Jamie voice seemed to be splitting after my last entry. Wasn't sure why. Of course I meant she's more than welcome to come to my door and ask for me. I simply meant other options as suggestions for whatever she feels comfortable with. Maybe she was upset over my unwillingness to reach out first. Even though I already did a few times. She never responded. If my best message to her still isn't good enough for her. No further attempts are necessary. I argued with her voice on this early this morning about this very thing. She admitted: It's unreasonable to expect you reach to me, if I don't respond. Exactly right! This entirely changes if she begins to talk to me and let's me know that further communication is okay. I'm ready to step up then. Dreams: 2 nights ago. Jamie 1 (Can't use colors because I can't get posting entries here to work properly on PC or mobile. What gives DV? What gives?) I dreamed Jamie was working construction with me or something. I was climbing up some scaffold or something. Jamie was climbing to but she was surrounded by wooden ramps and walls they were also moving very fast. I told her that's not necessary, we're simply here to work. Fortnite again? Jamie 2 She was with me in a house? We kept flying around but instead of talking , we kept leaving notes for one another. Jamie 3 I was with Jamie in a city. She had a fancy blue car. She pushed a button and it started changing into a more fancy car or something. She laughed and asked if I liked it? When I woke up. I kinda split on that. She seemed like her careless and grandiose self of which I have very bad memories of. I recall her being quite hurtful when she was like that. Jamie 4 I was walking on a residential street. I was eating a sandwich. It had some meat and a shitload of mayonnaise. It was messy. I don't recall liking it too much. Woke up and the voice said she made me pastrami on rye? Oops I was supposed to like it. Sorry. This whole entry seems negative. So I'll end on some positive notes. Pets I woke up on top of a bunk bed. There were tiny goats flying up to me and I was petting them. Also the Jamie voice wanted me to confirm some of the jokes we say to one another. Many months ago I was trying to cheer up her voice by saying, " I believe in the good person inside of you." She responded, " You are the good person inside of me." Lol. Read into that however you like. It's been a running joke ever since. I hope next dreams are loving and affectionate. These holidays were more moody than what I would have liked.
0600...I was again walking down a leafy suburb and woke up.....barrrrr
Merry Chrysler! Aw, shit it's boxing day... Scary height? Me and Jamie were on a giant tall hill. In the middle of a giant tree... with a wooden base around it built into the tree. We had two other members on the team running around below. We were waiting for something. for some reason I had a pistol on me... Wait are we dreaming about fortnite again? OG map? Jamie said that this was really high up. She seemed scared. I was too. some guy from our team said no one was around so it was safe to go down. We did. I found a bunker full of food. I felt like making bacon. Last night: Jesus again Me and Jamie were in a very large standing area. There was a multitude of couples with us in the standing area. It felt like these couples were like me and Jamie - Hand picked by Jesus for life commitments - but he had to separate them first to work on them. We were all facing the front where there was a throne. Jesus was there on the throne. He said, "My children I'm beginning my work NOW to bring you all together again." I woke from this dream. The Jesus voice said (Or Holy Spirit), "Jamie is knocking on the door now.". That's funny, when I first arrived back in Bowden, over a year ago, He said she was at the door. Well, my door is open. If she wants to talk, She knows where my house is. I would not turn her away. If she's comfortable with phones first, my business with my personal cell is online, and in the Western.Buy.Sell.Trade paper. Or, if she wants to leave a note on my car. We both seem to be at a stalemate - I've already tried to reach out to her, she doesn't respond, I don't like what her non response does to me, so My hands are tied. I've seen her drive by me many times, but she never stops to talk. Maybe Jesus is hinting that he may do something... wether it's running into eachother more often, or through familiar people, or situations. In any case, it sounds like it's on the horizon. Jamie 3 I'm with Jamie in a house kitchen that seems to be ours. She's carrying a baby. She says, "We're beginning to run out of food." Yes, I'm worried about that too. Even if together there might be staying with In-Laws for a while. My business is slowly picking up. I want to get other things going too. Like flipping computers. There's lots of things to gt into for side hustles or careers.
24th Hypnagogia A field of sunflowers is actually a field of suns that are tied off and bobbing like balloons. Messes To hell with the mirth and mess. Flee hypocrisy. The inn is the out. Too soon it too is dirt and distress. The scatter of trash nimbly mutates into a piercing childhood haunt, monster of false memories. Escape filth and faulty flashbacks. Uneasy freedom is found in bizarre streets.
I found myself in a large airport/ warehouse like building, it was my work place but didn't feet like it. it was a glorious sunny day and I was thinking, with all this nice weather we are having, it wont last and maybe I need to move to Australia. Then I proceeded to carry 2 bin bags (one black one white,) out to the bin and someone laughed at the way I had tied them together like a married couple. I burst out and laughed too.
Part of a longer dream - I can only remember fragments of the earlier parts. It seems to be some kind of a school setting where I’m a student, and everybody is going to watch a play in the auditorium. I head there, with some people from the earlier part of the dream not far behind me. Not many others have arrived yet, so there are plenty of places where we can find seats together. I find an empty row and sit down. On the stage below, I can see that there are a couple large wooden shelves set up on the right (relative to my position) and a larger set piece on the left with a very large fan in front, blowing onto it. But the fan is clearly causing some problems. The shelves don’t seem to be secured very well, and they start rocking back and forth. As I watch, they both fall over forward. Since everything on them is just fastened-down props, it doesn’t look like any real damage has been done. However, they seem to have been attached to the structure on the left, and having broken loose from it, it now looks to be in immanent danger of being blown backstage by the high-powered air, where it could cause some serious damage. A friend of mine is in the play - his first time doing this - and I’m concerned for him, and for the situation in general, so I hurry down to the stage. The structure is being braced in front by a long, flat metal strip attached to it by metal pieces on either side, so I stand on that. It’s holding steady so far, but I was kind of hoping other people would also come down to help once I made the initiative, and while a few have made it as far as the stage, they don’t seem inclined to get any closer. More people weighing it down would be better - but if I pressure them to help and things end up going badly anyway, that would just make for a complicated situation. I’d rather not do that. It’s better that they freely decide to take on the risk themselves. That’s where the situation stands when the dream shifts into some video game-like situation where some others and I are tasked with going around a massive backstage area and solving puzzles to collect everything that was blown back there so that the play can begin. 25.12.24
0500 I was walking down the street, and.... I woke up. very exciting lol
Due to work schedule and getting up early. Really low recall. Only dream was maybe Jamie. No soup for you. I was in a convenience store or grocery store. There was an Asian woman at the counter. She seemed really familiar. I said I wanted to buy soup. The woman looked confused and said that I can't buy soup. I pointed to the sign above a counter where some soup was. She looks and kind of hits herself lightly on the head as if: duh. As she went to the soup counter I said, "I need that to go please." IRL I had soup from a grocery store when Jamie was with me.
To celebrate the longest night of the year, extra early to bed. Dec 21-22 2024 Please Sultry whispers wake me, "Please let me please you." Mild rage unfurls within to fill the shallow where sleep had been. He stays relentless in his quest until I bitterly confess, "The only way to please me is to let me sleep and lucid dream." Cheese Hum of hushed conversations is surround-sound, nonsensical chorus. Crinkles in the dark catch my ear. Turn. Kay and Jay slurp cheese slices straight off the wrappers. It seems odd until, on the wall, others crinkle and slurp just the same. Hunting Season A boggy field brings me home. "You need to dye your hair lighter. It's hunting season." a stranger tells from the road. I nod. Slog on. Then comes a yip, the slap of paws upon sodden lawn. I turn. Prep for fight or flight. Instead am riddled with delight by the sight of a little fox, ragged and romping, eyes sparking bright. Fearlessly it follows me into the very heart of home. I swear to keep him hidden from the hunt. Sudden Fair Supple solitude and the warm caress of a waning sunset are disrupted. Waves of children flood through the fence. Floating behind, like battered driftwood lumps, come their parents. A carnival erupts. Trapped on a teeter-totter the length of a house, cousin and I carefully lift and lower. Mid plank, perched like a mob of monkeys, a small group sits and sways. Yearn for loneliness of the stolen sunset. Black Days Flicker of hearing and singing Fell on Black Days. Gajeet Her songs, bitter or sweet, are melodious of voice and soul. But her spoken words are angular like tainted arrows ripping through their target hearts. It is agreed that she is evil. We guard our secret scars.
Updated 12-23-2024 at 08:03 PM by 101265
0600 I found myself in a large elaborate apartment in Manchester, 3 of us were sharing, I had the view with the large windows, I was taller than normal. About 6 foot, and had the most gothic clothing on. black and red, very neat and tidy, and the jacket I was to wear had large wings attached. I didn't want to wear the wings so I unhooked them. ------------------- Note to self; I was stressed again and couldn't sleep until 0200 am desiring to dream Lucid, but to no avail. I must practice detachment.
The basic scenario of the dream seems to be that because one of the classes that JT and I are responsible for is on a trip to a nearby city for a week - one about an hour's drive away - we have to go there as well. There are some scenes of travel, with last part of the journey seemingly being via helicopter. There are some interactions with the guy piloting it that I can no longer recall. While there, we meet up with a number of other people who belong to our organization - not based on real people, but in the context of the dream, they are supposed to be people I usually only see a couple times a year, for training and such, since they’re based in a different region. One of these is a young man with blond, spiky hair and tattoos all over his arms, including some that depict Baby Mario’s origin story (making this the third inexplicable Mario reference in not very long, especially inexplicable in this case since I don’t actually know the story, and it was probably just something my dreaming mind invented). We've apparently gotten along well on the occasions we’ve met previously, and at some point, he says that if I’d like, I can stay over at his place for evolution sometime. I am initially confused by this and run through a couple possibilities of what he could mean until I “remember” that Evolution is the name of a party with a somewhat notorious reputation that happens around here. “Let’s talk about it later,” I say. (In the dream, there are clearly no romantic implications to this exchange.) The classroom where JT’s and my students are is in a large building, on an upper floor. It seems to have been made to be difficult to find, with a number of entrances camouflaged into an ornate wall. Inside, it looks almost like some kind of laboratory. The students are already there - mine, anyway. JT and his are in an adjoining room. There are a number of scenes here where nothing very definite or memorable happens, although at some point, JT comes by in a wheelchair. I’m concerned and ask him what happened, but he seems brusque and doesn’t acknowledge that anything is wrong. OK, so he doesn’t want to talk about it. I won’t push it. 21.12.24
I was dreaming about making cakes for everyone and the plates where all pilling up in the sink and a thought crossed my mind that made me realise someone was disgusting. ---------------- No Lucidity, grrr...
House Can't seem to clean it, this strange-shapen house of too many windows and too few doors. Wire and woven cords spill from shocked outlets. Attempt to untangle them but they dangle untamed. Blind eyes and broken hands tumble cross towel carpet floors. Glass rafters cackle then I too tumble away. The Show History is fake. Words are curses made to shine like hope. The shining smiles, distracting shows, absurdly long tresses of leaders, bleeders, attention needers, keep our eyes locked in glorious lies.
06;30 We all went to see the Killers in concert but I was backstage. I lost my sister but someone pointed her out, she was sitting by the toilets. -------------- I actually had 2 dreams but when I woke up at 03;30 I never wrote my dream down. Note to self. AALWAYS WRITE DOWN DREAM
Jamie 1 A flash of Jamie setting up a table for food. My name was at the head of the table. Seats were alphabetical. Mine was: A. You mean after all these years i finally made her A list? the whole setup was decorated like christmas. Jamie 2 I'm at the table now. Jamie brings me a card or something. I'm hearing the melody from a christmas song, "Oh rest ye merry..." or something. Or maybe it's the opening to that popular Trans-Siberian orchestra song. The one with that music video where the little girl almost looks like Jamie if she was that age... weird. Is she going to reach out by christmas??? well that would be something. Not counting on it though. Mcdonald's Me and my brother were somehow coerced to work a graveyard shift at a mcdonald's. Gie-Gie from my previous store was the manager. It was just me and my brother then disappeared. I was trying to get all the stock and change over done but I kept falling behind. Jamie again? I was in a city. A familiar woman kept walking by me. It felt like Jamie because she kept beaming at me. But she was east indian and I thought she was Mansi, a girl I use to work with at Mcdonald's years ago. she kept walking by and smiling at me. Dream shifts. I'm with her and we're having sex in a bathroom. She's on a sink. I keep shifting perspectives inside my body and outside, so half the time I think it's Mansi and her new husband...