A fruitful night. 1. I'm at school, wandering around, up and down stairs, through empty corridors. No-one is around. All the stairways and passages seem much longer than usual. I stop on a huge landing at the bottom of the stairs, at ground floor level. The wall to outside is a large expanse of glass, shimmering panes from floor to ceiling. Outside is a raised platform paved with gravel, walled in to the left by another glassy extension to the building while the other two sides face into the open air. A girl comes up the stairs from the basement and pauses when she sees me on the landing. She is in uniform - a younger girl - and has a ponytail of bushy, light brown hair. We talk although I can't remember what about. Then she turns to the windows and says, boldly, "I'm going to go out on to the balcony!". I gasp. The balcony is off-limits to students because it gives a clear view into the staff room (the other room on the left) and we are not supposed to see in there. She pushes open a door in the glass and purposefully walks out. I feel terrified that she'll be caught. Suddenly, my perspective shifts: I'm on the other side of the staff room, where there is no balcony, standing slightly below the ground floor level and looking in. I see, through blue glass, rows of desks with computers and chairs. I am shocked to see that the room is completely empty. Later, I am in a brightly lit hallway on the top floor. Although there are no windows I feel very high up. I walk with another girl, who says she wants to find a bathroom - I know her, she is somewhat tall and has long blonde hair. The bathrooms are along this hallway. She says she doesn't like those tiny narrow cubicles, and prefers the wide ones, so I direct her towards one bathroom which has a few larger cubicles. She ignores me and enters the one next door, only to find every cubicle occupied. Annoyed, she returns, and we go in. It is a very bright and spacious room with white tile up the walls. We pass the sinks and turn the corner to see a row of five large cubicles, and several smaller ones opposite. A few are occupied - I see curly hair over the top of a door - but some are open, and she enters one. I hang about outside, waiting, leaning against the wall. 2. The sun beams down on us as I cycle, with a group of others, around a gorgeous flower field. Just as I become aware of myself, I see I am crossing a broad flat wooden bridge - though no water in sight - and I look up. We are cycling over a 'path' of slightly flattened and crushed grass, which runs all round at the edge of the huge oval-shaped field. Long grasses are waving and among them crowd pink, purple, blue, red and yellow wildflowers, small, tall, pretty. The air has a sweet grassy smell and the sun shines down warmly, making the whole field glimmer. I think how it's been so long since I last cycled, but it's true that you really don't forget - it feels so free and easy, flying over the grass on my bike. Another girl passes me, lightning-fast and scarily close, causing me to lose my balance and veer over to the fence around the wide edge of the path. I stop right by the fence and put one foot on the ground. Here is dark green, cool and shady, with climbing and overhanging foliage winding around and above the fence and the trees outside it. The fence is white and curvy, two running rails with periodic posts sticking into the ground. Ivy clambers over it and obscures much of the metalwork from view. I lean over and see a deep, muddy ditch on the other side. I'm taking a moment to rest when another cyclist - a boy this time - comes barreling up the path and almost crashes into me. He stops himself at the last minute and proceeds to angrily yell at me: "Stop by the fence, idiot!" I cry back indignantly, "This is the fence! Can't you see?". He flushes red and rapidly takes off again. I resume cycling, though stop regularly by the fence. At one point, I look over it and see rushing water. Its calming sound washes over me as I pan my gaze across the field. 3. School again. I am in French class, in our little room at the top of the main building. We are all chatting and gossiping with the French teacher as we often do. I start telling her about when I saw into the staff room and it was empty - and I see her expression growing almost murderous... 4. Leaving my house, on a rather grey day, I turn to see one of the neighborhood cats sitting in the street a little further up. He's a friendly black cat (and very fluffy) so I head over to say hello. I crouch down to stroke him, and he stands, turning his head towards me while raising his fluffy tail in the air - exactly like a picture of him my dad sent me last week. Really happy with these dreams - it's rare that I remember so many. And cat! I love dreaming about cats. It's starting to get really quiet around here so I hope all the people who haven't been online recently will be back soon. I'm missing having everyone's DJs to read
I was in school walking down the sidewalk of the building and going to the school's gym. As I walked in with other people the coach told me I wasn't a student. I nodded and began turning back to the entrance of the gym till she told me to wait. She said she wanted to pray for me and to stay in front of her while she did so. I agree with this and watch her as she begins the prayer. At the end I do a cross symbol and thank her for it before leaving towards the entrance. Once I did I found myself in a grassy field. I looked down at my hands and stated I'm dreaming and continue to walk through the field thinking about life. I started feeling my head pulsing loudly as if it was ringing. I eventually walk enough to encounter other people and notice families and children playing at the park. I walked in to see what was at the top of the tree-like building that everyone was going towards. There was a bridge connecting others to get to it and it had curve stairs around the tree ascending higher. As I got higher from walking up the wooden stairs I eventually got hit by another person falling down and forcing me to fall down as well before waking up. I woke up in my bed and wanted to check the time as I was surprised it was still dark and was wondering if I was in a false awakening. I heard the sound of water and felt odd till I woke up again.
24th October 2021 Scraps: Something about a planet and an RTS-like view. Before that, with a group of people. 27th October 2021 Scraps: I'm in a supermarket or such like and I am talking to someone about Guinness (the drink). 28th October 2021 Some in-line bracketed notes. Fragment: I'm outside, a green area, possibly a field in a rural area, sunny, bright, clear. (The location is realistic but the player characters are mostly as in-game, maybe perceived as slightly more realistic) There's a fairly large group of Horde players staging something over by slightly hilly corner of the field. I have an NPC forsaken rogue bodyguard, being a rogue myself, seeing in the usual third-person view. The AI for my bodyguard isn't especially clever, but when I come out of stealth the NPC does support me a fair bit in a logical way. Most of the Horde players don't react to my ambushes; I repeatedly target priests and mages, focusing each one down. Most of my targets are forsaken themselves and are wearing T1 gear. I employ the usual rogue tactics, stealth, ambush, cloak of shadows, vanish. During the dream, I presume part of the reason they don't get at me in full force is some shock or surprise factor, with some awareness that their collective looked a bit too passive for that to be the reason. (Possibly an intrusion from some classic videos I remember from way back when, where people sometimes ignored fights or were AFK standing around etc.) The last target is an enemy rogue who I have a small chase with and then end up using cheap shot and stun locking him to death in the dark cover of some bushes. (Think he was forsaken too) An earlier bit; something in space. It's a mix of Master of Orion II and other space games which are 3D. Something about starting a new game and not being able to pick previous locations in the galaxy. I remember being able to see one of my previous ships or avatars travelling through space, in a distant system while in some kind of strategy view.
I'm on a light green field with another boy that is maybe 6 years younger than me. He has some kind of drone and a controller and I have a paper airplane. I throw the airplane and I am being taken with it. I keep on flying and look down, I'm a bit scared I'm gonna fall. I see a forest with really tall trees and aim to fly over them. I succeed and a new landscape opens up. I look down between the tree tops and try to keep my height. I have to fly down in order to gain speed and aim for the boy from before. The flight is controlled and never goes faster than that you are able to acknowledge everything around you. I fly past the boy and touch his chin in order to show him that I'm here. He becomes annoyed in a playful way and I keep on flying until the dream is gone. Notes: I talked about drones with my family yesterday.
Updated 05-28-2021 at 08:17 AM by 97565
4th February 2021 Fragment: I'm with JC, we're walking together through an alternate version of my town. I remember asking him about his family's cafe or something, I ask if it was located near his house (I visualise it a bit) and I'm generally asking him questions about things I'm sure we've talked about in waking life, when we knew each other. Initially we had been at some kind of school or public building, leaving. We walk through the areas of town, which are much more open than usual, but the buildings seem proportionately expanded as well. We're headed somewhere specific, towards where my home is, but I forget the exact destination. I feel we're walking from the physically lowest part of town. It's day time but I think I remember a sunset at some point. Fragment: (Complicated dream, vague recall.) Something about being in some starships and some kind of ancient device on a planet. A wild grain field of sorts, that's where the device is located. I and four others come to it, and it requires five people in total to activate. It forms a sort of pentagon if it were viewed from above. It's comprised of five adjoining capsules of sorts. We get in them and they are like lifts, taking us down. We are then inside some starship of an ancient design, resembling ancient Mayan stylistically. It's a rectangular stepped pyramid with powerful thrusters, effectively. I remember it breaks through the crust and the thrusters smoke a lot, seemingly struggling a bit too. Fragment (FA): I'm in bed with H or something. It looks like my parents' old room but with a layout more like our bedroom. There's a unit with a seven-segment display across the room, it says 20:16? Eight PM, either way. I tell H that we'd stayed in bed far too long. H seems surprised but doesn't do much to get up? We're both naked, I think. I then remember being in our office room and thinking it's amazing that it was still day time at 20:16, more specifically at this time of year, but I do not question reality. (Recall mixed here.) On the computer, playing BL. Trying to find my way through some portals, with H, so we can get to KH. I end up on a dead-end player-owned location. It looks like a nice location, but I feel annoyed for wasting my time. Notes: - The false awakening was unusual. For one thing, I rarely have false awakenings at all. The dream presented some very obvious dream signs that I did not pick up on at all and I still managed to find myself in amazement. - Recall was overall poor because of having to get up to answer the door somewhat abruptly and then I returned to bed wanting to get up soon, but didn't, falling asleep again.
12/23/20 I am with K and the doctor is also there. She is barefoot wearing a flowing black dress and her long wavy dark brown hair hangs in front of one of her eyes and lays softly on her shoulders. We are in a large green field with scattered flowers and tall trees lining either side like a narrow pasture. We notice alligators of varying sizes on the sides of some ditches coming up from different places. People are scared and so is K. The doctor and I are excited and treating it jokingly like an adventure. I am more curious than concerned however K is shocked by our nonchalants. I hold K's hand while the doctor deals with some of the alligators in a passive way. She is comforted but still cautious of the gators. The doctor is in his original metal tube TARDIS. He fades away leaving us on the edge of the field by a set of very large wooden doors. People are leaving but there is still a large gator by the door. I assure her the doctor will be back because he always comes back. I hold a metal tube in my other hand while walking her to the door. I invite K to come with us. She asks us if it is always like this. I tell her this is a typical Tuesday. She is flabbergasted by the excitement and declines more adventure. I am surprised by her fear but understand her cautiousness. The dream ends as we walk hand in hand through the large metal studded wooden gateway. I am in my basement with a friend. I walk out front and notice a worker in a work van sitting right in front of my car. There are random graphics on the side of the white van I gather a neighbor has called them for some duty like copying keys. My friend has left my godson's backpack on the sidewalk next to my car. As I walk out there I notice some taller skinny girl in an all jean skirt walking in front of the house on her phone. She doesn't seem to notice me. I mention to my friend we shouldn't leave the backpack on the sidewalk as there might be valuables in it, and would be super easy for someone to just walk off with it. Walking to my car which is bumper to bumper with the work van being worked on I notice my car doors are open. The girl walking by just casually gets in my car without saying anything and starts going through it picking things up like she owns the place. We are both taken aback this is happening and I give a curious yet amused stare towards the girl while standing feet away. The girl doesn't realize I own the car. After talking to the worker of the van for a few seconds, I ask the girl 'how are you doing?' She says 'Great, just tryna figure out who owns this fine whip!' I now notice she is somewhat goth/punk looking, pale freckled skin and short dark hair with coloured highlights and not bad looking either. I am still shocked she was rummaging through my car. I tell her 'This is my car, just what do you think you are doing in there?' She just shrugs and says 'looking for stuff' Somehow it transitions and we're now in my basement all together. My friend is there on my bed and the girl is sitting on the futon with her knees to the side. We are casually talking and I am somewhat interrogating her. Still trying to figure out what she was doing in my car. She is attempting to comfort me by telling me that I am alright and shouldn't worry. She slyly is giggling and taking pictures of me with her cell phone while I am talking to her. I call her out for it and it's no big deal. I now notice one of her other friends is on the couch across the room just watching the whole thing. He also looks like a taller goth kid with long black bangs. As we are talking I notice he now has a girlfriend with him who is laying on him cuddling while we all talk. I start to notice that her friends are starting to just appear in my room and I am not even sure if I trust her yet. She takes my headphones out of her bag and throws them at me. I say 'See! Was that so hard? How can you expect me to trust you or your friends if I don't even know what you've taken from me!' Suddenly another friend barges into the basement from the garage door in a hurry. He is portly, red-faced with some random black band t-shirt and a stuffed backpack on. He says quick things to the friends and immediately goes into my bathroom. I am through with this. I tell everyone 'Alright! Get out, I don't know any of you and I have a bad feeling I am being taken advantage of here!' The girl seems cute and I apologise to her but she has to see how this is wrong. The portly guy comes out of the bathroom and just walks back outside and leaves through the garage. I wonder if he has taken from my food pantry in the garage. When I look outside to find him I notice there is now white marker written/drawn all over my black car. Random words and symbols cover every square inch of my black paint like some teenagers binder. The girl mentions she has the same car as I do and I tell her she is lying. The portly guy is no where to be seen. When the friend and the girlfriend get up to leave the girlfriend is down low at first and I almost pet her like a dog. Laughing at my sudden lapse in logical judgement. I am now unsure of their genders as they are referring to each other as her. I let the girl use the bathroom before leaving and tell her maybe I'll see her around sometime but it will take some time for me to forgive her intrusion and theft. There is a fragment of me driving my car down the street. It is night and cold and snowy. My car hasn't been started for a while so I barely get it cranked and gather the engine is trying to die so I just let it idle while I coast down the street hoping it will catch up and rev to life. My windshield is completely covered in frost save a small gap in the bottom left I can barely see through. It also feels like my seat is too far reclined and I am having trouble controlling the car (most of my driving in dreams is either from the passenger seat or the back seat and usually stressful). I see shadows and yellow flashing lights on one side of the window while it is still heavily obfuscated by the frost. I know there are cars parked on either side of the road in my neighborhood and attempt my best to keep the car centered without hitting any of the cars on the sides. After a time I flick on the defrost and turn the air on full blast, the window clears up within seconds and I see I have kept the car in the center with no accidents so I just continue to drive around the block warming up my engine. I have a fragment of being stuck in a dock/asian market place. There are many dim lit rooms with prepared food and second hand goods on tables for sale. Everyone seems like a prisoner/drowsy to their life. Everyone looks down and is just slowly going about their business. I am moving quickly from room to room, it feels like a flea market inside an old fashioned run down corporate campus. It starts to feel partially post-apocalyptic even. I make it outside and somehow fly up over the roofs of the building. This opens up into a massive expanse of never-ending run down weathered corporate buildings, none are over two stories tall. It is reminiscent of those shack slum villages you see in Brazil or India, buildings showing the gradient of the hills they are built upon. Only every building is mossy, run down, and soiled with algae on the sides. The dream fades as I look down over the watery docks I am hovering over.
I appear to be in a house and my brother shows up. He says he would like to see the new s9+ phone I got a few days ago. I show him and he and I began talking about it and it's features. Eventually I notice my brother get tired and started laying on the floor which is something he does often. I notice from the window that it was dim sunny outside. I become lucid once I started walking to the front door. I open it and took a nice breath of fresh air. And began walking more while observing my environment. I notice the house was by itself with in a huge land of short trim grass and a few trails. I notice a playground connected to the left end of the house with a wire fence. I continue walking, looking up to the sky wondering about stuff. Then I decided I wanted to see my cousin as I could sense she was around and knew today was her birthday. I retrace my path back to the house and continue going a little bit to the opposite direction. I then notice her with a group of other older people. She was sitting down seeming to be talking. I greet her and ask her how is she doing and that it's good to see you. We greeted each other and I lose my lucidity after the dream change to something else.
Morning of January 25, 2018. Thursday. I am sitting up in a bed in an open field of waist-high grass. In the distance, the field seems to have a cliff that probably overlooks a ravine. There are beautiful mountains beyond. Two white storks walk by, about ten feet away, to my right. I am thinking of happily running through the field and flying over the ravine (as I have done in dreams since childhood), but my combination of lucidity and dream state indicator (the bed), slowly pulls me back into consciousness. RAS mediation is passive, as I have known and mostly grown used to vestibular system symbolism since early childhood - other than my walking in the city and tripping on something dreams that have occurred every sleep since childhood (and I was already actively linked to the dream state indicator, so no falling sensation either). Although the birds are a common form of autosymbolism for both vestibular system ambiguity and being unconscious, they are walking here, technically a form of return flight waking symbolism that has occurred in many past dreams (and they seem to be the very common paired preconscious and emergent consciousness factors here, though they might additionally be associated with Zsuzsanna and I in dream sleep - though I had dreams like this before I met Zsuzsanna). Additionally, the field is a type of autosymbolism for liminal space, though less common for me then porches, parking lots, or store checkouts, all of which signify a specific level of unconsciousness and circadian rhythms factors (which I validated as such as far back as age eight, even before I had studied hundreds of similar dreams over the years).
It was dark, I remember looking up at the stars before a bag was put over my head. By the time I came to, I realized that the room I was in was huge. The cold cement floors were nothing compared to the empty warehouse I now sat in. A soldier walked up, "How are you doing today?" I blinked as the soldier continued,"As of today you are a pow, that means prisoner of war. But now you're with us and safe." The man untied me and set me free from the chair I was sitting in. The next thing I know I have joined a group of people, there was a man handing out what looked to be packages of food and water. Another soldier (could not tell if male or female) led me around. There where fields everywhere (which I thought was kinda odd), then as we arrived at one I noticed a small bush/tree right in the middle between the two gates that led into the field. I must've looked confused as I looked between the tree and the soldier becuase the soldier offered an explanation," yeah we call that the tree of life becuase its right in the middle of a field, isn't that funny?". End of Dream
Undead settlement I was driving through a countryside, on a forest road. I was driving with my pal in his car, it was a red painted sports car. It was a road surrounded by trees and going up to some fields. My pal was controlling the car, though at first he didn't do anything and I had to rescue us from incoming truck, then reminded him that he is driving. We passed by some old buildings, both waving goodbye to ghosts living there. We continued on the road until something pulled us off to the fields and our car got an extension like combine harvester. We drove through wheat fields, harvesting everything. The cut wheat grain landed in a nearby tall farmhouse with a windmill-tower. After we drove through whole wheat the car broke and people left farmhouse. I recall a young, blonde woman with long hair in a white dress. There were other people, angry for the wheat. We said sorry and asked if they couldn't repair our car, but they wanted a lot of money for the wheat first. Seeing that this won't do, I decided to leave and wandered out to a hill behind the farmhouse. It was getting dark, I reached ruins of a village. I knocked to doors of a house that looked inhabited and a corpse of woman opened them. Upon seeing me, she said that I should see a corpse named Pendalion, living in a place close to where my parents lie. I continued trudging between old and creepy houses until I reached another inhabited area. There were some guardians there that immediately rushed to attack me as soon as they saw me. Somehow I opened up a command console and used a "set_fight 0" command to stop them, then entered one of houses. There was another corpse woman in long, brown robe. There was a little box with name over her head "Henande". I saw some strange, small machinery powered by deep blue crystal. She said that it's her project of "resotrative crystal". I left the house and met guardians again. I used console command again, but more of them appeared. They started fighting between each other and those that won let me pass. I took stuff of the fallen and went back to previous part of village. It was dusk, I opened some big arched doors and a intriguing tune started playing somewhere in the background. I entered some ruined palace, through another big doors I entered some great dining hall. Glasses with alcohols were still on a table. I saw some fireplace and sat down beside it. Fragmented dream This one was highly annoying, I dreamt that I was lying in bed, having troubles with sleeping, and fragments of dreams coming time after time. First "dream" was that some two fat and suspicious women were invited to our house by one of our friends. I seen them take some stuff, so i outright warned them that I'll call police should they take some of my stuff. They didn't cared. We all moved to streets to meet with pal and his family, when suddenly those fat women called thugs with knives. With sister we ran back to house, calling police immediately. We reached our backyard where we warned father and then grabbed anythig we could defend ourselves with. Sister took some shovel, father had an axe and I took a pickaxe. People gathered on our backyard, fath women came with thugs. I replaced pickaxe with some enormous pitchfork and started fighting with them. Then I woke up in my bed and "tried to fall asleep" again. After a while I found myself in some cliffside mansion made of white marble. I went through it and found myself at my backyard, it was an evening, just after rain. I went to the backside of my house and behind barn I saw fields of mushrooms going on all along the horizon. Some of them were the size of younger trees. Again bed fragment. Then I saw a fragment in which I shot from a tank, rockets breaking into fireworks as they flied. Next I was lying in my bed, it was dark all around. I thought about lucid dreaming, but that idea seemed curiously boring at the time. Then I found myself at some military station built on a swamp, going to barracks to take my clothes as it was a free day next day.
WBTB I am in a beautiful field. I spontaneously become lucid. Unable to remember any goals, and not wanting to, I see an outside cafe. I buy an iced coffee via summoning money out of my pocket, and drink it for a while. I fly around, find a cliff and stare in awe. It is so beautiful. Afterwards, I FA soon after. I instantly RC, and I'm dreaming. I now teleport to Aldeterune and I FA again. This time it takes some time before I realise I'm dreaming because a painting keeps changing. I teleport again, and just after I teleport collapses AGAIN. I FA and Don tells me to RC, and I become lucid. I wander around my house using the computer a few times, and teleport to [world], but it collapses just after.
Updated 12-14-2020 at 02:11 AM by 91855
Well. In waking life, I generally have neat handwriting. However, when writing in my dream journal in the middle of the night, I write messily. This time, it was largely illegible. I really need to fix that. Slept about 7.5 hours last night. Dream 1: During my hypnagogic imagery (so WILD I believe), I very quickly became lucid! I was standing in a green field. The dream was a bit hazy, and I forgot to demand clarity. I remembered my first goal for the three-step thingy, to use technology. I figured I'd use an iPad, and made one appear in my hands. For some reason, my hazy brain decided to use Numbers, and a spreadsheet appeared. Then I figured that that was pretty boring, and tried to boot up a racing game. I was able to play it for a few seconds, and then the dream faded and I woke up. I wrote down some non-lucid dream fragments, but they were so messy that I can't read them. :/ Due to a lack of recall, I will only count the 2 that I can actually read: Dream (Fragment) 2: I saw the Dark Mark, or something similar, on a piece of paper. I don't remember anything else. Dream (Fragment) 3: My family had gotten cast out of...civilization? Our hometown? Can't remember, but I think it was out of some sort of fictional civilization that we had been living in. We were placed out into the bitter cold. And someone got bitten by something.
Updated 01-14-2017 at 07:33 PM by 58176
Last night's (non-lucid) dream was pretty cool. I was in heaven, in a field, so apparently I had died or something. Two guys there were trying to move from heaven to hell. As to why they would want to do that, I have no idea! Then, there were two ladies there who wanted to move from heaven to Earth instead. I suppose this particular heaven wasn't all that exciting. Somehow, in their efforts to travel back to earth, they managed to take me with them. I felt like I was waking up into the land of the living, and suddenly we were in some restaurant located inside of a shopping mall. The two girls were really nice, and I talked to them a bit, but I honestly don't remember why they wanted to go back to Earth. I think they said they had "unfinished business" or something. There was also a guy with a dog that was performing in a show or something. It's a bit fuzzy in my memory though. Then, we all got on an elevator to go down to a lower floor. The guy with the dog was on it too. There were a lot of people in said elevator, but it was very large and roomy so it didn't feel crowded. It was a glass elevator, so you could see the lower floors of the mall. Anyway, there was a needle of some sort laying on the ground. And get this: It moved of its own accord, and immediately began stabbing me. I actually felt the pain. My mind immediately jumped to the conclusion that some sort of organization had built this needle to...do something malicious. But I don't remember what! :') That faded, and I was outside in a nice neighborhood with some large houses, some of which were under construction. There was a large crowd of people walking towards one of them -- I think the one that was being constructed -- and I remember a pretty girl with a pink strapless blouse, which had a pattern of diamond shapes on it in a variety of colors. She was pale and neither skinny nor overly heavy -- just perfect. The last thing my dream journal says is "something else as part of dream." I don't remember what that something was, though. I was starting to get really tired and had less than an hour before waking up, so I just went back to sleep I think.
I don't really have much to say about this lucid. I was walking in this passageway with bushes to the right of me and a hill into forest to the left of me. I realized this was a dream. I started to run and look at my hands becoming lucid. The dream turned into a realistic reality. The dream started to shake. I shouted "ILLUMINATE" and the dream flickered. I shouted it again and the dream stabilized. I decided I wanted to fly. I remember I was thinking about how people can't fly in their dreams if they doubt themselves so I believed I was going to be able to do it and then I started to fly forwards. I flew into the blue sky forwards with the field under me. Eventually I turned around and fly in the other direction. I was so amazed by the view, I thought it was so real. At the end of the lucid I started to float up into space and saw the earth underneath me. And then I woke up.
Fragment upon waking: 3 groups. 3 circles. The letters 'NC.' Guys being chosen for something, maybe to fight. I watched an older man, with shoulder length white hair and wearing a fedora, ride off on a sort of monorail. It looked like he was sitting on a bike that he didn’t have to pedal. He went off into a field. No trees. He was going to get off in the middle of a field and start a job. The sun was setting and my vantage point was from the ground. There were wild flowers. I was starting job. I walked from the parking lot of a giant home supplies-type-store and inside me and two other females walked up to a cash register to check in. We were told to buy restroom passes. I also bought some cinnamon gum and some taffy candy. One of the girls behind the register suggested I buy a parking pass as well, so I did. She said it was lavender scented and I said that was great. A man next to me kept dropping change, he was with us. He looked like my old art prof. There were 2 people from an old job I had in my department at this new job. One was my new manager, I liked her. It was time for us to order food, and she gave me her order to put in. When I picked it up at another area in the giant warehouse/store, it was one small bowl of cereal, and one large bowl of cereal. I realized I had made a mistake, and took it to her and told her I would order what she wanted and I would pay for it. She wanted one small bowl of cereal and a vegetable quiche with no onions. I went to a phone and began telling the person on the other line the order when I noticed there was an echo. I saw a woman in my department just about five feet from me answering my call and putting the order in a computer. This seemed inefficient, so I walked over to her to fish the order. Then I sat down, and I was holding a folded pair of khaki slacks. As I moved there was a message I was listening to, about how someone couldn’t wait to see me. The girl overheard, and she made a cute ‘aww’ noise. She asked who it was from. I said a boy I went to school with, someone Ive known since I was 10, and I really don’t know very well at all. I added if I lived near him I probably wouldn’t be that interested in him. I told them how when were were kids, I was a cheerleader and he was a football player. I told them that later I went through a weird phase though, and that we should all have to go through a weird phase. Get fat, wear glasses, stuff like that. It builds character. We all laughed. I ordered my food finally— a veggie burger with chips. I was told that if I wanted to get chips that I needed to adopt a baby. I said ok. A few minutes later I wondered if I should have consulted my husband first, and wondered if I could change my mind but still get my food. I went to get burger, they handed me a cooked patty, no bun, condiments or plate. I looked around for chips, couldn’t find them. Thoughts: I find it strange how often I dream of exes from my childhood to semi-recent past. I don’t understand why…the guy fro this dream I haven’t thought of in years. In waking life he was my first kiss, and it was terrible for me. I was twelve years old and I wasn’t mature enough, nor interested in him at all when this happened, and I had committed to going to an upcoming dance with him as well. I went to the dance, had a horrible time. In retrospect I was just too young and not really ready to have a boyfriend. I liked boys, but as soon as they showed interest in me I felt disgusted by them. I don’t think that ended until I was around 17. The new job aspect of this dream: I am looking for part time work, but not of this nature. Maybe part of me fears getting a job I will not like or that I will make mistakes at a new job.