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    1. Fragment, White Hotel Lucid Dream

      by , 04-08-2015 at 05:31 PM
      Fell Asleep: About 6am (woke up from a long sleep and dad told me to stay home today)
      Woke up: About 8am maybe 9am

      There was a lot more to this fragment, but I can hardly remember it. I just remember being at my friend's house very late, we were doing something and he took me home.

      The lucid dream that followed was actually a followup to the previous dream, I'm walking into a large Hotel, the ceiling is SUPER high up, in the middle is the check in desk, it has those signs on it that movie theaters have that show what time movies are playing, and it's also surrounded by corinthian pillars going all the way to the ceiling. There were light bulbs around the top of the desk. To the left was a hallway leading off somewhere, to the forward-right was a sitting area and there was a door leading somewhere (and later on a sliding glass door leading to a pool area). To the back-right, was some round kiosk and another hallway going off. The dream was also very clear despite not making it so!

      At this point I realized I was missing my pants and tried to cover myself with my shirt. Then I was like "there is no way this is real" and without doing a reality check I try to fly up, I tell myself I KNOW I can fly, and I begin to fly up towards the top of the pillars when I fall. I can never keep flying for long. When I reach the ground I see a black man in white with dreadlocks in a ponytail sitting in a chair alone. I decide to ask him for advice for some real life things. (I won't say due to personal reasons) but he gives some pretty solid advice. It's mainly reassurance, which was exactly what I was looking for (I wanted to make sure my subconscious was on board to know I have no doubt in myself). I then go to the hallway across the lobby and I see my mom and dad in a kitchen. I say hi to my dad and he greets me back, same with my mom. But as DCs, they acted pretty weird (especially in contrast to wise black man, for example I say "hmm." under my breath and my mom was like "WHAT?!?!?"). I then went back to the sitting area, and in the door that was back there. It was a bedroom, I went out and then tried to summon a girl to practice talking to her (sounds lame but don't judge me!), but no matter what I did it never worked. I decided to go outside to the pool area. I'm pretty sure it was night time until I saw the sliding glass door.
      It was HUGE, the pool, and there were chairs all around. In the distance were some awesome mountains. I tried to fly away but to no avail. Then I tried spinning, and that didn't work either. After a few seconds the dream dissolved and I was looking at my ceiling fan in real life.