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    1. Faker (videospillfigur)

      by , 04-04-2012 at 09:04 PM
      Place: Online game; mountains, cliffs, magic
      Purpose: Starting a new game
      People: Me and the "team" containing at least 1 girl and two boys + one or two more bad asses
      Mood: Nervous, excited, determined/set

      Plot: I started off as a new user in a dragon form. My name was Xena or something. I was wondering how to make some new friends/ a group when I met up with some guys. They were high leveled and respected "professionals" in the game world. They were like the cool gang.
      "Hey-y!" said the girl.
      "Hey.. are you..? X---- "(somethingsomething i can't remember, Xever, or something. Said one of the boys. Apparently I looked like Xever1001, and could have been his extra, new character. I understood that this was a famous character, almost a legend in this cyber world, and an old friend of theirs that had been of the game for a while.
      "Hey-y! Yeah! Hey old dude!" said the girl. And everyone in the group was excited and flocked around me.
      "Yeah--.." I said, even though I knew that it was wrong. Now I was a fake.
      "Wanna come on our mission?"
      I don't remember answering, only that I know I came along. Their mission was to get some kind of book.
      I was a dragon, as I said before, and now I used my awesome 8meterlong flame thrower of a dragon mouth to melt the book out of stone on the opposite side of a cliff. The girl got a book (she was a grey dragon) and the boys muttered excitedly.
      When she got back with the book (sorry for being unclear in the past sentences. It is hard to tell a dream in a way that makes sense to others..) we celebrated and had a light talk with each others. They asked me something about Xever's past. And when I couldn't answer, the grey dragon girl shouted:
      "Hah! I knew it!" I had thought she would be madder, but in the end, she gave me an irritated and disappointed look. I weren't exactly welcome to join them as they left with the book/key.

      A new start, part two.
      I decided to go start at an other level. I wanted a fresh, honest start this time. I entered an older level, in fact the seventh level that was made in this game. (Or at least, seven something, it might have been my new beginner lvl as well. (Seven is the number I connect with Erlend, I don't know if it matters, but wanted to note it. There.))
      I knew I could have trouble making new friends and companions here as the server was old and most players had quit or grew way past the beginner stage. At least the heaven was free of clouds and the fields were green. In the corner of my eye I could see a market, or the beginning of an old village, with a few characters. There was an old lady with a hairband there.
      As I walked across the grass field, thinking that I might not make any friends in a while and that I will make it anyway, a guy comes by.
      "Hi." he says friendly. "Who are you" he was nice. He was great in fact, and I knew that he would be my friend.

      The end-

      (Interpretations: Could this be a bit about starting high-school, getting away from my friends. Not having much to keep on to, neither to weigh you down. A little fresh air. Not knowing where it goes, but that sometime, it will lead to something good.)

      Updated 04-04-2012 at 09:07 PM by 53379
