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    1. 4 ToTM Completed! - Exploring the awesomeness of the sub-atomic world and turning into a planet.

      by , 08-30-2015 at 10:09 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
    2. Night #12: Choosing the fairest goddess of all - ToTY completed!

      by , 08-30-2015 at 10:08 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
    3. 2015-08-30 night #13 bizarre, large groups, nobody friendly

      by , 08-30-2015 at 07:21 AM
      +(f) with my kids as they were small, contemplating the time when I'd be able to hold conversations with them

      + I'm standing on the street outside childhood home, I notice that the neighbors to the left have considerably raised their roof up to about 3 stories tall. It seems to be on an adjustable (hydraulic?) system that can go up and down. My home has also been built up a bit but not by as much.

      I notice a new amazingly complicated traffic light has been placed at the corner. I point this out to my wife "Look, look at it!". It has so many signals of different types that it's really hard to understand. I see it cycling through red/green very quickly, and making odd flashing combinations. I see a red left arrow at one point yet cars coming down S are turning against this light. At the intersection there is a rectangular area on the ground painted in orange/white stripes, this area is related to crossing guard arms that come down.

      + (old?) multiple computers, a guy is playing a game called "King's Quest" with weird controls on the screen

      + the clubhouse, leave, return, who will take care of the pets, trying to find a place to avoid detection in the big white room. There is a cubby against a far wall, but it offers no adequate hiding places. I think about the place nearer the door, that this offers the most hiding opportunities, but I'll still be easily discovered.

      +(f) outside in a group/club

      +(f) with old friend NI, he's not very friendly

      + huge club for very talented children, all hyperactive boys, they're everywhere, running around and doing various antics. I wonder if there are any girls here. I do see one, but she looks weird: I see that she has just one central very large eye on her forehead.

      + I enter a room, a long table is there (extending left and right), along the opposite side are a number of people seated along it. They are dressed all in white, and their faces are painted & powdered white. Some look at me with a surprised/challenging look like this is a secret gathering and I'm not supposed to be here. A woman (older) is naked, back to me, butt on the table, she's having intercourse with the guy seated there.
      Spoiler for sexual theme:
      , I move on around the table and to the next room.

      There is another table there with people seated along it, I walk around behind them eyeing what's on the table. I notice platters of small round thin cookies. I grab one after hesitating for a bit and eat it.

      Farther along I see another long table and people dressed in casual clothes seated at computers. This must be the control room for the bizarre white banquet/orgy party. The people look like computer geeks. There is a woman manager standing there. One of the white banquet guys comes in and the manager groans, anticipating another outlandish request. But the attendee just asks "can you make the mashed potatoes thicker, please?"

      + walking through industrial maze-like area, tall corrugated metal fence/walls all around me. I think about asking directions to the "???" place where I'm going where I know my friends are. Passages go here and there.

      I notice at the level of my head a door, small, dilapidated, narrow, and think this is the door to my friend's place. I open it but all that pops out is a bar that falls to the raised area behind me. This is the fold-out step that allows you to climb up, so I do. I tuck it back away once I've up, not into the door but just a fold-out thing from the opposite wall now.

      I'm on this higher columns that are sort of swaying, it's hard to maintain one's balance. Up ahead is a wide open flat area below, I think how to get down there but I automatically zoom/glide there, I aim for a couch so as to land softly. I walk out of this area (and the people there throw books at me?)

      I find my desired destination and enter, but I realize I don't recognize anybody. It's a big party and people are dressed and made up, I notice a woman with a striking appearance.

      I realize the people are all slightly taller than me, I think I must have gotten old and shrunken a bit.

      There are a guy and two girls messing around. One guy and girl are holding the other girl and dipping her limbs into a series of pools.

      The guy dips the girl's leg in one and says "Toxic!"

      The girl holding the girl dips her limb in another pool and says "Toxic!"

      The girl being dipped dips her own limb in the next pool and says "Toxic!"

      Updated 08-30-2015 at 08:33 AM by 65364

    4. 15-08-XX Saving Claire

      by , 08-30-2015 at 12:46 AM
      Very long and absurd dream. The plot was about me and Noah Bennet trying to save what was left of his daughter Claire. She wasn't really a person anymore. More like a handful of ashes that somehow retained her intelligence and personality. I even suggested putting it in a robotic body, to bring her back. Anyhow, there was a car chase. Noah driving, me in the passenger seat. We went over a cliff at some point, but we both got out alive. Somehow I'd managed to hold onto "Claire".
      After all this (and much more, forgotten action), we arrived at a house (their house?).

      I remember a "guy" showing up, but he wasn't a normal human. Not human at all, actually. He was exceptionally strong, and wanted Claire at all costs. I tried fighting him. Not sure how that worked out.
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. 15-08-29 Grandpa is Dead

      by , 08-30-2015 at 12:36 AM
      I was with my father. He said grandpa was dead. He's in pretty bad shape in real life. Doubt he'll see the end of next year. Anyway, I got really emotional. Not just because of grandpa, but because it reminded me of my dad's mortality and that I'd lose him too one day. I cried quite a lot. My dad looked at me like I had two heads. Showing emotion isn't really acceptable in that side of the family. I forced myself to quit and said something like "I'm fine, I'm invincible to emotion," or something absurd like that.
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. 15-08-XX Helping Me Down

      by , 08-30-2015 at 12:31 AM
      I was walking through a town/city with Claire by my side. I could see some guys floating around, and thought to myself, "I can do that too, but better!". Yeah, I wanted to show off. I flew around a bit (not just floating), from building to building. At some point I was pretty high up inside a building (it was a pretty exposed spot, no walls). I waited too long and got scared of heights again (the dream felt 'too realistic', I could feel gravity). I didn't dare jump down again. Suddenly, something happened to Claire right below me. She was severely hurt. Caring about her made me forget about my fear, and I jumped down - floating gently to the ground. I held Claire in my arms. She was covered in blood, but recovered quickly (as kind of expected). Somehow, I learned she had done that to herself/let someone else do that to her to help coax me down. I think she was happy because it also showed I genuinely cared about her. Not sure what happened next. I remember kissing her? And boobies. Yes, boobs.
    7. 15-07-24 Battlefield Pilot

      by , 08-30-2015 at 12:11 AM
      Battle at sea (Battlefield 1942 style), I was piloting a bomber. I dropped bombs on an enemy ship. I don't think they had much effect at first. I was taken down, and had to bail out. In the water, I could see my target capsize, and realized I must have hit it anyway (or did my crashing plane hit it?)
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