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    1. Day 3: Melatonin+Vitamin B6= sxephil?

      by , 02-01-2011 at 01:29 PM (A Penrose Mind)
      Blue=Lucid Red=Non-lucid Black=Awake

      Dream log day 3:

      So yeah, apparently melatonin and vitamin b6 aren't necessarily a great combo for achieving lucidity, or sleep. Once again, I only slept for about 2 hours last night, but this is mostly because I think I have a sleeping disorder, I'm getting checked about it soon.

      Anyways, my dreams were actually quite boring last night and didn't last to long, I never left my apartment in my dream! I can't remember exactly where it started and the whole thing is kind of in fragments but I'll put them in what I think is a chronological order (I wont be doing any dream topography since the whole dream occurred in my apartment),

      I'm in my room, and my computer that I usually have on my table is mounted on the door of my closet (which faces me). I seem to be able to access the computer telepathically since I never seem to use a mouse or keyboard.

      I'm looking through iTunes for some reason (I have a mac) and I find a section where it shows me all of my videos in my youtube subscription box(which I find a bit odd at first but take at face value).

      When I try to access a video I find myself outside of my room where the dining table and second computer are.

      The same interface that I was on on the computer in my room is on the computer outside too. I start a video (made by sxephil) and she first thing I see is Phillip de Franco saying:

      "Hey look a hot chick(a picture of a hot chick appears on screen)"

      He goes on about the hot chick for a while and then moves on to the "science" segment. I can't remember exactly what he said, only that science had once again confirmed something that people already knew (like for instance, "Blow jobs may lead to sex!"). At the end of the video Phil goes to bed and faps to the picture of the girl in the beginning of the video, while so in the background you can hear on the radio:

      "In other news, scientists are saying that cancer indeed still a "thing"."

      I find this fragment funny because this is what my subconscious sees as every single sxephil video ever made.

      Afterward I go to the kitchen, on my way there I look into the living room (where we keep the tv) and see that the same interface on the two computers is there too. But once again, I didn't seem to be phased by it.

      In the kitchen for some strange reason I wanted to strain a glass of milk before I drank it, but the second glass I poured the milk into through the stainer had holes in it, so the milk just spilled all over the place.

      I quickly cleaned it up with a paper towel. After that I decided to strain a glass of juice for me instead (it had pulp in it) and I just drank it down.

      I went back to the computer outside and looked at another one of phials videos, this one being a bit odd. When the video starts it takes up my whole vision as if I'm there and I become "immersed" in the story.

      At the beginning phil accidentally kill his roommate by throwing a dodge ball at his face (just roll with it) and instead of saying what really happened in the 911 call he instead claims that he died of a heart attack (just roll with it).

      "Okay." She says.

      And then just hangs up the phone. Afterwards she says to the camera,

      "Yeah, I'm gonna call the police."

      Afterwards instead of sending the police over she meets up with Phil in a city. When they first meet Phill doesn't seem to pleased.

      "I know you're a mole for the police," He says. "and that's not cool."

      "I know that your a liar!" She hisses back at him.

      For a while the exchange the word bullshit pretty angrily.

      "Oh yeah?" She yells. "Well you're not even human!"

      Suddenly, sxephil is a lizard and there both standing in the dessert. What. The. Fuck.

      "Did that really just happen?" I think to myself. Suddenly I'm de-immersed from the story and find myself back in my room, even though when the video started I was at the computer in the dining area. No only that, now my computer is back on the table and not on the closet door, and now I'm using the keyboard and mouse again (which by the way is really hard to use in a dream).

      My dad walks in and I immediately minimize the window with DV and youtube on it(I was supposed to be doing work on my essay),

      "What window is that?" He asks me, even though I minimized it before he walked in.

      My DC (yes I'll be using this term now) dad acts much more like my real dad in this dream. Instead of being understanding, interested, and supportive of me and my new found agenda he strikes it down with an iron fist.

      I quickly reopen and close the window I minimized and erase my history of DV and youtube.

      My DC dad may just be a figment of my imagination but he's not an idiot. He immediately realizes what I did and tells me he's going to cut off my internet.

      Shortly after my alarm clock goes off and I wake up. I wake up at exactly 5:30 a.m., 1st of February.

      Well once again this was a complete failure, lucidity wise and overall dream wise, but then again I first tried obtaining lucidity 2 days ago, I don't expect instant results. I almost lost my dream recall too. I'll be trying a different reality check this time, one I do every time I walk through a door, the "Still being able to breathe while you pinch your nose" one, and really begin to question my reality and weather I'm dreaming or not.

      Edit: I think I woke up with a bloody nose today. When I woke up there was definitely something coming out of my nose but at the time I thought it was just mucus. Later in the day, I found what looked like blood encrusted on my finger nail. I wonder if that means anything. Anyway, no more melatonin+b6 for me anymore.

      Well wish me luck.

      P.s. There are probably spelling errors in this cause I wrote it at six in the morning, but whatever.

      Updated 02-01-2011 at 10:53 PM by 41835
