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    Memorable Dreams

    1. The Abyss and the Celestial Highway

      by , 08-12-2011 at 09:26 AM
      I had a dream I was at this strange festival, where random people danced about and performed in different themed costumes. There were pilgrims, knights, scientists, Indians, and all other types of ‘characters’ roaming about. In fact, I had noticed a few family members of mine around as well. I wandered about until I was surrounded by this woman and her elderly parents. They had “selected” me, for whatever reason, taking me to a quiet corner of the convention. The woman gave me a map of some strange floating land in a blue abyss. Part of it was a large island, then a burning mountain, then a smaller island with a figure of Jesus on it. I asked what the fuck that was, and was told it was a map of “Paradise,” a place once only accessible through death. For whatever reason, they knew I had the capacity to build some ship that could ferry living souls there without them having to die, and they were offering a large sum of money. For whatever reason, I stupidly accepted.

      The dream fast-forwarded to my completion of the vessel, and passengers were already boarding it—people from all walks of life and often families that wanted to remain together for eternity. I felt compassion for their needs, and carried on with the mission into “the Abyss,” some realm the ship was able to enter through this weird, spontaneous portal. This Abyss seemed to be nothing but an isolating expanse of blue, appearing to be water without being so. My ship sunk lower into this Abyss, throwing passengers into a panic, until the vessel landed on this strange stone structure whose length was indiscernible—our greatest telescopes could see neither end. It seemed to be shaped like the back of a dragon, and some sort of “Celestial Highway.” Two arms stuck out, allowing me to tell which way was forward. I had the boat travel that direction, as the crowds were finally relieved.

      The boat, however, needed occasional maintenance. A Head Engineer besides being Captain, and being the one who built it, I ventured into these hatch divers would use to explore the outside of the ship. Donning a suit, I had to fix a piece of the exterior wall before it could compromise the ship’s infrastructure. I opened the hatch and swam out further, noticing the many pillars adding stability to the Celestial Highway. It was puzzling and difficult to comprehend how far down the pillars seemed to reach. Their height was blurred by the sheer depth from which they came, like how neither end of the Highway could immediately be seen.

      In my state of awe, I dismissed strange movement behind me. In that very moment, a colossal stone giant that was arcane in texture with eyes set ablaze emerged from the depths I failed to perceive. It let out a roar loud enough to nearly tip the vessel off the highway, so my only choice was to lead the beast way from the ship, and deeper into the abyss in the process. My suit allowed me to swim as fast as Namor and Aquaman, at least, but that barely led to my survival as I fled from the giant. It constantly tried to crush me within its hands, as it strangely began to slow down gradually—as if running on some battery that was running out of juice.

      I continued to let it chase me until it stopped on its tracks. Then, I sped back towards the direction of the ship. Unbeknownst to me, the monster had released these freakish, angular tendrils spewing lava. Once I noticed, I fled faster until I had reached the hatch from which I came. I shut it quickly, initiating all locking procedures. However, that did not seem to be enough. The tendrils shattered what defense remained, as I tried to climb out from the chamber. I managed to, despite an entire torrent of lava flying in my direction. Before it all could, I shut another hatch and turned on the “decompression chamber” effects. With the tendrils still in that room, they would be affected and hopefully neutralized.

      When I stepped back into one of the larger rooms that contained a massive panoramic window, I noticed that we were no longer in the abyss. It seemed to be a view of the Atlantic, with various cruise liners in the horizon. People all around me were in a state of delusion and panic, having bought into this quest to Paradise by sacrificing all that they had. I was breathless before that fact, and knelt down trying to comprehend everything that had occurred. It still made no sense.

      Returning home, I was thrown a party by friends and family. It was all nice and peaceful, able to take my mind off the whole ship ordeal, until a small girl wanted to join us. She was a neighbor who complained that her parents were fighting, and needed a place to stay until things simmered down. I let her party, and all was well until gunfire ensured absolute silence. I ventured with a few of the adults to the mansion down the street—knowing it belonged to that arguing couple. We brought guns of our own; knowing neither of them was alone.

      Within the foyer, we were already attacked by these men in Power Ranger costumes, carrying their own guns as they attempted to kill us. I fired back, taking down several as I ran about the whole mansion. I hoped to find the arguing couple, but all I found was more Power Ranger weirdoes trying to kill me. I shot down enough of them until time fast-forwarded again.

      I later found myself in some generic comic/video game/anime convention, but wandering through a mechanical hedge maze. There, I met Chris-chan, who was acting creepy towards a random girl. I punched him in the face, though not with all my strength, and yet he fell over bawling like a shitting monkey. I climbed over the hedge wall to flee from the scene, and hopped over the gaps until I reached the exit, knowing that Chris was pursuing me with this “autistic anger” face. When I made it to the exit, Chris was there, waiting for me, and delivered a kick to my stomach. It only pushed me backwards a little bit, but it gave me an excuse to just beat more shit out of him.

      When the sun had set, I visited this cul-de-sac expecting my dad and sister. Only she had waited for me there, though, and I had assumed we were in front of our house. I looked at her as she sat in an unfamiliar car, wondering what was going on, until I noticed several middle aged ladies walking into what was supposedly my house. I pursued them, telling them to leave, until I noticed that it wasn’t my house after all. It looked too wide and had two stories, making it rather strange that I somehow confused it for my own house.

      The dream fast-forwarded once again, and I was then on a rooftop in some Iron Man costume. I was suddenly in regret for the whole Abyss dilemma, and numerous Avengers had arrived to console me. I don’t what the fuck else happened, but that was it.
    2. Nonphysical New York to Visit the Dead

      by , 08-12-2011 at 06:02 AM

      Type: Lucid Dream. (Visiting the Dead)
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      {telepathy in these brackets}

      We arrive at the short few steps of a Brownstone. There is a guy behind me but I hardly know him and he is basically trailing along to learn some things. I have been to this place before and yet part of me doesn’t know where this is. I feel my awareness and that I am whole again on the other side of reality where thoughts make things and places and this was a simulated New York village. Every time I am here it seems unpopulated, there are no signs of life on the outside, save for shrubs and trees, not even any cars on the road.

      I have forgotten who we’re here to see but I know what to do and walk up to the door. The guy I’m with wants to push the buzzer/doorbell. If this was physical reality the mechanical/electric device would work and ring the persons doorbell in their apartment but here only the newbies and dreamers try it out. I can see telepathically the guy I’m with is a mess, he is unsure of everything but trying so hard to be perfect, so I let him ring the bell and wait as if there is a buzzing sound and then I open the door and walk in.

      It is always so dark in this vestibule and the stairs, I can see in the dark but it is so unfriendly and foreboding although it is not meaning to be.

      I walk to a dark corner and push and twist some wooden molding, this opens the secret passage to the part of the place we are going to. We walk in and it is still just as dark.

      We walk up the stairs to the correct door. The nervous guy behind me gets even more nervous as I stop in front of the door as I try to remember who’s place this is. The nervous guy comes around to the front of me and squeezes between me and the door to open it. The door opens and I realize it is my grandmothers place! No she never had this place when she was alive but has taken to liking it after her death. She is standing there expecting us. I see her but don’t know how to feel since she is not the full old woman I knew. She has been dead for years here and many more in the physical world and has regressed to her younger more vital young-woman-self. What are the rules for greeting someone who thinks they are both old and young and that they know you but not really? We greet {and acknowledge our relationship} but she is half the woman I knew and another totally unknown to me, the younger woman before she met my grandfather. He was not around since died before her and has forsaken the physical plane altogether (long story of another nonphysical place and a cool place at that, the Last Timers Ring that rings the earth, but that’s a story for another time. Basically he was leaving the physical plane for ever and I have never seen him since.), she seemed to know this.

      Before going in I saw a metal threshold and there was an engravements in it and I bent down to examine it more closely. It was so real looking with dirt in the letters and abrasions. I felt it and it felt so perfectly real, I was blown away by it a bit but gathered myself and walked in.

      I wondered around her place looking at all the intricate objects and how they all fit into her between-life life, it was very fascinating. I was in awe at how real it all looked, and felt! The kitchen has the same kind of tile from her physical kitchen, it is dark in there but I didn’t want to mess with lights in a nonphysical place.

      Then I walk out into the living room and saw her nonphysical-life dog, a little white poodle! Animals are so rare in these nonphysical parts! I bent down and pet it and it felt so real! It was not at all a perfect representation of a dog; it had dirt under its belly as if it had never been washed. I got down on the floor with the dog and gave it a good rubbing. It stayed there as if it liked the petting. It didn’t have much personality which is basically life-force so I intended on giving it some of my own and it perked up a little bit and became a little more lively, literally.

      I saw my grandmother was happy that I was enjoying the dog but she was hard to look at since I saw both the old woman and the young woman, pretty disturbing. I realized that she was the “old dead”, people that have been dead for a long time but still felt tied to their old life. As for myself, I didn’t even feel tied to my physical life and I was still living it! I was, and am still, not sure why she hangs out in that drab place!

      I got up off the floor and realized how low the crummy dusty chandelier hung. The table had all and birthday cake on it with many candles burning and kinds of stuff on it like back when she was alive. It was all kinda sad, not that she was dead, you can be more alive dead than you ever were when you were alive, but she was not moving on she was stuck in this dark small apartment of her own creation with all these sad trappings of a past life.

      My grandmother was cradling a baby that was known by her, and I, to be unreal but she felt she needed the comfort it gave. The old dead are creepy people, two or three lives all jumbled up into one undead existence. {It is time for us to go} and she got up and the baby disappeared and everyone started to move to the door a bit. My grandmother had to walk around stuff and stacks of magazines, tied with string, in a tall knee high bundle. The place was full of little things like that, fascinating!

      Then there was a woman with 2 small kids in old time clothing that just appeared in the living room. “Ok lets go” she said to the kids and they all walked into the hallway and vanished. Creepy. Can ghosts have ghosts?

      My grandmother walked out of the door and the nervous guy waited near the sofa and wanted me to walk out first. I, on the other hand, was astounded with the reality of the place and rubbed my hand on the wall by the door feeling how solid it was “look at it! It’s solid, like the real thing!” He looked at me like I was crazy and was getting jumpy.

      We walked out into the dark hallway where the jumpy guy said “my dream guide likes to be surprised…but not TOO much.” I thought I would try not to do anything strange.

      As we all rounded the corner a man came out of the dark and I realized it must be this guy’s dream guide. I thought, about what not to do and so did exactly THAT, I skipped like a girl across the floor and then regretted it immediately.

      Hi, you must be his dream guide” I said.

      The DG was a tall guy and dressed like he was a 17th century aristocrat with flowy sleeves and such, “yes, I am in fact!
      Good to meet you.” I said while turning to the nervous guy.
      He waved at the dream guide stiffly and gave a nervous “Hi” with a nervous smile.
      I’d seen enough and decided to leave them on their own.

      Then there are these little lights floating in the air in the dark hallway and everyone gives me one. I love this!

      My Mom yells at me from a dark place but I can see her face, I ignore her, but everyone else seems not to even notice her.
      The end, I wake up.

      Awake i check the time, I had been asleep for only 2.5 hours!

      Updated 08-12-2011 at 06:13 AM by 36469

      lucid , memorable
    3. My sub-conscience works too well.

      by , 08-12-2011 at 01:59 AM
      The past few nights, my dreams have involved my ex, telling me that he regrets breaking up with me and loves me still... He told his current girlfriend that he never loved her and always loved me. The dreams took place in a hallway near my locker in school.---The weird things about it was that it was my school---but wasn't... you know what I mean? Like it looked nothing like it and the lockers were red, while they are blue in real-life. I hate how dreams alter the truth and I blame my sub-conscience. I'm jealous of those people who learned to control their dreams, knowing they are dreaming and can accomplish anything in their dream-state. I, myself was only to perform lucid dreaming once and it wasn't even on purpose, but it was a few years back.
    4. The big Dreamviews heist.

      by , 08-11-2011 at 07:44 PM (Aeolar's Lucid Reveries and other Hoopla)
      I am on the DV forums, quite literally. I am at the forums. I am showing others "How to do things lucidly" by performing them myself, almost like a video. At one point in the dream I became lucid, and it seemed just so real to me as I was in Aeolar form, standing in the forum with weapons in hand.
      I am with a girl who has brown hair who look a lot like Raspberry, and she had found/stolen a credit card. This was back when they were first getting popular, and there wasn't any security on them. Raspberry left for a while, and when she came back, she had all new clothes, and was wearing a white trucker cap to the side and was all like, "yo". I told her to gimme that card, and I went on a spending spree. I didn't really get to choose my clothes though, and I burst through the doors with all white clothes, a white hat, and purple John Lennon glasses on. Me and Raspberry left the changing room, and Rasp was spraying the hell out of herself with deodorant, but it sure did smell good :3

      Now, a black man who we "knew" came up to us an said "What up?" All 3 of us then headed to the cash register, where there were 2 bald headed rich black men trying to return something.
      "Watch this," Rasp whispered in my ear, and within 2 seconds she had swiped the receipts of the men. We waited and began to listen in on their conversation. The first black man said he wanted to return something, but when he searched his pockets to find the receipt, he couldn't and then told the clerk that he would pay double. The second man did basically the same thing as the first, only, he said that
      "I'll pay with a lot of Zero's. You'll barely be able to see the money sign, because the zero's will block it out."

      After those men had left, we were checking out, when suddenly a black boss-like character came up to us. He and our black man know each other, and it seems as though there is a rivalry between the two. There is no trouble with the transaction, and we buy the clothes. The boss laughs,
      "Hah! You all are doing well for yourselves! I was actually about to go make some money myself."
      I walk up to the boss, "Yeah, but we're not dealing with hard cash. It's liquidated. It's made to flow so we can use it on the go." Heh, that should be a quote I think to myself.
      The boss cracks up when I say that. "Hey, so where is your next job?"
      Our black man quickly replies, "We're taking a quick drive to Vegas."
      "Drive??" I say questionably. "I didn't know we were driving there."
      "Yes, drive. Low profile."
      Some person on the DV forum read my posts to Mayflow and says,
      "Aeolar, I think you are a very nice person and I'd like to hang out." xDD
      This is four months later from today. So it turns out that by this time, I still had not gotten a job, so I decided to go out and push drugs. At first, I was getting pretty damn good at it. I had paid my debts, and even bought myself a pistol. But one day, I was introduced to these high roller big shot guys. They wanted us to do some dirty work for them. I accepted, because each man was getting $5,000, and all I had to do was drive. Easy money, right?

      So, the next day, I got in a pickup truck, and picked up 2 men. I basically drove in reverse while someone manned an MG in the back. Well, long story short, we were ambushed and bound to die. Our contractors had set us up, and only a black man and myself were able to run away. We ran through bushes and out onto the highway. We were being chased by professionals with M16's. We managed to run across a bridge and find a car. We knew we were fucked. And I mean fuuuuuucked. I asked the man what he did for a living, and he said that he pushed guns. I had 2 pistols on me and a plastic revolver. I kept looking at the revolver, it was important in some way. I heard someone on the radio yell, "Jump! JUMP!!" So I did. I jumped out of the moving vehicle and started walking west down the highway. I walked for a while, dodging Lorries and other Semi-trucks. I had my phone on me, and someone had texted me that said "Are you dead, running, packing, or looking for UFO's while packing?" I came up with a plan to end this. I am now watching the gun pusher. He has picked up four friends. All of them have assault rifles. They meet the pursuers out on a hilly road that looks like it belongs in California. The gun pushers have no chance, and as the last one falls, a man appears behind the murderers.
      "It is I, bitches!!" I yell. Then with a silenced 9mm pistol, I drop all 7 of them, and the dream ends.
    5. Up in the sky in the arena, Olympian demigods holding back the cyborg elite

      by , 08-11-2011 at 07:19 PM (Exploring the Unconscious - Bob's Dream Journal)
      Last night was nothing too long nor vivid, just a small fragment.

      I remember being with my father, among others, in an arena lit by yellow sunlight. The arena was suspended in the clouds. It was very Olympian/Herculean/Greek-mythology-esque, complete with massive marble columns supporting the half-domed roof. We were fighting a high-technology battle against a horde a machine-like foes. I remember casting out a blanket of small, silvery heat-seeking missiles and perceiving them head-first as they engulfed one of the part-man, part-god, part-robot enemies in a small but thoroughly destructive rain of fire.

      That's about all I can pull out of my memory for this one, which is unfortunate because of how surreal the small scene that I can remember is. I love the concept of an ancient high-technology battle among lesser gods. (I wasn't told explicitly, but I'm almost certain that this was indeed an ancient battle, occurring during the glory days of ancient Greek legend).

      Chicken and tomatoes on the skillet before bed,
      2x krill oil
    6. Wave 81: Most epic LD night ever

      by , 08-10-2011 at 06:49 PM (The Meerkat's Lair)
      This night was the greatest LD night I ever lived since I started lucid dreaming. I had 5 LDs (which of course I chained, I love DEILD) but in each of them I demonstrated dream control like I had never experienced before.

      Dream 1: I start my lucid dream by doing a random reality check in my living room while my mom is watching me. As soon as I realise I am dreaming I decide to go outside. It's night. I open the door and jump in the snow (even though its summer in RL). Then I go on the street and see a lot of cars passing by with many pedestrians. I see a hockey net from afar. I decide to fly by using a special technique specifically designed for my inability to fly (made by Loaf). I sit down as if I'm in a car, use the invisible gas to go forward and tilt up to fly. Once high enough I am able to let go and fly away, but I end up in a big horizontal vortex talking to Nick Cannon. I talk to him about how he is black.

      I try to DEILD but fail since I had lost a little lucidity near the end. I go back to sleep.

      Dream 2: I have a big non-lucid about me using a teleporting machine, only to find myself with 7 fingers on each hand. I am pissed and decide to try to sue the company who made it, for no success. I never realise that unusual hands is a reality check lol. I talked to my uncle in the middle of that dream, which leads to the 3rd one.

      Dream 3: False Awakening. I wake up in my bed and my cell phone rings. It says someone sent me two pictures. I think that its my uncle who sent me pictures of his dog (could have happened). I get up and go in the living room. ALL of my family is there, including my uncle. It takes me awhile to understand but I do a reality check as the dream fades out. I now begin my chain of LDs. I DEILD back into a dream. I am now back in my living room and everyone tells me that the pool is weird. I go to check it and they tell me anyone who goes on the pool floats on the surface. I take a dip myself and float on top of the water. I want to impress my DC family, so I tell them that when I snap my fingers the water will be normal again. I do and they are impressed. I proceed to flying around in my house and my mom asks me how the hell I do that. I tell her I'm just lucid dreaming and she says my brother and sister should try it too. Id rather not, they should go find their own amazing hobby!

      Dream 4: As I DEILD in the next dream, I remember that youre not supposed to chain too much or you will start forgetting your first dreams (and I dont want that) which is why when my dream starts off with 2 santa claus puppet, I wake myself up to start off on a clean slate with a better dream.

      Dream 5: I am in a restaurant with my family once again, but as soon as the dream starts I completely abandon the plotline to go have fun outside. I have an aversion against doors, so I go through the window of the restaurant even though the door is right next to it. I bump on the window a couple of times before passing through, but I dont care since who can see me right? I dont remember much after that, except that I walked on the street and saw my friend Sandy. Im turned on and want to have sex, so I try to make a Playmate appear I tell myself that when I look behind me, she will be there (and naked). However the Dreamworld has a way of somehow preventing me from having dream sex, maybe because there are so many better things to do. So I fail to make her appear.

      Dream 6: I DEILD with the firm intention of having dream sex. I am in a big school filled with people my age. As I am walking the hall I say out loud que jai le gout de fourrer. The girl next to me tells me she does too but shes ugly so I tell her that shes just a DC and im the dreamer here. I choose . I am roaming for a place in the school to have sex "privately" if you will until I end up in a big dark room with shelves. I decide to try to make sandy appear this time and it works. As I'm walking up to her I'm already taking of my shoes and coat but she walks away from me. I follow her and she seems to agree but as she says that we should go in the corner a bunch of girls from the school come into the room looking for costumes for a dance show (wearing makeup and everything). Then theres guys too. Once again, im prevented from having sex. He he

      Dream 7: I'm back in the restaurant. For a brief moment I seem to have lost all my superpowers. I cant seem to levitate or fly or anything. I push my finger through my palm to make sure that I am dreaming. Fade out.....again

      Dream 8: Had a non-lucid dream about doing homework secretly in school with my friends.
    7. The reason I'm a Bastard.

      by , 08-10-2011 at 05:05 PM
      Well, it's true isn't it? Once in a while I still have a dream that's worth sharing on here. I had an odd one just before I woke up this morning.

      The Reason I'm a Bastard - The first thing I can remember was that I was extremely angry. I was in some sort of suit that made me faster, stronger, and oh, I could fly with a jetpack. Pretty cool. Anyway, I was in the parking lot of my local safeway (supermarket), and the parking lot had apparently flooded for about 4-5 inches of water, and the store had decided to put in a tiny little dock for some reason. I was standing on this dock, staring at a tin container, which opened up to reveal a twisted and disfigured doll who had somehow come to life. I knew I had to put the doll down. It was evil. It walked up to me and said "My parents are dead!". That didn't stop me. "You killed my parents, you little shit." I said, as I grabbed the top of the tin container she had crawled out of and started slamming it on top of her. After a few hits I swung it low and shot her into the water, where she lied there fully submerged. I walked over and looked around for some way to possibly destroy the doll for good. I saw three grandmas wading through the water. I asked the first one "Do you happen to have a lighter?", to which she replied "Of course! Here you go." and tossed me a large, rigged together lighter. It worked though, and I could feel the doll fearing what i was going to do. Now I just needed gasoline. But where would I find that? I asked the third grandma, who replied "Why, I happen to have a container right here." and handed me a small black container filled with gasoline. "You're just going to give it to him?" asked the second one, slightly perplexed. "Well, if he tries to run off with it, I'll just make him pay for it!" the third one said, satisfied with her logic.

      As I began emptying the container on and around the area of the doll, who was still in the small lake, a crowd began gathering. I was wondering how I'd light it all, when all of a sudden someone shouted "HEAT SEAKER!". I looked up and saw a missle barreling towards me, and I rolled out of the way just before it could hit me. It grazed the water and then lifted itself up and apparently picked up something else, as it didn't come back. "Damn," I thought, "I've gotta pick this up". With the gasoline poured, I began to lit the lighter and was about to drop it and run away when some random janitor decided it was his duty to clean up part of the gasoline spill. Specifically, the part on top of the doll. For a split second, the doll had an evil grin on its face and thought that it was safe. "Like hell.." I thought, as I quickly pushed some of the gasoline back on top of the doll, who's anger and fury quickly turned back to distress and alarm. I'm pretty sure I said something like "Eat shit", and then pushed the lighter into the gasoline, causing it to burst into flames and then miraculously explode. The doll was destroyed, and I was shot into the air due to the force of the explosion, but quickly used my built in jetpack (Handy, huh?) to gain control and then land. The audience that had gathered applauded as if it were some fourth of July show.

      So, to answer any questions, yes, I did just dream about beating the shit out of a doll and then blowing it up, while wearing some sort of super suit. It either makes me awesome or insane, and I'm not quite sure which one yet.
    8. End of the World: 2012 Style

      by , 08-10-2011 at 03:02 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was walking through what looked like a building at my college. The walls were all cracking. It was the year 2012, and this was supposed to be the end of the world. It was a lot like the movie 2012; the world was supposed to go out in a series of crazy natural disasters.

      I walked into another room, and a girl was standing right in front of a huge bulge in the wall. The bulge was a lava rock trying to break free, and it was creating tons of cracks. Eventually, I could see the actual lava rock. I was a little concerned about the girl, but I figured she knew what she was getting into. It was the end of the world, after all. I walked back into the other room, and there was a pile of 3 large lava rocks by the door. I commented on this to someone. I could feel the heat they were emitting as I walked by.

      Then, I was in my house, and the same thing was happening. My family and I were trying to get out of there before the house sunk into the ground in the major earthquake that was about to happen. I was in the living room, which was lit only by the sunlight coming through the blinds. I then walked into the kitchen. I looked to my left, and the wall by the kitchen table was bulging and cracked like the one I saw in the building at my college. I was trying to rush my family out of the house, because I knew what would happen next: There would be a giant earthquake that would destroy not only the house, but the neighborhood, the town, everything.

      I was trying to get my mom out of there to get in the car, which was parked in the driveway. She went out, but my brother didn't want to leave. I had to convince him to get in the car. He knew what was going to happen, but he wanted to stay anyway. I finally convinced him to get in the car.

      As soon as I was going to try to get in the car to leave, I remembered that I had forgotten my sunglasses. I ran back inside, telling everyone I'd only be a second. I didn't even know if I had time to do that, the house could be toast any minute now. I knew I needed to hurry. I ran into the kitchen and saw the bulge in the wall getting bigger. I looked on the floor and saw some of my shoes scattered everywhere. I contemplated that for a second, thought about maybe taking them, then decided not to and kept on moving. I went into the living room, spotted my sunglasses on the coffee table, and grabbed them. I also grabbed my purse and possibly a few other things before I ran out the door again and into the car.


      Something about Ryan. I remember seeing him sitting on a couch.

      Updated 08-10-2011 at 07:20 PM by 32059

      memorable , dream fragment , non-lucid
    9. Falling in love with a girl at old orchard beach

      by , 08-10-2011 at 02:45 PM
      I can't remember very well how it started but I was at old orchard beach (It didn't really look like the real old orchard beach though).
      I was there with my father and my sister. I eventually met a nice blond girl. At first we were looking in each other eyes, without talking. But I went to talk to her and she invited my to her hotel with his father . We kissed and did hugs and all that stuff.. When I came back from OOB, it was christmas. My phone rang (it was the girl) I can't remember what we said. ![AT THIS POINT I SAID TO MYSELF: WHERE DID SHE GET MY PHONE NUMBER? SOMETHING IS WRONG, but I didn't turn into a LD ]! Later, I called her again and asked her her email. She gave it to me and I wrote it down on a paper. It was a pretty weird email and she said it was the one of her whole family.
    10. More stable

      by , 08-10-2011 at 07:57 AM (DarkSider's Dream Journal)
      Whew, another lucid, and a few other dreams.
      Right, so tonight, I gace DEILD another shot and I think it just became my favourite inducing technique. I attempted it twice tonight, though it only worked the second time. I set my alarm to go off at 4am. I thought that was enough for me to get decent sleep. I woke up about 2-3 hours before the alarm. After feeling concious, my leg twitched and it was enough to get me out of REM, not too dissapointed, I fell asleep.
      My alarm went off, I havent moved or blinked. There was this ringing sound in my head. I started counting to ten. As I counted to 7, I felt that incredible feeling again, only weaker than last time.
      My body became heavy and numb. I knew this was the signal to do a RC. I slowly lifted my hand and pinched my nose. I could breathe. I was A LOT calmer than last time. I layed on my bed, letting everything to settle. I slowly got up and raised my hands before my eyes. They looked normal, no extra fingers or anything strange. They were blurry on the edges though. As I concentrated on my hands, I tried concentrating on the smell, and sound aswell. The one thing I always seem to forget is feeling some texture and tasting something. With that done, I stood up.
      I was infront of my mirror. I looked just like the way I do in the real world
      (The dream even remembered my new haircut I got yesterday)
      Only one thing which was odd was that I was wearing clothes. The reflection behind me was my old wardrobe we had, with a christmas calendar . It's gone now. Everything was still blurry and I was feeling dizzy, so I looked down at the ground. Looked up and everything looked stable. I decided to begin exploring my dream.
      I woke up my borther this time and asked him to join me. He did so without hesitation. Since it was dark out, I wanted to use some passive control to make it brighter. As we were leaving the apartment, I told my mom that we were going outside, because It's a beutiful and sunny day outside. The hallway looked normal, but it wad darker. As we were climbing down the stairs, I noticed cows while looking trough the window, alot of cows! We're outisde. The outside looked nothing like I've ever seen before. Some cars, a playground and other buildings. I noticed something strange when I was outside aswell. I was avle to finally move freely, without my hands sliding, eyes closing or any other stuff. Next, I wanted to do something fun, so I thought about lifting a car. I walked to a car and slowly bent down. And slowly but surely lifted the car of the ground. Suprisingly, the car was as light a toaster, even lighter. Then I gently put the car down. I was happy, and continued exploring the world. I asked my brother to summon my best friend to where I was, but he refused. I asked him two more times and he still refused. Oh well, I guess I didn't have enough control. Moving along, I aproached a big red wall. Feeling strong, I wanted to destroy it. I would've done it, if I hadn't lost conciousnes. The dream ended and I woke up to my dad leaving for work again.
      Still, I was happy that I was able to have a lucid dream.
      I also remember a few fragments of dream which I had before this one.
      I was on vacation last week. We went to see the Baltic Sea

      I find myslef climbing a sand dune for my life, because the water is slowly rising. Climbing was EXTREMELY hard and it felt like something was pulling me down.

      lucid , memorable
    11. (Aug 8-9) Asians and Kias

      by , 08-09-2011 at 10:25 PM
      I tried MILDING, and then WILDING, the previous night I had only a fragment of a dream. I feel like I'm starting to recall more now.

      ASIANS AND KIAS: I was walking around the second floor of a parking lot, full of Kia compact cars, all identical to each other. I choose one with a weird iPod mp3 system, which is placed where the gear shift should be. Had the play, skip, etc on it. I drive it to my house in CT, and I pull a swim floaty from underneath the seat. Then a girl comes up to me, this really cute Asian DC and is all bubbly and happy. I say "you like my friend?" and she explains why to me. It was dark out and I even remember parking infront of my neighbors house and having the conversation on the sidewalk.

      Dream signs: Not in CT anymore, don't have a KIA, don't know a really cute Asian girl.
      non-lucid , memorable
    12. 16th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Joshdamighty

      by , 08-09-2011 at 12:30 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Joshdamighty's Dream
      Started at home in my old house when I was in my early childhood. There were a lot of people over.
      After some socializing with the rediculous amount of people that were over at our house, I realized I was dreaming through my glasses. I don't know how but my glasses were fogged and I took them off and my vision stayed the same.
      Made stuff float to test dream control.
      I remember before trying to teleport I saw this odd mustached man with a monocle who was cuboidal shaped like minecraft.
      I tried to teleport countless times by spinning in a circle and using doors to get to the temple
      Finally a door worked and I was transported to a facility with space shuttles there (didn't count on that)
      I go and try to teleport again with all the doors but nothing works
      Then i find a room fool of mirrors and try those but still nothing.
      I then think maybe I can take a space shuttle
      I ask a dude how long until the launch he says 11 hours
      I then go to the terminal and can't find out how to get into a shuttle
      I then see this guy who tells me I shouldn't be there and I decide to try and teleport again and it works!
      I am teleported to the myan temple and then see lots of jungle around me.
      I finally see the temple and decide to fly up to it when I see the odd mustached man again
      He said your journey ends here.
      I fly around trying to dodge him who is now shooting fireballs at me.
      I fly behind a floating building (odd because there were many floating buildings above the temple including the tajma hall).
      He flew into the building and died and fell to the earth.
      I flew back to the temple and got to the top of it and looked all around and saw nobody. I laughed I was so happy I made it. I then started to realize my objective and started to light the beacon when I woke up.
    13. You, Again

      by , 08-08-2011 at 10:49 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was running from the government. They were men in suits watching, waiting, and chasing.

      I could defy the laws of physics, and that is how I was able to escape - but barely. I could run at unquestionable speeds and leap over any obstacle.

      They had guns and knifes. It didn't particularly bother me, it just occasionally captured my attention.

      I know I couldn't completely defeat them for now, but I could escape for the time being.

      I sprinted until time bended warped around me. Until I had run into another place and era.

      I saw people standing on a green lawn. The sky was blue and it was a perfect summer day. I had ran straight into a completely different dream. I went from a dreary cityscape to a perfect summer day in the country. I could smell the fresh cut grass and the excitement in the air.

      I also felt the presence of someone I used to know.

      I looked over and saw an old friend of mine. I had known him a couple years ago. He was the German exchange student who I became good friends with. I had missed him so much.

      I leaped into a hug and felt his wonderful warm energy. I knew that this could be a dream, but he wasn't. No dream character has energy that shines so brightly.

      "I have missed you too much," I told him. We recalled our days of when we knew each other, and perhaps future days of meeting up again.

      We were interrupted by the damn government again.
    14. Heaven

      by , 08-08-2011 at 09:52 PM (School 2)
      Dream; Semi-Lucid; Lucid; Memorable; 1-4 My Recollection;

      (Backyard and side yard.)
      4; Started walking on ground replaced by clouds. Turned into space. Then there where bursts of clouds through the area. Earth's atmosphere appeared glowing.
      (Blackness of space.)
      I sung..

      Hard walking, then it got easy.
      Clouds poured out as geysers. I re-appeared in space.
      Zoomed along in the air, in a boat - through the pool area. Then over a pond next to the river:

      Updated 06-02-2012 at 01:14 PM by 25261

      Tags: clouds, narnia, space
      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    15. First successful WILD! + TOTM + 2 False Awakenings (also lucid)

      by , 08-08-2011 at 07:42 PM (A Long Strange Trip... into Ashraen's Twisted Psyche)

      After waking up to my early alarm, I went to the bathroom, replied to a couple of threads on DreamViews, and decided to attempt to WILD after being up about 30 minutes or so. I laid down on my back, head slightly elevated and tilted back, and I lay one hand on my stomach on top of the comforter, and the other hand underneath it, but also UNDERNEATH the covers, so that my hands weren't touching skin to skin.

      My body was pretty relaxed except for a sore spot in my lower back, so I focused my awareness on the tension.. and HI began almost immediately. Mostly swirls and and static, but with faint hazy and fleeting images mixed in. As I watched it (mostly passively, but I admit with a little excitement at the fact that I was getting images but still aware that I was trying to WILD), I knew I was close to SP from the way my body felt (I have gotten this close a great many times), and was going to start a counting anchor, but I noticed that my hands seemed to be touching. Like actually touching skin to skin, even though I knew they were not. I began to focus on my dream hands, trying to move them, rub them together, pull them apart. They felt very heavy, so I didn't think I was quite ready to try opening my eyes, but I WAS making progress.

      Then, I heard a voice speaking my name.. it was my mother. She was telling me to get up, more urgently with each repetition. I thought- 'oh man, I'm so close to a WILD right now, leave me alone!' and I continued to focus on my hands, hoping that if I ignored her long enough she would give up trying to wake me. She did not stop.. Her voice wasn't coming from inside my room though, it was coming from outside my door. I thought it was odd that she would be trying to wake me from the other room, but she WOULD NOT STOP. Finally, I breathed a big sigh, opened my eyes, and prepared to say 'Thanks for ruining my WILD attempt!' loud enough for her to hear me..

      But her voice had stopped. No one was there. I was about to close my eyes again, but something caused me to try a RC. I attempted to levitate the fan on my desk and.. it worked! I was dreaming!

      At this point, let me interject that I completely forgot that I was trying to WILD. I was only aware that I was dreaming and lucid. After I actually woke up and began recall (which was difficult because this LD led to 2 more), I remembered the transition from thinking my WILD was ruined to realizing it was a dream. It actually took me a few min into recall to suddenly exclaim out loud- 'Oh, I did it!' Very excited. anyway..

      I got up and just stood there, looking around, stabilizing the dream (one of the threads I replied to right before WILDing was lucidmax telling me in my journal to work more on stabilization.. so this was my #1 priority throughout). I went into the living room, and my mom was there, so I told her I was lucid dreaming. We had a brief conversation that I don't really remember, as I was focusing on the environment. I recently read about dream mapping, and this was my #2 priority after stabilization.

      I decided to explore the other rooms and found them to be as I remembered them growing up. I noticed a bag of candy in my sister's room, and I never eat in LDs, so I figured hey, why not, and began eating the candy as I walked around. Cool thing I noticed was that as I took candy from the bag, I could never empty it.. never-ending bag of candy

      I went back into the living room, and then I remembered (finally!) the basic TOTM to ask a DC to sing to me. My mom was still there so I asked her to sing, but she seemed to not know what to sing, and in the end started singing something I had never heard. It was gibberish, and I thought 'I'll never be able to remember the tune or any of these words, I don't know if I'll get credit for TOTM'

      So I went BACK to the back bedroom (my parents') and my sis was there this time. I asked her to sing to me, so she turned on the stereo and began to sing along with the song that was playing.. it was a song I haven't heard in 10+ years.. 'Waterfalls' by TLC (don't go chasin waterfalls / please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to / I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all / but I think you're moving too fast..) I sang along with her and we danced like nerds for a bit.

      At this point I decided to head out back to see what was in the back yard. As I started to open the back door, I remembered something I read in a post on DreamViews and tried to pass through the door without opening it. Of course, it worked, and I was outside.

      The view was BEAUTIFUL. I was on one mountaintop among many, with canyons, valleys, hills all laid out in front of me as far as I could see, mostly covered with lush green trees. I hopped into the air, and then took to flight, marveling at the scenery. After flying around for a bit, I saw a soccer complex in a clearing where many DCs were playing (in full uniform, with spectators looking on, so they were games, not just practice). I swooped down to talk to one of the players. However, as I neared the ground.. I woke up. Or so I thought..


      I woke up, disappointed about my LD being cut short. I got up and started to go to the bathroom. On a whim, I tried to levitate my guitar from the floor.. and it worked!

      Ha! False awakening. After having a chain of FAs Sunday morning and NEVER becoming lucid in any of them (argh!), I felt some satisfaction in catching this one in time. The thought also occurred to me that I may have gotten up and gone to the bathroom many times before during FAs, never realizing I wasn't awake.

      I went into the living room again and started looking around- working on my dream cartography again. The room was mostly the same, but this time there was a Christmas tree and a few presents, and Christmas decorations all around. I checked out the kitchen, then the hall closet, which seemed normal enough, but way too big to actually fit in the hall. There was no one around, so I decided to head out back again. I tried going through the back door without opening it again... and couldn't. I tried, and tried, and still couldn't. I should have stabilized again at this point, but I did not. Suddenly, I woke up. Or did I..


      I woke up and my eyes were crusted with sleep. I was on my side, and still frustrated from failing at walking through the door and waking up from my lucid. Then I noticed a small puppy was in the bed next to me and my head was wet, very odd. After rooting out the false awakening before, I was onto its tricks and levitated the puppy. Sure enough, STILL dreaming!

      As I stood up, my eyelids were heavy and still crusted with sleep. I wanted to rub them and open them wider, but I had this nagging feeling that if I tried to hard, I would open my REAL eyes and be awake. I don't know if this is the case, but I believed it at the time. So I closed my eyes, steadied myself, rubbed the sleep out, and gently re-opened them. I levitated a book on my desk.. and it worked.. Still dreaming. Things were still a bit hazy, though, so I grabbed my glasses from the night stand (I take out my contacts to sleep) and put them on. There, all better!

      This time, I went into the living room and it was still Christmas. I thought- 'I wonder if I have alot of dreams about Christmastime' My mom was there this time, under the tree wrapping presents. She said to me (jokingly) 'Better be good or I'll take another present away!' LOL I also noticed my mom appeared much younger than she is in real life.. like I was looking at an old photo.

      I went back into the other rooms, and noticed some differences. My sister's room was the same, but filled with boxes and what appeared to be the tops of a couple of pine trees, except almost all green 'leaves' and very few branches. I went into the other bedroom and my dad and sister were in there. Sis looked like she does now, except not pregnant (in real life she is 34 weeks preggo). Dad appeared as he does now, but with a long fu-manchu instead of his normal mustache.

      The room was filled with sacks, and Dad and sis were pulling fireworks out of them. Dad started telling me about how he was going to beat her in the firework contest, and started rattling off the names of all the fireworks he had bought and how he would win. It was pretty much nonsense, but his point was clear.. he would win!

      At this point, I headed back into the other room, intent on doing some more discovery outside the house, but I woke up. For real this time. D'oh!

      My recall isn't as good as it normally it because of the FA's, so probably more will come to me about the exploration of my house and conversations with my DCs. I'm still pumped about my first WILD tho, and I hope this will carry over to future attempts.

      It was also interesting to note the subtle changes in the house from one LD to the next. They all happened in quick succession in the same house, but there were furniture rearrangements, and even slight differences in room sizes and walls from one LD to the next. I'm just getting started with dream mapping, but I am definitely intrigued.

      Updated 08-08-2011 at 08:10 PM by 48576

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , side notes , task of the month