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    1. 25-05-26 Yet Another Escape

      by , 05-26-2024 at 09:33 PM
      "Escape" seems like the theme of the week. Once again, we're a group of people, and we need to escape from somewhere before another group of hostiles arrive who would take us all prisoner. The others all managed to evacuate before they arrived, but I didn't. The "bad guys" (who were just people, dressed normally, just hostile to us for some reason) kind of congregated around me, interrogated me, investigated the area where we were holed up, but eventually they got distracted talking to each other. I used the distracted to walk to the exit unnoticed, then bolt outside. I found myself on a beach area (was I on a ship before?) and thinking I was probably safe surrounded by so many people. They'd never take me in such a public place. I took off into vertical flight, and gained some altitude. Transitioning into horizontal flight, I decided to head to the place we had previously designated as our rendezvous point in case we got separated. However, I struggled to keep altitude. I lost altitude until I was just a meter or so above the water surface. Sticking out my arm downwards (still traveling at fairly high speed), I could actually feel the water. I tried to regain altitude by sort of wriggling my body upwards, but it wouldn't work.
      Tags: escape, flight, flying
    2. 24-05-19 Escape, Flying Away w. Soundtrack

      by , 05-19-2024 at 10:03 PM
      I was in a bizarre place. A series of rooms, hallways and stairways, but with an open ceiling so you could see the sky. I was with multiple other people, all trying to escape. I think we had to pass the same area multiple times, but in a different "cycle" so it would look slightly different every time, with traps in different places, obstacles moved slightly, etc. In the final cycle, entire parts of the floor turned to lava. I think one of the guys I was with was Ed Harris? We went up a stone spiral staircase, and reached the exit. By this point, I had gained a subconscious awareness that this was a dream, and that the plot had come to an end. But not full lucidity. I started flying, going straight up and looking down. From a respectable altitude, I could see all the landmarks we'd previously visited during our escape. There were strange, orb-shaped luminescent structures. I think it was a bit misty, too. There was a rousing, inspiring soundtrack playing as I ascended. I felt on a subconscious level that I was the one "generating" the music - again some degree of lucidity. I even caught myself marveling at the fact that this musical composition did not exist, and I completely made it up in real-time. I decided to go higher, into space, so I stretched out my arms to reach for the heavens, and with one extra burst of acceleration flew upwards until the sky got black and starry. While I did this, the soundtrack hammed it up even more, and got even more epic.
    3. 24-03-23 Rival, Flying F22 Into Other World

      by , 03-23-2024 at 02:05 PM
      We were sitting somewhere outdoors. There were quite a lot of people. There was a guy speaking to the group, maybe on a stage, or at his table. I know I hated him and he hated me. At some point I had to do something that was confusing, and I didn't do it quite right. I managed to have a sarcastic reaction to this, which infuriated the guy. At one point I think I was speaking from that stage instead, and said something incredibly sarcastic again, a jab at my rival. I think he (or someone else) said in the background "you are so insufferable!". Seconds before waking up, I became aware this was all a movie, and I was an actor performing a role. I really tried to "ham up" my sarcastic smirk for the invisible cameras, expecting someone to yell "cut!".

      In the second dream, I'm flying a F22 Raptor in chase cam, like in a game. I flew into a jump gate like the ones from the X franchise, and ended up in the warp tunnel like in X˛: The Threat. I realized that it was possible to fly up and outside of the warp tunnel, seeing it from the outside. There was another "layer" of "something" surrounding it (very hard to explain), but you could fly between them. As the warp tunnel neared its end (where it would normally spit you out into the next space sector), I discovered that staying just above the actual tunnel (but below the other layer) spit me out in a hidden reality: a bright, sunny place, dominated by a HUGE city of futuristic glass towers. I flew around a bit, doing maneuvers and gawking at my environment. I saw the inhabitants on the ground. They were NOT human, but strange aliens, with weird, floaty appendages.

      In the next scene, possibly still in this city, I'm in a big house. A whole bunch of sitcom-level stuff happened here that I can't recall, but it was funny. I punched the president in the face! Ha. At some point I tried to escape (I was a prisoner there, free to roam around but not leave?) so I ran into the back yard and go through a hole in the hedge. But I couldn't get through. I quickly decided to abort this attempt and try somewhere else before they (the CIA?) caught me. At this second point, I managed to get over a fence. The CIA was hot on my heels, but they were JUST too late to stop me. Before I woke up, I crowed victoriously, "Aw hell no, I invented that trick!". Random, not sure what I was even referring to (the CIA dudes tried something to stop me?), but dreams are dreams I guess.

      Updated 03-24-2024 at 02:25 PM by 17412 (Remembered another dream.)

    4. Escaping from feral beasts

      by , 01-14-2024 at 10:58 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      Another wild dream
      Me and my dad were in some suburbs trying to escape, it was some kind of survival world, overcast weather.
      But the danger were animals, like they got wilder and changed even, they were a lot more aggressive, I've seen whole lot of breeds of dogs that would tear apart anyone on sight.
      Somehow we could outrun them, or just go past them by pretending to be relaxed, then once I saw a pack of dogs tearing away one dog behind fences.
      It was night, and we got followed by a pack too and we pretended to be relaxed so they followed us but didn't attack.
      Then I saw a small way between two fences to an open field and I started to walk there but dad wandered off, idk why...
      Anyways I started to pick up the pace when I saw wild squirrels but now they were darker, and has messier fur and were more aggressive and could jump up like 2 meters or so.
      And those started to get on me too but then I started to levitate and evade those things.
      Then once I got to the open field I started to fly and I was really good at it, and now it was daytime. Sunny weather.
      I flew to the other side of the open field where a safe camp was in a forest, then flew back to dad somehow I knew his location.
      He just made out to the open field but was being followed , I speed at him and take him up a high hill and drop there I almost fell off .
      We were in front of a hospital, I saw parents carrying their kids here and there...
    5. Dream Journal Day 12: Night of Friday 17.11.2023

      by , 11-28-2023 at 11:05 PM
      I love Sailor Moon. Does this count as a scary dream? I wouldn't call it a nightmare...

      I am Tsukino Usagi (the main character of Sailor Moon) - appearance-wise, at least. It might be better to say I'm alternately watching her and being her. She has one sister and a father who is very controlling and doesn't let her go outside. But one evening, somehow, she manages to leave. As I'm walking down the street away from the apartment, I see my father outside a pub on the adjacent street. He is talking and drinking in the warm light and doesn't seem to have noticed me, so I continue walking at the same speed, head down, to avoid attracting his attention. As soon as I'm past the street corner and out of his view I run as fast as I can into town. It's dark out, and there aren't many people about, however the night this time has a dark brown sky rather than a blue one. It reminds me of an old photograph and imparts a sense of finality.

      Some time later. I can see inside the apartment while not being there. Usagi's father is there seething over her disappearance while her mother frets, her younger sister (who looks a lot like another character) sits on the floor at his feet. I get the feeling that they are all afraid of him. He vows to find Usagi and bring her back.

      Usagi goes to hide in various places. I see her inside a closed shop, a single dim light overhead. Her wristband glows (when did that appear?) and some waves radiate downwards from the lamp. I know instantly that they are transmitted by her father and he now knows where she is. I feel a terrible foreboding.

      I don't remember much after that. I feel that she ends up being caught but continues to plan another escape.

      I'm not sure if this dream is scary so much as unsettling. It's been years since I had a proper nightmare.
    6. 14 Oct: A zombie attack ends up in a fight with anime characters

      by , 10-14-2022 at 08:15 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my mom's place and there is a big event going on. There are groups from several disciplines, from chemistry to politics. I am going around ensuring people have what they need. In the political group, there's this awful fascist guy who seems to have an interest in me. I hate him, but I am enjoying his attention and wondering how I can use it against him. I am picking up some of my personal documents from the dining room table by the window when the chemistry group barges in with lots of large posters and rolls of paper with formulas and in a frenzy about something urgent. I leave them be and I go around meeting other groups, when something bad in the chemistry group happens and some chemical or biological sample is released. It drives some people out of their minds and they start attacking others. Then it spreads and I realize it is a zombie attack. There is no escape from this full house, so I open the window behind me and use the rope from the shutters to rappel down the building. I enter through the window of some other house where apparently I have family or friends. They are just enjoying their rest and I tell them to gather food and prepare to leave because there is a zombie attack just starting. They don't believe me, so I go look outside and indeed many have already reached the streets and are climbing peoples' windows and balconies and going inside their houses. First we close all windows but one has some problem and I am unable to close it before having to fight off some zombies trying to come in. Finally we put some heavy furniture blocking it to gain some time and I tell the others that our best chance is to go up onto the attic and stay there with food and water for some time until the first wave attack is over. Some of them agree with me, some don't, and some girl starts making a lot of noise with her insistence in going out and I worry she'll attract more zombies. When we open the door to go upstairs we listen first if there is any agitation. There isn't, but then a couple ladies who don't look like zombies, attack us in a different way. They drop two ladybugs' bombs on us. Basically it's like two bombs full of ladybugs that release thousands of ladybug which immediately stick to our skin and orifices. I have my ears clogged. This is just a distraction, because soon after we start getting attacked by the zombies. Predicting this, I run to the kitchen to get a sharp knife and hand other knifes to the rest of the group. Then a couple zombies also bring knifes and try to get close to slash me. I fight them both and manage to stick the knife on the brain and neck of the first one. He makes some comment when he realizes I got him, like not believing I got him. The other one I think is his brother, so obviously he gets pissed. We fight and I win, but then I am overwhelmed by a constant flow of anime characters with katanas and other weapons and I don't understand why they are so intent on killing me. At some point I am fighting maybe ten at the same time but already managed to steal at least one katana from the arm I cut off of someone. On one hand the katana on the other still the kitchen knife. Then I start levitating to fight them in the air and only a couple of the have the same ability, greatly increasing my odds.

      Updated 11-01-2022 at 08:33 PM by 34880

    7. 24 Sep: Home invaders and meeting a friend at an antiques store

      by , 09-24-2022 at 09:19 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      There is some stormy weather and can't close my living room window. I keep grabbing my cats to keep them inside while I try to fix it and they seem intent on getting out. Then my house is taken over by some bad people. They want something and I keep pretending I don't know anything about it. Eventually I grab the thing they want from my office and while they are distracted elsewhere and the lights go off because of the storm, I sneak out to the kitchen and leave through the back door. Luckily my dog Hachi is quietly asleep and doesn't make a sound. I hope to get back for my animals soon, but so far I must leave. The bad guys eventually notice I escaped and turn on some floodlights outside trying to spot me. But there is someone else just arriving and getting in the way of the ligths and I take advantage and run through the fields. Much much later I encounter a group of friends and I think I am safe. Except don't seem happy to see me and proceed to hide under some tarps in some construction site. I join them there to find out what's up.

      Something about an expedition and a UFO.

      Shopping with my familty for some crazy but beautiful clothes. I literally get lost in it as my family leaves me there. I decide to check the second floor of the shop, which I never visited. First part is lingerie but then all sorts of antiques for decor. I am amazed with what I find there. Then some crazy obsessed guy is melting down because he collects something and they no longer have new items for him to buy. My first reaction is to think bad of this guy, but then I realiz he has a serious mental condition and he is not guilty of it, so I feel compassion instead. Then decide to take some pics of some items and of the shop itself. Some cute guy seems happy that I find and expose a wooden piece that was hidden under other pieces and he calls his mom to come and see it and asks my help to set it up straight. I do, but the wood starts breaking apart since it's so old. We decide to put it back. He still considers buying it to restore it, it but every time we touch it, it breaks more. Then he flirts with me and I think he wants to go on a date, but I don't. Then I encounter Sevi and she is glad to see me. Actually too glad to see me, considering she's been mad at me for years. We hug and we talk and the other dude disappears. Then she gets a bit too warm and she whispers in my ear she'd like to invite me to go with her to an hotel nearby and I immediately say no and that she got me all wrong.
    8. 20 Aug: My cousin is sick and my house is taken over by body snatchers

      by , 08-20-2022 at 07:19 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my house, but it is much bigger. My dad comes by, unnanounced, with my uncle Zé, aunt and cousins and I have a meltdown because my house is a total mess and I am not feeling well enough to receive guests. Nobody cares. They take my cousin Duarte to a bedroom where he is looked after by two nurses. He is on IV, taking shots, crying in pain. I hold his hand lovingly in support him and ask what's going on but he doesn't say.

      I return home after some time away and I am appalled to find it occupied and in very bad condition. The bathroom has water dripping, the sink is clogged, there is trash all over. Then some guys enter the bathroom completely naked and someone else is recording and taking pictures of them while they mock me. The place seems to have been taken over by a bunch of people who are basically shameless pigs. They invite me to join them for a meal but I refuse. They get pissed and take me and other strangers outside where they reveal they will take control of our minds and bodies, like parasitic zombies. They do something and I lose control of my body, they move it like a puppet, but my mind resists. Eventually I break out of their control and I escape and run to a mountain where I encounter a resistance group.
    9. 8 Apr: Escaping a volcano on an island

      by , 04-08-2022 at 09:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am on an island when a volcano erupts in another island of the same archipelagus. At first I am not concerned, as it is far away and hardly affects other islands. But it is close enough that I can see it. Soon it gets really bad and then a pyroclastic flow descends from the top of the volcano and everybody panics, because it looks like it will hit us. I am with a couple other people and we start running down towards the shore on the opposite side of the one facing the volcano.
      It's a race against time and we face lots of obstacles. We even have to go through some buildings and then it's hard to find the way out of them. Then we finally reach the shore and I find a couple traditional canoes from the island's indigenous people and we hop on one and start paddling away.
    10. 16 Jan: Consultancy work, military coup and keep running away from my dad

      by , 01-16-2022 at 10:37 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Working at a restaurant. One day we have to close early because there is some problem with vampires going on. Not really sure.
      But then we go back to business as usual. I am also doing a side hustle receiving farmers and agri-business clients at the restaurant, to do consultancy and certification for them. One day my parents come visit me there and some client asks me for free information and I refuse to give it a way. My father just doesn't get it and he starts shaming me and trying to tell the person what he wants to know. I have to intervene and clarify that he is providing wrong data. Then my dad gets really upset and says he has been listening to me and he has heard me making such recommendations to other customers before. I explain to him that I am doing consultancy to different types of farmers, and he isn't qualified to understand the differences. I also explain that I don't just provide info for free or I ruin my source of income. Normally, he should understand the idea and even defend it, but this time he is just disappointed and lectures me about principles and I just can't take anymore. He shifts positions so that nothing that I do is ever ok. I just want to leave and to get away faster I fly away and I become lucid
      . I just enjoy flying and then walking through the city, which is a giant maze of buildings, streets, gardens, stairs, never ending and with so much complexity and detail. I marvel at the complex design of this city, then I stop at some street vendors and also marvel at the feeling of textures of fabrics and foods they are selling. I smell some food items and I chose a biscuit to taste. All senses are incredibly detailed and I am simply enjoying it, no other goals.
      Then I see some tanks on a road from a perpendicular street and I go check it out. People on the sidewalks are nervous and they are being handed some device similar to a pager which shows them instructions. It says it will be activated on a certain date and will provide info that people should follow. Seems a bit authoritarian to me and I am concerned, so I go around trying to get more info from other people. But soldiers come down from the tanks and tell us to line up and look at their parade or else they'll consider it disrespecful. Then I spot a suspicious dude driving a bus after them, with what seems a bomb ready to explode. And indeed he jumps out of the bus, which then smashes into a tank and explodes. The guy disappears in the crowd and the military are too numb from the explosion to go after him, but I do. I spot him and he notices that I am chasing him. He tries to lose me, but eventually I grab him. He doesn't struggle much, because he doesn't want to bring attention to us, but he asks what I want from him in an agressive tone. I tell him I just want to know who he is and what he stands for. I tell him that I dislike any authoritarian military government, but I do not support anyone putting bombs unless their cause is worthy and I want to know if his cause his worthy, so I can help. He doesn't want to say anything, keeps shaking me away and I keep folowing him and asking questions. Then I spot my dad, pretend not to see him, but he sees me and calls for me. I lose sight of the guy I was chasing and my dad catches up with me. I keep walking away, because I really don't wanna talk. I enter the back gate of my university (not my university in real life) and continure to a path on the right, trying to go inside a building and lose him. But I enter the wrong door and it takes me down some spiral staircase that keeps going down and down and has closed doors on each floor, so I decide to turn back up and I bump into him, as he kept following me. I just wanna get rid of him, so I try to break into one of the doors along the staircase and it opens to the backrooms of a kitchen. From there I try to find a way into the main halls of the building, while avoiding being spotted by the staff because I don't want to upset them. I do find a door with glass windows on top, which opens to the canteen and I see lots of familiar faces on the line. People like Jigme K. and his brother, L. Vicente and some of my friends. My dad is still behind me, but now I get lost in the crowd and surrounded by my friends and acquaintances I feel relaxed.
    11. 7 Jan: Party at a bakery and weird attack helped by robotic clones

      by , 01-07-2022 at 08:14 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With a male friend and following a female friend. We lose her when she goes around a corner and a bunch of other people get in the way. Something is going on because people are acting strange. We are at my home village and we decide to go inside a bakery located in its main square. There is some kind of celebration going on inside, supposedly regarding New Year's, but we are past that day. And anyway, they are playing some Xmas songs and the whole thing makes no sense. Still, I join in for fun. The party is also themed like the '40s and the Xmas music is only from that era. I notice my teen crush Tiago sitting there on a table with some other guy and I notice he is trying to ignore me but very much saw me. I look hot and I am dressed in a sexy mini skirt and I decide to taunt him a bit. I keep pretending I didn't see him and start dancing with others. But he also keeps ignoring me, so I get bored. Then I check the cakes on the counter and I am desperate to have a slice of a couple of them. But the bakery owner says they aren't selling slices directly. I have to buy a raffle ticket and I get whatever cake comes up in the ticket, if any. But lots of the cakes have chocolate amd I say I specifically need those without it. The owner keeps refusing and then says she can sell me directly but only the whole cake to take out. I tell her ok, whatever it takes and ask the price of a couple of them. I am expecting it to be pricey, but affordable. I have maybe 20-30€ in my wallet. But she says it's a 100€. I say that's insane and then ask how many cakes is she packing on that box and how much for just one and she keeps saying it is 100 for each. I repeat that's insane. She explains it is only today because of the special event and she is doing this as a special favor to me. I pass. I head to the door and see some guy throwing a hand grenade or homemade bomb towards the window to the right of the door. I yell for people to duck and I run to the opposite side. It blows and breaks the window. Some guy pulls me to a storage room on the back and i hope there is a backdoor to exit. There is, but when I open it, I see the back leads to empty lots and some suspicious pick ups are driving like nuts in the roads between the lots and heading our way. A guy jumps off one the trucks and walks with another grenade in his hand towards us. I try to barricade, but there are only soft materials. So I run to the washroom and try tp escape through the window. But it opens to some kind of enclosed backyard whith the ground two floors below. So I have to do some climbing and holding on to the ledges of windows and go around the walls that make a square around the yard, until I find another open window. That one leads directly to the lobby of a train station remotely similar to the station of Santa Apolónia in Lisbon. There are people visibly in shock running inside for the trains and some weird tall people in blue waterproof coats seem to be trying to control them. They start closing some interior doors to the platforms to stop people from going in. I make a run for it and manage to get inside. Not without one of these blue dressed women grabbing me. They are weird. She doesn't hurt me and she seems unable to restrain me seriously. She is just passively agressively asking me to leave. And I refuse and ask who they are. She says they are just clones that here to help. I notice how she looks like Fernanda. I push her and she calls for backup of a male. They both surround me and try to make me go back but I grab their arms and push them around and notice that they don't react with harmful strenghth, so I decide to push them harder and run for it, which works. They lose interest and try to stop other people. I go to the ticket booth and ask for a ticket out of the city. The lady says there is no need for ticket, they are evacuating all who want to. They themselves seem to be packing to leave. So I go to the platforms and try to look for the right train but the info on the boards is all messed up and impossible to know. So two guys point me to a tunnel and say we gotta follow it because the trains have all left already. So I go with them. But at some point a train comes out of nowhere speeding towards us and we need to jump to the other tracks to escape it. Strange thing is that it's being pulled by a human like a horse pulling a carriage. Then another train is coming from the opposite way on the other track and we have to jump again. Same thing, pulled by a human. It's surreal. Then the guys decide to disappear up a vertical tunnel over our heads, but I try to follow them and can't, it is too tight and with rough edges where I get stuck uncomfortably. I feel claustrophobic and give up. Instead I decide to continue following a larger tunnel that bifurcates from the one with the trains we were in.

      Updated 01-10-2022 at 10:32 AM by 34880

    12. 4 Sep: Feeling sick in a class, trying to ditch some ladies I met

      by , 09-04-2021 at 08:24 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In a chemistry class. I start feeling bad and with pain, so I just get up to leave. Teacher asks where am I going and I say I need to go. She then starts mocking me, saying "oh, so what's streaming on the web that you so much need to go watch?" And I reply, not amused "I am sick, I am very sick and maybe if you actually cared, I might tell you what my problem is and how much I need to leave right now. But I am going anyway." And as I said this to her, my voice started to fade until I no longer could talk. She said nothing else as I packed my bag and picked stuff from over a couple tables and left.
      Outside, I meet a couple ladies, one of which is a blond girl I detested from my former office and they are trying to sell me some hair products based on coconut oil. They are super expensive and I wonder why. Seems like they just mix the oil with some other shit that turns it pink and then put it in oversized jars to overcharge. I tell them I use a much cheaper version of simple oil and I have a small package with me and put it in my hair to prove my point. They want me to give them a ride and I really don't want to, but they keep following me outside, not taking a no. When crossing a street, I take advantage of some truck passing and sneak out to the next street to lose them.

      Updated 09-16-2021 at 08:31 PM by 34880

    13. 25 May: Escaping tyranny, joining the dreamworld resistance, maze runner time portal

      by , 05-25-2021 at 04:13 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I live in some kind of community / village, very backwards and religious, similar to a film I watched about a girl living in Cabul under the reign of the taliban. Everything is censored and forbidden and my brother is to be burnt to death on a public square the next day. At night he is kept locked in a kind of coffin, on-site and I am attempting a rescue. At some point, I see it from his point of view and I feel claustrophobic inside the box trying to break it out to escape.

      I think following the previous dream, we get an escape ride from some guy of a rebel group. He looks so dreamy and he is a daredevil. He takes us to a highway with lots of self-driving trucks and then makes really risky maneuvers, like getting between them and even underneath them, between their wheels. The car has strange sitting arrangement. The three of us sit on the front and there is no gear stick so I am right beside the driver, in the middle seat. When things get really stressful, he lays his hand on my leg and I enjoy it a lot. He realizes that and he keeps it there. We stop to eat at some place and we clearly are enjoying our mutual attraction and getting cozy with each other.
      I think we talk briefly about me becoming part of the resistance, so after I am safely at some apartment complex settled with my family - my mom is there too - I receive a message to please come meet someone at the window. I go to the balcony, which looks over a steep valley and I see nobody. They insist they are there and if I don't join them, they'll leave. Then I spot a guy in a blue jumpsuit, coming out from the middle of the green hill on the other side of the valley, quite far away. Then spot half a dozen others scattered around the hill. I wonder why they are so distant. One of them flies over to meet me at the balcony and then together we fly over to the other side and we fly together over some weird border zone and they tell me they operate at the border of realities. I assume they mean reality and dreamscapes. They show me an area over which they have an ongoing mission and need me and a couple others to go undercover and work at an IKEA like store. I show them my flying skills, basically levitating horizontally without making an effort, which is way better than how they do it. It is hard to explain how they do it, but it is not subtle at all. So I join two girls with whom work there and I comment how weird it is for them to have a 9 to 5 life inside dreams and be able to come back to that dream and complete the mission. Then they show me a box of make up products I should use, as demanded at our job site and I find it awful, hate the colors but try some orangey lipstick. Then start the day by having breakfast at a nearby cafeteria in the building complex we live at. I learn that ideally I should go there at this time, like about 6 am, before a lot of other people come there before work. I try to spot what they have that is relatively healthy for me to eat and see they have corn for popcorn and decide to get some packets and just cook them at home on the microwave when I don't feel like eating what they serve.

      With 4 more people stuck in some square open space surrounded by stone walls. Very much like the Maze Runner. One wall opens up a sequence of doors forming a tunnel and we can see the outside in the end of it but after 5 seconds the various sections along the tunnel close starting from the end to the beginning. After we are sure of the time it takes to complete the process, we test going back and forth, and then we decide to go for it. But when we arrive at the other side we realize it is a time portal and we are seeing the past. There is a battle going on and we see ships in a port attacking a town with cannons. We have 1 sec to decide what to do and we decide going back. Then we discuss if we prefer to check the options as we're convinced the portals opens up at random places and times and we discuss what would be our ideal destination and times we really don't want to go to. It's hard because for the majority of human history there has been war or other bad difficulties, but we end up jumping into some South American country, somewhere in the 1900s. There is some celebration going on, at some town. We blend in (not sure how, as I am wearing jeans) but I notice some guy, acting like a feudal lord of this place, very interested in me and sending someone to go and get me. I slip away through the crowd and I find a Japanese old lady that I am sure I know from somewhere. She is teaching crochet to some ladies and she does recognize me. I wonder how is that possible and she tells me she has access to a portal that lets her go back to Japan in our current time and we met there once. Her English is very poor and my Spanish, which apparently she speaks well, is also not so good, but she asks me if I can crochet and we sort of communicate and I tell her the things I used to crochet and knit. But I really don't wanna talk about that. I am so excited that she has access to our present time, I go look for my friends and tell them we can go home. But some of them don't feel so excited for some reason, so they stay. The Japanese lady takes me to the portal but doesn't cross it with me, so I end up alone at night in some Japanese village and feel a bit lost and cold, but also relieved that at least this is my world.
    14. 3 May: I am a criminal escaping a police chase

      by , 05-03-2021 at 10:21 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      On some big ship with Riverstone, I think illegally and we are being looked for by the security on board and policemen awaits us on arrival. The ship enters some water elevator, like those in canals and we use that chance to escape through service areas and service latches into a concrete ramp that will soon be flooded. I run up the ramp but there are police waiting on top of it. I yell to Riverstone to run the other way, not sure there is another way, but I think there is. The leading detective then keeps me secure while he sends out the rest of the men after my guy. He takes me away through the crowded terminal and I claim I need to go to the toilet. He denies me that first, but turns out we have to wait a lot for the other men who are not succeeding in catching my BF, so he says ok.
      I think I see Riverstone in the crowd and think I know where he is heading. In the toilet I find some passed out tourist napping against the wall and she has some bag with a t-shirt, a sweater and bermudas, plus a small purse with some change, so I take it and change clothes and hairstyle. The detective is not really by the door, he is slightly distant, keeping an eye on the door, so I sneak out quickly the other way and he can't tell it is me. Doesn't take long though for him to go check on me and learn that I stole things from the girl. Later on he spots me at a ticket office trying to buy some ticket and he catches me again. He takes me to his place, which I feel is unprofessional and wonder what's happening, but he just wants to have some heartfelt conversation with me, wanting to know why we are outlaws and keep committing crimes. I really ask him what we did so wrong, since we haven't hurt or killed anybody and the worst I did was steal some clothes and some change - as I don't recall doing anything else before. I tell him anybody in our position would do the same. He insists if we do small crimes we'll do bigger ones and I explain I could eventually knock him down unconscious to escape but would never deliberately beat him in order to seriously injure or kill and I mean it. He seems to believe me and cuts me some slack. Apparently we have some waiting to do. He says his men caught Riverstone but they have to meet at some exact hour at some door to a police station where they'll bring him. I pretend I have given up and just want to enjoy my last hours of freedom and he relaxes and serves some drinks and we talk and listen to music. He doesn't tie me up, I am free to move around. I sing along and he is impressed with my voice. He starts really enjoying our time together, like we are on a date, singing and drinking, but I am making sure he drinks way more. At some point he is losing control and I manage to tie him up with some S&M gear that he has. My plan is to leave him there comfortable while I go to the meeting point to rescue Riverstone,
    15. 5 Jan: Charity project school trip and helping Sandra Bullock escape police

      by , 01-05-2021 at 09:16 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      School trip to a poor school beyond a wasteland we have to cross by train. We are welcomed with music but the other students don't look happy at all, more like insulted. There's some music from The Queen and I start lightening the mood by singing and cĺimbing the stairs dancing and mingling with the kids. We go to a room where we sit around a table and watch a presentation. Joanna Lumley is there, she is like a patron. She has being doing a vlog for charity towards these kids and we are supposed to replace her doing those videos. Or someone is. They chose me. I have to make one improv video as a test. I do a makeup tutorial, which is a total flop, but as I do it, I feel like I have a second body from which I watch myself failing and from there I make a funny video making fun of myself. To the other people it just looks like I suffer from dissociative identity disorder.

      Something during a storm in a chalet on a mountain and police cars coming.
      There is Sandra Bullock and someone throws away some papers. We hide her in a room. She is taking anti-depressants and medication to fight alcoholism. But we stand with her. We accept one detective in to explain what they want and they want to arrest her. We think she was set up. We kick him out and I help her prepare an escape to prove her innocence. I go get all the papers from the trash because turns out they are important.
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