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    1. The Test

      by , 11-11-2024 at 03:23 PM
      The Test
      Rows of empty desks tell it is too early. Will other souls soon sit? No. NO! Damn. It is test day. Sit and start to study. Teacher arrives, lays pencil, pen, voice recorder, and book on every desk. He asks if I am ready. "Of course". A smile and lie. When he turns, I slip into the student stream outside.

      Clouds & Saint
      Smooth trails make boring tales. A fisherman snags our lead by using praiseful bait. Frank follows despite our protest. Clouds are pillars, steeples, roofs, pointing to earth. "The weather today," someone says, "is top heavy." It makes sense. Watch strange floating formations while waiting for the return of our saint.

      He is five. His speech is glass shards grinding, unending. I first suggest, then demand, then beg for silence. He hisses. Patience is snipped. Slap the little mouth to match each little hiss. He is unfazed. Hope someone will see and be a shield or snatch the little demon away. How did we end up like this?

      Bit: Standing firm, with a sense of urgency, in driveway of my grandmother's home
    2. Ninth & Tenth

      by , 11-11-2024 at 03:17 PM

      Drive In
      Stars lay close, clustered like treasure piles spilled across the sky. Ahead of their shine thin silvered clouds drift and shift, back lit by the chill of blue-ish moon. Most admire the beauty of the free night instead of the movie we drove in and paid to watch.


      The Play
      Shapes of resurrected sounds are sculpted and set onto paper to be played. Uncertain of my usefulness, drift on the fringe of well meant murmurs.

      The Roar
      Shale and slippery trails lead us to The Roar. It stretches strong and wide as the horseshoe. At top, swimmers splash in mirror of idle blue. Cautious of the currents beneath the calm, slowly into pool I slip. We find Serpent's Mouth, slender cavern worn into rock, a natural waterslide. Swallowed slip to Roar's bottom. Are we disrespectful to make a playground from such power?

      Ripped from earth's embrace, a slumbering love is risen to light. It is unbelievable, by his unchanged face, that a decade of darkness and death has been between us. A heart can not hold the weight of what it might mean.

      Cas and Jor
      Rush into the rampant stress. We find the two. She is still she. Her daughter has shifted. The mother plucks battered baseball cap from floor. She sews and walks, sews and talks, fixing the found into birthday gift for Sr. Depart the crush to collapse in temporary caves.

      Randonautica Rivendell
      Church ruins on a hill. Withered waterfall, forged by human hand, sputters foams aside it. It's brickwork base a shallow bowl slick with filth and foam. Split. Some surrender to abandoned buildings beckon. Other march marshes toward mouth of the anemic stream. Hope whispers that we will untangle it and make the trickle clean.
    3. Recall plummeted

      by , 11-11-2024 at 05:33 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Been staying off video games to try and improve recall... But it's not working. For the past 3 nights I only recall 2 fragments from last night. I was in Olds today getting dog food, might have seen Jamie in a red SUV at a stop light but wasn't sure. May have been the girl from Reddi-Mart who drives and SUV of the same color. Couldn't tell.


      I was walking down the street vaping. It tasted very real. IRL I have tried vaping, but I had way worse coughing fits than usual so I stopped. I have fond memories of vaping in the Lethbridge casino during poker tournaments like 10 years ago. Good times .

      Jamie sings

      Jamie was singing me a song she made up about feeding me an apple or something. There was crunching sounds in the song. I find crunching irritating. I'm always on my headphones for mealtime.

      Jamie did grab me a small apple from a tree when we were walking to the store.

      I asked the voice about the dream and she said something like Borderlines build fond memories over stuff like that or something.

      From TV show keeps getting more crazy...
      Anyway I hope the dreams are more frequent.
      Tags: jamie, song, vape