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    1. A forest, an angry badger and my old school

      by , 09-25-2011 at 07:38 AM
      This dream was very detailed, I'm surprised I remembered it. Must be the cheese I've been eating. I don't normally write them up online because it takes a while to do. But this one seems like an achievement for some reason. As usual feel free to comment, I don't bite honest.
      fully lucid

      I was walking through a forest with my brother and two other boys about my age that I've never met in waking life, but we seemed to be really good friends in the dream. before long we came across some large holes in the small hill. So large in fact that my brother could actually fit in one of them. We all thought it must be a badger hole, then the two boys ran off ahead. Then I heard growling behind me, I turned around slowly making no sudden movements and was faced with a massive honey badger just a few feet away (If you don't know; a honey badger is a type of badger that can get really vicious if you threaten it or it's babies) I slowly backed away several metres and it seemed to calm down a bit.
      Then I turned around to face what was in front of me, I'd come out of the forest and arrived in a field where some kind of children's fair was being held.I think I've been in this field in a previous dream, except it wasn't filled with a fair before The edge of the field was to my left so I looked over the hedge to see a farmer casually talking to a person in a bear costume.

      Then the scene switched and I was in my old primary school, the building had changed drastically though. I was orienteering with my brother but there was no sign of the other two kids, and I thought they must have been left behind. I thought I knew where one of the points was because it had a similar layout to my secondary school. So we ran over to the group of trees where I thought it might be, but before we got to look the two boys from the previous dream ran up to us out of breath telling us that they found it.
      I may have said something here but I can't remember because then the dream ended.