Fragment: I am on the BFI (British Film Institute) website, although it has a different name - three letters beginning with C. The homepage has a background of a wooden house surrounded by grassy fields where the wind is blowing softly. Somewhere on the site I am looking at a listing for a set of second-hand books (this is not something they would sell). The books are about the 'Crown Collection' and the series of 5 costs $8. I think this sounds pretty exciting and show my mum, but she scoffs that that is a stupid purchase. Surely I don't really want those books? I am awed by her scornful attitude. Notes: - Now that's the second time I've visited a website in a dream. Perhaps I should reality check when visiting websites. Just ask myself if what I'm looking at should really be on this site and why. - The books really were priced in dollars, not pounds... - I think a dream sign might actually be my mum being rude to me.
WBTB, back to sleep... I enter a dream. I'm at a library, in a city, maybe Seattle? There's guards who pat me down, but then let some others in. Why? Oh, they're regulars. I go in. I'm walking the shelves when I remember books! Books is a dream sign - yes! Is this a faint visualization? No, it's a dream! I look to the shelves, so excited, and pull a big book out. Large format. It's a symbology book, all the symbols from some ancient culture. Fuck yeah. Each symbol is created using two or three stick-like figures, but someone has gone in and used pencil to make them all doing obscene things like smoking and fucking. OK then. I put it back; the shelf was ILLs. I'll go upstairs to the fiction section. I have an idea that this library is an amalgam of two that I know IWL, maybe Seattle and somewhere else, but this is a false dream memory really. The place is super busy. Lots of folks, and seems like a class of kids as well. I look around, trying to find exactly what I want. Cool short stories. But where's the fiction? So much garbage, non fiction, Christan-themed children's books (though the cover was so cool in memory…) I'm low lucid, because I would be delving into any of this had I my full memory. Oh, well. I find a tiny shelf of some fiction on an end cap. One of the books is an old mystery writer short story collection, but a massive gilded cicada has bored a hole in each book. I yell "Staff? Any staff?!" and someone comes over with a black knit cap on. (Again, low level lucid, or I'd have loved to speak to any of the many DCs here..) I tell him about the books. He seems like he's seen this before and thanks me. Something about Chase being here.
Public Restroom (lucid): In a public restroom. Someone comes in doing something that I find annoying – snorting and spitting, or something. Maybe eating and chewing loudly. Anyway, he goes into the stall next to me. Meanwhile, I’m trying to get the door of my stall to shut properly, and having trouble doing so. I exit the stall, and as I go to wash my hands I see that the walls of the stalls are so short that you can see over them. This reminds me of something that I would dream about, and I also notice that it looks like a woman is in one of the stalls and there is in fact an elderly lady sitting on a toilet out in the open. This is also a dream sign. I look at my hand and count my fingers. There are 7. Finally, I’m lucid! “I’m lucid!” I say to myself. The dream starts to fade a little, but then comes back. I remember my 3-step task. The first step is to stabilize. “Stabilize for points!” I say to myself a time or two. I feel a wall to help me stabilize. Now on to the second task, which is to try to summon the AI dream assistant OASys. I call out for OASys a couple of times, and head for the door of the restroom. I feel a bit apprehensive about opening the door, as I seem to have had trouble with leaving rooms this way in the past. Indeed, as I try to open the door, I lose the dream. Book Poker In some kind of fancy building. Doing something with cards – I think playing a game of poker with myself. I pretend that there is another person with me. I get what I think is a winning hand, and my opponent owes me $1800. But then we see his cards, and he has a set of cards with pictures of some kind of leather-bound books. This means that I owe him some large amount of money. Apple Baseball I am in a small group of people playing baseball (or maybe just catch) with apples. I keep missing when the apple is thrown at me, although I do fine catching the apple when we aren’t actually playing. A whole bunch of people show up and I get separated from the group I was playing with. I make my way back to them. Meanwhile, I notice one person throwing an apple at someone else’s head. Not Too Funny Bunny There is some kind of show going on. A woman is doing something with toy rabbits, placing one animal on top of another. She is trying to be funny, but she isn’t really. People in the audience chuckle a little bit, but there isn’t a lot of laughter. Wool Socks and Family Vacation Discussion Talking with my niece. She is wearing thick wool socks, which means something (I forget what). I put on a pair of thick wool socks also. She points this out. Then there is some discussion about taking a family trip to Chicago. Mom says that isn’t going to happen, but it seems almost as though I have promised that there would be one. Mom's Friend Talking with Mom about one of her friends, who I thought was the pastor of a local church. It turns out that he was just there to fill in for the usual pastor. I try to remember who exactly it was, and Mom tells me that he has since died. This surprises me, because he wasn’t very old. Then she says that most of her friends from high school have died. This concerns me. Office Neighbor Fragment Someone is moving into the office next to me. My Uncle, I think.
07.09 - Night 7 …/I get into a new section of the sorter, it’s main purpose is to heal books. Here fall all books that got damaged along the process of distribution. The books this time are modern paperback versions. There’s a book with pink cover on top of one of the piles on the plates. I don’t see it’s going to work, I have my doubts about the process. It’s not my task today anyway, I’m too wide away from my working place where I’m sorting stuff for titles for its placement or something like that. We’re moving to another section of the sorter, we have to board a train. There are people from the design area. The big J is there/… WBTB I succeeded to incubate the dream back again but failed to recognize when it started …/it’s the same new section, there’re other paperback books piled there. I’m leaving the section now and I can see now the creeper of my living room hanging in a precarious way next to the sorter. I’m afraid it’s going to fall, I try to fix it into a better position while the sorter keeps moving. I’m trying to figure out what’s the logic of this new station. Each book has some values, like RPG cards. And they must be placed on their corresponding plate according to those numbers for the machine to take them to their new location or something like that . There’s a guy wearing glasses working on the first plate. He shouldn’t be there handling books because of his task has nothing to do with books. He’s taking the books away from where they should be taken by the machinery. I think to myself: “Now I see why it’s not working”/… 08.09 - Night 8 This time the dream was too abstract to recall a full sequence, I’m moving into thoughts and the scenery changes too fast to recall more …/I see some coworkers, old J is there. They twist and fall into big woks like they’re sort of omelettes. Other stuff turns around and moves on/… 09.09 - Night 9 …/I’m on a train arriving at a train station. I see some cops with dogs doing their job/… …/I see my daughter is watching films In a strange language. I cannot understand what the actors are saying. Look like a live show comedy/… 10.10 - Night 10 No recall, got too few hours of sleep, then must go back to work
Fragment 1 …/I’m heading to the end of a low illuminated dark brown corridor with dark green doors on the sides. In stead of a wall at the end, there’s a section of a conveyor belt crossing the way from left to right. The corridor is 3 plates of the conveyor belt bright. This part of the corridor is better illuminated with white lights above the machinery. There are old but well preserved hard cover brown books on each plate and I’m filling the plates with more books to get piles of three books on each plate while the conveyor moves on. I finish to set the piles and turn to do something else to my left. Looks like I’m very concentrated in some task at work/… I woke up remembering these scene, and wondered if I should consider it as a theme related fragment for the competition, since such books can often be found in libraries. They might come from one, same as they might go there. One way or another must point into that direction. Anyway, I’m constantly handling the main components of a library although I’m not aware of that during the dream. So I think it could score for that. Working with basic components of a library. I could use these books and the conveyor belt under dream control circumstances, to get straight into a library. May be jumping on one of the plates Then I considered to give it one more try and started to think about the fragment I remembered and fell asleep somewhere in the process Fragment 2 …/I’m again in the corridor next to the conveyor belt. The sequence unfolds the same until I start to arrange more objects on the first books. This time I see what I’m arranging on them aren’t other books, it’s my folded clothing. And think: “So, they weren’t all books, there were my clothes as well” and put my pants on the old book to see it disappear to my right carried by the conveyor belt/…
Updated 09-06-2023 at 05:18 PM by 18736
6.11.2023 Mostly fragments from last night. I took some diphenhydramine (the generic form of Benadryl) to help me sleep and to take care of some allergies. I seemed to be rather knocked out, although I’ve done that before and still had decent dream time. Fragments (1) At a church. I want to avoid someone (maybe one of the pastors?). My cousin is another pastor at this church, and as I go around the building to one of the doors people start coming out, including my cousin. We greet each other. He has some beard or something going down to his chest... (2) Back at the house we lived in several years ago. I look out the window and see my nephew (who is 8) drive in in a red SUV. He gets to the corner of the house where the driveway turns to go behind the house, but gets stuck. I stand there watching while he gets out and tries to push the vehicle by himself. Then I think maybe I should at least try to help. We push the car into a garage that is now next to the car... (3) Something about a little girl falling down. Maybe hitting her head on the wall. I think I try to comfort her, or keep her from crying... (4) Something about tinkering inside of a computer. There are brackets to hold wires in place. I feel as though Servalan shows up around here somewhere... (5) My mother and perhaps other family member(s) are visiting the lab I work in. My mother says something about how it doesn’t appear that my robot is very complex... (6) In a library. I go looking for a book. I might also feel a bit creeped out for some reason, as though I’m thinking of scary things and find myself there alone. I come across a service desk and some other people...
6.3.2023 Church Adventures (Lucid) There is a play going on at my old high school. One of the scenes, I recall, involves someone passing gas. But the kid playing this part missed it, so they decide to somehow slip the scene in later. I’m behind the stage as this is going on, but I start to make my way around to the front. Out front though, I’m kind of awkward, not sure where to stand and not wanting to block people’s view... ...Later I’m in a hallway. There are books – different colors for different age groups. Yellow and green, I recall. At least one of them is a mystery book. My brother comes along, and some girls come along and start talking with him. Then they hug him and lean on him, in a way that seems flirtatious to me. My brother is married, and this bothers me, until one of the girls leans back and snuggles against me. Meanwhile, my mother is standing a few feet away reading one of the colored books... ...(same dream?) At my brother’s church. My mother and I are sitting outside of the sanctuary. The earlier service ends, and it appears that either the second service or Sunday school is starting in the sanctuary. My mother doesn’t want to go into the sanctuary, saying that she thinks “it isn’t important”, or something. Her explanation for this is that the music uses guitars, and to her (in the dream, not waking life) this makes it less important. I sit with her a few moments, and then decide that I’m going to go into the sanctuary. When I go in, I find that the service is not taking place, and possibly there is no Sunday school either. I ask someone when the second service is going to be (or maybe Sunday school) and they tell me it starts somewhere around 1:00pm. That’s quite a while from now... ...In the dream, my brother is the pastor of this congregation, and he is now closing up the building. I jokingly quote Ebenezer Scrooge from one of the movie versions of a Christmas Carol: “you keep close watch on the closing hour”. He replies with quoting the same movie. I seem to get a bit muddled in what I’m supposed to say, but eventually I say “don’t work overtime, you might make something of yourself”. We leave the building, me still pretending we are in A Christmas Carol movie. My brother walks home, and I follow pretending that I’m the children singing “Father Christmas” from the 1970s musical version. Some kids actually show up at this point... ...In the church building. My mother and I are in a room somewhere, and she points out to me a nice looking dish that is sitting on a table. The dish has a flower design on the surface, and is textured so that you can feel it as you run your fingers along it. My mother explains to me that it is a “Dream Flower”. That prompts me to do a reality check, and I find that I can breathe while my nose is pinched shut. It takes me a couple of moments to fully aknowledge that I’m dreaming though, because this seemed so real up to this point. I wasn’t actually expecting it to be a dream when I did the RC. But I eventually become lucid. I remember the competition, and that I have completed the first of my 3-step task. The next one is “super speed”. I’m not exactly sure how to accomplish this. At first I try flying, but am having difficulty with this. I also try running, but the rooms don’t seem to be large enough to build up enough speed. I go outside, but it’s cold out there and for some reason that makes me not want to go very fast. I go back inside to try indoors again, but the dream fades... I was either awake now, or it was a false awakening. Anyway, I tried to hang on here, waiting for the dream to reform. I suspect that it did, and that’s why some of these scenes seem out of order in my memory, but I’m not sure. I don’t think I came back lucid though. I also remember the following scene: ...Some guys are sitting around a room (in the church, I think). They are talking about an old truck. One guy seems to be very emotional about this truck, and finally gets up and runs to the bathroom. I wonder if he has gone to cry or to throw up, or what. He comes back in a couple of moments with toilet paper or a tissue... Dancing Corgis We are sitting somewhere, with a view of the street. I look over and see what appears to be a couple of squirrels. As I look, it turns out that they are Corgis. The Corgis are jumping and dancing, in what seems to be a coordinated way. We go over to look at them, and sure enough they are in a group and doing a coordinated dance. There is a man leading them, dressed like someone from a circus. He is using some kind of GPS technology to help coordinate the dogs, kind of like the fancy marching band patterns you see. Except that these dogs are doing really fancy things, making 3D shapes and such. Now they’re in a small auditorium, and I walk down from the back a little bit. I mostly see people now, sitting on chairs and playing musical instruments (including kazoos). I back away from one guy, thinking I’m making him nervous, and go back to the back of the auditorium. The Corgis come back out, coming up the center aisle. One Corgi decides that it wants to be my friend, and starts following me... My Brother’s Girlfriend In this dream, my brother isn’t married. But he has a girlfriend. She looks like one of my friends from the University. She also seems to get really nervous whenever people talk to her, to the point where she starts shaking. There is also something about a girl I went to school with a couple of years ago. She was married at the time, but in this dream she is single. At some point I go into a bathroom to relieve myself. Also to change clothes, I guess. Or maybe I’m having trouble pulling my pants up? Anyway, I decide I should shut the bathroom door, and find that the latch that holds it shut is broken. I think my nephew comes into the house at this point. Fragments: (1) My Uncle is talking about a state park lodge – something about them being crooks? There is at least one other person, or maybe even a band, involved. (2) Someone has decided to give up drinking alcohol, or soda pop, or something. He is now sitting with Albert Einstein, who is cleaning the inside of a glass full of rusty looking water with a brush. This is “mineral water”. He gives it to the guy, who also seems to be me now, saying that he wonders if it is too strong. Me/the guy takes a sip, and it’s so awful that I/he can hardly swallow it. Letting a lot of it just kind of dribble out of my/his mouth, I/he try to smile and pretend that I/he like it.
I am in a Barnes and Noble or some other store similar to it. The building is far from conventional and rather is architecturally impressive. There are multiple floors that seem to meld together with open spaces and subtle staircases. The walls and finishes on surfaces all seem minimalistic and largely a very plain white. There is a CD display, a matte gray material, that molds itself to the wall, which, in this case, rises a few feet vertically before bending about 45 degrees backwards. The CDs are displayed one by one, face out. I think it is very cool, but I worry about the lack of ADA accessibility. I walk through multiple rooms and hallways, looking [missing]. I have to ask someone and she … where I feel I’ve already been. It’s a … and the books all look shiny and … near a ground level that has a …
I’m in a large house on the ocean shore. It is Dad’s birthday, but Makayla and I jokingly run away from him when he shows up. He takes it personally and the look on his face says so. I’m going to try to find him a book here to make up for it. This room looks like a large foyer, books lining the top of every wall on a high shelf. They all look like Franklin Library or similar. Some are more ornate than I’ve ever seen. There are a couple of thick Dostoevskys, the binding looking like his portrait in stained glass. I think about getting these for myself. I know that Dad wants [a certain title] that has to do with maritime, so I search for it. I do find the title, but it’s combined in one volume with The Red and the Black by Stendhal. I open it to find it’s in a weird font that is pre highlighted, I think each character in a different color. I don’t like it. I find one more pre highlighted and spiral bound. Again, I don’t like it. Al shows up now and offers to help. Looking to the shelves, I tell her I’ve looked through every single title. She hands me a book on the old west as a recommendation. I flip through it and see some familiar figures in the illustrations/photographs, such as Judy Garland as Dorothy. Appreciative, I tell her I will take this one. Now, through a window or open door I see Dad walking along the beach with a beer bottle in hand and talking to himself. It is dark out. He’s sad about us abandoning him and, staggering and slurring, says he is going to see [someone]. I feel really bad about this. Now, Julia is here and it feels late at night. She says something and I say “these shrooms are starting to feel good” (I must’ve taken them a bit ago). I go into a room here, hers?, that has a nicely made bed with a fuzzy gray color theme. The rest of the room has the same aesthetic. *Melissa asked last night what I’m getting Dad for Father’s Day and I told her I didn’t know. She then brought up Carlos’ birthday. I commented on the Franklin Library copy of Ulysses I’m reading and grabbed a Franklin Library copy of Crime and Punishment at work. The things in brackets are specific details present in the dream that I’ve since forgotten.
I’m at work when an older white man comes in looking for some books. He is overweight and I’m not sure if he’s in a chair or a walker or just extremely hunched over. The books he’s looking for are obscure and I’m pretty certain we won’t have them. We go to look for them (I think it’s 3-4), and the main room of this building actually looks more like a cave or cavern. Now we’re in what looks mostly like the local section, looking in a bin called ‘various’. This is where I think we’ll most likely find his books. He is looking for a Zola, and we find one. The cover mentions something about Hell, and it seems very mature and somewhat occult, which is not what I thought Zola was. In this bin, there is also what looks like paperwork and/or mail. Looking through all of it, I see something addressed to me. It’s something about a gun permit. I think it’s very old, as in back when I hunted, or a CCW, which I don’t remember ever getting. I’m getting my hair cut by Tess. I think she’s talking to someone, and she’s doing a very haphazard job. She finishes quickly and then says something about it being good if I’m an entertainer. Running my hands over it, it is textured but extremely smooth.
In the earliest parts I can remember, I’m traveling on a ship with a friend when the water underneath starts to swirl. Soon, a whirlpool has formed, and we’re spinning around as the wall of water grows higher around us. It now seems to be just us in the water – the whole dream was a bit iffy on continuity – and I see a smaller spiral under the surface near me. I move away, but it follows. It strikes me that this thing is only after me, not my friend, so I pass them something which is supposed to be a useful tool of some kind and encourage them to leave. I am alone now. The ship (or something, anyway) seems to be back, and there’s nothing to do but wait, I figure. I pull out a book—The Hobbit—so I can read until it feels like manifesting. At some point, a dark, oppressive energic atmosphere begins to form—not something visible, but a feeling hanging over everything—and it does show itself – in the form of Bilbo Baggins. Simultaneously with this, I now seem to be Frodo. “Bilbo” starts going on an exaggerated diatribe about what an awful book “The Hobbit” is. This goes on for quite a while, interspersed with my occasional sarcastic responses. The continuity continues to be rather sketchy, with “Bilbo” occasionally disappearing and subsequently reappearing elsewhere, and once, apparently accidentally, walking into view undisguised before the previous one has finished talking, appearing as a figure cloaked in black, face hidden beneath a hood. But then, a little later, it’s back to “Bilbo” again. He now has his own copy of “The Hobbit,” enclosed in a bubble wrap packing envelope which he’s holding by one corner as if it’s something disgusting. There’s a whole tub filled with bubble wrap beside him. I haven’t been taking anything that’s happened the least bit seriously so far—I’ve been treating it as if it’s some kind of unavoidable everyday nuisance rather than an actual threat—but somehow, in this whole improbable series of events, it is the bubble wrap that gets me thinking critically about what’s going on. “Bubble wrap. Why?” I say aloud. There is no bubble wrap in Middle Earth. I think it over just to be sure. No, it’s quite impossible. Couldn’t happen. I then proceed to do the only logical thing one can do under the circumstances: transform myself into a cat and leap into the bubble wrap-filled crate. But it’s just then that the dream ends, and I awaken. 4.11.21
I’m at work when a taller blonde man comes up to the counter. I think he is trying to check out, but is being deceptive about something in an attempt to steal it? I see through what he is doing and say I’ll need to see the items, or something similar. He then gets defensive and starts walking out. I start following him. Now, there is something about a girl with a ton of books outside, and me taking one of them. There are so many that I think there’s no way she’ll have them inventoried or know which I’ve taken, but apparently she does, and becomes aggressive. I have to run from her (it seems like we’re in a large, old school or castle). Her books are out here in an open area or courtyard in bankers boxes. It takes up probably 40 x 40 feet, with stacks 2-3 boxes high. Looking at the random seeming assortment of books in one of the boxes, I can’t believe that she really knows what’s here. There are also chain stanchions around the area. It seems dark out.
Updated 08-16-2021 at 06:33 AM by 95084
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Flood on a village. A stranger picks me up and jumps with me into a well, which strangely is the only dry thing around. We come out on the other side into some fantasy land. He claims it is heaven or paradise and he needs my help with something there. I encounter some ficticious relatives of mine who had been missing because of the floods. They are gathered around a table and feasting. I join their brunch, go crazy on cakes and juice and at some point realize the guy may be the devil and this is some kind of trick. But I wake up. Been dreaming of a bigger more spectacular version of my house. With hidden rooms in the attic. This time I go to my attic and after closing the entrance door, here is like a smaller room inside it that I can also shut close, and it feels like heaven, a totally isolated space just of my own. Then I start knocking on the wooden ceiling, as I previously encountered hidden doors with technical and electrical panels and I suspect there are more secret compartments I haven't yet discovered. I come across a large trap door that I remove gently and inside is a grid like covering a ventilation shaft. But on the other side is my cat Yéti and I wonder how long my cats have been going to these secret spots and how did he enter this place. I remove the grid and I climb inside. It is a fairly large tunnel that leads to the secret room I had suspected existed. Inside it is like a library / memorabilia shop, full of rare and weird stuff. There are shelves with political and forbidden books but also a whole shelf of altered fairy tale books, like a whole series of a punk-gothic Snow White. There are also weird costumes and incredible posters and pictures on the walls. I try to take photos of it and start getting the usual trouble that image on camera differs from what I see, but I fail to realize that I am dreaming, besides a slight feeling I might be. Then someone enters the attic, intruders looking for me and I don't want them to find my secret room so I go back and shut the entrance and then find some other way from my inner room to the outside world and start being chased by unknown stalkers trough a city. I zig zag through streets trying to distance myself from them and then enter a huge shop which is basically toys and games but is not like toys'r'us, is more towards teenagers and has a cool edgy vibe. Really annoying employees kick me out from a section of the shop and treat me bad because they have a policy of closing down some areas of the shop intermitently and I should know about it. I dwell for a while in the shop admiring some of the toys. I meet Riverstone briefly there too and I show him some toys I used to play wih as a kid, made from sticky rubber. I throw them at his face and they stick for a while and then come tumbling down and feel like jellyfish on your skin. He didn't know these things and feels repulsed, but it brings great memories to me. Then I leave and keep on trying to lose my stalkers by going through a shady restaurant, hoping to get out through a back door. But it seems they don't have it. I ask for the toilets and they are in the back, a really dark and degraded area of the building and there is a long line of people there. But I can't go back to the restaurant as my stalkers are probably there at the moment trying to spot me. So I wai,t disguised in the crowd of families waiting to pee. When I finally get in, there are a couple windows but very tiny and with iron bars, not fit for a person to climb out. So I leave, but then finally find some door leading to a back alley. It was close shut and hidden behind lots of stuff, but I spot light rays coming from a fringe on the floor and I break it open, so I escape my stalkers.
I am at work, and someone is looking for The Fountainhead. Over in the classics section, I can’t find a single copy, or any Ayn Rand for that matter. I think I even check Fiction just to be sure. Luke is here, so I ask if he’s seen one. He says no, but does help look around. I think I finish up with the customer when he brings over a tall, thick (textbook size) paperback. Apparently it is a version of the Fountainhead without any editing? I go to find the customer to suggest it, but by the time I do this book looks like it’s about something else entirely.
I’m in a grocery store, in the refrigerated section. I’m looking through a shelf of books that happen to be in one of these fridges. They seem arranged alphabetically and I seem unphased by their being in a fridge. It seems like I have some time off and am searching the rows for books on my list. I find two, each a thick (~800 pages) book of approximately the same size. There’s a smaller, thicker copy of one, but I put it back because it’s a 20% off brand new and not used like the other. It has a white cover and I think it’s a fiction book about Yosemite. I flip through it and decide I like the writing. I now grab a package of chicken and find it to be sticky, so I put it back and wipe my hands on my pants. I go up to a counter and ask the guy for a few of the chicken wings. He asks if I’m going to pay for them, which annoys me.