Had an ear infection on the same side I like to sleep on. I used the throbbing pain as a gauge for WILD. After laying in bed relaxed for a few minutes, I paused my thoughts, abiding in present moment awareness. In a couple seconds, I felt the sensation of falling asleep. With it, the pain in my ear vanished. So I dislodged myself from my body and flew over to my spouse, reaching through her and calling her name just to see what happened. She was asleep. I turned into my dragon while I was bothering her (in preparation for adventures to come). My spouse and I have been doing little experiments like this off and on for months to test potential dream sharing. Later, when I woke up, she told me that she had a dream in which I hovered over her in a video call saying something (in her dream). Apparently I interrupted something she was doing in her dream. Anyway, in my dream, after bothering her, I flew out the room. My house had some warped spots. Rooms turned in wrong directions mainly. I eventually flew out the window. It was night and our yard was bigger, full of dead trees, and one living tree (which we don’t have in waking reality). Our fence was gone, but the property was more isolated—away from any other homes. I had to go to the bathroom in that moment, so I spring back to my body and woke up, went to the bathroom, and went back in with another identical WILD. I flew back out again (dragon form) to the nearest neighborhood with lights on and snuck into a house. In the house, a creature was hiding and didn’t want me to see it. Apparently it used to live in the house, but it had been living outside since a recent incident that turned it into a mutant. There were a couple of other mutants living with it, but this house only belonged to one of the mutants (the one with large fangs who’s body was chopped up into pieces, and crudely stitched together). Sometimes his body fell apart and he had to stitch it back up. The mutants were visiting the house (the one I snuck into), wishing to live there again. It was a cute little modern house. Nothing too fancy, but just a bit upscale. Small home with tall ceilings. The creature hesitated to stay here because it didn’t want to be seen by its community as a mutant. It used to be a higher status member of society. Beautiful, well off, and respected in the community. I don’t know what happened, but the creature deeply bemoaned its fall from grace and seemed quite preoccupied by this, so it didn’t notice me lurking around at first. I hid in the cupboards. I ended up being spotted eventually though. When it saw me, I flew into one of the other mutants and combined with it. There were no words spoken, but a sudden consensual possession. This being had crab-like mutations. While I possessed it, I worked on trying to shape shift it back into its original form (more human) since I’m good at shapeshifting myself. Didn’t really work, but I tried. In the meantime, I befriended the other mutants and explored the house, tinkering around with all their cool stuff. After I woke up in the morning, my spouse told me that she had a dream about beings that didn’t want to be seen. She caught a glimpse of mutated parts of them.
Updated 09-19-2023 at 06:55 PM by 99032
Morning of November 19, 2017. Sunday. There is a dream scenario related to John-Boy Walton, though it is too modern to relate directly to “The Waltons” in a logical sense. It has something to do with him having a book on bondage and other adult content. In an unrelated offset sequence, I have to get a bee out of my left ear. I tilt my head to the left while in bed and even tap the right side of my head and shake my head a little (even though, of course, the dream self does not have a physical head). Over time, the bee eventually comes out and I wake as soon as it does. It does not bother me that much as I know the process of getting it out is working. The first part of my dream likely relates to our oldest son (although John-Boy has appeared in a number of my dreams since I first saw “The Homecoming”). The “adult content” and “bondage” is likely more about him now being an adult and working as there were no clearer graphic adult implications. The rest of my dream is typical waking autosymbolism though unique as always and more defined than usual. There is the usual flight symbol that represents the return to wakefulness after being unconscious (vestibular system correlation). A buzzing insect typically relates to increasing neural energy upon becoming more aware of the return to consciousness. This all relates more specifically to inner ear dynamics (and that which causes partial unconsciousness or dizziness in some cases, though I do not have that problem) and RAS (Reticular Activating System). Another dream, “Ear or Wing?”, from July 5, 2016, had the same meaning (as do the majority of my dreams since childhood), though in that dream, a sketchy image of a left ear becomes more like the sketchy image of a bird’s wing.
Updated 04-29-2018 at 12:23 PM by 1390
Morning of February 14, 2017. Tuesday. I somehow have a watermelon seed embedded near my left ear. Part of it is still visible. I do not think it will cause too much trouble, though it does get bigger and green leaves eventually appear on the left side of my face. However, it is not a watermelon plant, but a Triffid. He is my son. He has eaten a number of people by my dream’s last segment, but I believe he will mostly be okay in human society with his Triffid ways. Other dreams of this date previously posted: “A Lot of Balls in the Front Yard” and “Lollipops”. My (non-lucid) dream self rarely has any clue to what year it is let alone the date, but there are sometimes residual memories of holidays. There seems to be evidence here with all three dreams thus far posted (of February 14, 2017) of associations with either Easter or Valentine’s Day. “A Lot of Balls in the Front Yard” seems more associated with Easter, as there are a lot of what may be transparent eggs (or rubber balls?) in the front yard, though possibly frog’s eggs. Candy can be associated with Easter but also Valentine’s Day as well as flowers or lilies for either holiday, though Triffids are like lilies, so more of an Easter association, I think. It is as if my dream self subliminally “knows” there is a holiday, but not which one. There is an amusing detail about my “Lollipops” dream though, regarding people who think they can understand other people’s dreams without even knowing or understanding what a dream actually is. In this case, a person tried to “interpret” an actual dynamic of my environment that I had not indicated was as such - meaning, there was a real mouse in our bed, which is partly what triggered that dream, which of course they could not have known. The inherent truth behind this dream is that, before I came to Australia and married my lovely dream girl Zsuzsanna, her mother (who is “disturbed” to put it nicely) sent me a peace lily. This distorted with the “day of love” (Valentine’s Day) relating to my happiness with Zsuzsanna (and our first son) but also with the science-fiction eeriness of “Day of the Triffids” and the lily association with Easter. You see, only I could know this, and only I can “interpret” my dreams (though the core meanings and distortions behind dreams is more of the dynamics of the dream state, not waking life, other than with literal prescience). The watermelon seed association is also personally relevant to my more distant past, though I will not get into it here.
Updated 09-23-2017 at 09:00 AM by 1390
Morning of July 5, 2016. Tuesday. My dream self’s primary focus is that I am in our bed in our present home, though with a vague and inconsequential awareness of bilocation within an unknown second location. (My second-most-common form of dream state initiation involves transformation of sleeping location factors, which is simply the residual though subliminal memory dynamic of having fallen asleep, the most common being various forms of water induction. My common awareness of bilocation in the dream state is simply caused by the modulation of the imaginary dream body and the real physical body, though of which was more vivid and sustained in childhood dreams, especially during the waking stage.) I am holding a manila envelope which apparently needs to be mailed. (This is real-time dream state symbolism as a concomitant of a residual consciously created thread to trigger communication between the imaginary dream self and the dormant conscious self identity, though it does not always work or even vivify the dream state. In this case however, it does vivify my dream somewhat but does not trigger lucidity.) I look at the front but I am not clear on the address of the business. (This is simply the result of my language skills being dormant while in some levels of unconsciousness, though writing is clearly readable in some dreams, depending on the dream type and particular stage.) On the back of the envelope is what looks like a tic-tac-toe grid (though is not necessarily implied to be one as it could also be a magic square frame or just a generic three-by-three grid). In the rightmost square of the middle row is a sketchy image of a human left ear. I turn the envelope over to see if I can make out the name or address again and when I once again look at the back, the “ear” now looks like a sketchy wing drawing, though still somewhat like a human left ear. My dream fades as I am puzzling over this imagery. Note One: As a casual reader might guess, the mail symbolism (linked to the first-level dream state initiation, that is, the bed setting), common since childhood and established in practice from December 1966, was not consciously intended to be literally rendered as such, but rather as a “line of communication” sustained into the dream state via conscious intent. However, due to the very nature of being unconscious, my conscious intent naturally ebbs and becomes a literal rendering of this metaphor in the non-lucid dream state. Note Two: This is also very cleverly augmented “return flight” symbolism as precursory waking symbolism. My otherwise dormant conscious self is fully aware that inner ear dynamics are the main reason for flight symbols in the dream state, which occur in over one in five of the tens of thousands of dreams I have experienced and studied. (Any association with falling, flying, dizziness, or rising is biologically based on inner ear dynamics and RAS activation to bring about and mediate consciousness.) Note Three: Mail symbolism is also present with dream state duality (harmonious connection with one’s partner) or multiplicity (connection with the transpersonal or collective unconscious, including literal prescience, for example, an actual letter received in real life of the same content as seen previously in the dream state). This dream has no sign of either (although certain other dreams do). Resupplemented on Sunday, 8 October 2017.
Updated 10-25-2017 at 07:51 AM by 1390
Better recall last night. I tried WBTB, but it didn't work. I had a regular non-lucid dream that I don't remember much. I'm hanging out in the living room with some relative. A small bee somehow gets in, and I try to capture it to take it outside (most of my relatives are the kind of people who kill any insect inside their homes). The bee stings me on the thumb and I give a little shout. One of my relatives laugh and say that's what I get for trying to be nice and take it outside. Anyways I get up to take the bee out and I notice that the floor is all covered with bees, who are grouping together in small swarms that look like fuzzy yellow and black hillocks. They are turning our house into their hive. Everybody in the house gets up and starts stomping around, trying to kill the bees. I run outside, though, because I can't bear to kill living things and I didn't want to watch them do it. While I'm outside, however, these bees attack me and sort of form up into balls and roll down my ear canal to sting out my ear drum. I can feel them buzzing in my ear canal and it is not a very pleasant sensation. I dig in my ear and throw the bees onto the pavement, where they lay still like fuzzy yellow and black balls. I then decide to go back into the house to get some earplugs and some bug spray. I head around the back of the house where there is this detached shed. I go in and the thing is full of gardening tools, power equipment and ladders. I meet my mother inside, who is sweeping bees into the shed and killing them with a rolled up damp towel (that takes skill). She says something like: "There's something you don't want to see." I ask her if there was any bug spray I could use, and she said yes. I tell her about the bees getting into my ear, and she says it'd be best if I didn't bleed through a perforated ear drum. I pick up a large set of orange ear protectors. My uncle must be in the shed as well because he asks why I want headphones to listen to music when we had a bee attack on our hands. This dream was my subconscious being mean, basically asking: "Ok, Mr. Gandhi, I know you don't like killing insects, but what if bees invaded your home?" It was doubly mean because my favorite insect is the bee. Also remember two snippets from other dreams I had last night: Flying from San Fransisco to Cleveland Being yelled at because I emptied the compost digester on the garden and dug it in, thus making the soil acidic (you are supposed to place it on top and let it go through an aerobic phase first before digging it in).
Updated 08-14-2015 at 05:10 PM by 88553
My mother and I (13 at time) were lying upstairs on my bed. We were laughing and talking when someone opened the door. There was my grandmother poking her head through. I told her to leave but she insisted on acting like a child and making faces. It was there i lost my temper. I pushed her onto a chair in the opposite room. I held her legs down with my knee and held an arm against her upper chest. With my other hand I began to rip her ear off. It came off easily on either end but was harder to rip in the middle. There wasnt a drop of blood. I then threw the ear on the floor. Ending #1 I felt a sense of satisfaction and went back to my mum. There was a strange aura and I awoke. Ending #2 After a split second of happiness, I realised I was in big trouble. My mother acted strange and made me uncomfortable. Coming up the stairs were the cops with dogs, flash lights and sirens. I looked out the window. What I saw was the shark infested stormy waters that surround alkatraz prison. I knew I had to jump. My life ended.