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    1. Back in the Habit

      by , 08-06-2024 at 10:04 PM
      I fell asleep last night listening to various videos about quantum physics, the solar system, consciousness.. just hoping they could inspire some memorable dream states. Once again, I failed to record them immediately upon waking. But they did happen, and I will recall them to the best of my capabilities now.

      I was driving my father's old Jaguar and got a flat tire. I remember feelings of embarrassment and shame, as it was due to foolishly driving up on a high curb or something careless.

      I began playing drums and singing in what was to become a Jellyfish tribute band. Once again, I was elated at my ability to sing these songs well and harmonize with the other vocalist (who I believe was actually Roger J. Manning Jr of Jellyfish). It really was a great feeling, even better than my previous night's dream of singing Led Zeppelin.

      The last instance I can remember, which I know was a very small part of a much larger scenario, was making eye contact with one of my sister's friends. She's someone I never think about, but this moment in the dream was powerful. It was as though I fell in love with her right there, just by locking eyes. A wonderful feeling, but it was fleeting.

      There was more to these dreams, but that's all I can remember. I'm just hoping to continue on the path of hopefully inducing a lucid dream. I'll fall asleep listening to similar videos again and hope for the best. Additionally, I need to fight through the desire to go right back to sleep after waking from a dream, and just record it immediately.
    2. April 9, 2923 11:45 am

      by , 04-09-2023 at 11:03 AM
      Spent the entire night wanting to party but instead ending up walking all around Berlin to see which clubs were open to not deciding to go clubbing anymore at all around 6 am.

      The dream
      We had rehearsals for a play at theatre school, quite similar to our first play, it was about a talent show, directed by the same teacher who was the director of the first play. I played one of the assistants. The set consisted of a stage as well as a river around the state, but upon having to play a scene where we save the lead from drowning and me doing a cannonball into the river, we discover that the river is actually not that deep at all, ow.
      In the river, we do a scene where we dance while the lead sings to Boom Boom Boom Boom by Vengaboys.

      I then have a solo scene where I sing Hello by Adele while the original song with vocals plays in the background. Partially as a joke as I cannot sing at all. The director said she liked it that way.

      Around this scene I wake up.

      This dream was in Dutch.
    3. 21 Aug: Meeting a professor at a university and causing a stir

      by , 08-21-2021 at 08:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      On my way to meet some professor I am supposed to interview while we take a journey on a hot air balloon for a radio show or podcast. It's the end of the day and rhe sky is gorgeous with pink clouds, so I am rehearsing in my mind the description I am going to make during the broadcast. I am on the highway, but not actually driving inside any car, more like flying or sliding through it. Then I wonder why not just take off and go straight to me destination if I am flying? I do and the ground becomes like a 3D google map. I keep my focus on where I want to go and turns out it is to the church hill in my hometown. I land there, at the base of the hill and then walk it up. But instead of the church, there is some other building on it, like a university and I wonder where I am supposed to go, so I enter the lobby and look around. I see no one that looks like the professor, so then I look back to outside through the glass doors at the entrance and I spot a very low key dude sitting in a table on a corner right outside the entrance. I wonder if it is him and so I go back outside. He is on the phone with his wife and has a sort of pager bipping on the table. He makes a sign for me to wait. His wife is yelling at him to check his pager as some friend is coming over or something and she wants him to drop everything and go home. But very calmly he tells her no and says he won't even read or reply to any messages. Then he gets up and shakes my hand. Says it's late and we can't go on the balloon anymore. I tell him I am sorry, but feeling confused why then we arranged to meet in the evening. I ask him to suggest then what we can do. He tells me we can do something different and then starts singing. He has an impressive voice and he sings a Coimbra fado. He suggests he can do some singing and then we talk about his project. But he also says it won't be today as he will just show me what he is working on. He tells me to follow him to his office. It's when I notice everyone is staring at me. Because I am dressed in lolita style, with socks over my knees with ribbons, fluffly skirt and a couple of braids. Also carrying a black leather hand bag. The university students are making funny comments and laughing and when they see us entering his office, I overhear some people making dirty jokes. They think I am a prostitute satisfying his weird fantasies and that I carry certain type of objects in my bag. He also hears it but he completely ignores it. I admire his cool. So he sits at his desk and shows me some logaritmic equation and guides me through it showing the answer at the end is "pp" and that is supposed to be a good spicy math joke. I find it silly, but I smile and I wish I could still remember how to solve such a simple equation. Then we discuss our main project which is the integration of his website with the one from my own department and university, joining two entirely different fields in a collaborstive project. At this point, a couple of his female colleagues in their late 50s come in and sit at his invite. He then goes out briefly and they start with innuendos that I am derailing the professor's marriage and that I should be ashamed. And I am like "WTF? you have no idea what we are working on!" and I am pissed how much people assume because of me being a young lady with a certain look. Then they mention his wife and they know he ignored her calls because she then called them. They also mention I might not be actively trying to seduce him, but they can see it in his eyes that he is attracted to me me and I actually feel flattered. I thought he was totally cold and uninterested but know I kinda like the idea.
    4. 01/14/21: The Curious Case of Hayley Williams (The YA/Teen Story Arc Lives!)

      by , 01-16-2021 at 12:42 AM (Journal #86)
      1/13: The dream I had was one of the more colorful ones I've had in a while, continuing the trend of dreams trying to show me ideas for my writing YA/teen lit since winter 2011-spring 2012. This has been the trend since a dream I had on September 6, 2019 where some recurring dream characters over the years started to become younger and colorful, like a few dreams I had between 2012 and 2016.

      This time, I found myself in what appeared to be a cross between a middle or high school's library and a Barnes & Noble surrounded by children and teenagers between the ages of 12 to at least 17, and it seemed as if they were leaving when I hear music in the key of F minor, and being sung in a pitch-perfectly haunting style, by a teenage girl that appeared to be a fan of American singer-songwriter and Paramore frontwoman Hayley Williams, even down, eerily, to the dyed red-orange hair; except, unlike Hayley, this character's eyes were brown. If the setting were a library, I would say that it was kind of a mix between the ones at Oberlin (formerly Daniels, thanks to an unfortunate event in the news in May 2020) Middle and Southeast Raleigh Magnet High in Raleigh, NC. If the setting were in a mall, I would probably say that it eerily resembled the Barnes & Noble at the Triangle Town Center, also in Raleigh, as it's on the top floor of the mall. I even noticed some lost characters from dreams from most of the spring of 2020 to at least October 18th and 25th walking out of the place after the beautiful singing from the redheaded girl.

      I couldn't tell if the girl was trying to sing like Williams or even Canadian singer-songwriters Avril Lavigne or Felicia "Fefe" Dobson, either, as they have distinct, completely different singing voices. I believe her voice was a little smaller than those three. Come to think of it, I think it sounded like a cross between voice actresses Veronica Taylor, Tara Strong and Nancy Cartwright; I have a memory of a dream from either 1990 or 1991 that had a screaming voice that sounded like a mix between the character Cartwright voices on The Simpsons for 32 years, Bart, and Nick from the 1989 Disney film Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, portrayed by Robert Olivieri, but my four or five-year-old self was too young to process what was going on at the time.

      I am also no stranger to dreams of girl characters that think they're Hayley Williams of Paramore. The earliest I can remember my first dream of a character like that was either in 2008-09 or 2009-10, where it was set in a school with creepy 8-bit Nintendo Entertainment System/Game Boy-like music playing in the background as I saw a bad day at school in the eyes of a teenage character that had the unfortunate honor of being sent to detention, and in the room where it was held was a girl with that trademark dyed red-orange hair. The last time I saw a character like that was in 2016, the year my grandmother on my mom's side unfortunately passed. That girl had turquoise hair in at least two dreams. She never showed up again after that. The dream character with the turquoise/hot magenta-colored hair from another entry from December 2019 may have been also been inspired by her, but she didn't sing or apparently have any spoken lines, either.

      Like I've said before, I don't have a problem with dreams that provide ideas for writing teen lit/young-adult fiction. I couldn't get anything done most of 2020 due to stress and anxiety over COVID-19, the news, etc., and I'll try to change that for 2021. -WM86/DFW
    5. The Entertainment Couple and Doug's Ritual

      by , 12-04-2020 at 10:58 PM (Oneironautic Escapades)

      Joel is showing off Chiang Mai locations. There are fragments of food and countryside businesses as we hop around a map of Thailand. It is borderline cartoonish at times. Too many fragments.

      I was dreaming then suddenly walking into a bar/poolhall/game center which happened to be close to my house. I was excited and full of energy to be there. There are fun lights and awesome smells, the place is packed with people. I was moving quickly through the crowd just exploring the entire place. It felt like a new well financed business which had everything entertainment you could imagine. People my age were just hanging out drinking, playing games and the mood was elevated. I begin singing at the top of my lungs like chester with a couple other guys. It sounds good and we rock out while people walk around us just causally listening and bobbing their heads.
      At a certain point I find Nathan in there so we hang out some, I want a beer so we go to the bar in the center of the building. I don't remember arriving here so I ask the guy bartending like 3 times if this is really happening because I didn't think any of it was real. He laughs and assures me it's real, telling me I seem to be having a really good time. I felt like it was a dream the majority of the time.

      I walk with Nathan down the street to go smoke or something, he is staying at a house which is close by.
      It was like 12:50 when we left to go to the other house. When we finish we walk back and it is like 1:15 when we get there. All the lights are off and no one is there but the owners, they are still happy to have us in. They let us in and I am confused. It was so packed and now it is completely empty.
      They inform us they do close at 1 due to it being a new business and having so many people in one place at once. It was only the second day they had been open and it was incredibly successful.
      We all hang out with the owners for a while.
      It is a sweet business. Diner food, arcade games, karaoke, pool hall, and a fancy bar in the center to boot. I ran multiple laps while they were open. Kept finding myself in the upstairs 'employees only' area. The woman owner saw me up there once and didn't seem to mind, just casually pointing out which way I should go.
      Hang out with the owners talking about the business for a while, they are really cool and laid back.
      While talking I gather there are now two couples or at least another guy and girl with the couple who own the place. The girl owner is sleeping on a cot face down and the new girl who looks like the brunette from Raised by Wolves makes a comment about how her friend always sleeps in super late because she gave her extra NyQuil. While giving me a knowing look. I gather she has killed her quietly somehow and is aiming to take her place. (This is what happened in the show, no spoilers). There is another guy I don't really recognize, he has a shaved head and bright grey eyes, he is in on it as well. I don't understand why any of this is happening so I just quietly excuse myself. In talking to them as I am leaving I must have filled out an application to work there as it is on the counter of the bar. I consider taking it with me so I am not connected to this thing which is obviously about to blow up. But decide that may look suspicious so I leave it where it was.

      It's the next day and I am walking back again, I end up in a large complex which is a public space built to be a hangout spot. It is a large indoor dome structure with a water feature on top of a pile of boulders in the center. It is well landscaped and looks ritzy and well lit. Perfectly manicured little odd shapes of grass and perfectly fitted red brick paths all leading around the area. With concrete circular tables and benches scattered about.
      I walk around and find a food court area with music coming from it. It is decorated like a 30's style speakeasy, brass rails, wooden carved accents, large tan fans, black and white tiles, the works. Just past a Starbucks there is a stage with a guy and a girl playing instruments singing. I feel like I've heard the song before, it sounds like some kind of folk music, they look like people from my old church. This whole thing has a very Sunday afternoon vibe. There is a large crowd of teenagers sitting in the audience watching. Only half paying attention because, you know, teenagers. I try to walk around the back of the crowd to get out the side door but there is just a mass of people mostly girls all sitting asses to elbows blocking the walking path with their stools and tables.
      I walk around and in front of everyone to leave the building.

      Walking back down the strip mall it is the next morning and I am super tired. I realize I have been barefoot and look for a pair of my shoes in the mass of pairs of shoes that have been left in front of the poolhall. I find several pairs that look like mine but none of them fit. Before laying down the 'other' guy shows up out front. He has a concerned look on his face but he attempts to make smalltalk with me. He mentions working for a launch provider which is close to here and they have a couple satellites to launch in the next few days. I am not really interested and don't want to talk to him much longer. I have a bed/my big winter sleeping bag rolled out and I try to get some sleep on the sidewalk while people are walking/driving by. While falling asleep I see a group of three cops standing on the sidewalk down the way from me. I pretend not to notice them and begin to fall asleep in the dream.

      I wake up to a sort of middle aged hispanic woman getting my attention standing over me, I immediately tell her I was about to scuttle off, I am still fairly drowsy. But I notice she is a police officer, she asks if I am 'No-ha' I say yes and shake her hand from laying down. I ask her name and she says 'In-ki-ya' her friends call her. I already know exactly what all of this is about. But I play dumb and look around to notice there are now 6 or 7 police cruisers of various designs on the street now. I say 'Whooa, what's this all about?? I see a lot of cop cars, and one really messed up car' then I notice another car/van which looks like it has been completely stripped for parts, no doors or wheels or anything sitting in front of the shopping mall, (I have been sleeping in front of the pool hall where it all went down apparently).
      I put on my best clueless face/attitude not wanting to get involved. I gather she's not buying it and already suspicious of me.

      I am traveling to Doug's house with G, we've never visited him before so we're very excited. When we get there he is overwhelmed to see us. We are all hanging out around him in his living room. We're all nude and his hair is longer and comes down over his eyes. It's casual and I gather we're all kind of passively watching a ritual taking place in the corner of the room. It opens up into a rocky cave and in the distance I can see a burning monument of sorts. It kind of looks like a mini greek colosseum with life-sized figurines all holding hands around the border, like the Indian Circle of Friends sculpture. The flames are yellow and white but not consuming the structure. I understand what we are witnessing is very important and thousands of years old. Doug is talking about people he knows who have trouble understanding their own reality. I make a remark about 'how many people get to see a 5,000 year old ritual, in a cave, while nude?' it is comforting and reassuring to watch.
      We are now in an oversized tub, almost like a hot tub mixed with an overly large Victorian footed porcelain tub. We're all sitting around the edges. There is a squid like octopus swimming around. Everytime it touches me it latches onto my hand, the suckers kind of hurt and it doesn't want to let go.
    6. cxlvii.

      by , 08-31-2020 at 01:31 AM
      Chronological re-direction entry;

      2nd August 2020

      4th August 2020 - 1

      4th August 2020 - 2 (lucid)

      5th August 2020


      Canyons and ravines. Going around with someone else, but don't recall who.

      Eventually something about escaping or getting away. An alien "saucer" ship. Vision, of an alien communicating in an unknown language, as if on a holographic screen/display. One word stands out from the alien's speak however: Hyperdrive.

      I need to find a hyperdrive for these aliens, or find a suitable person to repair theirs maybe, I remember thinking. The drive would be mounted at the top of their ship?

      Still in the same dream, in my old home's building in the stairwell. Something seems different from how it should be. I go to one of the in-between level landings and go through one of the storage areas behind the frosted glass. They have a door on the other side which leads to a different, but mirror version of the stairwells. I don't question this in the dream, but it would have been a very good point for a RC, as this construct would be physically impossible in reality, there would be a drop on the other side, not a mirror version.

      The stairwell was well lit by natural light, but still many dark contrasts. Unlike in present day, the stairwell had no automatic lights.

      6th August 2020


      Some early dream part was something about sending waves of hundreds of "native" fighters, fighting for some cause that a faction I belonged to was pursuing. These native fighters kept being annihilated by the enemy, which was simply better equipped.

      After this happened more than a few times (I remember seeing it, but not being there), I went to the fronts myself, only to find that there was no strategist in place here and so felt it was no wonder they kept getting slaughtered by the enemy. Lack of equipment could have been substituted by adequate and cautious strategy to defeat these openly arrogant enemies.


      By the end of this dream I was watching some kind of live concert? There was a white female singer in the centre of a room. She started to sing a song I don't know, it was titled "Snowflake" or something. At first I thought that it was going to be silly, but then I found myself relating to the lyrics of her song, feeling like it was a song that could have come from H's perspective about me. The lyrics started off something like "something as simple as; merry Christmas!; is enough to [something] my snowflake".

      In-line note: Re-writing this here now, it seems there's still a lingering emotional link, despite not remember the dream very well visually; this suggests to me that this is attached to a very specific part of my subconscious, as I only have a few specific instances of this happening.

      Because I found myself relating to the lyrics so oddly and so specifically, I did a reality check. I had the correct number of fingers, and my fingers wouldn't pass through my palms, so I decided perhaps too quickly that reality was consistent enough that I wasn't dreaming.

      I remember the whole thing was all very "sing-along", with people in an audience playing their own instruments, in perfect time with the music, somehow just right, with no flaws at all.

      Extra note:

      - The music in the singing lady dream was, to my memory, completely dream-generated, but it did have elements of old timey singing/melody, which H does listen to a fair bit and I usually listen to as well when H does.
      - The first fragment from the 6th came from an incredibly long dream, I remember being in a lot of different places, mostly tents, trenches, battle-scarred streets, etc. I remember many scenes of both brightness and darkness, but I seem to be remembering an overly orange, sandy tone to the dream.
    7. The creepy monster sang me a song! And then killed me.

      by , 05-24-2019 at 01:45 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      Two nights ago, I had a dream about a creepy monster. It started out as an orange snake, female. Then it turned into an evil monster. Apparently, it was called a "ground Shrek", and despite the reference to a kid's movie, it was actually quite terrifying.

      It had glowing yellow eyes, and a mouth that was filled with sand. It sang a song as it began eating/killing everyone, and it went like this:

      "...And we shall be appointed view
      Of earth's eternal sleep."

      There were a few lines before it but I couldn't make them out. It kept singing this creepy ditty over and over again as it killed people, and its voice was now deep, masculine, and hollow. The song had a tune similar to a church hymn that I know, "Go Forth With Faith", which for some reason makes it even creepier.

      It raced towards me, and I couldn't get away in time. The last thing I heard inside of its mouth was this song, and I fell into the sand that fell even further into a black void. At that moment, I believed that I was facing death, and I would finally see what the afterlife was like, if it existed. Then I woke up. Terrifying, but cool.
    8. My Strange Music Video

      by , 08-12-2018 at 08:59 AM
      Night of August 12, 2018. Sunday.

      Reading time: 1 min 29 sec. Readability score: 73.

      I had made a music video of one of my songs. An unknown male happily praises my work, saying how “perfect” it is. I had supposedly not seen it for a long time.

      The video recording is somehow on an audio cassette. (I have not recorded on audio cassettes for years.) I notice that the tape, in a cassette deck about three feet below the monitor and vertically oriented, had been left near the middle and I remember that not having a cassette tape rewound when not in use exposes the surface and might cause wow and flutter and damage the area. I start to play it, but it is about a minute into the song, so I rewind it to the beginning of the video.

      “My” song turns out to be a strange version of “Sloop John B.” It mostly features me standing and singing in front of the sides of old ships. I am singing out of key. My voice is wavering and is annoying. Not all the words are the same as the original song, but I eventually make out, “So hoist up the John B’s sail. See how the mainsail sets.”

      In the last scene, I notice a cannon pointed towards the viewer, on the right of where I am standing in a closeup shot from my chest up. It appears to be protruding from behind a tarpaulin.

      My dream is a typical mix of associations that are unrelated. The main idea comes from sailing, as I had been using the word “oneironaut” (“dream sailor”) in some dream-related essays I had recently been writing. (Boats and water occur regularly in my dreams as it is.) Another word I had been using recently is “canon,” though related to known facts about my dreaming history. (In contrast, there are photographs from when I was about four, where I sat astride a cannon in a park.) Being the video’s last scene, it is the reactive representation of the cessation of the dream state. (Additionally, it may be a phallus association that reflects a need to wake and use the bathroom). In real life, I had recently made a video of a recent track of mine, but there are no vocals.

    9. Playing Guitar for a Break Room Crowd

      by , 06-15-2018 at 11:24 AM
      Morning of June 15, 2018. Friday.

      I am carrying an acoustic guitar, walking around in an unknown large room of equidistant picnic tables, similar to the break room of the factory (Northern Engraving) I worked at in the 1980s. The lighting is dim but it is clear enough to see. At first, I am mostly lazily strumming an up and down series of chord progressions that are not musically interrelated; C, D, E, D, C (in Majors). The chords are not fingered correctly even though the guitar is perceived as having the standard tuning. I mostly move my left hand, fingers all in a row, down and up the neck, leaving the second string open, which would not result in a proper sequence of chords either by fingering or by more desirable musical progressions. What I am playing would, for example, imply a C Major chord being F#, B, E, A, B, F# which is incorrect.

      Danny Trejo sits with others, facing me, and watches me from another part of the room. He looks at me as if he is very annoyed by my activity. I start moving my left hand closer to the sound hole to create chords of a higher pitch, sometimes playing only the first four strings, though with the same unrelated down and up sequences of three Major chords. Eventually, it seems to sound better and takes on more of a song-like quality.

      I find myself walking near another group of tables and playing both rhythms and melodies. There is a fuller sound, but of which would not be possible in real life, as the melodies and rhythms are simultaneous. A girl unknown to my dream self (though meant to be a rendering of Lucille Starr as in 1965) is soon walking to my right, having stood up from a nearby picnic table. She starts singing very harmoniously in French. (“Quand le Soleil Dit Bonjour aux Montagnes” / “When the Sun Says ‘Good Day’ to the Mountains”.) I continue to walk around playing intriguing melodic patterns as the singing continues, until my dream fades.

      Autosymbolic threads of the dreaming and waking process: Other than the transformation of the preconscious personification in the waking transition (by way of non-lucid dream control) to the emergent consciousness factor as Lucille Starr (who represented my subliminal memory of Zsuzsanna as I woke), most of this dream is based on literal factors and literally focused awareness (rather than the typical autosymbolic focused awareness).

      Literal threads of dreaming and waking process (dream state indicators): The song itself (“When the Sun Says 'Good Day’ to the Mountains” as a waking process reference and “Je suis seul avec mes reves sur la montagne”, sang in English as “I’m alone with my dreams on the hilltop”.)

      Non-lucid dream control evidenced by: Transformation of the preconscious waking autosymbolism from Danny Trejo being annoyed to Lucille Starr singing joyfully on my right. (Waking orientation is typically autosymbolically rendered as to my right as I sleep on my left side, which is less exposed to the real environment.)

      Present real-life-related literal threads: I follow Danny Trejo on Twitter but we do not post to each other. I am joyful in being married and with a loving family for over twenty years.

      Past real-life-related literal threads: I produce music, but I do not play acoustic guitar as much as when I was younger. The Lucille Starr song was one shared between Zsuzsanna and me before we met (as well as being a song from my childhood) and is very nostalgic for me. She sent a copy to me on cassette.

      Abridged and simplified on Friday, 15 June 2018. I offer thanks to the casual reader for their time and interest.

    10. 21 October 2017: Happy Children in Church

      by , 10-21-2017 at 03:56 PM
      Before I fell asleep, I read most of Chapter 8 of "Faith is the Answer" by Norman Vincent Peale & Smiley Blanton and I prayed.

      I dreamed of many little children singing happily in a church building on a mountain top surrounded by snow.

      I laid on my back for most of the time I slept on this night and when I woke I felt very refreshed. I don't think this is only because of my sleeping position although that has something to do with it, I feel as though reading the "Faith is the Answer" book and praying also are reasons why I felt so refreshed.

      Updated 10-21-2017 at 04:03 PM by 61868

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    11. Dream - To The Bachelor Mansion & Octopus Mario & The Runaway Karla & Just My Kitten Luck & Don't...

      by , 09-15-2017 at 02:02 PM
      Smashed a record! 5 dreams in one night, up to letter E in my ordering system! The evidence is in the title which won't fit the text of the last dream! So I'll retype the journal title below

      Dream - To The Bachelor Mansion & Octopus Mario & The Runaway Karla & Just My Kitten Luck & Don't You Forget About Me

      Date of Dream: FRI 15 SEP - 2017

      Dream No. 195 - Separated Sections

      Dream 195 A - To The Bachelor Mansion
      I don't remember how the dream started. I was at the bachelor mansion in Sydney but it looked nothing like it does on real life TV. It was day time and the property was this modern looking two storey farmhouse. The grass was very lush and green and although different from real life, the environment still suited the bachelor vibe well.

      Two bachelorettes I remember seeing outside were Lisa and Simone. There were other bachelorettes there but I don't remember specifically who they were. I remember I was there, looking for Matty J. He came outside the front door and all the bachelorettes were crowding around him. I was trying to get through all of them so I could meet Matty J myself. I don't remember if I was successful or not.

      Dream 195 B - Octopus Mario
      It was night time during this dream. My memory of what happened at the start is also blurry here. I do remember that I was heading down Napoleon Road for some reason but I have also forgotten what the intention was... I was travelling down the road on foot (but on the footpath). Half way during my travels, I randomly encounter the bachelor, Matty J. He's waiting for me and when I get to him, he says to me “How you would you like to experience the bachelor hug?”. He then spreads one arm out and hugs me like he does to the bachelorettes on the show.

      I continue walking now and up ahead, I see my giant Mario plush toy that has come to life. There was something weird about him though. I look down at his legs and notice dozens of them! Walking along the road just like me! Then I check to see how many arms he has and it's just the normal two. As I am walking down the road for a while, Mario is walking ahead of me with his dozens 'o' legs. I can't remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 195 C - The Runaway Karla
      At the start of the dream, people were claiming that I had run away from home. I was at this unknown shopping centre when my phone went off. The call stopped before I could answer it. I had all these missed calls from mum, a text from JO urging me to return home as well as a missed call from my uncle. I decided to answer back to my uncle's call and it was a bad decision, he was yelling at me like a hair dryer on the highest setting.

      Once the call was done, I thought to myself that I never had intentions on running away from home and so I actually decided to return as possible. The dream then skipped to another scene. I had to contact my uncle for something else but I was really scared to do so based on what happened earlier. My mum said that it should be okay and that he may not be mad anymore.

      There was the a big lunch happening at my dad's parents' place. We were all sitting on a round table in the small corner room of the house. I was allocated to sit next to one of the relatives but we didn't get along well together, so I asked the adults if it was okay to move across one chair, they said it was okay and that we didn't have to stay in the spot that was allocated to us. On my lunch plate was some chicken, rice and lettuce. There was also a pot of this mushroom sauce that we could put on our food... There was a catch to this lunch though. We were due to be eating at the other grandparent's house in a hour, so we couldn't fill up all the way.

      There wasn't any mushroom sauce on my plate but I wanted some. Once again, the adults told me not to fill up too much. The dream then made it so there was only a tiny bit of mushroom sauce blended in with the rice. I tasted some and I said that the sauce tasted weird, it was very dirt-like compared to how my other grandmother made it. The dream ended before having a meal at the other house, which was apparently going to be the same thing!

      Dream 195 D - Just My Kitten Luck
      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, we were driving down the road but I don't know where we were going. What I do remember is that it was in my mum's car. There was this family of four kittens that we drove by... My mum was driving and my brother and I were in the back seat. While driving, we hear something hit the roof. I opened my window and a kitten actually hopped in the car!

      Instead of driving the kitten back to join its other family members, we decided to immediately adopt it and take it home. Along the way, my dad randomly appears and he is standing outside the car. He is surprised to see the kitten coming towards him... He somewhat freaks out and tells that kitten to go back to me. I know the dream continued but I forgot what happened.

      Dream 195 E - Don't You Forget About Me
      I have forgotten how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at my house and there was also this music equipment around the place that belonged to one of my dad's friends. There was this tiny little chair that I was sitting on and my dad and I were bound to sing some duet in the living room, facing the TV. We were going to be singing the song “Don't You Forget About Me”, which exists in real life.

      Just as we started, my dad's friend thought that it'd be better if I stood up... I agreed because the chair was way too small for me and so I had a hard time staying on it in the first place. Another one of my dad's friends was also there helping mix the sound. We actually started singing and my dad did the majority of the song. When it came to some of the intros to the verses, that's when I joined and I was doing these really exaggerated mouth movements at the microphone.

      I looked towards the front room of the house and saw Matty J sitting on the couch nearest to the living room. My mum appears and Matty J points at me, looking somewhat astonished. The dream made it so that while I was singing, I could also hear him quietly ask my mum, “she can sing!?”. The dream then ended.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None
    12. Dream - Pay My VET Loan & The Seductive Criminal

      by , 07-12-2017 at 08:03 AM
      Date of Dream: FRI 7 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 148 - Separated Sections

      Dream 148 A – Pay My VET Loan

      Although I am in Tertiary Education in real life, the dream put me back in year 12. I was at home one night and my dad was really angry at me because I wasn't doing well. We did make plans for the tertiary study payment though and I decided I didn't want to pay it, rather I put the onus on BB to do it, I don't remember her reaction though. I don't remember anything else about the dream either.

      Dream 148 B – The Seductive Criminal
      The dream started off with me parents warning me of a supposed creep that hung out amongst these flats... Apparently he would seduce young people with cake. I was then in this area with residential flats surrounding the place and there he was too. My powerful, “mistress” instincts took over and I approached him confidently and sternly. I told the guy that I was going to paint these “worries” over him which would indicate to others that he is a bad guy. The guy tried to deny his status but I brushed him off, picked up and paintbrush and painted all this wine coloured stuff all over his face.

      The dream then went over to my driveway. I said to people that I could summon King Arthur and they were all going crazy, I then told everyone to shush because they would ruin the process with all their noise and excitement. So then I went into the neighbours driveway by myself and started singing this song I made up about the sword and the knights of the round table. Soon, King Arthur actually fades into visibility, he is seen looking through the window of their sitting room which is at the front of the house. I can't remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved
      - None
    13. Dream - Singing Makes Friends Become Fans & The Lazy Day & Dream Guide In Peril & Chaos At The Glen

      by , 06-26-2017 at 01:49 PM
      Date of Dream: MON 26 JUN - 2017

      Dream No. 141 - Separated Sections

      Dream 141 A - Singing Makes Friends Become Fans
      I forgot what happened at the very start of the dream. From the point where I do remember, I was asking for this random choir to be assembled. I eventually found out that they were having a rehearsal in my driveway. My friend JO was taking them and was getting them to listen to the song Panis Angelicus over and over again so they would no how to sing it. Eventually I came and took over the rehearsal. At first, I was going to ask them sing it but then I ended up singing it with them. Barely any of them were putting effort into the singing and instead, slowly left, one by one until there was no one left.

      Then the screen showed up in the sky again, the one where I go on Facebook. I was chatting and I said something which I forgot. WB then ended up replying “that's where Karla gets all her fans from <3 <3 <3”. HL then added “No she doesn't have fans, only family and friends”. Then I answer in chat “Actually, WB's right...” I forgot the end of that sentence. Then WB said something else but I've forgotten that too. Once the sky screen disappeared, I took a walk up the hill and there I saw HL standing on some balcony, looking lifeless. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream 141 B - The Lazy Day
      This dream took place in my old house. My mum and I were in the dining room, talking about our plans for the day. My mum said she didn't want to go to Dandenong Plaza. I asked her why and she generally said that she was just too tired to go but I interpreted that as “she couldn't be bothered”. For some reason, I kept convincing her to go and so she eventually says to me, “are you planning a get together?”. I answered “no, if anything, I was only going to walk past today”. So then she caved in and said okay to going. I don't remember anything else about this dream.

      Dream 141 C - Dream Guide In Peril
      My mum and were at Dandenong Plaza and were just on level 2 after having Subway. We were planning to go up to level 3 to get the henna but then my mum goes missing for some unknown reason. I started freaking out and begging to have my calls for help answered by Dreamy WB. Eventually, this little girl comes toddling along. It was in fact Dreamy WB but she looked like only a little 8 year old with these buck teeth and an adorable look overall.

      Not much happened before I didn't see her around either. At first, I thought she just vanished to help me invisibly but then that thought was soon replaced with the horrifying fact that she had gone missing too. Eventually, this boy appeared to help me that looked like he was around my age. He was tall, had spiky, white-washed blonde hair and was wearing a black coat... His name was Noah and he was claiming to be my boyfriend (in real life, I don't have a boyfriend) and replacement dream guide... He came to help me look for Dreamy WB. Every time I said something in a panic, he would always put his arm around me and say that everything would be okay.

      We eventually went to see if Dreamy WB was anywhere on level 3 but she wasn't. I then lead Noah to this emergency exit area, like these tight corridors leading to a fire door. At one point, there was a lift in the corridor network and so I told Noah to turn back and that we were taking an alternate route. When I finally found the way outside, a bad feeling hit me, almost like I knew that my mum and Dreamy WB were definitely in some despicable danger and I was going to be kidnapped soon. There was this unknown male voice saying to me, “You see? The lesson is never to leave the plaza”. I then woke up.

      Dream 141 D - Chaos At The Glen
      My mum and I were planning to go shopping at The Glen. The main entrance to the carpark we usually go in was shut due to renovations of the shopping centre. My mum said there was another way we could get into the carpark. So she asked me to drive around the back and enter from supposedly Highbury Road. The road I was driving on was skinny and perhaps only a one way road, which we were driving the correct way which was a relief. Eventually, we had come across a thickly wired fence which was stopping us from going any further. I ended up sticking my hand out the window and successfully picking the lock with just my fingers. I then woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - My Best Friend (Interact with any Dream Guide)
      >> Worked with Noah to try and find the missing DCs.
      - Call The Babysitter (Successfully summon Dreamy WB)
      >> Called Dreamy WB in distress, who came toddling up to me in the form of some small child.
      - You Must Be Kidding Me (Experience something in real life after having a dream about it)
      >> The main intention of events in the dream were eating Subway and buying henna... Did exactly that during the day today (writing this journal entry at night time).

      This dream was a real booster for those dream trophies. From now on, as well as writing down what the dream trophy is, I may write a sentence or two on how I think I achieved it.

      Also. Usually, the most dreams I've ever remembered in one night is 3 (So I've only been able to go up to C) but then I've smashed a world record here and have written down 4 (Up to D in my ordering system)! I wrote 2 dreams at 8:30 AM and then I fell back asleep after that and had 2 more, writing them down at my usual get up time, 10:30 AM.
    14. Dream - The Piano Teacher Teaches Singing & Another Go At Retreat & Convention In A Car Park

      by , 06-17-2017 at 08:39 AM
      Date of Dream: SAT 17 JUN - 2017

      Dream No. 135 - Separated Sections

      Dream 135 A - The Piano Teacher Teaches Singing
      It was in some random place. I was supposed to be having piano lessons with this piano teacher I had about a decade ago in real life. The only strange thing is that she was focusing more on my singing rather than my piano playing. By the end of this dream segment, my singing was superb but my piano playing was still crap.

      Dream 135 B - Another Go At Retreat
      I forgot what happened at the start of this dream... Only that I was at the sight of the year 12 retreat again but this time, it looked nothing at all like the place in real life. This place was very crowded and its cabins were bunched up very closed together, sitting on these huge wooden decks above water. My aim was to find WB, first entering into cabin 113. The girls in that cabin then said that WB was in cabin 115. “Where is cabin 115?”, I asked and the girls said I had to go around the corner.

      It felt like ages although 115 was close by. When I looked through the window, I didn't see anyone at first but then I finally caught sight of some ladies in blue uniform, it was the cleaning staff. I then wondered where the girls were and I apparently I found out that they were out doing activities. So I walked off and continued my quest to find WB. At one point, I heard Ms L and Ms K talking in a cabin and that's when I thought to myself, I'd better make a run for it. As the dream progressed, the deck became laid out more like a platforming game, so I found myself increasingly leap frogging everywhere. I don't remember anything else that happened but I never found WB.

      Dream 135 C - Convention In A Car Park
      It was an undercover carpark, but more like a park shelter made of stone if you ask me. At first, there was all these tables in there with food on them, called the community centre. Soon, Logan came in and was clearing the tables as apparently he was going to have a family meeting in there, which he called a convention. The first to appear beside him was Chilly, and then came the other random family members that I do not know. The dream did say and show that one of them was his dad. After a short while, the family members all disappeared and Logan was left on his own. He put back the small tables like they would be in some examination room and he put small plates of fresh food on each desk. That's all I can remember about this dream... I wasn't in this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:

      - None
    15. Water Induction Abacus and Dream Self’s Waking Initiation

      by , 06-03-2017 at 12:03 PM
      Morning of June 3, 2017. Saturday.

      I am in an unknown and unfamiliar setting, lying on my left side on a bed that is unrealistically large. It seems to be late morning.

      There are several other unfamiliar people in the room, though I do not perceive them as imposers or annoying in any way. There is also at least one young girl to the left standing on the floor, though near a young Hispanic female who seems to be a teacher and is also on the large bed. The implied teacher has some sort of curious device that seems related to computer technology yet is more like an abacus with spherical drops of water as the counters. Over time, I watch the beautiful silvery imagery of the pure water droplets moving smoothly across the horizontal abacus rod by themselves, almost as if inferring a clock or timer of some sort, yet also somehow seemingly linked to the back of a desktop computer. Still, I also get the impression that the Hispanic female is involved in using them at times for actual mathematics. She reminds me of a young Sonia Manzano (perhaps about twenty); (Maria from “Sesame Street”).

      After a time, my dream self seems oddly unlinked to my intent (even though I am otherwise fully within my dream self’s imaginary “physical body”). I want to communicate with, and become closer to, the Inducer (personified higher unconscious). Instead, my dream self becomes my personified preconscious (which is extremely rare in non-lucid dreams of this type). I spontaneously start singing, “Like a moth to a flame…” in a higher pitch (sounding somewhat like a young teenager), my dream suddenly shifting, becoming more vivid, yet with the Inducer seeming annoyed and deliberately taking the child and the water induction abacus away from the area. Knowing this, I am already entering peaceful dark and undefined liminal space, but quickly shifting into my full conscious awareness.

      This dream is very atypical regardless of having the usual water induction and “return flight” waking symbolism. I rarely shift into becoming the personified preconscious in this way. (Usually, the personified preconscious is a different dream character, completely unrelated to the conscious self. In fact, even my emergent consciousness is sometimes projected as another dream character until waking coalescence occurs.)

      However, I am already in bed (in my dream) to prepare to wake for real. I had already enjoyed the (biological) healing continuity of the spherical water droplets imagery. Singing “like a moth to a flame” is a metaphor for the temporary dream self (moth in flight related to the hypnopompic jerk of the waking mechanism) merging into the whole conscious self identity (the flame) and “dying”. The song itself is apparently fictional even though I was sure it was a classic country song by Leroy Van Dyke. The lyric is in “Four Walls” (Jim Reeves) but is a different tempo and melody. (It may be related to the first line of “Four Walls”; “Out where the bright lights are glowing”, as my family and I had just spent the day and evening at a carnival on the outskirts of town.)

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