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    1. First Lucid Dream

      by , 07-16-2010 at 07:10 AM
      Last night I had my first lucid dream completely by accident. I had read about and always been interested in lucid dreaming, but had never been motivated enough to practice it until now.

      In my dream I remember being in an dirty alley in some city. I looked around and saw a friend of mine next to me, but he had a glowing circle around his face. I remember thinking something like "What the hell? That's not normal, I think I'm dreaming." Being my first, and accidental, lucid dream I did everything wrong and began to get really excited thinking "Oh my god! I really am dreaming, I can do whatever I want! Oh my god!!!" It's embarrassing to say, but surely very common, the first thing I wanted to do was make the girl I have a crush on appear. I found it extremely difficult to control my dream, which was surprising because I always thought it was be really easy. At this point my dream was fading rapidly, and I could barely make out anything around me. I just closed my eyes and thought really intensely about her being right there with me. I managed to see her, all blurry and distorted, and I grabbed her and kissed her. It was surprising because I could feel everything, and I felt just as real when we use to date. After that all I remember is her sort of bending down as if out of breath, then nothing.

      It was extremely intense and exciting. Now I really want to practice and be more able to control my dreams!!
      memorable , lucid
    2. Pure intensity...

      by , 07-02-2010 at 12:07 AM
      for some reason I was on a weird vehicle like thing and we were driving our way to the end of something, context aside...

      I was faced with several very very intimidating and scary enemies. I had to kill them while avoiding harm myself, all this time I was on the vehicle. It was very intense... Perhaps the most intense dream I had ever experienced..

      I only wish I could remember it all...
    3. Psychological Bind

      by , 06-11-2010 at 11:06 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was sitting down on the carpet in the freshmen center of our school. There were combination locks on the ground. I was trying to solve them because on each one of them the middle number was missing and it was my job to figure out the missing combos. However, each combination lock also had a sound clip embedded in the back of it.

      As I was sitting in front of one of my old teacher's doors, I listening to a sound clip.

      Thump, Thump, Thump...

      It was the sound of a beating heart. I continued to listen carefully and the heart beat grew irregular. I heard the sounds of a teacher yelling, telling them to let the student die. He was killing her.

      I looked up at the teacher in the classroom. He was sitting at his desk. He was the same teacher from the same sound clip. He looked up and stared into my eyes as my facial expression turned to fear and disgust. He quickly realized what I knew and bolted from his chair and began to chase me. I attempted to make a run for it out the door but I was instantly put into a psychological bind. I collapsed to the floor as I shook with regret and fear. I dug my fingernails into the floor, trying to escape the bind. My friend Joe saw me, and tried to shake me out of the spell but I only screamed louder...
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