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    1. My Lucid Dreams, SP experiences and OBEs. Part one

      by , 04-09-2012 at 07:19 AM
      This Is a account of the Lucid Dreams, Sleep Paralysis experiences and Out of Body Experiences I can remember. I decided to type them up so I won't forget the ones I can remember.

      I will begin with My OBE since My first OBE ( One of two) I had at a very young age and it was way before I knew the meaning of LD OBE and SP.

      I was seven or eight I believe and my family was on the way home from getting food from Walmart. We had a van much like the one we have today. It's the kind with two seats up front, two in the middle ans three in the back. I was sitting in one off the middle seats. This happened in the middle of summer and I live in Texas so It's really hot. I had fallen asleep and had a pretty insane experience. I felt myself lift out of my body and looked down to see myself sleeping in the car. I floated up and out of the car but outside there was nothing just a solid empty void. Looking down I could still see the van. The roof of which was clear like I could see through it. I could still see myself sleeping. I could also see my brother and sister and grandparents. My grandma was driving. There was music playing and they where talking but it all sounded far away and i couldn't understand what was being said. I floated back down into the car and hovered right above myself, unsure of what to do. Now inside the van I could see outside and watched as we pulled up to our house. I watched as everyone got out and took all the groceries in, making more than one trip. Finally I watched as my grandpa closed the trunk and everyone went inside. Then it got really quiet. I was still in the van. I hovered above myself. I tried to call out for my grandpa but I had no voice. It was strange though. It was like I could feel myself talking but there was no sound. I started to feel really hot. I feel trapped and unable to breath. I looked down at myself and tried to will myself to wake up. I started to panic and things got even stranger. I felt myself splitting apart and rising up through myself once again until I staring down at many of me hovering above the asleep me. (The best way i can explain this is if you face two mirrors inward at each other and look through it, the image repeats forever) By this time I feel almost like I'm on fire and there is no air left in the space. I really begin to freak. The it was almost like I just snapped. I yelled as loud as I could "WAKE UP!!!!!!" This time words formed and I could hear the sound. It was like a delayed reaction of sound and as the wave pushed down toward the sleeping me all other mes came together all going down to the true me then SLAM!! We all came together and I woke up so suddenly that I jerked the seat belt and sling shotted backward.

      I looked around the car which really was empty and everyone really had gone inside. In fact the car was park exactly where I had watched it be parked in my OBE. Then I realized that I was still burning up and i still couldn't breath. I frantically ripped away my seat belt and practically threw myself out the door. Took me a second but i caught my breathe and went inside where it was cool. I think I got really lucky that day that I didn't have a heat stroke. (DON'T LEAVE KIDS IN CARS!!)

      OK Before I tell you my second OBE I want to share the first time I had SP.
      I was at my aunt and uncles house so I was sharing a room with my sister. This freaked me out for a long time but really I'm glad because it was because of this I researched SP and that led me to find out about Lucid Dreaming (Which I had been doing very mildly since i was young but never knew it was a term)
      I guess it started as most people experiencing SP do, by realizing you can't move. I woke up in the middle of the night and my body felt soooo heavy and thought I wasn't breathing like there was two much weight on my chest. I tried to move but found that was impossible so I did want anyone would do if they wake up in the dark and can't move..I FLIPPED SHIT!. I struggled and tried to yell to my sister but my voice wouldn't come and that's when I saw him. I shadow like figure in the corner of the room. I became complete terrified, if I wasn't already paralyzed I would have been frozen with fear. I began to notice for the first time the noises and vibrations. I looked at my sister peacefully asleep and in my mind I was like "WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!" I start to look back to the corner and come to a wall of darkness and it take a second for my eyes to understand what I'm looking at. The shadow guy had gone from the corner across the room to standing a inch in front of my bed. The wall of darkness is really his chest. The way I'm laying give me a odd perspective. If I strain my eyes I can look up far enough to see him leaning over me. He leans farther and farther in getting closer to my face. I get this not so odd idea that he is going to do something along the lines of bite my face off.
      Then in a instance it's all over and I jump out of bed. Needless to say it was hard to go back to sleep after that.

      My second OBE has to deal with my second SP as-well. This was after I had learned you could use SP to do a WILD.
      I woke up and felt the familiar vibrations and heard the frighting sounds and when i found myself unable to move i knew exactly what was going on. That didn't keep the panic from rising. Then I looked across my room and there was that same freaken shadow man standing in front of my closet. My first thought was "OH YELL NO!!" I slammed my eyes shut and tried to send myself into a Lucid Dream but it didn't quite work out like that. I started to feel myself slipping away only this time I wasn't floating up I was sinking down. I watched as I sank below myself and my bed and slowly into a dark void. I slowly hit a ground of some kind. It felt cold and had gleam to it. I looked up and could see my room as if the ground of it had been replaced with glass. I could see through my bed and at me laying in it. I glanced around at the empty void and got a horrible sinking feeling that if I didn't go back now I wound never be able to return. I willed myself upward and back into my body with great ease and I woke up.
      I went over to my computer and looked out a trailer on Youtube for Deathly Hollows part one (This all happened right before that movie came out and i really wanted to see it) That's when my room began to change and It became the scene I had been watching and I was now standing on top of Hogwarts thinking "What just happened". I watched wizards fly past and it was so amazing. Then I understood I was Dreaming and previously it had been a false awakening. I was so happy but then the world began to spend and I woke up for real this time.

      End of part one. I'll post my lucid dreams next time but I'm super tired now so, Happy Dreaming!