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    1. The Ghost Cats of Star Trek

      by , 07-23-2014 at 04:10 AM
      So I'm in this orphanage which is pretty much just a medium-sized house with a lot of people in it, and I'm planning to brighten their day. I know that I can control things, and I dimly know that it's not real, but I don't really know that I'm dreaming, so I don't think I'd call it lucidity. I tell them all that I'm going to summon two of my favorite characters (Kirk and Spock from Star Trek) and we're going to give them... money, or food, or something like that, to support the orphanage. However, as I try, nothing works, and they look at me with looks that say, "you can't really do any of that." So I try opening the door and expecting them to be there, but that doesn't work either. So then I tell them all to pretend they hear a doorbell (because I can't make that happen either) and then I'll open the door, but not all of them accede and they weren't very organized about it, and it didn't work. I tell them I'm better at it when no one's around, and I go outside. The driveway is long and steep and made of black asphault (like the driveway of my childhood home, I now realize). There are a few little kids playing outside. I go down to the very end of the driveway and, when imagining a portal through which the characters come through doesn't work, I get down on all fours.

      I know that sometimes, when I act like whatever I'm trying to do is really hard and painful, it's easier to do it. For example, I can't will myself to become a wolf, but I can act really dramatic like it's an excruciating transformation from a werewolf movie or something, and it works. So I... well. I try to vomit the characters up. But that didn't work either, anyway. So then I realize that for some reason, ghosts are easier to summon than living people. So I imagine killing the characters and voila! Their bodies are on the ground before me. I reach down and pull out their ghosts but it turns out that I've somehow accidentally made them into cats. Kirk's cat-ghost is blue and Spock's is green. Not wanting to make the orphanage-people wait any longer, I deem this turn-out acceptable and usher them inside. I don't really remember what happens for a while, but later...

      I'm McCoy and I'm a blue cat-ghost (by this point Kirk's color has changed to yellow) and although I still feel human, my view is low to the ground and it's very easy for me to walk around and act like a cat. Kirk, Spock and I are just kind of hanging out and living as cats in this orphanage? There are more old people than kids, even though it's an orphanage. So when it's night-time, I look around for a place to sleep. I go into this bathroom where there's a little cushioned footrest type thing by the tub, and the tub is filled up with a mattress, with a small desk at the end of the tub. I hop up onto the footrest, then onto the tub-bed, and I'm planning on curling up and going to sleep when I catch a glance at the desk. There's a sticky note that says at the top: "McCoy" with instructions that I don't remember. I freak out. This was the bed of a former small girl that got adopted. How did she know that at some point the three of us would die, turn into cats, and come live there? I search through the desk, and there are other references to us. I go and get Kirk (who is simultaneously one of my friends from real life, who I'll name C, for rememberance's sake) and I show him the stuff. When he first sees the sticky-note he says something about how I'm over-reacting and it can't possibly be what I say it is, but I keep showing him more and more things and it convinces him. He's unsettled and doesn't know what to do. Spock wanders in while I'm showing Kirk the things.

      Updated 02-14-2015 at 04:03 PM by 55779 (should -> show)
