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    1. Nightmare including confrontation with a Jaguar & a mad woman

      by , 11-26-2012 at 11:46 PM
      I was at a friends house in Bristol (even though I've never been there to visit this friend yet). I was playing with a dog in the garden when this Jaguar appears so I run into the next garden and gather up my friend, the dog, some other people including children and the neighbours and get them into the house and lock the Jaguar out. One guy in the house has a wound on his face which I ask if he got from the Jaguar but he says no.

      Suddenly I'm back at the house where I live, and am looking out the window at this crazy bitch with dark hair in the street smashing at peoples doors with a shovel. She then comes to ours with an accomplice, a blonde woman with greenish eyes. I call the police and describe what I've seen happen and that they're now at our door harassing us but the police just hang up not caring!

      So I open the door to confront them but the dark haired woman tries to cut the top of my hand with a rusty garden tool she's took from our porch (like a sickle), but it's too blunt and just sort of scratches my skin. The blonde woman just stands there smirking and I remember seeing a neighbour who I think was another old friend of mine's Mother just watching us out the window (even though she doesn't even live in this street).
      I then woke myself up screaming 'GET AWAY!!'.

      I know why I had this dream because the same night a strange woman rang the doorbell at about 11pm asking for someone called Simon & when I said no-one called Simon lived here she asked if anyone next door was called Simon to which I replied there was no-one round here called Simon. It freaked myself & my Mother out a bit as it was late for someone to be calling and the woman was just weird and shifty most likely mentally ill or on drugs.

      Updated 12-06-2012 at 12:21 AM by 58791

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , dream fragment