I seem to be staying in an apartment, apparently some kind of temporary accommodation, with a woman and a third person I can remember even less clearly. Something strange is going on, but it isn’t clear what. At some point, we go out and are on a sidewalk going past a number of similar apartment-style buildings. But we’ve barely left when I realize that leaving was a bad idea - we’re playing into their hands. (Whose? Can’t remember now….) And it’s already too late. Two figures are rapidly approaching me. One is an enormous, threatening dog, controlled by the other, although there’s something human about it too. It’s clearly too tight a spot to get out of, and so I successfully manage to negotiate instead. In return for not giving them a fight, they’ll come by the apartment for me later instead. After that, we’re back in the apartment, or at least some version of it, trying to figure out what to do. But I’ve realized something: this whole thing is about the woman, not me, and so there may not be much I can do. (I haven’t explicitly realized that I’m dreaming, but it’s pretty clear that I’m operating on the assumption.) It’s as if there’s some mystery we don’t fully understand, but we’ll have to solve it, or rather she will, to achieve a good outcome. I’m suddenly struck with a realization. The biggest problem here is that this experience-space is being conditioned by the expectation that only things that make real-world sense can happen. Other possibilities are being excluded, and I can see that if that logic is allowed to dictate what happens next, failure is practically guaranteed. But if I can manage to de-condition this space, then - well, it might not solve the problem. That’s out of my hands. But it will at least make the problem solvable. And so I begin to talk. Not to anyone in particular - the woman is within earshot, but I’m keeping out of her way otherwise, as this seems to be the extent to which I can help, and anything further is probably just going to interfere. I say whatever weird, off-the-wall non sequiturs without the slightest connection to the present situation happen to pop into my head. I am always happy to help, especially if it’s by doing something that under ordinary circumstances would just be obnoxious. I can feel it working. Little by little, the space is becoming less rigidly structured and predictable; dream logic is reestablishing itself here. I can hear, in another room, new characters, having arisen out of nothing, are speaking with the woman. Previously intangible aspects of the situation are beginning to manifest, and accordingly, she now seems to be making actual progress. (This was another entirely-over-by-2-am dream, for the record) 2.1.24
Was lucid finally Lucid 1 Was walking along a white tile floor and started counting. The effect was funny so I was instantly lucid. Went into a staircase area and kept counting. Stopped at 40 and decided to jump to keep the dream from falling apart. Was following this old lady climbing the winding staircase. got bored of that so I decided to go outside. I was making my way through the building when the dream shifted. Lucid 2 Was instantly lucid at night time by what I thought was my house. Wanted to find Jamie so I got into a car and started driving. I as in a big city or something and it didn't look right. I started to tilt the wheel up and the car started flying. I flew by a large building and decided to crash into it. I did but not much happened. I climbed in the air with my flaying car and kept seeing bigger buildings as big as mountains above the skyscrapers I was already near. I knew it was a perceptual illusion do decided to ignore it I thought to myself, "How to find Jamie?", "Just go left," a voice in my head responded. It was a male voice. I went left over some buildings a few blocks. And some residential houses felt right so I decided to land. i got out of the car and saw two characters in front of a house that looked like minecraft characters or something. "Robert, over here!" I hear Jamie's voice to my right. I look to my right and some girl is on top of some steps by the door to the house. She's beckoning me over with her hand. I see a brown haired girl with her hair tied back. doesn't quite look the same but the energy is Jamie's. i go up the steps and I feel her hug me. I say I want to talk to her or something. She takes me by the hand and leads me inside. We start going down in a basement. I try to speak, but feel that my physical jaw is frozen, I find it hard to speak. but I manage, "Are you really Jamie?" She looks back and finds the phrase familiar. (Sometimes the conversations with the head voice is like a broken record, and that's something I ask once in a while.) She nods and keeps walking. in the downstairs I aslk, "You're the one from Wal-Mart?" She slightly nods again. We sit down on a carpet or something. I hear her voice in my head say something but can't remember. I say :I just heard your voice in my head... is that really you? She doesn't answer just sits on the carpet and stares at me. Her form is changed again. I start asking about the voices I hear but can't say much because the dream ends. What? A dream where I'm not participating. I'm looking at the outside of a house. Jamie opens the door and another girl leaves the house. Jamie is escorting her out. I guess it's one of her nice friends. Theey then kis on the lips and the girl walks away and Jamie waves at her and smiles... Oh god. Not this again. Second night: Mcdonald's I'm in a mall with a mcdonald's in it. A familiar girl with who I think looks like Olivia from coaldale walks up to me and we start talking. She is telling me she is moving away soon with her future husband. I'm like :Yeah okay whatever. I then get in line for the till. But olivia and some other girl who are holding hands cut in front of me whil I'm in line. I confront them about it, but olivia brushes me off. I gt mad and just leave an look for another restaurant in the food court. Third night: bleh something about my dad and my dog. Visit Me and Jamie are sitting in a car by my house. This isn't in the "Dream realm," but seems to be "Real," Me and Jamie seem to be discussing a serious relationship. Can't catch any details but it feels like this is something she is planning. what? I'm in a house with some people. Jamie looks like Zendaiya... Ok i'm still not seeing her correctly again. I'm sitting at a table and talking. She starts hanging off some other guy. friend? I'm in a crowd of people at a house party. some chubby girl with pigtails starts talking to me. She claims she is Jamie's friend or something. We keep talking about Jamie. And this girl seems to confirm Jamie's intentions. Some drunk guys start interrupting us, and say something like :You gotta buy this for her, and that stuff blah blah blah.". I say: Drizzle Drizzle! I AM the table! (No, I see that stuff as satire but find it funny so many people get triggered by it.) The girl just laughs and seems to understand my sarcasm. the guys go ,"Ooooh," and walk away or something.
Well, we got attacked again. I tried to get Raven to help but of course, her dream friends also got attacked, so she spent some nights trying to resolve that. Suspected Jamie drive by again. This time outside my place as it was getting dark. The car turned down the alley where my backyard is facing. Although it was hard to see due to some branches, it was the quick head turn that was the give away, and the hair. This on the same day of my distressing post. Maybe she was checking on me? Different vehicle again... Maybe I'm just paranoid and seeing what I wanna see. Maybe she borrows a family or friends vehicle. This reminds me of a Tik Tok post Emily King made a while ago on this sort of thing: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMqVB6sw/ [COLOR="#800080"]Warehouse[COLOR] I was forced to work in a strange warehouse. There were these tiny rooms against a large wall but they were all connected. Everyone was supposed to go into the tiny rooms and do something I forget. I was put into a room and there was a tiny window next to me. I looked inside and saw two men being gay. Won't go into detail. Then I had false memories of Jamie being with me earlier, but people had separated us. This made me angry so I smashed through all the walls and knocked some people over. Some short black guy teleported to me trying to fight. He was jumping up and down really fast trying to be hard to hit. I put my hand on the top of his head to keep him there. He couldn't escape but then my memory fades. The rest of the night I had 2 short dreams. I was trying to find Jamie but kept running into two women with cloth gags in their mouths. They kept saying Jamie was busy but to play with them. I wasn't having it Next night. Left on read I was in a construction place with my dad and brother. I kept pulling out my phone and looking for messages from Jamie. There was an old message saying she needed space or something. Work was boring but when we had to leave, my dad was in a wheelchair and had an oddly shaped head. Last night: Maybe a dream about my Dog and some dogs. Strange Dreamed I was leaving work with some people. We all had separate vehicles. I followed them to some cul de sac area. We waited and chatted. Can't remember about what. I drove off but there was some confusion about who should leave first. Drove into a downtown street like a cross between the two downtown's of Didsbury and Carstairs. There was all these people on the street blocking the way. Suddenly instead of driving, I was walking. It was night. I ran into my cousin, and said the one restaurant that I use for pickup was closed for the holiday. He mentioned a couple that were open. I asked about the one where Jamie worked (apparently she works at a bar in the dream). He said that I'm still not allowed in there, or something because of Her. Then he said it was BS because he heard Jamie say that she was okay with me, but the owner still wouldn't allow me in. Then my memory fades.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am invited (more like kidnapped) by a Russian criminal whom I have a history with. I think I am an hacker, I did some work for him once and he fell in love with me, but now I'm not sure if he is trying to help me for old time sake or using me as a scapegoat for his dirty work. He says he'll release a virus in the world that will wreak havoc on all systems and asks me if I have any old PC with a floppy disk drive and I say I do. So he hands me a floppy disk which he says contains the antivirus. He tells me to use it on my computer and then I'll be safe. I find it really suspicious, because it will make no damn difference to have a working computer if the whole society collapses. There might not even be electricity if his plan works. But I'm scared for my life and I just wanna leave and go home. I know my face will be everywhere on CIA screens for being here, so he is probably setting me up or using me as a decoy. I hide the disk the best I can, so that any camera that might film me outside doesn't see it. When I reach my flat, I turn on the news and chaos starts unraveling in the world. Banks crash and other services start failing, people flock to the roads trying to go somewhere safe. I just wanna go meet my parents and ensure they're fine, but it's still a bit far and there is almost no way to get through the traffic jams. I wait a bit and go out by foot to get some stuff and prepare my trip. When I return my house has been searched. They tried to be discreet as not to denounce themselves, but I can tell that a lot of things are misplaced. I still have the disk with me and don't know what to do with it. I manage to go out of town through a road that most people are taking in the opposite direction. I fear I might not have enough fuel, but I manage most of the way, then need to walk the final bit. My dad is worried with the chaos and showing me how they reinforced the front door and windows of the house, but when I go into the backyard to hang something to dry I notice there is one door from the outside to the corridor / garage leading to the yard that doesn't have any lock. We have our dogs there, who are like different incarnations of my RL dogs Hachi and Bernardo, and are also kept separate because they also don't like each other here (my parents here also look like my RL parents, but we are totally different people and live in a totally different world). I rush to tell my dad that door needs to have a lock asap as outside people are starting to loot.
First night: strange Just a brief flash of me floating in a living room and I'm also praying for Jamie. what? I'm in some room waiting for Jamie and she walks in holding hands with some guy that looks like me, only it's not and she's really smiling. Ok, so there are fake dream versions of me now? Next night: driving I'm in a car with my brother. He's driving. It's on some country roads. we come to a 4 way stop and on the side of the road is a deer and a dog. I keep saying to my brother, "Can I pet that Dawg?". He turns and... Suddenly I'm in a dream with Jamie and we are holding hands. At least I finally got a happy dream about Jamie! flash A flash of a dream where I am intimate with Jamie. It seems to be a replay of the one from days ago. but this tim it's in black and white. Last night: I had a long non lucid, but can't remember the details. something about being in a big building... I really have to invest in a notepad again. WTF I'm in the house where I live in Bowden. My brother is in the koitchen making something. I hear a knock on the front door. Some Filipina lady walks in and calls me by name. I have false memories of her commenting on TikTok or something. She's wearing a mcdonald's uniform. I have other false memories of a different filipina woman coming to my home. I tell the current girl that I don't work at mcdonald's and to please leave. She keeps saying she's in love with my, and her appearance has changed. She's wearing a loose shirt and thes tight white pants, the kind that don't leave much to the imagination. She squats down so I can see her curves. Her Boobs are falling out of her shirt. I try to tell her it's a mistake and I don't know her and I'm asking her to leave. (In my mind I don't want to be messing around with people because I believe Jamie is coming in, and I don't want ANY complications.) Upset Just a brief flash of me and another person Talking to Jamie. She seems defensive about something and raises her tone and pitch. I can't remember what was being said or the context. Flash Something about Jamie telling me something. But it's so brief that I can't even comprehend a word she was saying.
Let's see if I remember all the dreams from the past 3 days. Jamie 1 Just a flash of being in a store like Wal-Mart I walk up to a counter where Jamie is working. But she's freezing me out. If she comes to know me again in person, I hope she instructs me properly on how to deal with her when and if she still gets like that. Jamie 2 Just her standing in the black space again. She is standing expectantly of me. But the dream fades fast. Voice pure audio HH dream where it almost sounds like Jamie speaking to me. But now it's gibberish and it's not her voice at all. I force myself to wake up. car Something about being in a car or van with my dog. Jamie 3 Audio HH dream again. Jamie is speaking a love poem she seems to have written to me. I believe she sent me a poem back when I knew her. But I couldn't tell if it was written for me or the guy she was after at the time. So naturally I was standoffish about it, which resulted in a slight argument. This time however, I have learned my lesson. "Aw that's sweet! Is it about me? are you trying to tell me something?". Is that better? And no I don't remember what the words were. This happens to me when I hear music in HH as well. I know guitar, some piano, and a little violin. But, Adulting work life always takes over and makes me forget. Infiltrated I was in an abandoned house or something. I felt demons entering my mind. My dog was dragging me by the arm away from the place. Jamie 4 Brief flash, she is in a dimly lit room with another man about to have sex with him. I.. really don't wish to dream about this. I know in previous dreams her tone seems to indicate she might reach out, (Or we encounter one another by happenstance,) for a very specific goal. I just hope she has her house in order when doing so. I feel I am expected to as well. It goes both ways. Jamie 5 I am in a convenience store, and Jamie is there. She seems to have that darkness in her again. She's dressed strangely, almost like a hobo. She seems very seductive towards me. I'm just playing along. She peels a small smiley face sticker from a paper, kind of like the Wal-Mart ones that the door greeters use to have. She asks "Where should I put it?", "On your bum." I say. She reaches behind her as if doing so. I raise my hand in the the air and make a twirling motion and I say, "Now turn around." She turns around almost dancing and stick her butt out to my groin and starts grinding. I say, "What? your booty shrunk! I coulda swore it was bigger." "Shut up." She says and throws me on the ground and starts kissing me as she mounts me. We seem to be in a bedroom and on a bed now. Instantly the dream transitions, and I instantly forget where I was previously. Me and my dog are in a dark parking lot trying to get a ride from some woman. But she says she's driving someone else and drives away to a stall a ways away. now I'm in a warehouse with my dog. People are working. I forget the rest. I always notice latley that when Jamie is being strange in a dream I always dream about my dog. Like it's a warning. Can't argue with kisses and a booty grind tho.
Some people have messaged me and/or left comments asking "Who is Jamie?" I understand my journal entries must seem like the ravings of a madman, I can assure you, I consider it a possibility every single day. Jamie is someone I use to work with in 2011, We were friends (the vocal pretext we had both agreed upon- the subtext however... slightly different story). Long complicated story I'm not going into. to the layman, (Someone who is completely atheist and is a scoffer at anything spiritual, or having anything like a god in the universe, supernatural, paranormal. etc) I suffer from a bizarre form of Limerence, and "Spiritual psychosis", and Jamie is the Idealized object of this. In more spiritual terms it is also known as "Twin Flame," or "Alien Love bite", Neither term I agree with, however I have read experiences from many people that I can relate to ( I watched a long youtube of a panel of people from the ALB community and listened to a couple explain how they were having mutual or shared dreams). Scoffers will scoff, fine. I define it simply as: Seemingly paranormal facilitation and interference in human relationships. There's also a psychosis in the mix as well, BPD, Both of us have levels of such a disorder. In my case I love bomb someone who shows interest in me and when I feel they are going to abandon me, I promptly dump them or cut them out of my life, and then horrifyingly try to "Win them back,". I was not even aware of this "Cycle," until I met Jamie and analyzed our friendship years later, and reading what BPD is. Years after, the "Discarding" of one another. I began experiencing paranormal events all over again. Seeing annoying "Angel signs," regarding her. As well as a sudden influx of dreams about her. I have a long history on this forum being able to share dreams with people. And i Still experience this to this day, the sharing of dreams. I began to wonder if it was a possibility, that we were somehow reaching one another in dreams. Such phenomena increased with such intensity (and things jamie was doing and saying in dreams) It became such a great concern to me that I was compelled to send her a handful of messages over a period of a few months. I told her from as many angles as I could what stuff I was experiencing. Just being open and relaying messages that I had learned. After the first message, In the dreams of her, she began to first act repulsed by me in the dreams and then began to be more okay with it. And after my last long explanatory message the dream her seemed fine. I did relay in my message that this dream journal exists, and that she can read it. These dream journals have a subscribe button, (I don't get notified of subscribers) and such people get an email every time I post an entry. It's likely I gave her a link to my dream journal when we were friends in 2011, and she has been subscribed since then. Or a few years ago she did. I'm not going to speculate. But it definitely seems like she reads my dream journal and then in later dreams she will react to what I dreamed about. She has never messaged me back however, But did mark my message as, "Read." sometimes she would leave a message, "Unread" So I take it as a sign of minimal respect for my efforts. In the end she has a disorder, where various people are discarded, and most of those people will never be in touch again. so no, I am not expecting a message back, or for her to be friends again. We both have some severe emotional problems that would probably end in complete disaster, or worse, all over again, if not handled EXTREMELY carefully. Unfortunately, I have had to move back to the area where I met her. and it's possible I may have run into her when I first arrived here, at a convenience store. The person, had to turn around and leave the store, after their purchase and I was standing in. She didn't look me in the eye at all, seemed slightly aware that it was me. but looked really pissed or at least annoyed that I was there. I was not surprised at this reaction at all, I even expected it, given what I know about the disorder. and then a few times over a few months. she had driven by me at least once or twice and was stealing glances at me. No, I don't imagine she is stalking me. This IS a series of small towns where you are bound to run into anyone you ever known in this area at any given day. This journal then is for Jamie to read as she sees fit. As long as I dream about her, I will keep posting entries. Dreams 1. Jamie, is tied to a wall in a hotel room... she is naked. and some guy is standing near her. He had glasses, hair poorly bleached with brown hair at the part. that's all I remember. I wake up and The voice says,, "Why was I naked?" 2. I dream my dog is getting really angry at me because I am playing with a cat. His mouth looked really strange and scary. 3. I was in bed with someone, But it was this other girl, from Wal-mart. She is pregnant I start kissing her and she kisses me back. A strange thought of doubt runs through my head. I wake up. and fall back asleep. Note: it seems the past few weeks, I have been unable to meet Jamie in the dreams lately just have dreams about her. We both seem to have been dreaming about people who are "Distractions". The goal: to prevent us dreaming the same dream. I will pray and/or meditate on this.
Another wild dream Me and my dad were in some suburbs trying to escape, it was some kind of survival world, overcast weather. But the danger were animals, like they got wilder and changed even, they were a lot more aggressive, I've seen whole lot of breeds of dogs that would tear apart anyone on sight. Somehow we could outrun them, or just go past them by pretending to be relaxed, then once I saw a pack of dogs tearing away one dog behind fences. It was night, and we got followed by a pack too and we pretended to be relaxed so they followed us but didn't attack. Then I saw a small way between two fences to an open field and I started to walk there but dad wandered off, idk why... Anyways I started to pick up the pace when I saw wild squirrels but now they were darker, and has messier fur and were more aggressive and could jump up like 2 meters or so. And those started to get on me too but then I started to levitate and evade those things. Then once I got to the open field I started to fly and I was really good at it, and now it was daytime. Sunny weather. I flew to the other side of the open field where a safe camp was in a forest, then flew back to dad somehow I knew his location. He just made out to the open field but was being followed , I speed at him and take him up a high hill and drop there I almost fell off . We were in front of a hospital, I saw parents carrying their kids here and there...
Graphic warning I was at the grass field of my old primary school with my friends, hanging around and observing the sky. We all appeared to be students again, either at our own age or as teenagers, but we we having a break outside.There were more people outside as well as teachers supervising. My friends and I observe the planes in the sky when I notice one plane in particular moving around oddly in the sky as if it was a stunt plane of some sort, except it was a legitimate airplane of which the captain seemed have to lost control over the yoke. The plane then seems to curve to the right and fly closely over the grass field before flipping forwards into the forest into the distance, crashing and leaving an enormous explosion coming out of the trees in the distance! This causes everyone, including my friends and I, to run away as far as possible while screaming, seeking shelter in the building as we fear getting hit by debris and airplane parts. This all went by so fast that I didn't even have a moment to grasp what was going on. Things finally cool down and we are going outside. A teacher is speaking to the students to calm them down. For some reason my journals, stored in a fancy looking folder, were lying on the table as if I foreshadowed something scary in my notes. However, the teacher does not address this, or me. While this was taking place, I wonder where my phone is. I walk into the classroom and notice my phone in the closet, charging. I check my phone and discover that, to my surprise, I had filmed the entire plane crash and accidentally posted it to Snapchat. I check the story and it has over 400 views, my first thought was if some news reporter has come across my footage and used it for the news. I try checking my WhatsApp or anything for messages, but there's no signal. The interface of my WhatsApp is the 2000s / early 2010s Mac OS X Aqua style and there's even an option to change how much "water" the scrollbars can contain. A middle-aged grumpy looking Dutch woman messes around with these settings in the metro asking "Well, who wants some more water?" to which a dog jumps up and excitedly walks up to her. I then get home, my mom and a friend of her who owns a big dog looking like Scooby Doo for some reason are watching the news about the the crash featuring a clip of the crash in slow motion as seen from the city. The shockwave causes a climbing frame from the McDonald's to fall over with people still hanging on it to lie underneath it. To my relief the people survived that fall as they're showing crawling out of the climbing frame. We then go to a spa where the big dog from my mom's friend gets a comically cartoonesque massage. At this point it finally hit me that I was dreaming and woke up automatically. Dream was in Dutch.
My wife and I had recently decided we wanted a change of pace, and moved to live in the woods. Our house was big enough and was completely removed from the rest of society, secluded and peaceful. As far as we knew, we lived alone out there. A few weeks after moving, I had started to hear a tapping noise coming from outside. I assumed this was from trees outside banging into our walls, as it often got windy out there. Over the course of 2 or so months, the tapping got louder and louder. We wake up one morning before the sun had risen and I say goodbye to her as she heads off to work. I sit in our room as I listen to her car pull out of our gravel driveway and drive off. A few minutes later, I hear knocking at the door. I'm thinking maybe she had forgotten something, so I answer it. But no one's there. I try to see through the darkness and fog of the early morning out to our driveway, but I don't see anything parked. I look to my left and spot our black dog laying on the veranda playing with his toy, so I assume it was him who had just been scratching on the door. As a soft rain starts to fall, I go back inside. I close the door. Inside the living room, I hear that familiar tapping on the window, now the loudest I had ever heard it. Like a knock. These taps were too evenly spaced together to have been from any kind of tree being blown about by the wind. The rain is picking up now, coming down hard on my tin roof. Suddenly, from the other wall of the living room I hear that same knock. Outside I see the dark silhouettes of trees surrounding my house thrashing and waving back and forth in the storm's howling wind, and paranoia starts to fill my gut. I try to calm my nerves, reminding myself that I am the only thing out here. As waves of hail and rain come down on my house, I walk back to my bedroom. I look under the bed, the space between the frame and the floor too small for anything to fit underneath. The closet, full of clothes. Under the desk, nothing but lint and dirt. I go to check behind the curtains. As I start towards the window, I hear footsteps coming from the front porch and my heart starts racing. I pull the curtains back, and peer ever so slightly outside. The sun had started to rise, light creeping across the forest floor. I squint to see who is out there. A warm wave of relief washes over me as I see my wife and I's dog, toy in mouth, bowing at the front door, his dark coat drenched in mud and rain. He notices me watching him from the window and runs over excitedly, whining at me. His puppy dog eyes put a smile on my face, as I'm reminded that everything is as the way it had always been. I walk back to the front door, but hesitate for a moment. I recall my wife telling me not to let the dog in the house after it had been raining, as he'd get our carpet dirty. But hearing his whines, I tell myself she'd let it go just this once, and I open the door to let him in, quickly shutting it to keep the rain out. I sit down on our doormat and hug his muddy fur as he jumps about in my embrace. He shakes himself clean, now safe inside the warm house. But still his whining quickens, coming out in loud gasps as he drops his toy. The dog turns and takes my hand in his mouth, shaking it urgently. His whines are so loud, it sounds like a faint scream. I pull back from him and look into his beady eyes. As he stares back at me with a fearful expression I try and ask him what's wrong, but he continues to scream. Then his black eyes look somewhere behind me, and his gaze turns wide and white. In the reflection of the door's wood, I see two large, yellow eyes, staring right back at me. And then I woke up. ---- I'm not the best writer but I tried to capture the absolute terror I felt last night after being awoken by the first real nightmare I've had in years. Couldn't go back to sleep after this one.
I'm sitting on a couch in my grandmother's old house. Next to me is a boy I feel a faint familiarity towards, and at least a dozen cats. There are cats everywhere, and they can talk. The boy is talking at me and I acknowledge what he's saying with nods and gestures, but I don't engage in conversation, I'm more focused on this house full of talking cats. Their ability to harness the English language is normal to me. There is one cat in particular im talking to, and she's telling me that my grandmother had left all of them here and that they were starving. It's been years since my grandmother had lived there, so I feel incredibly guilty. I ask the cat why they didn't just leave, but I forget what she said in response. I start walking to the cats' food bowl and a mastiff-looking dog appears from behind me, who can also talk. I fill up both the dogs and the cats food bowls and sit back on the couch with the boy. As I look out the window into the backyard, I see the shadow of a man walking along the hedges. Everyone in the house quietens. The cats seem to know what this is, but I don't. Then, a small jack russell appears from around the corner of the house where the man seems to be standing, and starts sniffing along the hedgeline. Strapped to the jack russell is a backpack seemingly loaded with gadgets, similar to a crude bomb in appearance. Seeing this, a deep primal fear is now seated within me. I shakily ask the cat who the two are, and then I woke up.
6.9.2023 Bedtime 1:00am. Woke up around 3:40am and took notes on the following dreams: Fragments: (1) I’m upstairs in a house. It is windy outside. I’m rummaging around, looking for a particular stuffed animal I think. I’m talking to the other stuffed animals as I do so... (2) Walking along the sidewalk in an old town. It’s dark, and the town is mostly empty and run-down. There is a noise like gunshots, and I go running around a corner to hide. Not because I actually think anyone is shooting at me, but because “it’s boring in this town and I might as well pretend that something is going on”. I then walk back the way I came and look for an open business that I can go into... (3) My Mom and I are sitting at a table (?) next to a wall. Someone drops a candy stick over the wall. I catch it, although I feel like my Mom needed it for something. We’re using the candy sticks for something, and she needed a specific one. I sample it, and think it might be grape, which my mother didn’t really want/need anyway... (4) Something about a palm tree up on a sort of ledge... Back to sleep. Woke up again and looked at the clock at 7:39am. Remembered the following dreams: Christmas It is Christmas, or Christmas Eve. My Dad is coming out, and I’m a bit worried that I didn’t buy enough presents for everyone (especially my Dad – I feel like I’m one short). But surely I did buy enough, I just don’t remember them all at the moment...right? I’m a bit nervous. I think my Dad arrives, and I go upstairs to wrap presents. I see that I have a couple things for him – a shirt that I just picked up being one of them. The presents are kind of boring, but at least I have three of them. When I wrap them, I notice that the wrapping paper is kind of transparent, which is disappointing. Then I realize that my mother has joined me in my room. I think she is gift wrapping also. I quickly try to hide the presents that I bought for her, but am worried that she saw them already. Then she leaves and I go back to wrapping, wondering if I should try to buy something else last-minute for her. Also, it turns out that R, a girl I know from the University, is coming. She and I had apparently gone out together a while back, and there is some ambiguity as to whether or not we are dating now. I don’t really want to date her, I don’t think. I think about buying something else for her last minute as well. These fragments might be part of the same dream: ...Outside, we have a garden. It is kind of weedy though. My parents are talking about something, maybe about the garden. Also, we have some chickens that are supposed to be laying eggs soon. My mother has been looking for eggs, but hasn’t found any yet. I see a couple eggs next to the house. They are huge and long, and look more like squash than eggs. We take them inside... ...Doing something in the kitchen sink. Someone says something about having to have the stinky mugs there while cooking, or something. (There was a scene with tea or something, that might have happened around here). There is also something about the sink leaking (?), and my Mom finding out that that could do damage to the foundation of the house (?)... The Cowboy and the Inventor Petting a dog. It might be one of the dogs we had when I was younger. I tell her she’s a good dog. Then I’m reading a book. In this book, a man is walking back from somewhere at night. It is supposed to become a little scary, with him meeting a ghost. But as the story progresses it turns out a little differently than expected. There is a stage coach. What looks like a person made of energy floats out of the stage coach (mostly invisible to people, I think). It messes with people. In one scene, it opens a shed door, which almost falls on someone. A guy standing there points it out just in time for the person to either dodge it or to catch the door before it falls on him. It turns out that this is some scientific advancement, and the inventor is trying to show it off to people. There is a conversation in which some cowboy-type and the inventor (who is wearing a black outfit and a priest’s collar) are discussing what might be going on. The inventor suggests that perhaps this whole thing is just someone trying to educate people. The cowboy disagrees – saying that whoever would do this kind of thing would be untrustworthy. Meanwhile, there is some gooey stuff in a creek below. The inventor decides it would be a good idea just to leave without revealing his invention. He gathers up the gooey stuff I think, and climbs back into the stagecoach with a woman. The cowboy then introduces himself as “Pee Pee Pee Pee Ho Ho”. The inventor and the woman drive away, singing a song to a tune closely matching the Funky Chicken. The words are as follows: Pee Pee Pee Pee Ho Ho Pee Pee Pee Pee Ho Ho Pee Pee Pee Pee Ho Ho Pee Pee Pee Pee Ho Ho Fragment: (5) Looking at houses, thinking to myself that some of them were built more recently than others. Something about the power lines...
6.3.2023 Church Adventures (Lucid) There is a play going on at my old high school. One of the scenes, I recall, involves someone passing gas. But the kid playing this part missed it, so they decide to somehow slip the scene in later. I’m behind the stage as this is going on, but I start to make my way around to the front. Out front though, I’m kind of awkward, not sure where to stand and not wanting to block people’s view... ...Later I’m in a hallway. There are books – different colors for different age groups. Yellow and green, I recall. At least one of them is a mystery book. My brother comes along, and some girls come along and start talking with him. Then they hug him and lean on him, in a way that seems flirtatious to me. My brother is married, and this bothers me, until one of the girls leans back and snuggles against me. Meanwhile, my mother is standing a few feet away reading one of the colored books... ...(same dream?) At my brother’s church. My mother and I are sitting outside of the sanctuary. The earlier service ends, and it appears that either the second service or Sunday school is starting in the sanctuary. My mother doesn’t want to go into the sanctuary, saying that she thinks “it isn’t important”, or something. Her explanation for this is that the music uses guitars, and to her (in the dream, not waking life) this makes it less important. I sit with her a few moments, and then decide that I’m going to go into the sanctuary. When I go in, I find that the service is not taking place, and possibly there is no Sunday school either. I ask someone when the second service is going to be (or maybe Sunday school) and they tell me it starts somewhere around 1:00pm. That’s quite a while from now... ...In the dream, my brother is the pastor of this congregation, and he is now closing up the building. I jokingly quote Ebenezer Scrooge from one of the movie versions of a Christmas Carol: “you keep close watch on the closing hour”. He replies with quoting the same movie. I seem to get a bit muddled in what I’m supposed to say, but eventually I say “don’t work overtime, you might make something of yourself”. We leave the building, me still pretending we are in A Christmas Carol movie. My brother walks home, and I follow pretending that I’m the children singing “Father Christmas” from the 1970s musical version. Some kids actually show up at this point... ...In the church building. My mother and I are in a room somewhere, and she points out to me a nice looking dish that is sitting on a table. The dish has a flower design on the surface, and is textured so that you can feel it as you run your fingers along it. My mother explains to me that it is a “Dream Flower”. That prompts me to do a reality check, and I find that I can breathe while my nose is pinched shut. It takes me a couple of moments to fully aknowledge that I’m dreaming though, because this seemed so real up to this point. I wasn’t actually expecting it to be a dream when I did the RC. But I eventually become lucid. I remember the competition, and that I have completed the first of my 3-step task. The next one is “super speed”. I’m not exactly sure how to accomplish this. At first I try flying, but am having difficulty with this. I also try running, but the rooms don’t seem to be large enough to build up enough speed. I go outside, but it’s cold out there and for some reason that makes me not want to go very fast. I go back inside to try indoors again, but the dream fades... I was either awake now, or it was a false awakening. Anyway, I tried to hang on here, waiting for the dream to reform. I suspect that it did, and that’s why some of these scenes seem out of order in my memory, but I’m not sure. I don’t think I came back lucid though. I also remember the following scene: ...Some guys are sitting around a room (in the church, I think). They are talking about an old truck. One guy seems to be very emotional about this truck, and finally gets up and runs to the bathroom. I wonder if he has gone to cry or to throw up, or what. He comes back in a couple of moments with toilet paper or a tissue... Dancing Corgis We are sitting somewhere, with a view of the street. I look over and see what appears to be a couple of squirrels. As I look, it turns out that they are Corgis. The Corgis are jumping and dancing, in what seems to be a coordinated way. We go over to look at them, and sure enough they are in a group and doing a coordinated dance. There is a man leading them, dressed like someone from a circus. He is using some kind of GPS technology to help coordinate the dogs, kind of like the fancy marching band patterns you see. Except that these dogs are doing really fancy things, making 3D shapes and such. Now they’re in a small auditorium, and I walk down from the back a little bit. I mostly see people now, sitting on chairs and playing musical instruments (including kazoos). I back away from one guy, thinking I’m making him nervous, and go back to the back of the auditorium. The Corgis come back out, coming up the center aisle. One Corgi decides that it wants to be my friend, and starts following me... My Brother’s Girlfriend In this dream, my brother isn’t married. But he has a girlfriend. She looks like one of my friends from the University. She also seems to get really nervous whenever people talk to her, to the point where she starts shaking. There is also something about a girl I went to school with a couple of years ago. She was married at the time, but in this dream she is single. At some point I go into a bathroom to relieve myself. Also to change clothes, I guess. Or maybe I’m having trouble pulling my pants up? Anyway, I decide I should shut the bathroom door, and find that the latch that holds it shut is broken. I think my nephew comes into the house at this point. Fragments: (1) My Uncle is talking about a state park lodge – something about them being crooks? There is at least one other person, or maybe even a band, involved. (2) Someone has decided to give up drinking alcohol, or soda pop, or something. He is now sitting with Albert Einstein, who is cleaning the inside of a glass full of rusty looking water with a brush. This is “mineral water”. He gives it to the guy, who also seems to be me now, saying that he wonders if it is too strong. Me/the guy takes a sip, and it’s so awful that I/he can hardly swallow it. Letting a lot of it just kind of dribble out of my/his mouth, I/he try to smile and pretend that I/he like it.
Big Dog Station I'm in an airport waiting area. I'm on international travel but I don't know where to. There are some big dogs in the area. I think that S would be happy to see them. One is a big poodle-looking black dog. I also see a big long-haired german shepherd looking one. I'm talking to my brother on the phone, and he is responsible for my bag being missing. I'm upset with him because he made the decision to leave it behind so that I could make my flight. I tell him that there are things I need in the bag, like my $300 headphones and work ID. Fragment I have vague recollection of a smokey-train station as well. Most likely connected to the above dream about travel.
Updated 06-01-2023 at 08:03 PM by 99808