is Sam." I'm about to leap when my mom interrupts me again "Oh wait! Do you have Sam's number on your cell phone?" I go back inside and look for my cell phone, and I can't remember Sam's number for the life of me. Oh well. I jump and become lucid! The scenery is beautiful and very bright and vivid. It's a forest. I fly quickly over the forest, remembering in my head my task. 'Find Sam, find Lori or Laura, then find the friend I'm supposed to help!' I start to yell "Sam! Sam! Where are you!" I fly into a small town. And right away I find Sam! She was in an old fashioned horse drawn carriage, being carried like a princess, of all places, through a boring apartment complex. Sam seems happy to see me and I quickly make room for myself in the carriage. Sam tells me she's already been dreaming for at least 45 minutes, and now she's going to wake up soon. She didn't find the friend we are supposed to help. Excited I say "Sam! We're dreaming! Remember me when you wake up!" She tells me I should be able to find this Lori/Laura. She gives me a big hug, and disappears. I assume she woke up. I run through the neighborhood, avoiding random DCs by taking the back alleys. Eventually I come to a tall house that looks like something out of a fairy tale. Inside I finally find Lori/Laura. And the name and the face were completely wrong. This character was unstable, fuzzy, as the name and the face made no sense to me. I follow her outside. But once outside she was completely different person. She was a 'name' and a 'face' I knew and recognized - Maggie. No one ever told me I would meet Maggie. She asks me "Have you been looking for me?" It doesn't even occur to me that this is the friend that I'm supposed to find and help! Still thinking I still have to find someone else, I tell Maggie "We should go!" "You're right, come on!" Maggie's World (I remain with a light lucidity) It didn't feel like it was my dream anymore. From the get go Maggie had me running! Someone is after her, who I don't know! It's a dream theme I know so well - I have a chase-dream tag. "Come on! Hurry!" Usually in my dreams I am on the run and my friends follow me. This time, my friend is on the run and I am simply following her blindly. Maggie was a fast runner, one of the fastest "dream characters" I've met. I had trouble keeping up with her, flying was too slow, my legs were too slow. But Maggie would often look behind to make sure I was still there. After running through several neighborhoods we find two bicycles. Oh perfect! Now we can really make some distance between us and these bad guys. But the bikes were rusty and crappy and we ditch them soon after. I try to transform to make keeping up with Maggie easier, but it didn't help. Every now and then Maggie would run strange, like she has an injured leg. Then she would run normal, like there was no injury. We climbed fences, and made our way through a complex construction site with wires and pipes and giant boxes. We snuck our way into a facility of some sort. All the while, Maggie is still leading the way. I'm not sure what this place is. But this seemed like a bad idea. So many walls, and corners, and doors. It's like a maze. We hear something. . . is that. . . water? A giant wave of water was rushing towards us. If the wall of water wasn't bad enough, it was full of giant worm monsters that were made of water. The giant water monsters attack us! Damn! We need to get high, above this wave. Just then, we see a giant manta ray flying gracefully, gulping the water with his giant mouth. Maggie has a most devious expression, lol, I just laugh at her crazy thought. We wait for the right moment and then we leap on top of the giant manta ray! Riding safely above the monstrous wave. Woah! Riding the giant manta ray was wild! He was like a roller-coaster. A gliding roller-coaster! Both me and Maggie scream excitedly like little girls. At first I was crouched down, holding on tight. But when it became real fun, I stood up. The manta ray swallows all the water and comes to a slow stop. We jump. We really need to get out of this crazy place. "Come on! This way!" Maggie leads the way again. We run through a supermarket that quickly transforms into a futuristic laboratory. Oh damn, the water is coming back. Maggie suddenly stops running, she has a pensive expression as if she's trying to think of something. No time to think!! I run right past her and down the hallway. Bad move. It was a dead end. Did Maggie know it was a dead end? I turn around and the water monster has me cornered. The manta ray was drifting slowly towards the water, but he was flying real low. Where as the wall of water was towering high! Crap! The water monster comes crashing towards me! Scared, I hide in a closet that magically appeared for me. Silence. The closet was white. Just white. It would have been a void if it wasn't for the visible slits of the door. For a moment I wait for the water to seep in and flood the closet. But nothing happens! I sigh deeply. Damn, I just ruined the dream didn't I? A lot of times if I leave the sight of a dream character, that dream character will disappear. I was afraid that this awesome "dream character" Maggie would disappear now. I sat there, waiting, any moment, I'll just wake up. Then. . I hear footsteps splashing through a puddle of water. It's Maggie's footsteps. She runs up and down the corridor. Is she looking for me? I pop out of the closet. And there was Maggie waiting for me! "Come on!" She leads the way again. Her legs are even faster now. I had to find ways to make my running path shorter than hers to keep up. We enter a warehouse. Maggie looks up at the crates floating above us. Good idea, if we can get up there we can safely get above the wave. I press a button hoping to bring the crate down, instead the machine drops the crate and the entire thing smashes on the floor. "Oops..sorry!" Maggie tries to find another way up there. Why don't we just fly? I try to transform again, and I try to fly up there, but I can't. I can barely make five feet off the ground. I hear footsteps. A large group of men surround us, their leader was an arab man in a suit. He had Sayids voice from the show Lost. Are these the bad guys Maggie has been running from? Maggie tries to ignore their threats as she desperately cuts away at the rope with pocket knife. I'm not even sure what's that going to accomplish except - nothing! For the first time I seriously doubt Maggie's plan, what ever it is, will work. I blast a fire ball at the leader! He's not impressed. "What are you doing in my warehouse? And why are you ruining it?" So. . he's not after Maggie? "Wait!" I said "We just want to leave this place. Can you please show us the exit and we'll leave you're warehouse alone?" Maggie continues to cut away at the rope. "Then, I will show you the way out." He presses a button and a door opens. Maggie reacts like a cat and bolts out the door. I just take my sweet time leaving. Once were outside, Maggie finally relaxes. "I thought for sure he was lying about letting us out." She says The man shakes his head and explains "I keep my promises." He turned out to be a really nice man. The next scene was vivid, but for some strange reason I have trouble recalling it. I think the man offers us two bicycles, but they were all rusty. Maggie complains that texas bikes don't rust. The man, a true sales man says "Ah, but do your bikes have big wheels like mine?" I feel it's almost time, to wake up I mean. I look about me. The scenery is gorgeous. Mountainous, green, ripe. Maggie talks to the man and laughs at herself for running away all this time. A lemon tree was growing next to us and I grab a fruit, quite lucid. It smelled so richly of lemon! "I can't do it! I just can't do it! I know it's a dream but even then I still can't bite into this lemon!" My mouth waters at just the thought. Maggie laughs at me. Quite happy that I left Maggie in a more peaceful and vivid dream, I say goodbye and wake up. Sweeet
April 7, 2010 Synopsis: Two vampires, former best friends, fight over my sister. People die. I don't trust my sisters' vampire boyfriend, so he gives me a gift. An auric reader. Later I relive the dream as a mutant! Semi-lucid. Night Time Note: Last night was my moon night Auric Reading and Vampires (Note: In waking life my older sister once upon a time had a boyfriend. Long story short, she married his best friend instead. But everything is okay, because he still showed up to the wedding as the best man. Now the vampires in my dream are nothing like them, except for the relationships between each other) I'm in a stuffy room with a bunch of older middle aged people. A lady asks me "How old are you sweetie?" I tell her "Oh, I'm 25." She responds "Why you don't look a day older 15!" Then my dad from halfway across the room blurts out "That's my daughter!". Uh, well this is weird. So I leave the room. I'm in a University/Apartment Complex/I'm not sure. I grab my art project and tell my sisters that I'm heading home. To leave, you have to climb up a staircase before you can exit the front door. The staircase makes a few sharp turns, so even though it's rectangular, it makes a spiral pattern. And when I say climb, I mean you literally have to climb the first few steps. I'm standing on top of the staircase looking at all the confused college guys below me. They can't figure out how to get their foot on the first step. So I yell at them "You have to climb it!". They look at me bewildered and shake their heads in frustration that they still can't figure it out. Are they drunk? Oh well. I'm walking outside and even though it's dark, I can still make out my car from the back of the parking lot. Wait a minute, my cars trunk is open? A small female runs from the back of my car carrying a large bag! "A thief? Someone is stealing from my car!" My sister who was right behind me, tries to stop me, but I run after the thief. She's wicked fast! She runs into the shadows and I lose her. My sister tells me that thief is the Urban Pirate. No one can catch her! That only made me even more upset, she stole my things! We go back inside, I don't remember why. A huge drama plays out but I don't remember all of the details. My sister dumped her boyfriend. It turned out, he was a vampire! He killed, ate and turned students into mindless zombies. When my sister decided that his best friend would make a better boyfriend, out of spite, he transforms his best friend into a vampire too. A kind of, well if I can't have her, no one can! I didn't like her first boyfriend, for obvious reasons. He was psychotic! The only times you saw him was when he was laughing and screeching flying down the hallway chasing his next victim. He was a loud, blood-sucking, obnoxious ginger head vampire. But my sisters new vampiric boyfriend, was a whole different story. Dark hair, dark eyes. The quiet type. Didn't smile. Didn't laugh. I didn't trust him. He knew I didn't trust him. He knew I didn't like him around my sister, he's a vampire after all! To win my trust, he gives me a present. It's an auric reader. The strange device floats above my palm and spins like a compass trying to find north. Then it glows! It shows me the colors of people's auras. And it reveals any hidden energy. The auric reader was showing me something strange. A green toxic energy, an almost putrid green was floating just in front of me. I look around to see who this toxic energy belonged to, but there was nobody there. It's some sort of demon! The green energy swells and then enters the dark haired vampire. Well if he wasn't bad before, he is now! I grab my sister's arm and we quickly run away. Now there are two insane vampires on the loose. We hide in the restroom. It wasn't a smart idea, it was just the first thing that popped in my head. My sister gets sick and nearly throws up on me. I'm vomit-phobic so I'm prettying much screaming "OH MY GOD!" She apologizes but she's looking sicker by the second, like she could die from this. Wait, don't you have to die before you can become a vampire? Oh no! Did he bite my sister? My sister tells me we can hide in this bathroom cabinet. 1) I'm thinking, you'll throw up on me for sure 2) He's a vampire, he'll sniff us out. "No! We can't hide here!". I get a sense my sisters new boyfriend is already at the door. He's wriggling the door handle telling me to let him in! He tells me an elaborate story how he fought the demon, and a dozen zombies too. He also tells me what a good vampire he is, he hasn't killed anyone, unlike his insane best friend. But I don't believe him, what should I do? Then I remember my auric reader. I let it float above my palm again. It reads through the door and shows me his aura, it's the deepest indigo I've ever seen. Well no human is this dark, but it's not toxic, or putrid - just really really deep. So I decided this was an okay color. I open the door and he helps my sick sister out. The ginger vampire turned the entire school into mindless zombies! Together we gather the remaining members of my family trapped in this huge place. I use my auric reader to watch out for any unwanted energy. That firey red must be the ginger vampire, let's go another way. Now that my whole family is gathered, I find a way out for us. We just need to help my sister down these steps, and the fresh air will heal her. She only needs to leave the building to stay human! But her boyfriend started to distract my sister from leaving the building. I get angry and yell at him "I'm not going to let my sister be like you!". He looks hurt! But then he lowers his head and lets me take my sister out the building. The cool night air heals my sister. I become slightly lucid and think "I want a happy dream ending so I don't wake stressed!" And then, we found the ginger vampire and the urban pirate had fallen deeply in love. Now the two of them were laughing mad together. A dangerous a couple, but at least their happy! The urban pirate starts to dance like a drunken wench, my mom starts to cheer and clap her on! I think I'm waking up. I want to remember the dream so I start to recall it. But in reality I'm still dreaming, so I just replay the dream again. This time as I replay the dream I'm a half mutated freak, complete with a tail. I met a boy. He was a born with a tail. Everyone made fun of him and his whole life he hid his tail in shame. Until he met me. We held hands as we safely herded my family out of the toxic building, tails wagging and all And then I woke up