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    1. The Spark Machine, And A Premonition

      by , 06-03-2011 at 12:00 AM (Dark_Merlin's Dream Journal)
      This dream was really, really long! It felt like about 3-4 hours, even though I was only asleep for 45 minutes. There was also a lot of detail in this dream, but I forget big patches of it.

      I had a bunch of friends over, including Jeremy. My house looked different, the front end which contains the living room seemed larger, and the furniture was in a position we used to have it years ago. We were all playing with electronics, and I think before that we were playing the Wii. Most of the lights were off, and we had some kind of device which made sparks. After touching the sparks, I instantly gained the ability to create sparks with my hands, rationalising it as static electricity. Jeremy also touched the device, and started shooting sparks at me.

      We ran around the house in the dark, playing with sparks. Mine were a bright green, his were a bright blue (opposite to what they're supposed to be..) and we kept going until suddenly, they stopped working. Our friends had unplugged the device during some kind of event (not sure what happened?). I found an old hat from the primary school I went to, laying ontop of a small white cupboard that doesn't exist. I put it on, like the cool guy I am, when I heard a car pull up outside - my dad was home

      I recognised the deep rumble of the engine, my dad had been dropped home by one of his old friends who drives a Mini Cooper S. I looked in the car, and it was full of hundreds of copies of the same book. It was a red hard cover book, with white print on the front which was yellowed with age. I remembered knowing what the book was, that it was some sort of book related dad used to be into, my mind created the idea that it was about Mini Coopers and I ignored it.

      Suddenly, two small children, a boy and a girl ran across from my neighbor on the left side. They had just knocked and ran, and were running to their house. They lived on the neighboring house to me on the right side. The man who owned the house came out and chased the kids, and started yelling at them about how it wasn't funny, next to my house, while I walked back inside to find my friends.

      There feels like there was a lot more in this dream, but these are the only parts I remember properly

      EDIT: This morning I woke up and started discussing with dad about my lucid dream, and how wonderful it was to have had another one. We started talking about the infinite possibilities readily available in dreams, and the way those concepts apply to waking reality through a lot of the Eastern religions. After an hour or so, he went out to his room and bought back two books. As soon as I saw it, I recognized it and realized that it hadn't been a book about Mini Coopers. This book was "The Path Of The Masters".

      Updated 06-03-2011 at 02:21 AM by 7689 (mind. blown.)
