Year three of the necessary and restorative retreat up in the Topanga hills of California with several of my closest friends. On Sunday, Meow Meow, whom I had just met for the first time at this retreat, noticed a book I was reading "Man and his Symbols," a work with an introduction by Carl Jung, and the subject matter of which (dreams, archetypes, etc.) became the grounds for a brief conversation between us. She showed me the Jungian tattoo on her back, to which I took great interest. That night, I dreamt that all of us were sitting together outside during sunrise, and a pillow of fog began to envelope us on all sides. It was very similar to how the fog in the Lost Woods of the Breath of The Wild game would engulf Link if he strayed too far off the path. I also dreamt that after the fog started surrounding us, I began cuddling and making out with Lynn, one of the other friends who was with us on the retreat. The night before, we had all took MDMA and were snuggled up together very close, and I felt a profound attraction to her. But no kissing took place. Anyway, here's where it gets important. The morning after that dream, I began explaining the dream to my friend Shot, who immediately adopted a look of shock on his face. I explained it more to Meow Meow and Kai, who both explained that this exact thing happened to them this morning, as they had all stayed up till sunrise, long after I had gone to bed. They told me how the morning fog surrounded them as they were all sitting together, and they noted how much I would have loved this. They even considered going to wake me several times, but never did. Lynn had left the house before I woke up and I did not get a chance to say goodbye, but she texted me saying that my spirit was with them that morning. Clearly, it was. This synchronistic occurrence will live with me forever. I am still sort of in shock. I have a renewed love of dreams and synchronicity. I hope to keep up dream journaling more regularly now.
Updated 10-17-2024 at 08:09 PM by 48007
From a station somewhat close to my house (about 20 mins on foot) I take a train to see my friend. The platform extends out from under a tunnel of square white arches, and it's bright with daylight, but everything seems to get darker and narrower once I step onto the train and the doors close. I get off at 'Westminster' after a half-hour ride*. Her house isn't far - next thing I'm there. It's much larger than her real house. She opens a huge black front door to let me in and we walk through a long, high hallway to the kitchen and dining room at the end. After a bit of chatter I open the fridge as if it's my house and rummage through to see what we could have for dinner. Chicken and chips, I suggest - and ice cream. 'Ice cream?' she repeats sceptically. 'Well,' I reply, a little embarrassed, 'I guess we don't need that.' We make dinner and proceed with plates down another long, white corridor, into a vast and bare living room. The ceiling is double height and the walls are panelled and painted white. There is a white sofa in the middle of the room and a TV against the opposite wall. (Seriously this is all - IRL her house is a MESS) We settle down to watch together, chatting meanwhile. I can't remember our conversation, though I recall it was interesting. Later, I leave, heading through yet another winding corridor through this maze of a house back to the front door (now, it's white). She unlatches the door and pulls it open for me as I step out into the dark chill night. I take the train home again - it's dark and eerily quiet - and finally shut my own front door behind me with a sigh. I remember, later on, my mum appearing to rant at me about how I can't just keep coming and going from my friend's house every week. I ignore her. *This is not where she lives, nor can you get there from the station where I was - besides, I always walk to her house.
Jungle Flight: I'm driving my car up a steep hill. The car fails and I start to fall backward. ... I'm at a sort of car agency. A man in a suit is selling me not a car, but a type of hover-bike. I'm pretty excited about the hover-bike. ... I'm in a jungle environment, but the hover-bike has changed into a hand-held flight device. The area is beautiful, almost euphoric. I can't recall the exact mechanism, but the device is similar to one-handed flight devices from previous dreams. I carefully pilot myself into a tiki-bar looking area with a bar and restaurant, but don't land. I may have been on a tour of the area with others. Fragment: My friend AG is admiring some wood polish on a chair and table at my Grandma P's house. Flying through the jungle using a handheld device.
Updated 02-05-2024 at 10:21 PM by 99808
I'm with a friend and some others on the mountain skiing. I don't know why I'm skiing rather than snowboarding but I'm keeping up with everyone just fine anyways. We try getting some air off a side hit and it works pretty well. After navigating through a difficult part of the slope, we take a break. Someone asks me about my skis and I tell them how I haven't skied in over a decade now but it's just like riding a bike coming back to it. I remark to my friend how I should go put some sunscreen on as I can fell my face starting to burn.
I'm packing up my camping gear inside a building. Some friends are there as well and one hands me some trash to take out. As we all finish packing, we start walking out and enter a new building. This one resembles a cafeteria and has quite a few people sitting or walking around. Our group decides to do something crazy to get everyone riled up. We end up running around and eventually back outside. It feels like we're now in a car of some kind as we navigate through a construction zone towards a stadium. As we start walking again, I notice that it's rainy and dark outside. Because of the rain, workers at the stadium are limiting the number of people walking down the stairs to the entrance. I wait at the top as the other group descends and then they allow us in. The stadium is also dark and not covered so it is still raining. The stage towards the middle though is massive. I find my group sitting together on the right side actually just underneath some coverage from the rain so that the seats are dry.
I snoozed several times as I set my alarm hours before work started. I sit on my train to class, and a bunch of girls sit with me, giggling. I skip class and end up going to the Bahamas instead, I meet an American internet friend whom I share memes with every day as well as my friend from the Bahamas. We have a deep amd personal conversation together with a lot of laughs. we have our our photo taken together, but the guy we ask to take a pic of us Snapchats himself instead. A photographer then takes a poor quality pic of us. I then go home. My mom asks where I goes because my teacher from 3rd grade said I apparently went to "Monaco" that day, I laugh as I knew she'd say something like that, giving a speech about how I'm misunderstood by the people while cycling home, but she's too far away to hear me and stopped listening as she came across a friend and had a long conversation with them instead. My imaginary friend Elise makes a cameo and takes a photo of me as a robot part, saying "You're my little screwdriver, aren't you?" while winking at me before I wake up.
Nap dream after 3 hours of sleep followed by work and watching videos about the SEGA Dreamcast. I was with a group of friends, allegedly my roommates/high school best friends, but the people looked very different and cannot recall whom they actually looked like, but the friendship was clearly there. We got tickets for the Beyoncé concert in a small Y2K chrome blue looking discotheque and entered the club (I couldn't actually see Queen B, but the vibe and crowd were there and I could recall single ladies playing vaguely. My friends were all dressed in their "coolest" clothes (the clothes didn't match with eachother, things like black cap with a green spencer and white tennis blouse sweater, Osiris type of shoes and there was this huge 2010 vibe going, they generally looked like they were around 13 years old) They all entered the venue which was in the middle of this suburban neighborhood in what could be both my hometown as well as Berlin. Halfway through the show, they changed outfits (like legit went home and back to put on different quotes) and we returned to the club where Beyoncé and her fans had now moved into the basement stage, which was accessible through a hidden trapdoor and staircase on the stage she was performing earlier. This whole club, even the staircase and basement had this dark blue/Indigo and black colour scheme. My friends sat there chilling with girls, meanwhile I was thinking about cutting my dreadlocks, something I have been occasionally thinking about as well in real life, especially after seeing people I know as well as this musician/YouTube channel I've been watching regularly called Ocean did the same. There was also this older woman from Tumblr who briefly appeared in my dream because she knew about the SEGA Dreamcast of which I was talking about on Tumblr. And apparently I had once again posted work info on my Tumblr which made me search through hashtags in a state of small panic despite my workplace not knowing about my Tumblr blog. Dream was in English I think, maybe briefly in Dutch. Thanks Beyoncé for guest starring, my subconscious couldn't afford you but it was cool thinking I was in the club where you played.
I was living with two ambient artists, we all slept on our own bed in one room together. The other two artists were entertained by my alarm clock sound. I had several false awakenings in this scenario this morning. I also performed ballet while pole dancing for a song which unironically sounds like interesting promo material. We also had spectrograms of our alarm clock sounds which made interesting covers. Dream was in English.
Similar story to yesterday, but this time I gave up early lol screw clubbing in Berlin. Me and a friend I'm meeting today were classmates in high school, my roommate and the self-titled class clown from high school were constantly wreaking havoc in class. It was strange because 1) the dream was in Dutch even though my roommate is from a different country and has a thick accent, and 2) my roommate is a grown adult who doesn't act immature like that. My teacher got especially mad after discovering the two abused a boy and angrily kicked them out of the class and threatened to turn them in. My friend and I were sitting class on a couch facing the wrong direction but figured now would be a bad time to turn the couch around given the circumstances. Unlike most of my other school themed dreams, this one didn't take place in my old middle school at all but seemingly some centre where people take courses with the computer-projector setting of community college. Thinking about it, I haven't had any dreams set at my old middle school at all, it's been over a decade since I attended that school irl I think I finally moved on
I am somewhere like a dorm room, which I seem to share with around three other people. The beds are really low, maybe just mattresses on the floor, and were sitting on them, listening to a woman in some kind of position of authority whos speaking to us. She takes a feather comforter from somewhere and hands it to me to replace my current one. My bedding is all extremely tangled and twisted - Ive slept badly. I tell her that it wouldnt be that difficult to untangle it, but she still wants to give me the new one, so I take it and set the old one at the front of the bed. She then leaves. My old friend Ona, who seems to be one of my roommates, is trying to tell me something now, but shes wearing something over her mouth sort of like an underwater breathing apparatus, so I have trouble understanding her at first. Eventually, with the help of one of the others, I understand that shes saying something about a concert she saw me play in yesterday also something about how she had previously been familiar with only one of the composers whose pieces were played there. This next part may or may not be part of the same dream there were definitely parts after that one that I forgot, anyway. But Im in a restaurant now. Its a large, bright space, lit mainly by daylight streaming through full-length glass windows, but a little crowded all the tables seem to be filled, and there isnt much space to move between them. Saimi passes by the table where Im sitting and makes some kind of signal to me with her hand. This somehow clues me into the fact that Im dreaming. I get up and follow her out to the balcony to talk. As I pass through the glass window, I can feel some sensations from it, especially the dividing metal bars, which is unusual and a little surprising possibly it has something to do with the overall level of realism seeming especially high this time. Saimi watches, pauses for a second, and then opens a glass door and walks out. I jokingly say that I havent used a door in a dream for years now. We jump down from the balcony and walk around while we decide what to do. Its now clear that the restaurant is located on a college campus one thats dream-familiar to me from at least one dream I know Ive recorded. Saimi says that before meeting up with me, she was waiting for my Aunt O so that they could see something together. She seems to want me to guess, so I do. A play? No. A movie? Also no. Apparently, its something like episodes from a TV series being screened somewhere on campus. She still wants to do this now, while lucid. I dont think this sounds like a very good idea looking at a screen for any considerable length of time seems like a pretty good way of losing lucidity to me. It could be interesting to see if my aunt shows up, though, and to talk with her, so I agree to wait with her. Since they agreed to meet in the restaurant, we head back there, flying back up to the balcony and going back where we started. I figure I should probably do something to keep engaged with the dream. This doesnt strike me as a very interesting situation to work with initially. I wonder, though: what if I try to read these peoples minds? I look around the room, getting a read of the atmosphere just in a way one might in waking life. How should I do this? I focus on one woman sitting at a table near me, trying to access her mindstate. What happens is that the dream imagery itself seems to transform so that now Im seeing her in something like a large version of a babys high chair, chewing a mouthful of food with evident displeasure. So the form of the dream changed to reflect my intention, rather than my experiencing her thoughts as some kind of verbal overlay fascinating. I wake up soon after, but quickly fall asleep again and find myself in the same setting, this time with my cat Ronnie. Im trying to tie something around one of his paws, but soon I remember that Im dreaming. I wake up again before I can do much of anything. -16.12.22
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Dreaming I am sleeping at my downstairs bedroom and I wake up and see a snake near the bed. I have a pile of chairs on a corner with more stuff on top and she is coming out of it. I yell and my dad appears and grabs her. I tell him to throw her outside the fence but not hurt her, but as usual he just kills her. Then he complains about the mess in my house and how it creates hiding spaces for snakes. I explain there is no way they can get inside the house that it becomes a problem and that we should focus instead on figuring out how this one got inside. Secretly I wonder if there are more in the house. Watching the tv show Friends, first season, but in this version they are still high school kids. I then become one of the characters and the school experience is a total nightmare. In the classroom, the teacher doesn't teach, he just hands out written info that we have to read and figure out. Then I go to the bathroom and all the toilets are side by side with no stalls dividing or providing privacy. I have a meldown and head for the exit looking for a quiet place. I encounter a group that runs some secret society in the school. I try to hide from them in a storage room, but I am caught. Yet they are not trying to hurt me, they think I am someome else from their society, so they hand me an outfit I must wear, in black and white polka dots. Some kid drops a wand and a small toy object and I hand it back to him. He then swallows the little toy and chokes. I do CPR and save him. I go around looking for some bathroom, hoping they have a better one, but there is only one toilet and some daly with diarrhea is in there. Then I accidentaly enter a room intended for higher level attendees of the secret society and they basically kill people. I fear for my life.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Staying at a hotel, managed by a friend and her husband. She introduces me to some guy, I think maybe trying to be a match maker, but I am not into it and it fails. There is a guest at the hotel which we suspect has covid, but he refuses to follow the rules and spits on his hand and grabs the doorknob just to anger us. So, basically a Karen. He also brought along an entourage, My friend suspects his entourage includes some suspicious people. She collects some of their food leftovers to analyze (I thought first for covid, but it is for DNA) and she calls the authorities. Turns out the Karen is a most wanted criminal worth a 2 million reward. My friend's husband has been a bit distracted and busy, but I notice he finally realizes of the unusual happenings and goes around trying to figure out what's up. My friend doesn't want him to know because he has this policy against denouncing the guests, even if they are wanted criminals. So she keeps it to herself and hides the money. But he saw an agent from the FBI or whatever handing her an envelope with the money and she hiding it temporariky under an armchair at the lobby. He asks me what are those samples on the fridge and looks at her notes from the past days trying to figure out what is going on. I lie to protect her and say we have been working on analyzing food quality just has he always wanted to do and that she tried talking to him a few times but he was alwasy busy. He says he noticed some guests missing and I say the guests were indeed sent away, but it was because of a covid incident and it was the health department which came and took them away for everybody's safety. He isn't so happy with my explanations, but he accepts and kinda feels proud that his wife has been doing her best while he's been kind of absent from managing. We all go out to lunch and they make up, but when he goes to the toilet I tell her we have to talk so I can tell her what I told him and that she needs to hide the money somewhere else because he saw her putting it there. I advise her to never tell him the truth, but use the money in small investments here and there so he doesn't suspect. She is very thankful for my help and we hug.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In the US. Scenes from a recurring dream where I think I am in Orlando, Florida. A lot of things happen, including being part of the audience of a Jeopardy show recording on a studio. On exit, they want to check everyone's papers and covid status. They ask me for a negative test and I complain that it makes no sense they ask for it at the end instead of before the show. I also remember someone telling me something about it and even handing me a test, but it was not mentioned at entrance and I totally forgot about it. I also was without mask all the time and nobody cared. The lady shrugs her shoulders and says it's ok. She puts a stamp on some paper anyway and offers me a few more tests for future occasions. I find it all very unprofessional and chaotic, but hey, it's Florida, right? Coming out of some escalators and turning around to go to another escalator, I see to my right, Gil and some other girl. They come from a hallway behind a glass door and he sees me and waves at me. I wave back but I keep walking past them, so once he opens the door, he complains "Won't you wait for me and say hi?". So I wait and we say hello properly. He asks what I am doing here and I say I am on a visit. He says he works here at the marine center. Then I also spot my friend Licas entering a cafeteria behind them. I say bye to them and go after her, mostly because I also need a coffee, but then we get together and leave together. Outside, on the streets, we get on a bus which drops us at an old town, which looks strangely like Lisbon center or downtown Porto, not at all a US city. We need to catch a second bus to our final destination, but my friend is hesitant because she is unsure which one is it and we almost get on the wrong one. Then I spot some people surrounding someone on the sidewalk and I notice it is Billie Eillish. When I am about to hop on another bus, I yell at her "Sorry, I don't mean to nag you like everybody else, but I am a fan from Portugal and wish you happyness and all the best." Turns out it wasnt the right bus either and my friend kicks me out of it again, resulting in an awkward situation in which I am basically jumping in front of Billie and blocking her way. The other fans scramble and she is with just 2 or 3 people of her own posse. She looks with her blasé look, like not amused, but then says "I know a portuguese girl, Lena D., she's a biologist" and I am like "No way! She was my colleague at the university, I know her well! You know she nows lives in the US?" Then I think "Stupid, that's probably how she knows her". But she doesn't react. She says "I am gonna follow you on facebook. A friend of a friend is my friend." And then she finally smiles and we start walking along and talking. I mention her music has been the sounddtrack of my life recently. Then we enter this bar or club with a great view over the old part of town on the hills and I say I am actually seeing the place where I am supposed to go and will probably just walk there. But my friend Licas who was with us, just went up some stairs of another building and disappeared. Billie asks about my friend, says her face is familiar and what's her name. Strangely, my friend is no longer Licas, she turned into that skinny gay boy I met through my friend Diana and I can't remember his name. She finds odd and funny that I can't remember his name and I am struggling with how my friend just changed gender and I can't remember his name.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some beach house with Riverstone and a couple of my cats and some friends, like Tânia. I hear that Jonh Blacksmith is also around and for some reason I am asked to accompany some kid to the place he s staying, to deliver a message. After doing so, I stay there to chat a little bit. But John is so very busy, going back and forth and in out of the room. Then he says he needs to go shower, but will come back, so I interpret that he wants me to wait. I stay but I fall asleep on his bed. I notice him coming in later on and getting dressed. He knows I am there but doesn't want to wake me up. He lookdearingly to me. I play with it and pretend to be on a light sleep and reposition myself to a cute sleeping pose. Then he goes out again and I think maybe he left because I was alseeep, so I get up to clear that up. I see myself in a mirror. I have a cute yellow ruffled dress and short hair, which all messy. So I tidy up a little bit and then he comes back again. He sees me picking up my stuff to leave, so he calls me on to stand in front of him and he says something nervously. I don't understand half of what he says but I feel the emotion in his words. He is saying that he loves me and wants to be with me and apparently he is free to do it. He starts crying like a baby, with snot in his nose and I also start crying and we embrace each other warmly. He points to inside the wardrobe and says something that I again have trouble understanding. I ask him to repeat and he says there is a portal in the wardrobe and we can jump through it and get out at some other place where someone he knows can marry us on the spot. I am like "Wait, no!" But some people we know start coming into the room to speak to him and they see him hugging me, so before they see my face and go spread the word about it, I agree to jump. So we jump. On the other side is a large room like an attic and there is some lady there. He explains that she can marry us right away and we can leave everything behind. That's when I get away from him and say "I am sorru but I can't, for better or for worse, I need to go back to my life." And all his plans shatter and I see all hope abandoning him. I loved our cathartic moment together, love the idea that we could have had it differently in a different life, but in this life it is not meant to happen. I am friend or sister of Ana, who dates Christian Grey. One day she is helping me and Riverstone put stuff into our van and one of her exes passes by on the sidewalk with his snobbish new girlfriend. Ana says "Oh no!" when she sees them, but puts on a smile and says hello to them. The other woman mocks her, by saying she looks good but in a condescendent way. Ana plays it cool and says she is doing good. But the bitch laughs and replies "We can see you really moved up in life". We are really irritated, but we try not to bring up she is dating Christian because that would lowering to her level. In any case, I walk up to her and get my face near hers and say "Bitch, you have no idea. You'd be crying if you knew." She scoffs me off and they walk away. I know she'll eventually find out what I am talking about. Ana is about to get married to him and she'll be on every papparazzi magazine. Then it's her wedding day and it is very bizarre. First we gather with some of his family in the UK, because his family is full of British nobility. They dress and behave funny, but all of them seem to be nice people. Christian finds Ana hiding in a corner, crying upset and wants to know what's going on. We tell him what happened some days before and how she is still struggling with it. He immediately wants to go confront the woman, but we talk him out of it. Instead we explain how it is to grow up poor, and no matter how much you work, you still never getting enough money to get out of poverty, and the anger that comes with it. And how it isn't remotely ok to shame others just because now you're rich, not due to any accomplishment, but just through marriage. First, because it ain't your money and second, because money should not define your worth in the eyes of anyone else. Therefore Ana is crying out of frustration because she wants to feel self worth for herself. Christian and a friend are listening to this attentively. Then I leave them and join some other family members wbo are playing silly games. They say they are traditional and I mention they seem totally absurd. All the ladies, one by one, have to try to catch something that will be thrown, but it is not a bouquet, it can be anything else. I get hit by a cloud of sewing pins. I spend like an hour removing them from my chest and face. And even from some poor cat who got in the way when that happened. Then some other girl gets covered in darts, but she is ecstatic. I just think "What in the hell?" Then there is a feast, but in the end there is so much wasted food, so I stay behind separating what is good to eat and compacting and separating packages for recycling, because I don't know if the servants will do so. I distribute wet bread outside in the garden for pigeons and other birds to eat, and I start putting packages of chips and other snacks in carton boxes and plastic bags and wondering how am I going to take this all on my plane trip back home.
I'm in in Sturkö and I'm juggling with three big plastic hollow balls. One is blue and one is red. I can't recall the last color. I'm trying to throw a ball behind my back and catch it but it's impossible. Max comes and shows me how it's done. I'm in a big hall where people sport. I'm showering in the exchange room and then go to pee. I'm able to pee for a very very long time and then I feel relieved. I go to the next room and there are a lot of girls in my age lying on massage benches. They are getting massage from women about 25 years old. One prominent of them has dark skin and is pretty big. All the other women are western people. It feels too good to be true. I walk out from the room and try to do some telekinesis on a pair of bottles. It works! I'm lucid and go back to the massage room and see the girls in my age leave. Perfect! I lay down on a bench and ask for a massage. One of them says she can fix me up but then walks away. I ask if the other ones can fix me and they do. About ten of them come around me and take one hand each on my back and do some kind of circle motion. It doesn't feel good even though I was prepared it would feel very relaxing. My vision goes blank and I wake up. Notes: I have gotten massage about 3-4 times in my dreams and it has always hurt or just felt bad. Never relaxing. I wonder if anyone else has experienced good massage in a dream. P.S. I'm leaving for a mission to Germany, Austria and Switzerland and can't be active here for the next 2 years. I think I'll write some in my physical journal though.