Been staying off video games to try and improve recall... But it's not working. For the past 3 nights I only recall 2 fragments from last night. I was in Olds today getting dog food, might have seen Jamie in a red SUV at a stop light but wasn't sure. May have been the girl from Reddi-Mart who drives and SUV of the same color. Couldn't tell. Vape I was walking down the street vaping. It tasted very real. IRL I have tried vaping, but I had way worse coughing fits than usual so I stopped. I have fond memories of vaping in the Lethbridge casino during poker tournaments like 10 years ago. Good times . Jamie sings Jamie was singing me a song she made up about feeding me an apple or something. There was crunching sounds in the song. I find crunching irritating. I'm always on my headphones for mealtime. Jamie did grab me a small apple from a tree when we were walking to the store. I asked the voice about the dream and she said something like Borderlines build fond memories over stuff like that or something. From TV show keeps getting more crazy... Anyway I hope the dreams are more frequent.
Old one! 1. (Fragment) Lucid - although I barely remember. I stand at my kitchen counter in blue darkness, my mum on the other side, and pinch my nose for a reality check. It fails, and I know that I am dreaming - I wonder faintly how to keep my mum from finding out. 2. I dream a song - it is a rap or more accurately, spoken. I recall hearing it in full, with distinct rhythm and what felt to be profoundly meaningful words, though I can't remember much now. When I think of Amy Wine/ _.._.._/ _.._..and/ Laid the foundations/ Of beauty... The song resounds in my mind as I fly over the city and the rooftops, feeling like a shooting star. The sky fades between several hazy, painted landscapes - sunsets, mornings - beaming light and colour. They are by her - she was an artist, surely. 3. I am walking through the streets around my home - touring someone around, perhaps - perhaps I am experiencing a TV show about my area. It feels like that - like I'm not really here. Someone else's voice in my head explains to me what I'm seeing. I pass down a cobbled street, introducing the viewer to the pastry factory on the other side of the street - although it looks like a warehouse it makes the best cakes, and they're cheap! (IRL in its supposed location there is in fact a small film studio - it does look like a warehouse.) It's evening and the sky is indigo with a blurry slice of cold yellow at the bottom. I am heading home with a spring in my step - it should be almost dinnertime. Once I'm back in my room, I reach for something on my desk and it's not there - strange - only a gap. This makes me feel odd so I move a few other objects to fill the space and placate my suspicions. When I look over to my bedside table, too, things I thought would be there are missing. My confusion grows and I rearrange some trinkets and ornaments so it looks normal, to take my mind off the weirdness. I check my phone; I have an email notification. My parents were discussing my always being late and what they should do about it (??). It seems I was late to dinner tonight and my dad's response was to confiscate loads of my belongings. I can't believe he'd do this without even telling me, and the next thing I find missing, I storm out to confront him about it. I can't remember his response. 4. (Fragment) An attic dimly lit with blue light. Open cardboard boxes are about, books stacked inside. There is a bookshelf against the back wall opposite the door and a small window in the slant of the roof. Notes: - More technology. - Dream music! Who else has this happened to? - Seems like a trend (with my last lucid dream) that despite being lucid I don't want DCs to know I'm dreaming or see me do anything abnormal. I really wonder why...
I woke up remembering a whole bunch of '80s songs. Or at least I think it was more than one... The last one I had in my head was a fully formed song, every instrument, vocals, lyrics, everything, and I'm not sure if it even exists in real life. I've had this before over a decade ago, when I dreamt a complete Depeche Mode song that did not exist. Not unlike what generative AI does these days, except better. Anyway, this latest song had "don't stop" as a repeating lyric, but that's so vague it was impossible to find on Google even if it existed.
4th June Dream: Me, H and some other hundred workmen were redoing tiles, mostly on walls, of some cathedral/palace place. There was a Lord Durnstam, who had a black and gold crown. He was king of the local region. During a break, which had no set time, I wandered the main where most of the workmen were. Many walls had enormous and ornate wooden bookcases and in some vaulted alcoves there were a number of great paintings all sort of a standard size. The themes were mostly random, but pertaining to Durnstam. They were all privately commissioned by him and I wondered who the artist was. When I started working on the tiles at the start of the dream, the place seemed moodier and poorly lit. There was this contractor next to me, a woman with faded blonde hair which was tied back, though her hair wasn't that long anyway. She had cream colour pants and a white tank top. I didn't know what to do for whatever reason, or I was confused; so she started sort of poking fun about it but in a playful way. In any case I left this small room and turned around the corner looking for H, finding H immediately. I asked for help and he sort of rolled his eyes but got up and followed me. We went back to that small room with the lady, who was still there and working. H gave me a bit flat screwdriver to remove the mortar with. I said it wouldn't do, and asked where the electrician's chisel was. H said it would be too vicious but I didn't believe so. In any case, I started to remove mortar. But it wasn't like proper mortar, it was brittle yes, but also sort of soft. Part of me wondered how it was working at all or how it had remained in place undisturbed. Then the hall scene, while walking around, I was holding the screwdriver or maybe a big steel crowbar. It felt heavy but both not enough and too much to actually be either of those items; I don't remember my clothes. By the end of the dream I was in some side wing of the place. There were modern windows, big and plain. But the light mood was again poor and dark. The worker woman had followed for some time but H wasn't around anymore, having returned to working elsewhere. Then my old friend Da replaced the woman at some point and he was eating a sandwich, which he then passed me and then I had one of my own. I tried doing work while eating but it wasn't going to do, so I stopped trying to multitask like this and just held his sandwich and ate mine. Then at some point there was a big black man, sitting somewhere on the other side of the room, by the windows. He got up and started singing as he did. It was Gregory Porter and in the dream I heard the lyrics clearly, but I don't remember them anymore. They were some sort of comment on society as a whole. Earlier I remember on this side wing hall there were miniscule 1cm tiles all along the wall, making one long continuous mosaic. I thought I'd start on that wall from the bottom and said I was wanting to do these. Some worker walked past and almost laughed. The woman was still with me and pointed out it would be a nightmare to redo because I'd have to do the whole lot once I started. I was confused and up to that point hadn't realised the mosaic was proper tiles, explaining that I thought it was vinyl (lino cover). Notes: - Although this dream wasn't super vivid, some of the recall was quite detailed. The whole dream was quite long and felt like it took a while. - In reality there is no such place as Durnstam so there couldn't possibly be a Lord Durnstam. - The guy that sang like Gregory Porter, I don't remember him looking like the actual person; I remember the dream character as being a bit bigger and more athletic. Curiously enough this seems to relate to something I read only recently about gymnasts and musicians. - Unfortunately, song and lyrics and generally speaking, harmony and music, tend to be some of the first things I lose memory of on awakening. - The whole dream probably came about as we had recently been doing some tile-related work in our home. - I seem to remember the Lord was present in the main hall, but I may have just seen a portrait of him.
The monkey kid I'm surrounded by people as I watch a Kid wearing a monkey mask made out of paper. Hes going to sing a silly song if we pay him..he starts a demo, sounds like some kinda cumbia-rap and I start laughing. A Complex mechanism I'm picking up smaller pieces of some machine, on a sail boat's deck, from the 1900s? a man is explaining each of it's functions, and he's also folding biger pieces of the complex machine; it's astrong material that I don't know of. I believe I'm still at the boat's deck As I'm staring at a couple I say out loud: "every where I go I find some humble people. A voice says everywere? Yes, in every experience, I say as direct to the cople: "yes you two" a man and a woman in their 40s. To my surprise a character vanishes poof!! leaving a black smoky cloud!, (like that one in D. love intro).. Just like if he was waiting for me to say it.. Then in my head.."I know them from somewhere". Then I see this other DC, slim and pale, sitting alone..I try to say a complement as I get closer. He turns me away with a unfriendly look, I tell him "oh that's ok..I keep walking by and try to show calm..but didn't expect his reaction at all, I'm feeling a little embarrassed. Hes worried or concerned about something. Then my perception then shifts to the front of the ship. I see a small silver statue of an elderly man, he seems to be trapped in the rigfront side of the ship. I feel he need to be released from some kind of curse. Fragmented ones.. DC pulling another character that refuses to walk, he escapes and goes over over wall, more like a small room without roof, then drops some items from above. Cesar, a friend from my old town, Medellin, Colombia. critices me for having some belly. At the same time another friend, female, is offering some beauty products. Then I tell Cesar, I need to do more resistance exercises, instead of just cardio..He's looking more muscular than ever. We ride a short distance together, in some scooters. Eating dessert at a some event. I offered to some people. I getting very close to a sexy blonde, with green eyes sitting down, on panties, with her legs bent and crossed... A stage filled black giant puddles, seems to be a show or contest, as they're lining up, they turn into bizarre human characters. The one I remember is a headbold guy, white complexity and is covering a red nipple, with dog's hair..
Updated 06-26-2020 at 01:27 AM by 40904
Two nights ago, I had a dream about a creepy monster. It started out as an orange snake, female. Then it turned into an evil monster. Apparently, it was called a "ground Shrek", and despite the reference to a kid's movie, it was actually quite terrifying. It had glowing yellow eyes, and a mouth that was filled with sand. It sang a song as it began eating/killing everyone, and it went like this: "...And we shall be appointed view Of earth's eternal sleep." There were a few lines before it but I couldn't make them out. It kept singing this creepy ditty over and over again as it killed people, and its voice was now deep, masculine, and hollow. The song had a tune similar to a church hymn that I know, "Go Forth With Faith", which for some reason makes it even creepier. It raced towards me, and I couldn't get away in time. The last thing I heard inside of its mouth was this song, and I fell into the sand that fell even further into a black void. At that moment, I believed that I was facing death, and I would finally see what the afterlife was like, if it existed. Then I woke up. Terrifying, but cool.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I live in some ruined temple, like a spirit or ghost, kind of dreamy detachment, not interacting with humans for ages. I am balancing on a swing in a large inner courtyard and singing a song in a traditional Indian style. Then some kind of holy man comes by and sees me. He takes me for a goddess, bows down and worships me. He says my name, something starting with an "S" and kind of long, like Saraswati, but with a couple of "M" in the middle. Slowly I start recalling being this goddess and I feel immensely melancholic, with all the sorrows of the world in my heart. He runs to tell everyone that this goddess is back, thousands come to see me. But one man or demon doubts that I am immortal or hates me, so he shoots an arrow at me. I feel pain and he takes it as proof that I am no goddess. Then another man throws another arrow, and another and so forth. The pain is unbearable, but I dont feel that I am dying. Then people who stand by my side also start throwing arrows at the attackers and it seems the whole humanity is fighting, until I fall into the ground, more sad than hurt. Then some men and women around me stop shooting arrows and simply take care of protecting me and taking me to a safe place. They take care of me, remove the arrows with so much love and devotion and I feel better again. The man who threw the first arrow is killed and the fight stops. They bring me back to the temple and organize to take care of me and provide me what I need. I have a room, which looks more like a storage room of antiques, filled with ancient treasures, maybe offerings from my devotees. I feel so tired, I just want people to leave me there quietly alone for eons. But people can't just be quiet, they keep coming to visit me, looking for me, wanting to talk to me.. But I'm like a delicate flower, they shouldn't come close, they shouldn't touch me or talk to me. I stay in absolute silence whenever they address me and I finally decide I need to leave again from this human realm. It's too heavy for me. I hide in a moldy wardrobe, they think I am playing hide and seek and eventually take a peak inside. But I am no longer there. I just needed a dark quiet place to slowly float away to another plane. I can see them as if I am still sitting in the wardrobe, but I am nowhere and everywhere, until humanity needs me and deserves me some day. Then I'll reemerge.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening In Iceland with Zilla at some kind of natural hostel, with indoor pools. I left a pillow fall in one of the pools, but I am so cold I end up entering the water with my clothes on. Some people I know are there taking a swim. At the library earlier, Zilla had two of her cats with her, a yellow boy and a fluffy girl, protecting him from a third cat, which I guess was the library mascot. There is a kind of canteen / living room, which is a bit hard to understand how it works. People are playing games, but also picking up food from a buffet and each person seems to have tasks attributed. We are hungry but a bit lost about how it all works. They have soups, different yummi breads and stuff I cant tell if it's vegetable or animal, but I assume all is vegetarian. They speak in icelandic, sing songs and it is both silly and adorable. They only apeak english to warn the guests that outside it is a pleasant -2°C. I shriek and they laugh, because for them it is a warm summer night.
I dreamt that I was in a mall with a very high ceiling. It was very dark there with a mystical kind of dark blue light. The mall was square, with all shops in the middle of the building. In all the four corners there was exotic plants/trees growing on the walls, taking up a lot of space. In every corner, ab it closer to the middle there were stairs leading up to a little path which you could walk on. A woman and a creature of some kind suddenly came in and started singing some very mystical and calming song, with no words in it. It sounded magical and the few people that were in the mall got so attached into the song (almost if as they were being hypnotized) that they started following the woman and the creature around as they floated around the mall and up the stairs. I followed as well, curious to see what was going on. The woman and the creature on her side disappeared behind a corner and I woke up to my alarm ringing.
Happy New Year!! I got a great start to mine - a nice solid lucid! For the past week I have been working hard to try to lucid dream and remember my dreams. It's starting to pay off! though my dream recall still SUCKS. early dreams: I was in the mountains. It was so incredibly beautiful and I wanted to move there but things kept holding me back and I was so sad about it. I wanted to stay in those snow covered towering high mountains forever. I was in caves. I was lucid and and excited. It seemed to last awhile and I let the dream take me wherever, part of which I remember crawling through caves. Eventually though, I lost the lucidity and the caves became scary. My boyfriend woke me and said goodbye and went off to work. I knew I had to try to fall asleep so I could get a lucid in! I was in my old house with my parents, sister, and grandpa. It was painted all white and empty except furniture. Everyone was sad and stressed for some reason. My sister was eating something like trail mix, she started choking and I said, "are you ok??" and she says, "no" but I realize she is fake choking. My dad says something like, "she just wanted you to practice your emotions." WTF. I was angry. I stormed off to my old room and there I find my mom, smoking a cigarrette, and my grandpa on the floor with his eyes closed, he looked dead but wasn't. I say, "hey, I need a cigarette!(neither of us smoke IRL) and take it from her and take a huff. Then my sis comes in and joins. I am in my bed, which is kind of like a bunk bed, and start going to sleep. This is a dream itself though, and my mom is walking around. I try to block her out, close my eyes. I get warped into a new dream, I am standing in the living room. It's night time and I'm staring at the giant window that's decorated in xmas decorations and a bunch of lights. I focus on one to stabilize the dream, and it works. I don't know what to do, but I don't want to stay inside so I go out into the night. I notice a few things, like the tree in the front yard by the driveway, a giant blow up snow globe santa thing, and on the street two cars are parked. Standing by the cars are two girls, around my age. I walk up and see they are digging through stuff in their cars. I stand in front of one of the girls. She has blond straight hair, with smokey makeup and long earrings. We start dancing and a song blares in the background, it sounds to be a young but seasoned singer and I try to remember the lyrics. "Desire is a compassion burned fire" We dance and it's amazing and then we KISS and it's fire. I decide to wake up after this because I thought my mom had been waiting for me to wake up, even though that part was just a dream. I wake up in my real bed.
Date of Dream: SAT 12 AUG - 2017 Dream No. 176 - Music Practice There wasn't much that I remembered about this dream. The only thing I remember is that I was singing harmonies to a pre-recorded Croatian song that I was preparing for my TAFE's cultural day. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
I remembered one dream fragment last night. YAY I was walking towards an office building, and a little jingle was playing in the air. I'm not sure where it was coming from. And despite around 7-7.5 solid hours of sleep, that's all I remember. Oh well.
Morning of November 2, 2016. Wednesday. In my dream, I find myself in an unfamiliar room in an unknown setting that has the appearance of an efficiency apartment (though my dream self does not perceive it as unfamiliar). Dennis (older half-brother on my mother’s side, of whom I have not seen in real life since 1994) is present but appears as he did in the 1970s. There is also an unknown and unfamiliar male present of about Dennis’s age, presumed (by my dream self) to be either his visiting friend or flatmate. However, it remains uncertain if my dream is otherwise implying the apartment to be mine. Dennis and I enter into an argument when I play “Nights in White Satin” (a song by the Moody Blues) on a cassette player that sits atop a low-set chest of drawers that faces the foot of the bed, though more to the right. Dennis says it is not the original version. I tell him and the other male that they must have only heard later shortened versions. One point made is that Dennis says there are no helicopter sounds in the original version. I tell him that he is wrong. (However, I am thinking of the movie “Apocalypse Now” and the “Ride of the Valkyries” score and somehow confusing it with “Nights in White Satin”, though the similarity between these two recordings is otherwise minimal.) I am able to sarcastically, with amusement, vocalize the background motif in inverse (that is, with the staff flipped upside-down so that any sequence of increasingly higher notes go down in pitch and decreasing notes go higher in pitch). I am fully aware of how it would sound as such. The other two look on, seeming annoyed, as I repeat that this is the correct version while implying they may have heard the inverted one. I awake with a sense of joy and an instant recognition of my dream’s meaning. Decoding template follows: Dream type and explanation: This dream uses “return flight waking symbolism”, which is created when the physicality of the conscious self identity is ambiguously perceived prior to the RAS (reticular activating system) neural gating that regulates the sleep-wake transition. Consequently, the dream self identity subliminally anticipates falling, rising, sustained flight, or other illusory movement based on the misperception of the vestibular system’s equilibrium dynamics.Dream state induction type: Transmutation of our bed as a subliminal dream state indicator, created as a result of the subliminal memory of being asleep.Dream state indicators: The bed and the song “Nights in White Satin”.Liminal space symbol: The beach (unseen yet implied), which represents the neural space between sleeping and waking. The relationship to the flight symbol is that the helicopters (in the movie) fly towards the beach and over land from the water (water of which symbolizes sleep and the circadian rhythms dynamics of the dream state and the glymphatic system).Preconscious factor: My dream self is already in the emergent consciousness role, which is validated by my subliminal recognition of both dream state indicators. It is otherwise the preconscious that is dominant over the dream self to initiate waking.Interconsciousness factor: The unknown male in the background of whose presence does not otherwise trigger a known dream state component.Liminal space cessation trigger: The line “Just what the truth is, I can’t say anymore” from “Nights in White Satin”. The liminal space cessation trigger is that which begins to break the illusion of the dream state, sometimes symbolized by a jigsaw puzzle or a breaking window.Flight symbol to dream exit point (symbolic waking transition): The (unseen) helicopter as “returning” me to my bed, symbolized in my dream by the unfamiliar bed of the efficiency apartment. (Note that I sit on the foot of the bed, right side, just as I do with my real bed in waking life.) The helicopter rotor system symbolizes kinocilia in the same way as a tornado in the dream state. (However, at a spiritual level, for those who follow the path, it also represents the Merkaba as a tornado also does.)Waking symbolism is typically oriented to the right, which is the location of the cassette player as perceived from the bed.
Updated 01-24-2018 at 06:16 AM by 1390
I cannot remember the context of this dream, but I remember its general theme, as well as the feelings I had about the occurrences. In the dream, I was listening to an album I'm quite familiar with; it was probably a Genesis album. Anyway, one great thing about Genesis (At least '70s era Genesis), is that they often had themes within songs that would resurface in slightly different forms on later songs on the same album, either as like a reprise or just something to help give a sense of circular closure to the album. This is one of my favourite things about them; it can make for some really powerful stuff (Just listen to Duke or Trick of the Tail and you'll see what I mean). So, in the dream, my sense of familiarity with whatever songs I was listening to was clear to me. The song began, and of course I'd immediately recognize it and know exactly where it was going. However, what happened in this dream was something surreal, and I can only imagine what it would be like in real life. Basically, a song that I knew well would start, but at some point during the song, a theme from a song from a different album would come about and somehow work with the music. It was ridiculously strange to me, but the weirdest thing about it was that it worked, within the context of the song. Somehow my brain was able to come up with a way of combining two completely unrelated Genesis songs into one, and it made musical sense. However, it was still pretty disturbing to me in the dream. I think it would have made more sense if my dream self just accepted the weird scenario, as often happens in dreams. But I couldn't really accept it. It was surreal to me in the dream, as it would have been in real life. I only wish I could remember the song and how it worked; I now cannot even imagine what it would have been. I've had similar types of dreams before, but usually with film. A film I'd be familiar with would begin, but changes to the plot and characters would occur, which would be unsettling for me. What could these dreams be indicative of? Do they have some sort of meaning? I feel like recurring dreams usually do...
My dream recall has been terrible due to insomnia and over tiredness, plus daughter troubles. D1 - I'm jogging with someone I know, and a herd of others. I am feeling serious about taking part and happy about my friend being with me. As we are going along I am strangely drawn to her shapely butt, Oops, she is so gawjus it is a magnetic thing ^^ I would follow her anywhere No doubt if that dream had continued I would have run straight into a lampost! D2 - I am selecting the perfect message to send to the someone, I am looking through old style vinyl records. I need to find the right one to connect my feelings with them. I hear the song playing over and over, I am putting all my intention into sending the vibes to the person. The song is still playing as I wake up nice I don't often remember music from my dreams. [comment] My subconscious has a wicked sense of humour. Oo no water? but no nightmares either so no complaints Song will be in my head all day I think...
Updated 04-23-2016 at 12:43 PM by 89275