Escape Mom's House I was playing a game where the main character was the Isaac from The Binding of Isaac. I found myself walking around a building going from room to room. The game was more of a 2D platformer like Mario rather than The Binding of Isaac. I found a hole in front of me and sort of just walked into it on accident. I thought I died, but then the screen scrolled down revealing that there was a floor below me that I could now explore. I eventually found a way out and when I exited the home the game changed to 3D. I could now see Isaac desperately running on all fours to get away as fast as he could. *Thinking back I don't know why I thought I died, in The Binding of Isaac that's how you go from level to level.* Forest Recon *This felt like one of those dreams that was close to being lucid but just ended up being extremely vivid and fun instead.* I was with a group of soldiers in the forest. We spotted in the distance a large group of enemies and we were now at a standstill. We both knew each other were here and the only option now was to wait for something to happen. Taking initiative I climbed up a tree and began throwing myself from tree to tree like an ape. I was swinging at high speeds to get behind the enemies for intel. A hill, probably about 100 feet tall, stood in front of me. To get around, I had to climb it. So, I did. When I reached the top I found what appeared to be a wooden deck. I started walking down the wooden path when I discovered that it was connected to a trail. There were a lot of people walking it so I tried to play it cool, like I was always just around the corner enjoying the view and didn't climb the 100-foot drop. No one suspected me and I walked the trail long enough to finally find the enemies. *Beyond this point I don't remember too much.* I found one of my brothers with the enemies asking me to fix something for them. I was guessing the distance for a measurement saying something about it being 35 feet.
Flight Over The Forest Chasm: I'm in a forest with giant trees, standing on a leaf. The leaf is strong enough to support my weight. The setting reminds me a bit of my childhood front yard, but sized up (or with me sized down). Out of habit, I perform a nose reality check and become lucid. In front of me, I see a large chasm. I decide to fly over it. I make it to another leaf across the chasm without issue. I start to think about whether I should stabilize. But I lose lucidity shortly after. Overlooking the Chasm.
Updated 02-12-2024 at 08:16 PM by 99808
Went to bed around 11:30. The Hallway Theater I'm at my highschool between the P building and S building. It's snowing outside. I'm running late to English class. I'm concerned that I will be reprimanded for reading Harry Potter for my assignment because I have already read it. I reason that the choice is valid because my perspective will be different. I've gone through a lot of growth since the last time I've read it, political stance and puberty among those changes. ... I'm in an upstairs hallway that resembles S building, but it is much more narrow. Still running late to class. Hilary Clinton, wearing a blue suit, is power-walking behind me. I slow down and let her pass by, wanting to avoid an interaction. This tactic succeeds and I reach a dark section of the hallway. There are three rows of seats, split into two sections. It's some kind of Hallway Theater. My classmates are there so I sit down at the left section near the back. My friend D and a girl run by and I hear them say something indicating they are running late. "Ya'll need to get it together!" I say as they speed by. I get some laughs from the class for this. "Those are my best friends," I tell them, wanting to show I wasn't bullying random people. A couple people I was friends with in highschool (underclassmen from my senior year combination rackets class) S and possibly J, look back at me. I'm concerned that they are upset because I specified others as my 'best' friends, but they appear content. ... We're still in the Hallway Theater, but now there are VR headsets hanging from the ceiling. Classmates are putting them on so I do the same. There is a floating UI option for lives, and I set it to zero. It applies to the entire class. A pong game begins within a shared AR space, and somebody gets scored on. That person dies. Fear spreads and everyone starts taking the headsets off. Not wanting to allow anyone else to be killed by game, one person is ordered to keep playing so that nobody else gets scored on. ... Kris, Suzie, and Ralsei from Deltarune are in a VR-generated forest environment. The trees are massive and reach to the heavens. I'm playing this game as Kris. I think D and the girl may have been the other two. We are exploring as a team, and trying to eliminate other players. I set up an ambush and direct my team to sneak nearby. I creep my neck past a branch we are standing on and see two tanks. The tanks are the opposing players' avatars. I spring into action, and appropriate battle music plays. I transform into a woman in a military uniform wearing a beret and open fire on the tanks. Recorded around 8:30AM on waking.
I'm in a medieval fantasy world much reminiscent of Oblivion or Skyrim. I see one guy, wearing oddly modern clothes, mindlessly shuffling around. He looks and acts like a zombie, but no one cares. He's being used for manual labor, or something. A bit later, I've climbed a steep rock wall and I'm hanging off the side (Assassin's Creed style), looking out over what I know to be the edge of the map. I wonder what's beyond it. I reach a kind of mineshaft, or cave. My dad is suddenly with me. We're assaulted by giant spiders the size of a large dog. We make a run for it through the tunnel, and emerge on the other side. We exit into a grassy clearing, with a large, imposing forest right in front of us. The forest is full, and I mean FULL of giant spiderwebs. And of course spiders. I'm like "no way", but my dad is like "we can do it, let's go" so I have no choice but to follow him in. Somehow, we get through, because in the next scene I recall, we've reached the world beyond the mountains and the spider forest. No one was ever supposed to get this far. To our surprise and horror, it's the modern world. We're in a modern city, clearly abandoned a century or more ago. The sky is overcast and depressing. Everything is covered in rust and dust, and in a state of falling apart. I recognize one of the ruined cars as a Renault 5. Then, we find someone. A worker wearing a fluorescent jacket. He just mindlessly shuffles back and forth, seemingly aware of us, or anything else. We continue exploring, until my dad starts acting strange. He asks things like "how did we get here", and other things he should really know. Like he's having memory loss. Suddenly, I realize the truth of this place. A hundred+ years ago, something happened, some substance was released into the atmosphere (or some kind of radiation) that gradually sapped people of their intelligence - inducing amnesia, dementia and finally a vegetative zombie-like state (though they aren't cannibals). Society fell apart without the people there to maintain it. Somehow, "Skyrim valley" (the fantasy world we'd traveled from) was a special place shielded from this effect. The guy wearing modern clothes I saw in the fantasy world was probably a guy from here, who somehow crossed over like we did. I desperately try to explain this to my dad, who is getting increasingly confused as time goes by.
Some in-line notes. 23rd December 2021 Recall was left too long and could only retain vague fragments. Fragment: Something about being at old home, I'm in my room and it's sunny outside, though my curtains are drawn closed. They're the old white and yellow diamond curtains. I am moving towards my desk in the corner and feel the need to self-pleasure, but something makes it feel like I can't. Then, something about going for an appointment. I am briefly outside. The light in the dream seems off somehow, like there's too much shade despite being daytime and how sunny it is, but I don't realise any of this while dreaming. Something happens in regards to me going to the appointment or something, and then I'm home. (Did this scene happen first?) Fragment: I'm outdoors and I was in a car before. The place I'm in is a forest and I eventually go through a cave too. There's a relatively small female black bear character, which has something anthropomorphic about it. I want to kill it using a rifle, and kite the bear around all over the place, at one point the bear becomes enraged (like a game buff) and I have awareness that a single hit from the bear could kill me. (Similar feel to being the scout on DRG and kiting a dangerous enemy) Another half-anthro animal was involved in this at one point. 24th December 2021 Fragment: It's relatively bright but not exactly sunny. I'm in our bedroom with H, who's on the bed and then there's something that means I have to get up. At one point, we have an interaction with H's grandfather, who's apparently staying with us. (He passed away a couple of years ago, but it feels like yesterday) He knows about us sleeping in the same bed, and doesn't seem to mind.
3rd December 2021 Dream: I am talking to my eldest sibling through Steam, something about a problem they're having with smells in the bathroom. Then, I'm at theirs. It's a house they bought recently and I'm helping by saying what to watch out for and trying to help plan the bathroom's extraction route. There's a big 35 PSI orange turbine blower, it looks too big for the job, but I figure it doesn't really matter. Outside the house there's a weird roof and I spot some problems with pointed brickwork that will need sorting out. I tell them and explain a bit. The house seems to be in the middle of some woods; it's Autumn and there are fallen leaves everywhere. I think it might be a bit damp. I don't get to see the other sides of the house but I did mean to. The house has three floors in total and something about the shape looks... Wonky. Then something about turn-based combat. In a cave area, a boss creature my middle sibling is fighting. I try to help by grappling onto it and being dragged around a bit, until I'm on its rear end/back. I swing a sword and drink a potion of ultra haste to swing faster, but even at this distance all my attacks seem to "miss" and do nothing. Some bit which has an energy barrier, opening up to a pit or cave tunnel going down. I get the impression my sibling is trying to lure the creature there but I am concerned about this place and that this might not work. I think I have some fear of thing backfiring, and it being us falling in. Notes: - In retrospect, the battle and our roles in it seems linked to my impressions of how I think my sibling might be coping (or not) with their own issues. The whole dream has some interesting symbolic interpretation potentials, but either way seems to relate to my views on both of my siblings. - I think the forest was some kind of pine forest, I can't recall exactly, but the trees were certainly very tall, being taller than the house. - The cave bit's entrance was nearby, behind the house somewhere.
24th August 2021 Fragment: At a place outside. It's sunny, looks a bit like my native country. Sort of dry grass and possibly some forest in the distance. I'm at or near some old concrete slabs, partially covered by dirt, sand and grass. There's a very tidy and organised minefield in a certain direction, that I'm aware of. It follows a square grid pattern. Other people are nearby but I forget who. Fragment: A bit like our home here. Some kind of mechanism and wooden surfaces that move on a single axis. They have metal sockets and plugs that allow them to interconnect vertically. Then outside, at the back. I hold a thin piece of 2x2 Lego plate towards H, who's in our yard just over the wall. There's some kind of visible electromagnetic flow between the Lego piece and something H is holding. Now the Lego displays an amperage reading on its top face, and I show H while also making some comment about it. Then I remain on the bit outside of our back yard. This area is different from how it should be, it feels more open and more natural. I forget what I'm doing but I know that H is putting up an old silver-coloured plastic TV at the back, it has something to do with conclusions we drew on before because of the EM flow. Some neighbour from the house right next to ours (but not actually), the one on the left if I'm looking from the back, he talks to us and says something about a party game and wishing there were players, or something? We invite them to play, I think. Then I'm like in some kind of Sims game (the party game) but the scale of the property grid is reduced and simplified. I wake up around this point, after I've built some simple house walls in the game. 25th August 2021 Initial recall was good but I didn't bother with making initial notes. Scraps: Something about a school or university, and learning.
16th August 2021 Left recall too long. Some in-line notes. Scraps: Some bit that initially takes place underwater but then it becomes more space-like, in a seamless way. RT messaging me on Discord. (but about what?) 17th August 2021 Fragment: (near the middle of a dream) I'm in some kind of space station (implied) but it's also like a hotel. A character that looks like Major Kira (DS9) lives here but some other characters she knows are unaware (of the fact that she lives here?). Something fast-paced is taking place. There was something else relating to me, but details gone. (some later segment) Outside at some ruins. It's dusk or something alike. There's a forest, maybe a pine forest. (I'm vaguely reminded of Hunger Games scenery, which I think at the time of this dream I saw MoonageDaydream had mentioned somewhere). I'm in a party group with MoonageDaydream and a random dream character. Moonage is separate from us at first, but then she comes to find us when I spot two solid chests (WoW) and tell the group to roll for the chests. I pass on rolling; I see the random DC's roll in a chat log. Another three-person group approaches us. They take one of the chests, which I find annoying; I don't think we can do anything about it because they're not hostile. I think we guard the other chest until Moonage arrives, because it would be hers to loot I think. (On waking I realised it would have been a better option to open the chest without auto-looting and keeping it open until she got there) (When I first spot the chests I think I wonder why I didn't have my treasure finding racial on. And all of this segment took place in first person but with UI elements present.)
28th July 2021 Several bits around the same theme of survival. Fragment: I'm watching a video, or TV broadcast. It's about a survival show on a large island. They're saying "in our previous show only a few survivors could manage to scratch a living but now up to seven million tribals will be competing!", something like that. There's this image super-imposed over a panning view of a tropical island. The super-imposed image is an idle animation of some white tribals posing together, forming a sort of pyramidal composition as is often seen in group photos. I think to myself that the older existing tribes won't take kindly to such a number of newcomers. I also think to myself that I'd rather be there myself, playing, rather than just watching TV. (transition or recall gap, chronology got messed up in recording the dream) I'm on a sandy and sunny beach, it's near noon judging by the sun. I later become aware that to my left there is a jungle or forest area and further left and close-by is a ruined town or city. I came out of some kind of drop pod and I see someone else who just has too. I'm not sure whether or not I should trust someone else at this point. Then some raptors about our own size appear and they start harassing each of us. I hit them with something and try to grasp them by the neck and try to twist and break them. I possibly kill one or two and help the other person out, a woman. Then when we're in close proximity, one of the raptors is trying to steal something from me, and it succeeds. I try to catch the raptor and it behaves like a cheeky dog and I may be slightly annoyed. The woman recommends I let go and don't bother chasing the animal. I eventually let go and the raptor stops being cheeky and just ruins off into the ruined city. (recall gap) Still with the same woman? She needs to send an e-mail to someone and I know there aren't many places where she can do that, here. We go into a building that I was in before at some point in the dream. Inside, it's dark. Lots of dark brown colour, like rust. There are many mechanical mechanisms and there are a few desktop computers set up in a cramped corridor. There are many things here that I know to have been set up by H in the dream. I sit at some chair or something in front of a computer. I'm trying to change the plugs around back so that she can use this old Windows 95 machine, because I still don't fully trust her and figure that this way she won't be able to release any viruses intentionally, or accidentally. For some reason I'm struggling with the plugs. The video connection coming out of the W95 machine is almost like a USB but the shape is slightly different and won't fit into the even weirder input shape on the other computer, or screen. I eventually give up and just let her use the normal computer, feeling that I can trust her just enough anyway. (recall gap) Something about another building or another part of this same building. There's some small weird water gremlin bug thing... In actuality it looks a bit like a grey coloured shrimp but in the dream I think of it as crayfish. I am nervous around it because it moves erratically and I don't like its look and the look of its "whiskers". Notes: - The next day, I was using some Firewire stuff with H to set up a microphone for me to use. At the time, that made me think of the USB-like plugs in the dream, because Firewire is not too different in the physical look of the ends and its intended purpose is similar anyway. - My nervousness around the grey creature was related both to shallow standing water in that area and also to the residual feelings of fright or jump-scare I still get from, for example, some arachnids. -- I do not particularly like shrimp, neither in look or smell, though I can't say I recall their taste. I always thought they looked a bit too "bug"-like to eat, despite their popularity in my native region. - I had to look up crayfish because I couldn't actually remember what they looked like; the dream creature really didn't resemble them.
Strong magic dream I seem to be a girl with strong magical powers. There is someplace where I am at some sort of grave, deep in the forest, reaching to grab something. At some point, somebody wants to research on my powers. I demonstrate with a copper coin and telekinetically fling it through the room and back, and then a very bright cloud of golden fumes fills the room, and it appears that my thoughts manifest, anything I want to move moves and anything I would want to disintegrate would just disintegrate.
A lake with a monster in it in a forest. I know that the monster just needs a kiss and it will turn into a nice girl. I jump into the water and start to swim, the monster looks like a human but the head is blue with a lizard face. I don't hesitate but just give it a small kiss. It turns into a human and we go up. I'm home in the hall downstairs and talk with mom and my sister. I get a feeling it is a dream and I walk out. I fly away to Hemköp and see some cars on the way. A black man and a white woman are prominent as they walk the street with energy. I interact with them and talk some. I used some telekinesis om some humans and made them float over each other. I think I had a FA here but came back to the dream after some seconds. I'm sitting in one of the cars driving by before. A mom and her daughter is driving.
Updated 04-29-2021 at 03:55 PM by 97565
I'm almost by Hemmakväll and walk with Albin. He invites me to train with him in a big hall, they have group training soon. There is a fee of 200 kr but it is free the first time. I join him and see Emma and greet her. When we go inside the big hall we aren't doing anything, just waiting and talking. I'm outside with Therese, Klaus and my sister. Therese wants to start a fire since there is a big pile of wood there. My sister says it is a bad idéa and that we may start a fire in the forest. Klaus starts the fire and it burns really fast. Someone brings water and controls the fire. Klaus brings a metallic sheet and puts under the fire so that we get a grill. The fire is under control and there is no risk that it should turn in to a forest fire now. Most of the wood have turned into coal now. There are some crab meat in plastic on the floor. We are about to grill them but Klaus says that one of them is going old in some weeks. He asks my sister if she can take it home and fix it.
I'm on some sort of racing track that reminds me of Mario. I have cars on my feet and use them as roller skates. There is a big jump with a bridge that I successfully come over. On the other side there is a forest. I push my feet as if I was ice skating but it does not feel entirely right. Some other people are also racing with me. Some of my family is there. I'm in my room and think about flying out the window. I'm about to open the window but I'm not sure if it is a dream. I count my fingers and notice that my middle finger is really short. I fly out the window and ask my self what dream goals I had. I can't recall and the dream starts to fade away. Notes: I wanted to get a massage that night. I'm with my brother and we have hijacked a medical car for the hospital. It is not an ambulance but the same size. I'm sitting on the right seat in front of the car. My brother is in the back of the car. The car is driving but I don't notice if there is anyone by the steering wheel. I pull down some kind of touch-screen from over my head. A 4-digit passcode is shown. I remember that the code was 1234 and try it out. I successfully come in and look around. There is some kind of online shop with different kinds of cool sounds for music production. I look at the prizes and notice that they use the Fortnite currency. One music package costs about 4000.
I thought about what I wanted to do in my dream when I laid in bed and thought about a cool shape I wanted to create. First of a glass pyramid and then a 3D-shaped polygon with a fire inside in order to practice my fire skills too. I thought about trying out my first task of the month by creating a clay figure and give it life. I'm in the woods and the big car is next to me. There are three houses and I prank knock on the one to the left and run away. A big old woman starts screaming at me. I prank knock on the second door and an old small woman jumps out and kills me. New fragment. I'm by the car again but dad is also there. I knock on the house to the left again and the big old woman knocks me down. The old woman and dad starts to carry me against the car. She carries me by the legs and dad by my hands. The old woman says something that she also needs to have some fun as she reaches her hand to my private parts. I know that I am supposed to be uncouncious but I try to kick her hand away. I don't think she succeeded. This fragment is in third person view. I have a brother (not my IRL brother) and we walk into some kind of temple with some kind of cult. They worship us as we walk into a big stone statue that lowers us down to the lower floor. As we come back up again we are dragons. I am a slim orange lizard dragon and my brother is a big dark dragon. We fly out to the city. New fragment. I am still a dragon and fly over a dark sky and I'm being hunted. My brother is now the dark dragon from How to Train Your Dragon. I realize it is a dream and remember what I wanted to do. I fly down to an island and try to summon a pyramid from the ground, nothing happens. I go on the task of the month instead. I succeed in making a robot body and some kind of cool high tech neck but it's dark so that I can't see. Some of the persons who were hunting me comes and I ask them if they have a flashlight. A woman gives me a good led-light with her car keys on. Another person gives me a normal silver flashlight. I ask the woman if she wants to trade the good flashlight against her small led-light so that I could get her car keys and she says ok. I look at my creation and want to take a picture so that I can show it in Dreamview's forum. I think about how I can't take the picture out of the dream and stop trying to find a camera. I am about to fix the head but the clay is turned into some kind of fabric that I can't work with. The dream is slowly fading until I feel my body against the bed. I assume I am awake. Notes: I wish my fire bending was second nature. Then I would not have to ask for a flashlight.
Updated 03-15-2021 at 03:52 PM by 97565
I went to sleep focusing on getting lucid this night. I'm in my bed and pinch my nose and try to breathe. It doesn't work. I count my fingers and notice that they are only half their normal size. I see my mom lying on the floor. I fly out through the window and notice that I am suddenly in Sturkö. I fly to the beach and see some old people having a party. I fly to the field and try to summon a plane that follows my finger's direction. I succeed and try to summon one more. Two planes are now flying in a line-up. I succeed in adding two more planes to a total of four planes. I accidentally point my finger in the middle of the line-up which makes it so that those in the front do a large turn while those in the back slow in. It is chaos and I let the airplanes fly away. I fly down to the field but notice that electric fences are surrounding me. I use telekinises in order to move them away. A person is caught in the electric fence and is hurting. I lift the person up with telekinises and the person thanks me. I fly back to the house and see a girl in my age. I walk to her and fly away with her in my armful. I have a laser gun and start shooting with it on the ground. She is enjoying the laser show. I'm in the woods and walking with two persons behind me and one in front of me. I ask out loud: "Vad ska jag göra i denna drömmen?" (what should I do in this dream?). I look back and expect them to give me an answer. three seconds pass and the person in front of me says "Njuta av naturen" (Enjoy the nature). My eyes are opened as I focus on the weeds of the wood. I notice that the grass is high and the rich green color. I am really relaxed and think about how I am one with the nature. I notice that there are no flowers and keep walking to the sea. I see a bush with a lot of small purple flowers. I really want to remember how they look so I inspect them for maybe 30 seconds. I still enjoy myself and walk to the water. I think about how I can run on the water and I do. It's really heavy, as if I was walking in deep snow or quick sand. My legs become really tired and I almost feel the lactic acids coming. I find new land and walk up. There is some kind of course where box-cars are supposed to ride. I see some hinders made of untreated wood. This is how I remembered the flowers, but they were all the same size in my dream. All the flowers looked the same.
Updated 02-25-2021 at 11:51 AM by 97565