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    1. 4/?/11 - Rooftop chases

      by , 04-19-2011 at 04:15 AM (TheNinja's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1:
      I'm in some school building with my friend K from school, and we are making ruckus and running around on top of AC vents, and sometimes dropping things on people below. This goes on for some time with teachers chasing us.
      Dream 2:
      I am in some hotel suite with 2 blast doors that are see through. For some reason my Dad has gone crazy and we are trying to keep him out. The smaller blast door takes 10 seconds to close and the larger blast door takes 30 seconds. The doors block the entryway to 2 separate balconies, and the balconies aere accessible by ladder. My dad chases me around when I accidentally open one of the blast doors and then I escape by swinging away on a rope dangling from a window a story above me. I eventually make it inside safely.