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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Flat Hunting, Nazi Hunting, short Chichen Itza bursts

      by , 08-10-2011 at 12:03 PM
      10-08-11 (This might be a non-REM dream) I am at El Castillo, I am hundreds of dreamers floating around the pyramid. I hear a woman's voice shouting “My daughter, she is lucid take her vision” I think am sort of waking up myself, but I try and see if I can lock onto this girl and find a vision “inside the dream” to stabilise. In the meantime I can feel that some of the dreamers, that are me, have found a way inside the pyramid. Everything is growing darker and darker and I wake up.

      The HH tests! (the following contains some weird ass HH happenings that deserve attention, especially considering I was lying in bed for almost 6 hours this night without being able to fall asleep)

      I am somehow involved with a vampire in need of aid and I am presented with a choice. I can find someone else to help her or I can do it myself. I know she needs blood to survive, though I think I am a vampire myself and I know I am experiencing either HHs or non-REM dreams.

      Hence I know I am in no danger and tells the narrator that she can have my blood. So I open a hole in my arm of about an inch in diameter and let her loose.
      . - .

      I am smelling sulphur, which to my understanding means presence of a demon. I have never experienced olfactory hallucinations before and decide to take precaution. I envision my body filling up with light and address the demon.

      “You are not welcome here, you have no power here, this isn't your realm, this isn't your home”.

      After having said this in a fairly firm tone the smell is gone and I feel quite relaxed and comfortable.

      I am lying in my bed and all of a sudden I feel myself being pulled towards the light. I feel somewhat feminine, but I know I am dreaming and I know I am headed for the pyramid. I scream something silly like “Weeeeeeeeeee!” in excitement about actually managing to go there on my first attempt.

      Until. I am punched in the stomach
      on my right hand side it is not a physical punch, in fact it reminds me of of the energy I felt, when I was relaxing my body earlier, except stronger and not under my control.

      The energy doesn't stop there it travels in a quick violent wave up my spine and exits just on the left side of my neck, just above the brain stem, cutting my connection to the light and the dream.

      Notes: I felt this “punch” for quite some time throughout the night, though this could easily be explained by being in a permanent state of vulnerability to HHs.

      I am looking at an apartment for my mate, Tim. He can't be there himself so I explain that to the people who lives there. The house looks crooked and unstable a bit like Charlie's from the movie with the chocolate plot.

      I walk around inspecting things while the couple living there tries to sell it to me. I am not particularly impressed and I tell them this. They ask if it is because of the mess and I take a quick look around to see if that could have somehow formed my first impression.

      But it isn't the mess. In fact as I look around it the second time it looks bigger than what I have previously thought.

      I go upstairs to a ledge and ask how one would go outside to the balcony I saw from the garden. The man explains that you can't.

      I explain that I will give my description of the house to Tim, but I find it highly unlikely that he would want to live here.

      The man tells me that it is nice that I am honest, so they don't have to guess at my reaction. Then they explain that they are actually owning the place and that it was meant to get rented so they had a little extra for when the baby arrived.


      I speak with Tim and explain how the house looked and he confirms that he would have no interest in living there.


      We are trying to go somewhere and we have a plane, the rain is pouring down and we can't see a thing. We are driving downhill trying to take off, but we don't have a strip and we don't really know what is in front of us due to the heavy rain.

      I stop the plane as I don't dare keep accelerating as we are driving blindly. We get out and notice that we have stopped just in front of a high way.

      I am in a shoot em up computer simulation and it would seem like my team can't really get further than what they have done so far. I decide to join in.

      The first obstacle is that we have to get to this little bunker on the beach. I have to go into this and do something in order to capture it. I have an old school sniper rifle with me, which I use to shoot a rather large kid looking in the doorway.

      I keep shouting to my team that they have to listen out for something, think it may be glass breaking or something, in any case it has to do with the little bunker I am in.

      I think we fail the first time, in any case I have to go into the bunker again and the second time we are successful, though the kid doesn't appear from the door this time, but a window which means he has gotten around a team mate of mine who is supposed to watch out for that side.

      I miss the first two shots at the kid, but luckily I have an updated semi-automatic sniper rifle now. The kid was ducking down outside the window, dunno if he remembered my previous weapon.

      There is a similar station further up the beach and that will have to be our next check point where a similar action will have to take place.

      I start out by zooming in to see if I can pick out their shooters. The zoom works different to the first gun, where I got the classical circle vision with a corsair in the middle. However the new gun allows me to see up the hills and my entire field of vision just moves closer. The corsair is a white dot.

      I start picking out soldiers who seems dressed like Nazi soldiers. There is a building or a city behind them and this is the final goal we have to reach in order to win. But before that we will have to get to the next station where we have a man under cover or hidden.

      I make my way there and make contact with him, but he is pinned down at this moment. He is a werewolf and the only reason the other werewolf or guard dogs haven't picked up his scent yet is that they have been 100% focused on the assault that has been going on thus far.

      I devise a plan to get rid of the dogs so he has more room to play. We lure them towards us and drag them down into a black maelstrom that leads them to another world. I jump through and they follow me in. There is water on the other side, which only helps my plan as I am going back through as soon as the dogs are with me and closing up the vortex. I trust this will be done though I have no knowledge on how to actually do it.

      Next section is very blurry.

      The plan works and we have now taken the next station. Our werewolf goes nuts on the soldiers, but it would seem that they are fairly immune to his bites. I may actually take on the POV of the werewolf as I am biting and tearing.

      I get something coming out of my back that I can't quite describe, it may be a pair of extra hands or enhancements or it may even be some form of blades. Though I think in the end it settles for something like steel enchants for my arms.

      We are at the leaders base now, there is a metal platform and railing, with stairs leading down to the beach, which is where they were planning to escape to. There are 3 or 4 of them all wearing orange jail suits.

      I use my arm enhancements to kick the crap out of all of them. While I do so the perspective briefly switch to 3rd person as I am hovering out over the beach looking down on myself. Focus switch back and I start throwing people over the railing, it is clear that I have won.

      I do the same with the leader and jump on him leaning my arms over his throat. At this point the dream has taken on a personal feeling rather than a game oriented and I want to make sure that all the people that have been killed are avenged.

      The leader tells me that without my enhancements I can't do him no harm. I keep pushing at his throat knowing that they will be out again soon enough. They come and he gets scared and I push on his throat harder.

      My team mates shout to me he isn't worth it but I keep pushing till I hear his Windpipe snap, though I think I wake up at exactly the moment this is supposed to happen.
    2. Remake Spidey, Vamp hunting in a ruins maze, cuddling amongst ruins

      by , 08-08-2011 at 11:36 AM
      08-08-11 Spiderman remake, more dark side and set In jungle like scenario. Villain mimics his moves, with ropes out of his hands. Still Tobie playing PP. after having seen some action from spidey, primarily jumping off a building and starting using his web shooters, but also a rather impressive speed punch and dodging the ropes from Darkey McRope Guy, we take off into the forest in a “Non-frictional traction APV” that apparently generates quite some speed and manoeuvrability.

      In a dressing room with Kaiser. It would seem I have left my keys and a significant proportion of my training gear at home.

      I notice however I have some leftover stuff in another locker so I ask Kaiser if I can borrow some of his space. At first he aint too happy, but when I elaborate on the fact that I have towel and such and don't need to actually borrow some of his gear he relax a bit.

      Besides it looks like he has got a double-locker anyhow. It is twice as wide as any of the two I have had my stuff in. He does seem to be using up that space as well though.

      I am hovering behind the enemy team as they are about to embark into the maze. They have futuristic weaponry, but they are lacking the fighting experience of my team. The setting is amongst ruins and within the maze they are about to enter lurks vampires. I am not specifically told what type of vampires, but they send out the same shrieks to paralyse a sentient being in fear, as the red court vampires of the Dresden files. Considering the scenery it would make sense.

      They are afraid, as they should be. I follow them the first couple of steps into the maze, but my memory is really blurry about events unfolding. I remember the hunting scream from the vamp. A guy might get pulled into a hole in the wall.

      I am again in a similar setting with ruins, but this time it is contemporary and we are quite a lot of people there from primary school.

      Krimi, Skovborg and Hjort are definitely there.

      We have been playing a sport and seeing as I live in Århus first TH is offering driving me home so my mum won't have to. The offer is placed by Skovborg instead as he actually lives in the city and it will be less trouble for him.

      We are eating from a large bowl of fruit prepared by my mum. To begin with it contains a mixture of fruit, but towards the bottom there is mainly large chunks of Kiwi. Actually the chunks are so big that they remind one more of large melon slices than Kiwi.

      I tell this to a girl next to me. “How did they get the Kiwis so big? It is hard to think that it isn't melon you are eating.”

      A game of volleyball is being played, or rather it is a tournament that could be between different classes of our high school. At some point Skovborg and/or Krimi hears a victory rush and proclaims that he believes their team just won the game or maybe the entire finals.

      We debate a bit about this.

      There has been some application forms involved where you have to select a couple of traits that you could bring to a potential team.

      One of them is “strong thinker” and there is another trait you can select that implicates a test you have to take to verify if you actually posses the trait.

      I pass the first test, but have to redo the form and the next test is rather difficult for me. Something about holding down “b” on the keyboard for an amount of time, then do some counting and decide where the curser is.

      I can't remember the second test, but I do recall considering both as highly illogical and nigh impossible.

      After the test I am standing outside and the weather is sunny. My cousin (Michael) comes up to me and tells me that he considered the first test fairly simple, but he struggled with the second one. He explains how he figured it out.

      A girl comes up and tells how she easily solved both of them. The second had to be solved by pulling a man that was drawn on the paper away so you would get information revealed that was underneath him.

      I feel stupid for not having realised this.


      We are back upstairs where the fruit eating took place and we are lying in a big bed. There are a couple of people there and my mum, who is somehow looking over us is behind me in a corner of her own, also asleep.

      The girl from before is wearing some red hot pants and a white tank top. We snuggle on the bed, not kissing, not anything else but just hugging up sort of using each other as blankets and teddy bears. I stroke her legs every now and again, sometimes by fluke sometimes a mixture of luck and intentions. I am very careful not to come on to strong, think mainly because I am shy and don't want to push her away. I am really enjoying this moment.

      I also know that the moment is about to end. I haven't gotten changed yet and Skovborg will call me shortly to hear if I am coming or not. I don't really want the moment to end, but I am aware that it is the easiest way for me getting back home.

      When he calls I answer the phone and of course I have to answer the question “Where are you” with “I fell asleep, I am on my way I'll just have a shower when I get back home”, “Do you need 5 minutes?” “Not really I am on my way”. I don't want to leave the girl, but we depart.
    3. Some fragments, forgetting my shoes in the UK

      by , 08-07-2011 at 11:22 AM
      07-08-11 I am going to sleep on a sofa, M is next to me she is happy cuddling up.

      I was in Brighton, and I was getting back home. I ended up forgetting my shoes and an envelope with cash.

      I was running around in my slippers most of the time.

      I end up being in a bar and I get my cash back, because one of my friends had stolen it off the window shelf. However when he realized it was mine he had given it to one of my friends for him to hand it over to me.

      I walk over and speak with RB and ask him why he had taken the money in the first place, when he knew it was lying next to MY window.

      He explained that he had just found some money lying around, and hadn't really paid attention to where it was. I concede that I may have just picked up the money as well.

      I count it, the cash is weird, it is Euroes, but the paper is very thin. There is less than I remember but I don't suspect he has stolen any.
    4. Trip to an oil rig and Aryan plans of World domination

      by , 08-06-2011 at 11:19 AM
      06-08-11 I am in an ocean or rather, I am hovering above the ocean and looking down upon a rather large freight ship. It is sailing westwards below the southern tip of Norway. I am wondering if the ship will have to go through Danish waters in order to get out in open ocean.

      When it does I pick up the ship and start slamming it down into the water. I marvel at the solidity of the water against the ship. It is like slapping wood against wood.

      The focus shift and I am looking at troll or super troll, a Norwegian oil rig. I keep moving past it towards another one not far away.

      Here I get on a boat and I am trying to get onto another boat. There is an invisible rope ladder that I am trying to get hold on and the side of the boat is inflatable.

      I get on the boat and I jump over to another one.

      I am in a professional building, could be an office or a lab of some description. There is a shaman in the back and he is trying to enslave my mind. He needs my blood to do so and he intends to prick my finger for that purpose. There are others, a group of white blond men and the shaman seems to be working for them.

      I manage to get away and place a broom in the handle of the door to delay them a bit should they follow me.

      I run towards the door and put on my shoes.


      I am back in the building and talking to the guys from before. The leader is talking about him becoming the chancellor and no one in the world can keep their free will, because then he wouldn't be the chancellor.

      We are looking at screens of fetuses of faeries, that look a bit like link from Zelda. It is some sort of threat.

      The shaman mentions something about a boy being killed after he had put out a fire and therefore becoming useless. He indicates that it is my fault.
    5. TotM, Portal Attempts, metal transformations

      by , 08-05-2011 at 12:12 PM
      05-08-11 I am in holland again, I am outside and I am sleeping, though I am partially awake. There is chatter in the background and I believe they wouldn't actually wake me up, due to me having specified having an interest in dreams and sleep.

      I keep waking up and looking out down towards the garage. At one point Ant comes over, I hear him before I see him and he intends on waking me up in a rather funny, but unpleasant matter. He intends to pour a glass of pickled cucumber over my face.

      As he approaches I look up and laugh a bit, he doesn't seem to want to stop so I look at him, still smiling and start making some physically impossible move and tell him to lay off or “there will be violence”.

      He lays off and we decide to head out. We head towards a supermarket at first and I am quickly left behind. I think about Ida who is standing a bit ahead and I think it is fair enough she doesn't want me anyways, I have little interest in her anyways. However it does spark a hint of emotional discomfort though no way near as much as usual.

      As I am climbing over the wall I look down and I see a blue beetle that is best described as a mixture of a lady bug and a LEGO Duplo piece, with legs. I hear Ruth shouting to the others “He is coming I have just seen him jump”.

      I notice how gracefully I jump both down the wall and past a couple of people over a pool of water. I notice my dream sign that I am capable of parcour. I become lucid.

      I start looking around and fly a bit. I am in a city that seems like a crossover between Århus and Amsterdam. The rest of the crew is in a warehouse on the top floor and when I see them I start flying up towards them.

      On the way up there I decide to try out some spider man stuff instead and I procede to crawling up the wall. Close up the wall is mostly redish with a lot of black to gray texture in it. The way I am stuck to the wall is remarkable in the way that I don't seem stuck as such, but it feels like my hands and feet are magnetically attached to the wall.

      I start thinking if there is somethng I am supposed to do. I have decided to give the confidence issues a bit of a rest and decide to go playful. What is the TotM. Get a DC to sing and go to the chocolate factory, right.

      I let go and drop to street level. I burst out in song in order to get the rest of the many DCs on the street to join me. I think I am going with “Dangerzone” off top gun, but no one seems to join in except a guy from behind me across the street and he just shouts Danger!

      That won't hold up and I get a bit annoyed.

      I ask to ladies walking by if they want to sing for me, but they refuse.

      I think at this point the dream starts to fade and I command it to come back verbally. Things go blank and as the dream comes back it feels like I have one eye open in waking life and one in the dream world. I have felt like this before though and this time I decide to just ignore it.

      I command the dream to stabilize and between that and ignoring the open eye syndrome (Coined!). I get the dream back on track. I run into a tanned guy wearing a yellow sports T-shirt with a sports bag over his shoulder.

      I ask him to sing for me, but he only looks at me briefly before he turns sround, take on an arrogant attitude and tells me that he won't. Now I am getting angry so I grab hold of him place my hands on both sides of his face and looks him in the eyes. I briefly think of vampire compulsion, glamour or whatever you want to call it and start talking to him.

      He stares blankly at me.

      “God damn, this is my dream and I am sick and tired of getting refused”
      He reples with an astounding empty stare.
      “Now you will sing to me!”
      He starts singing “Happy birthday to you...”
      “Yeah yeah that will do” It is boring and not my birthday, but task accomplished.
      “Why do you need me to sing for you?” he asks
      “Don't worry about it, you have done your part thank you”
      “You keep information tight, don't you”
      “As I said, this is a dream, so once you have been integrated with my consciousness again you will understand”

      Now to the chocolate factory. I immediately think about doors. I have to find a door and expect the chocolate factory to be on the other side. It is getting darker, but I find a door inside a building and try and will the chocolate factory on the other side.

      When I open the door I expect a portal to be there, though I only find a white canvas. I try it out and try and walk through it. It is difficult in particular my head doesn't really seem to be willing to. After a couple of minutes of faffing around inside a door that isn't a door the dream starts fading.

      I pull the move I tried out before and when I come back in the dream again things have changed slightly. The scenery is darker and I am not sure what is going on. I am pretty sure I am dreaming, but I am uncertain so I pull a hand RC. Sure enough.

      I was trying to open a portal to the chocolate factory, right onwards. I spot something that looks like a hotel up the road. I walk to it and prepare for the door to be a portal.

      Now unfortunately the front door is made of glass, so it will be difficult imagining anything but the hotel I can see through the glass door. So I decide to walk through it and find another door I can try with.

      As I open it there is no portal behind it, but a small passage way and a mirror at the end.

      A mirror, that is interesting. That could be used as a portal, but first I observe my self reflection flicker in the mirror. It isn't like anything is missing, but my reflection is there one moment and gone the next flicking on and off.

      I decide to hop through it and having learned from the first experience I go through head first. I manage to get my entire body fully through and then I just hover there. I start falling a bit and I figure that will work, never done portals before I don't know what to expect.

      I keep falling and eventually looking up I see a door, I reach up for the handle and try and pull myself through, however I wake up just as I get the door open.

      I am with some superhero crew. We are gathering some black obsidian bars, that are to be transformed into a single adamantium bar. I proclaim to someone that it is stupid to try and do that since adamantium can't be altered. I wonder if Stark can do it seeing as it is him collecting.

      Notes: Third night in a row with a lucid. The technique of awakening from a night of dreaming, trying to recollect them and then go back to sleep seems to work wonders. Though I didn't have many dreams to recollect this morning the Obsidian/adamantium dream was fresher in my mind, but I have spent much time with my niece while writing down the dream, so memories have faded a bit.
    6. Roman Officer, Dutch Army Snatchers, 3rd attempt at confidence issues

      by , 08-04-2011 at 07:57 AM
      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      04-08-11 I am in Holland staying at Ruth's place, though the place is quite different to how it actually looks.

      The house reminds me most of all of a country side small farm. There is a main house and a converted garage, which is white, connected by a yard filled with small stones and some light foliage.

      We are staying at the converted garage. A lot of the dream is oriented around being outside moving and returning to the garage. When I say we I include Kaiser and Duki.

      One night Kaiser and I are in the garage alone and he is talking about this Japanese artist and as he mentions the name I recognise it. He plays a track and tells me something about this particular track is one of the two possibilities you get when downloading his stuff for free. It is randomly selected between this and another. I think he likes the other better.

      He does some exercise that is supposed to be strength exercise, but amounts only to him flexing his muscles without weight. At first I find it strange, but then I consider that when you are lacking the stuff why not at least make the best of it.

      I am getting trained to be a gunner in some sort of APV. We are talking about what positions in the vehicle would be best, and we sort of agree that my position as the front gunner would be preferable.

      I ask how may people it carries and he says “30 I believe”

      The following morning we are awoken by some general noise and we can all tell that something is up. The yard outside is crawling with people in camouflage suits and somehow I know they are with The National Guard/Local Defence Volunteers. They are headed for the garage.

      Duki starts getting into his camouflage gear, and I loose track of Kaiser. Duki gets caught and I manage to get out of another door towards the front of the garage away from the yard. I get into my mili suit and walk back in. They aren't chasing me which means the disguise worked and I discover that these are the Dutch version and they are scared because apparently we have made a defence or military agreement with the queen of Denmark.

      I am a Roman officer walking around in a castle. I am ordering units around by drawing squares on the ground with my finger as you would expect from any RTS game.

      The only problem I am finding is that when I try and select units I keep knocking them over inevitably because the motion is making my hand run through the squad.

      When this happens the soldiers turn to tin soldiers and become useless.

      I walk down a bridge, well more a combination of a corridor and a bridge made of what looks like limestone. On my right there is a boy who is collecting tin soldiers that he can use for something or sell.

      I become mad at him and tell him that he should give them back. He doesn't and so instead I start taking the small petty coins, black in colour from him.

      He immediately starts crying, he will be in trouble and the small amount of currency I have taken from him really means a lot. I feel majorly bad, like sledgehammer-to-the-chest bad (actually still feel it thinking about this part ^^). So I stop the activity and instead I start giving him some change I have lying in my pocket.

      The change starts out with 20-50 Euro cents, really worth nothing to me, but almost a fortune to the boy and in the end I give him a Euro.

      This next bit is cryptic to explain with my logical brain system switched on, but I will try.

      I explain to him that it is rather funny that I am giving him these Euroes, when they haven't even developed a currency system in Denmark. (whatever, made sense in the dream ^^).

      I ask Jørgen Kirke Dude, who is sat close to me (now we are in a garden of sorts) wearing a toga when they will introduce a system of currency in Denmark. He say that in 67-68 or so, which will amount to about five days (Actual time is around the 9th century)

      I am standing in a garden looking out over a field. Something isn't quite right, I don't recognise the place and I turn lucid. I bother not with reality checks or anything of the like, I just know.

      I look around to engage my senses for a while. It is slightly windy and the clouds are dominantly grey. I marvel at the details of the plants around. They are all green plants with some greyish white and pale pink/purple flowers.

      The clouds seem somewhat off, they are too jagged if anything. Though them being there still leaves a greyish tint to the light of the dream. I look out over the field, which is beige in colour though the wheat also sports some green elements, which I believe is unnatural to the real world sort.

      I take off in flight out over the field. I ask the dream for help again with the confidence problems. I let my hand run through the wheat as I fly above the field.

      I am stopped by a barking dog. It looks like a sheep dog, one of those black and white ones and it is aggressive. It barks at me and snaps it jaws. I give it a quick slap and realise it is actually scaring me a bit, but I remember to remain calm and try to avoid violent confrontation. As soon as my mindset towards the dog change, so does the dog. It transforms into the cutest boxer pup and I sense all aggression depart from it. It jumps up my leg and look over my shoulder towards a farmhouse in the middle of the field.

      I (think I might thank the dog first, not sure though) take off into flight and fly over the house. There are a couple of men down working the garden and I sense something like father and sun. I ask them if they can help me and I get a somewhat hostile response, but am asked to fly around the back of the house.

      I do so and I ask another man, think he is younger than the first I saw. The mood is hostile and I don't know if he actually say anything before a woman shouts out of the house.

      “Why do all these lunatics have to show up when the weather is bad”
      I look around and notice that snow is either already fallen or coming around shortly.
      I tell her that I was guided in her direction for help with my confidence problems. I am standing over her jumping lightly on her fence making it look easy.
      she tells me something like “Ah, well forgive my potential rudeness, I have no time to be politically correct, but my ancestor was an Indian (rather than using the term native American) and I might be of assistance..”

      I wake up
    7. Strip Cruise, Another Vader confrontation, 2nd Attempt at confidence issues

      by , 08-03-2011 at 12:14 PM
      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      03-08-11 I am on a big ass boat. There is supposed to be some frisky entertainment going on, but it doesn't really cut it and people are getting impatient and annoyed.

      That is until three ladies decide to take matters into their own hands. They decide to start stripping. I know two of them. Carmen Electra, Goldie Hawn and a small slim woman who I don't know and doesn't generate as much attention.

      We are all (on the boat) sat in the main dining/entertainment room. And it is when the apparent lack of entertainment becomes clear that Goldie decides to go on stage wearing a white, fairly elegant dress, and start becoming naked.

      After this the dream turn into a montage of stripping sessions, bar the third woman doesn't really ever show anything. Carmen Electra has huge nuts (no surprise really)´, but Goldie isn't far off and has a certain spark in her eyes.

      At one point she is sat at the end of the stage crouching down with her breasts out looking out over the crowd fairly happy.

      At the end of the dream all three of them are on stage wearing some stripping uniforms receiving an award from someone important that might have something to do with the ship, due to their commitment and brilliance in delivering the shows.

      Carmen is the first to pop a balloon, due her wearing something on her nipples that make them look a foot long and pointy. At first I think it is just her nipples, but after seeing this I notice they all are wearing these.

      My point of view shift so I am now staring at the nipples from the front and here they start looking really absurd and bizarre. They sort of still look like nipples, but it also seems like penises are coming out of these long pointy things.

      I wake up.

      (Thank you whoever arranged for that!)

      I am in Hornslet and I am talking to Mikkel N. He is sat on the floor watching telly and tells me I am supposed to go and pick up Anders. I remember this and call Anders.

      He answers his phone though he sounds horrible, really ill and this has some sort of implication on when and where I can actually pick him up, though he is still intending on coming, which I didn't expect when first I heard him.

      I don't have a car so I am going to have to find alternative sources of transport. I hop in a trailer driven by a tractor. The driver appears and it tuns out to be none other than Darth Vader himself driving, though he has lost all of his terror since the last time I beat him.

      Now he is just a grumpy old man (in full Vader suit however!!) driving a tractor. We head for the road and I try to keep my head down in order not to get noticed by Darth Tractor. I don't want to get thrown off. I briefly wonder if I am even sure to go in the right direction seeing as I am not in control of the vehicle, but I decide to faith it.

      On the way out I am trying to fix up this fishing rod. I have already gotten the line through the rings the first time, now I just need them to go through a second (Huh!?). It is my old fishing rod, red and black.

      After a while on the larger country side roads we get to some narrow town streets. Here it turns a bit hairy as Darth Tractor has to avoid certain obstacles, such as road side stairs sign and people. He keeps looking over his back as if he has seen me, though it could be because he wants to see if the trailer is acting OK.

      At one point I know he notice me and he is obviously not happy to have me on board seeing as he puts his tractor into reverse and drive the trailer AND tractor through a concrete stairs standing on the side walk.

      I go straight through and Darth Tractor ends up looking the fool as he is still sat in the rubble of the stairs (the frame still surrounding him, relatively untouched) unable to move.

      I pick up a glass oven tray, think it still has food bits left in it, walk over to DT and smack him in the face with it. He is stunned for a while as I try to remove his mask to hit him a bit harder. I end up getting the back piece off, but can't remember if I manage to hit him before he sinks into the ground.

      I follow him down and there is a hide out of sorts where the overall layout is designed as our old basement from 1993. There is more furniture though and it is designed as a place to live, not just a basement.

      There are two guys there goofing around. One of them is Jack Black and he obviously feels like he isn't getting enough attention so he storms off and comes back wearing some trousers that allow him to hook himself on to rails of stairs and escalators (it is an escalator leading down to the hideout) and ride them down or up at incredible speeds.

      We calm him down and tell him that he nearly got himself killed, due to wanting attention.

      I am supposed to go to Northern Denmark, and I don't particularly fancy driving with my parents so I decide to drive up there on the bike.

      The problem is that I don't have a drivers license for bikes and I need that to drive the particular bike I have in mind.

      I contemplate driving up there anyway under a veil (a magical cloaking veil, Dresden style, not a bride style veil), but don't know if the veil will be powerful enough or if I can even drive the bike, which looks fairly high tech, red and extremely fast.

      I am visiting Marie (I think) and I am sleeping on a couch under the window. I keep drifting back and forth between the bed and packing my stuff to leave. In other words probably 3-4 FAs.

      In one of these I am walking down some stairs listening to a Danish rap band. They are rapping about Gyro Gearloose as a metaphor for students not really doing anything productive in society as well as the benefits for western culture to finally have hooked up with China.

      I sort of like the band, though I am personally a bit offended about the Gearloose part, but decide to investigate. I find out that the band is called “Anus” and that a CD is currently playing. The CD and cover is completely black.

      I wonder to myself why a band that actually has some decent lyrics decide to call themselves “Anus”, but then again I don't understand modern Rap culture that well.

      Another FA. I wake up and see two identical copies of my wallet lying about. I need both of them as they contain cards I need, both in general and the upcoming travel. I try and consolidate the contents into one.

      Another FA. I wake up and start looking around. The bed is in the wrong place and the windows are on the wrong side compared to where I was sleeping before. I am dreaming. My sister is standing by one of the windows and I sort of do the commentary to her.

      I realise I am naked and I look at her and point my hands towards waist and proclaim “clothes”. I don't particularly feel like something appear, but I decide not to look and just believe enough in the pair of shorts I have wished for.

      I tell my sister “Now let me show you something cool!” and jump backwards towards the roof window. I close my eyes as I am about to fly through and I bump my head against the window. “Now that is uncool” I laugh and try again this time keeping my eyes open and fly through. My sister seems to be smiling all the time without actually saying anything.

      At the apex of my flight I extend my arms and envision a forest behind me. Then I turn around and to my surprise it is actually there, though not as “piny” as I had imagined.

      I start falling, the sensation starts scaring me a bit as I keep falling, but I remind myself it is a dream and I can't get hurt. At some point I shout “stop!” and I stop falling.

      The dream is dark and the only light I really have is the moon hovering just over the horizon straight ahead. I start flying over the forest and ask for help with dealing with my confidence issues (not in dreams, but waking life). Nothing particular happens, except a road appears a bit ahead of me.

      I start becoming annoyed about the lack of visual details and light. I shout out “Increase brightness” nothing really happens except some bright spots appear further up the road on both sides.

      I land by the road and is a bit annoyed of the lack of people. A car drives past me and I decide to stop the next car that is coming towards me so I walk out onto the road and look to my left.

      Soon enough a car appears, and I hold out my left hand in a stop gesture and verbalise the command as well. I decide to try out something fun I visualised prior to going to bed. I push down the hood telekinetic and the car starts flipping over, though compared to my visualisation it is trying to get around me and I don't have it in a firm grip.

      The car turns over and as I try to grip it towards me I can't really. However in the back ground I see shadows of motorcycles starting to fly somewhat towards me somewhat out over a forest.

      The car, which is yellow does hover over the ground a bit, but not enough to say I had control over it.

      A bit later a woman appears walking from the car wreck. I start making my way to her and ask her name. She is wearing a turquoise top and she is smiling. She tells her name is Anne and she doesn't seem to concerned about me wrecking her car.

      I feel the pulling sensation of my physical self
      (My dream body being pulled by the position I am lying in physically, until they match and the dream has disappeared) and I awake.

      Notes: I didn't spend much time stabilising the dream or engaging my senses. I was always afraid of my ability to sustain the dream as well as slightly sceptical of my abilities of within dream control. The dream mimics my life in a sense that I am in a hurry all the time because I perceive a limit of time much closer than it necessarily is, which frightens me and makes me impatient. Second attempt at dealing with confidence issues went really bad, next time spend time really stabilising the dream before making any such attempts.
    8. The Quest to get back from Russia

      by , 08-01-2011 at 11:47 AM
      01-08-11 I am in Russia or an eastern European country. I have been forgotten and have to find my way back home. It is cold and we are going to have to find some sort of cover if we are to get back.

      A rubber ring appears with quite the amount of plastic coverings over it. We remove them and find a child or some sort of sentient animal we know under it. It is barely conscious, but alive. It would seem the plastic coverings has been enough to insulate it.

      We start discussing how to best get back home. Aidin wants to go North and take the Bering straight, though I point out that the last time we got stuck in Russia we had the same discussion and decided to get back home via the rivers.

      We settle for that solution and take out on the rubber ring under the plastic coverings. There is a lot of ice flakes on the sides of the rivers we travel, which would indicate spring time.

      The travelling is a minor part, reduced to something like a montage.

      Back home I speak to Aidin and try and establish if it really was him I got stuck in Russia with back in the days. I am not entirely sure myself if it actually happened or was just something I dreamt.

      He says that he remembers an experience like that and that it could have been me he shared it with.

      I later speak with AD and she confirms that I indeed did get lost when I was younger, in fact that experience and the quest to get back happened when I was 6 years old. This doesn't make sense to me. I am pleased to get a clear confirmation that it took place, but when I was 6 years old Aidin wasn't even in Denmark and I certainly didn't know him at this time.
    9. Observational - No self - Construction, heroin and Kids

      by , 08-01-2011 at 10:44 AM
      01-08-11 I am not really there. In the dream I have a pure observational role, which happens rarely to me.

      There is a man hanging head down from a construction site. He is hanging from either ropes or elastic bands used for jumping. Below him his a city scene. There is a square of grass surrounded by a road on either side. Trees are surrounding the square between the grass and the roads.

      The man is holding a crowbar, a black one. It is unspecific daytime. The man drops the crowbar, not deliberately, but he does so to laughing amusement from his co workers and himself.

      I wait and listen out for the metallic clunk from the crowbar hitting the pavement. It doesn't happen. The view is zoomed towards the ground where a kid wearing skater clothes is angry. He isn't hit, but he is holding the crowbar in his hands and he kicks out towards cars.

      Next up also on the ground is the man's son. Who is no more than 3-5 years old, skinny and wearing white underwear. He tells the camera (my point of view) that he is just heading over to the heroin tent. As he turns around and start walking over there he explains that it is the lunch area of the construction workers including his dad.

      His dad and co-workers actually explains that there is nothing like a heroin shot during break times.

      Notes: Really strange not being in a dream, but only observing.
    10. Rich'n'Famous, Budapest

      by , 07-31-2011 at 01:01 PM
      31-07-11 I am at a fancy house, seems like one of those houses from a I-used-to-be-rich-and-famous-but-both-are-diminishing-so-I-could-do-with-a-media-boost show. The plot is that the dad has an upcoming 30 year birthday and one of his younger daughters is getting married, but she has left the household and is now sending small items or gifts back home.

      The dad is getting pissed off because he won't see his daughter for this “big” birthday. All the while this happy therapist/psychologist/con artist is walking around the house commentating on the actions from his daughter, actions she herself has asked her to carry out.

      One of these is to send back a lot of colourful items, which I believe is nail polish as well as coloured matches. Someone (a step mum or a sister) takes this as an insult and gets severely pissed off, which obviously is the point.

      My role in the dream is fairly passive I just walk around taking it all in, might listen to some of the people every now and again.

      Think this may be a continuation of previous dream. I am lying in a bed and J and Kaiser joins in. J is happy and she snuggles close up to Kaiser or allow him to snuggle close up to her. The setting is a large double bed in bright surroundings, daytime.

      She moves closer to me, and verbalise that she likes it. We lie like that for a short while until J decides to put her hands in my pants and start masturbating me. Kaiser doesn't seem to like this, but he doesn't say anything.

      I don't like it and she only does it for about a second before I pull away. I wonder if she even got to reach it as I didn't really feel anything, so I look down and see the tip sticking out of my trousers.

      The reason I didn't like it was that she did it only for fun, without any actual feelings involved.

      I am in Budapest, although lots of time in the dream is spent discovering this. There are a lot of friendly Hungarians around. Even when we are out shopping I never seem to not have a cookie or other piece of bakery and a coffee in my hands.

      The second cup of coffee I receive I struggle a bit with. The small white lid doesn't seem willing to go on and I have to put it on a table to get it to stick.

      I believe we have arrived there by train and there is a guide with us.

      We go wandering Lasse, myself and a fellow traveller. As we are walking up a flight of stairs, very wide in a central public place that reminds me of any stairs in large train stations, Mystery traveller asks if there isn't something about Budapest, the Hagia Sofia or something. I have been thinking about that and tell him I believe it is here (I am aware of its actual location in Istanbul, though I double checked it after the dream ^^).

      I proclaim that I should like to see that so we go out searching for it. We walk across a market, it is dark and the primary source of light is rather industrial from the shops around set in white tents.

      I haven't yet seen anything that reminds me of Hagia Sofia, but at one point I see the charactaristic spires fairly far apart. I start running in this direction.

      I realise that there is little reason to run, but I am just so god damn excited so I slow down and talk to Mystery Traveller. “I get easily excited” I say “I noticed” he replies.

      So we are navigating the maze of the market and at one point we loose one of our companions. As we look back to find him he is doing push ups over by a little street salesman sat on the pavement. I quickly get the feeling that he has been somehow compelled to do it and I am careful walking back over there.

      As we walk back all of a sudden everyone drops down and starts doing push-ups. The salesman put put on a military tone and says “give me ten!” But the tone is playful and I realise that he has a game that makes people do push-ups.

      I feel an electric shock in my feet, though without the painful element, but it isn't quite a tickle. And also I, though knowing his trick am forced to do push-ups.

      After I am done I check the underside of my shoes and find little green splinters from the game so I take them out and toss them back to the salesman. He doesn't say anything, but somehow compliment me on discovering his trick so quickly.

      Lasse explains that the price is about a Billion “Euro-something” which after a quick calculation amounts to 15 DKK, which is extremely cheap.

      I am in Thure's parents house. He has emptied the kitchen cupboard I notice as I go looking for cookies and fruit biscuits.

      Outside Thure is trying to stack everything he owns, bed, sofa, mattress on towards the plants of the house. It looks like Ruth's house outside the door.

      His top mattress falls down and half of it is wet. I tell him he should re-arrange it as it is wet already and it will be lying in a pool of water if it starts raining.
    11. Tenerife, Holland, Cash collecting

      by , 07-30-2011 at 12:58 PM
      30-07-11 I am on a trip in Holland. First of all Holland has turned in to an archipelago connected with numerous bridges each island effectively having some degree of autonomous control.

      I rent a quad bike to go driving along the coast lines of these islands to really see Holland. I brag to my cousin about this.

      I go driving, sometimes close to an edge where there is a long fall down. The horizon seems limited or narrowed in at these times. It is dark.

      I sometimes make extreme jumps out on to the bridges, these bridges are something else. Long narrow (very narrow) wooden suspension bridges (you know, Indiana Jones style). Brief fearfulness of missing is ever present, but I never do.

      At one point I make a jump over an edge and land on another island. I am immediately warned that I am trespassing and only people owning 7 bicycles can pass or stay on the island. I get fined.

      I drive back to safe territory and speak with Ruth, who is at work and Ida is there with her. After explaining the situation she sends me an email with what I am to write to the organisation that manages these situations (It is the same she is in). First in Dutch, then English, so I do that. It explains that I am living with her at the minute and was unaware.

      I am on Tenerife and the weather is sunny and bright. I am being guided by a Mediterranean guy who is trying to close the gap between fundamental Muslims, Christians and the general population. He is telling me about these circular buildings on top of walls that we go visit.

      The roof of these buildings can actually be taken off to let in the light. The complexes themselves seems filled with people wearing turbans drinking coffee and smoking pipes.

      As we exit one of them he is talking and talking explaining something, but I don't really listen. I pretend and feel that I should tell him something like; Listen I want to hear you, but since I missed the start it is difficult. I just let him talk.

      At one point we come to a church like structure (we later come to what the guide refers to as “the church”) I feel really happy when I see the spires, which are excessively tall and twisted towards the top, they look beautiful.

      We then come to “the church” and my guide starts laughing unable to stop himself. He explains that the only thing they actually use their church for nowadays is the bus station and he points at a small black shed, currently empty where you would order your tickets.

      I go towards the area I presume the buses would be in and start looking up the amazing twisting spire. For some reason I become almost euphoric at the sight.

      Some mates of mine from elementary school come to greet me. It is all the people a year above me I first became friends with after school. I am pleased to see Lars S doesn't hold a grudge from our last encounter. N is there. Reza is bullying a bit, but I decide that now we are all grown up and I am significantly larger than back then I give him some back and he soon lays off.

      Lars starts singing. I go to the rooftop of an adjacent building to marvel at the spire from higher up. I then hear Lars continue the singing. He is singing about cookies, coca cola and alcohol and water in the tune to “Beauty school drop out” from Grease, sometimes in tune with the melody other times as an extended talk about cookies that doesn't fit the melody unless you listen to the entire rant. I am laughing, but I somehow struggle laughing because I find it funnier than my body is actually expressing.

      Lisa is there and we talk a bit about how things are going and I think it is her that asks me if I am seeing someone.

      I am at a house. I walk out and press the doorbell. It is blue and I have an instinctual hunch that I will get money from pressing it. Someone appears in the window and I explain my hunch. She gives me money by letting the light on the doorbell button light up.

      My friend express admiration for my foresight.

      The entire dream is about me walking around looking out for blue things, including a quite wondrous specimen of blue flowers, plastic from the inside of fizzy drink caps and any other bluish colouring of the surroundings.

      In the end I find myself staring down a road looking at the incoming rain. It is mild at first but gain in strength, I am looking at the drops as they bounce from the road. The space between them become less and less.

      A wind start sweeping in from the left. and I start making my way back towards the village counting the blue caps I have collected so far, after first having just stood and just felt the rain and wind for a while.
    12. Thailand, Pyramids and Nazis

      by , 07-28-2011 at 11:38 AM
      28-07-11 I am wearing a blue suit and I am talking to a couple of my friends, Thomas H. being one of them and I am in Thailand. Well I am technically still in Denmark, but they are in Thailand and we are talking together. I tell them that I am going to go there as well.

      My family is going so I end buying a last minute ticket to go with them. I am flying with a company called (something) Airlines, could be Scandinavian. I arrive late, and I have to supply a code to the check in lady, who then herself guides me towards the next step. Here I get asked if I have my ticket printed and I tell her I don't. She starts a process of printing it and then she need me to tell me the code name I have assigned to the passport I have already given her.

      I tell her I don't remember that (gee, maybe because it doesn't exist ^^), but the first lady helps me by supplying the prompting word “bottom”. I quickly remember that my password is “Rock” and when I say it the woman proceeds to printing my ticket.

      When we get to Thailand the first thing we do is to go deliver our bags and then go visit some people. My dad and I are with the man of the house, while my mom is with the lady. As we are walking down some stairs I hear my mom explain why she didn't like her the first time we met and I can hear that she is getting drunk.

      The next dream also centered around being in Thailand. Here Janni T. becomes relevant as she is actually supplying one of the rooms that we have to stay in. This room is in the middle of a lake and you have to go through an underground tunnel in order to get there. I am happy that we are staying with her and by the way she smiles so is she.

      My grandparents ask me at one point if I would like to switch rooms with them to the room closest to the foyer, because it gets filled with dust and their health isn't too good to deal with that. I off course tell them it is ok, though I am a bit sad that I won't be bonking close to Janni.

      I am talking to someone with Eliot L. We are just talking to a woman and each other and I start adding small intellectual insults after each sentence when speaking to Eliot. He laughs and the woman sort of looks at us in surprise.

      I explain that it is how we speak and joke with each other, and Eliot keeps laughing while agreeing to that.

      I am at the pyramids, captured and working for the Nazis, I don't particularly recall what we are supposed to do, but some of it involves going up and down big scaffolding on both sides of the cleft we are in.

      As we are doing this, when approaching the top there is a long rope that is carrying up bricks. When inspected closer it isn't actually “one” rope, but many smaller connected to each other. There is a mechanism that tells when an individual has pulled enough (the full length of the little rope) and it doesn't take that long to take your share. The Nazis are working on the parole that while we are there we might as well help getting some materials up that we can later use in the work we are supposed to carry out.

      After I have taken my share of rope pulling I actually take a bit more for the people coming behind me, because I am unsure as to how I am supposed to let go of the rope to the next in line. So a couple of workers get a free ride that time.

      My next assignment is to go through a small narrow passage way towards the top floor of a house. In fact before I enter the small passage way I believe I am already on the top floor. The assignment isn't specifically for me but there is a sign on the door in there that the door is very narrow and I am very slim so I end up just doing it.

      There is an emergency exit just on the other side of the small door, and it is these that I am supposed to close. When I look around I see a ladder up to my right. I decide to go up and take a look, the good Nazi worker I am ^(>.<)^. I find myself in a room, like a teenagers room, though more grown up.

      I go around and I close all the windows and doors I can find, when I all of a sudden have a conversation with Thomas H. and it becomes apparent that I am in his sister's room. He tells me that he has never even dared setting his foot in there.

      When I come to myself she is standing in the room and I slowly walk over and explain to her that I am just there to shut the emergency doors as per instructions. She reacts calmly and accepts the explanation before she tells me to just get out. I do so as my job is done and it would all have been great except if I hadn't become naked as I walk out the next door and she looks at me.

      I think I have an explanation for it, but I blush and I question myself if the reason I have given is factual and if I actually believe it myself.
    13. Self-Healing, Attempt 1 (confidence issues)

      by , 07-27-2011 at 11:39 AM
      26-07-11 I am standing in the backyard of a building complex. The grass looks dried out and has white tips but otherwise a spectrum of colours ranging through black, green, yellow and ofcourse white. The buildings are grey and massive and there doesn't seem to be an immidiate way out of the yard.

      I am lucid from the start, I know this from the qualitative difference in the imagery I am experiencing. I have had 4 dreams of poor quality with the knowledge of dreaming, but the visual product has been awful, sort of like having 1 eye in the dream world and the other awake.

      I start by commanding the dream to stabilise and I look around the buildings that look rather gloom. I contemplate increasing the vividness of the dream, but the quality seems good. I try taking off in flight, but struggle severely. After this realisation I decide it is irrelevant after all, could probably overcome it, but it is not my goal with this lucid.

      I call out for the dream if it can help me. I send a brief thought to my goal of overcoming confidence issues, but don't as such engage en deep mentation over it.

      Quickly there is a call from behind me and I start making my way there. I am aware that this is my first REM phase seeing as I haven't actually ”slept” yet, so I want to make quick progress. However as I am making my way towards the woman that has called me, several times I have to engage my senses as the scenery starts to blur.

      The woman calls me from a plateau above me. The place has taken on a look of a mixture of ruins and incompleted housing, though the entire area is connected completely. I know I can get up to her, but she makes her way down to me.

      I ask her name and she replies that it is Mie. I unfortunately don'w remember the rest of the conversation, for a couple of reasons. First of all I recall appologising to her that I have to shift my attention away from her words and her in general as the dream keeps on fading at an increasing frequency. Secondly we didn't really manage to get past the introductory phases, though I have one word summarising the content ”construction”.

      I wake up.

      Notes: I was unable to actually sleep much this night. The first 4 dreams mentioned can best be described as non-REM or partially wakeful dreams. They lack the complete dream scenery relying only limited on visual product and mainly audio. They all were false awakenings as well. Had some pretty scary HHs as well one being a high sound and another the sensation of being tugged in, though I countered this by hugging back the ”entity” and actually that gave the experience a warm feeling to it. Though my control seemed somewhat diminished in the actual dream, my access to waking memory and intentions and goals, where solid and clear. So paradoxially my lucidity was high, though my control was limited. Unfortunately I didn't get as much time or could afford as much attention to the girl as I would have like to, but it is a start and this theme will get more attention!

      I am in a kitchen making pancakes. I am pouring the milk directly in the bag of flour. There are various pieces of fruit in the bag, which I am anoyed about. Some of these fruits are green tomatoes. Thure comes into the kitchen and asks what I am up to. I tell him I am making pancakes, but that I can't really get the mixture right, well, to mix at all. I then complain about the fruit in the bag and ofcourse he can see that as being a problem, but I have a feeling that I am really just using it as an excuse.
    14. Gloomy times in Hornslet

      by , 07-27-2011 at 11:36 AM
      27-07-11 I am at a brick house in Hornslet, located next to a little lake of some description. On the grass in front of me there is a little black rabbit with long hair. I look at it and it turns around and runs through a gate, made by wire fencing with rather large holes in it.

      I get worried, but the rabbit soon come back. I walk towards the gate to see if the owners are there. I hear conversation and smell a spliff and find two women talking together sat on a picnic table, much like the one I was just sat at next to the house. I look around and find the rabbit now in a little lake (not as big as the one on the other side of the gate) with a duck standing on top of it. It is swimming around and most of the times it doesn't have it's head above water, which worries me.

      I ask the women if they are missing a rabbit, and they say something like that they do, but they think he will be alright. I tell them that at the moment it looks happy enough swimming around a pond with a duck standing on it and they laugh at the remark and join me at my table, with the spliff in hand. I see it and don't really want any of it, but it appears like the women think I want some of it, cause one of them proclaims her intentions of making a new one, as the first one is nearly done.

      Shortly after we are joined by an obnoxious man, who complains that he can't sleep as he is sleeping in the room with the top window located just above our little picnic table. Although we don't really like him we move to a table placed a bit further away from the house on the corner.

      The entire scenery is played out at around sun set, the lighting has that warm, but diminishing red feel of the evening sun.

      We are joined by two men, or the women transform into two men as I am headed into the house to go to bed. I am on the ground floor with the previous man living on the floor above me.

      The two men follow me into my room and go over to stand in the corner, as apparently the grumpy man's bedroom is located directly above that spot. They prepare to make some noise and start lighting cigarettes.

      This agitates me and I tell them to get out and they refuse. I somehow expected this and pick up a tool, probably best described as an Ice pick and walk over to them. I point on the tall skinny one and with madness in my voice tell him to get out as I will not be afraid of using the tool.

      They still refuse and I give the small chubby bloke a quick stab to the back, a stab not actually strong enough to penetrate his skin. They start making a move though, but keeps turning back on me aggressively as if they want to hurt me or are refusing to leave. I get caught close to the tall man right next to a door and this time I stab him in his right shoulder, hard enough not only to penetrate skin, but pin him to the wall behind him as well.

      This treatment, strong as it is, still isn't enough to convince the two blokes to leave so I start stabbing more frequently, the entire length of the blade. Think I hit the small fat one more as he is generally always closer to me. However the first man to receive a stab in the bollocks is mister tall and skinny and shortly thereafter Shorty McFat receives same treatment. This convinces them that it is probably best to leave.

      They shout back towards me standing outside my front door that this will be painful for me. I know this, not fearing their physical vengeance as much as repercussions from the authorities and the social ousting I know is to come from friends around me.

      As I walk outside I am anticipating the arrival of the police though I am fearful of the response from my friends who are closer by. I have no intentions of running and I briefly think if the entire treatment of the men actually constitutes self defense or I have crossed some line already concerning that.

      I am joined by friends around me, who all look upon me with a mixture of anger, shame and fear in their faces. It is however Ida who hurts me the most, by coming up next to me and speaking in Norwegian tells me that ”Michael” ”Who, the one standing over there in the pink jacket or the one next to him?” (which is my cousin and is actually called Michael) she confirms it to be the one in pink and goes on to tell me that ”I know 2 Danish guys I am ashamed and sad to stand next to you at the moment, where the other one is actually rather good looking”.

      (I am unsure if this is a separate dream or just one hell of a long one)

      I think I see Mikkel N. wearing no shirt before the scenery freezes and takes me back to a point in time prior this incident. I remember feeling a distinct sadness as I know I am about to relive the first couple of hours or days leading up to this event.

      The general theme of this continuation is a series of party oriented scenarios, no way near as sharp recall as the episodes above.

      They all seem to be centered around Mikkel and Mark and their general dominance over the course of events, filled in with other random people and Ida's presence.

      Though the second time around my murderous ousting of two men never happen I am unsure as to which scenario actually ends the dream, though I will start with the short one cause the other might actually just as well have carried over after I wake up.

      I am in a sofa with Ida, I am lying on the long side, she on the short (it is a corner sofa). We are lying head to head, and I am a bit sad being in this position knowing she has rejected me. However she starts making her way onto my side, she places her head next to mine and continue to come over. In the end she is sitting up looking down upon me smiling with her bare breasts hanging out. She has minging saggy tits though. I realize I am dreaming as I start noticing her fade away and course my luck.

      I am at the central festival spot in Hornslet. There is a festival and people are merry though all of a sudden everyone's attention is directed skywards. There is a large triangular shape with lights floating by partially covered by clouds. As the shape continues to be uncovered by the clouds I am wondering if that can be a flying object at all as it is all triangular and definitely not aerodynamic. Shortly after this thought some of the object is revealed much closer towards the ground and the shape of a massive (MASSIVE!) ship is revealed, much larger than the titanic, though the conversation amongst people young and old alike is if this is in fact Titanic.

      I become skeptic. The only source of water close by is a narrow stream of water meandering through the landscape, no way A: Straight enough to hold the ship in question. B: holds enough water to support the weight of the massive ship.

      I walk closer towards the ship and the water stream and find my dad standing there. Apparently this isn't the first time this ship has appeared and I walk over and start discussing why it is impossible that it is there. He tells me that if the ship just has a shape that somewhat mimics the shape of the water stream it will work. He draws it on a paper and I counter his argument explaining that it will not be able to move if the length of the moveable walls is exactly the same as the shape of the stream, rather it will need much smaller segments almost allowing it to move as a snake. I attempt at drawing my solution to the problem and have forgotten the problem of the amount of water.

      We stare at the now resting ship for a while.

      The atmosphere is dark and clouded it is night time and there is no clear source of light. This makes the appearing ship look ominous as hell as it is completely black against the dusk coloured night sky.


      I am in a car with Mark H. I am starting to become a bit angry, not as much with him, but my surroundings in general. I complain that the massive ship had to travel down a small stream of water when we actually have a river just behind a block of houses from the stream (there isn't such a river). He agrees and I look down the river and see that it is more winding than I recall, but definitely has more water to support the weight. We are in a van.

      I wake up and find one of my plants in a plastic bowl with loads of new small sprouts. I tell Mark H. that I am happy with this development and proclaim my intention of replanting the plant straight away considering that it is already in a pot with loads of space where it won't be disturbed too much by being removed. I exit the room and when I come back the plant is somewhat changed. All the small sprouts don't seem to be standing up on their own accord any more, but rather it looks like a big mess. I quickly wonder if this is Mark's doing, but when I pick up the plant and turn it around I see that the branches are just following the direction of the sunshine.
    15. Computer Games - Long fragmented NLD, with loads of scenario changes

      by , 07-18-2011 at 09:56 AM
      18-07-11 I am playing some sort of baldur's gate. I am looking at a guie for the ending fight. I am getting there and although I could have explored bit more I decide to just go for it. I seem to be a wizard of some description and the final fight is me vs. a council of other wizards. I primarily use timestop and sommoning spelss and AoE to try and interrupt their spell casting as much as possible.

      I am in some weird scenario that incorporates three different tv shows at once. I know actors from all shootings and eventually the seperate shows merge into one because the various actors move from one set to the other. There is no script for this, so the director tells the actors to simply improvise.

      I am also getting married to someone, it is somewhat arranged or being kept secret though I think I am happy enough with her. It could be that I have met her on the internet.

      We are walking across a narrow bit of water, over to two girls. They want beer and Daryl tells them that he can provide that so we go back and get them. We start with giving them half a crate in a cardboard box and talk about the fact that we can get them more if needed. They would like that and I am supprised they haven't asked for the price yet.

      There is a magician and he is sort of demonstrating an aldo cardtrick besides the point that he does not include someone from the audience or use a full deck. The instruction goes on how math is used to complete the trick. However he is always in dialouge with the audience and he seems to slip up a couple of times although I have the feeling that it is intentional. Towards the end he is setting his sofa oin fire and asks someone to come and blow the smoke. I volunteer, but unfortunately I wake up as I am making my way behind the couch.

      Notes: Haven't slept well at all over the past couple of nights. This one is no different as I spent probably half of my nine hours worth of sleeping on being eaten by mosquitos (Which inevitably lead me to move sleeping spots and generally being awake trying to fend them off).
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