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    1. The Back Roads | The Factory

      by , 04-21-2012 at 09:28 AM (Dream Trek)
      Quote Originally Posted by Original Text
      I had two dreams last night
      #1. I was hanging out with my friends Censored & Censored, driving my truck out on the back roads, when I drove down a hill into a cemetery. I hit something and blew my headlights out. When we left the cemetary, my neighbor censored was driving a tractor by, and took the "initiative" to tow my truck away and leave us there. Shortly afterwards, a car comes flying down the road and wrecks into him and my truck. After that, the army comes in. Why? Idk. When the army got there, NOTHING HAD HAPPENED.

      #2 I was chilling with my mom and my brother, when we came across an old abandoned factory. We climbed a pole on the side of the building to crawl in a window and explore it. When we got inside we noticed it was a wood splitting factory. Wood came up through a hole, fell over, and was split by a saw, before being dropped down a cute. I accidentally turned on one of the machines, proving that the factory was still powered. Then we heard voices in the next room. It was still operational. We got the hell out of there.
      Elaboration on The Back Roads:
      Not much to elaborate on, except that yet again, a car accident happened. This is one of SEVERAL dreams containing car accidents now. What I mean by "Nothing Had Happened", was that when the army started coming over the horizon, I turned around and there was no evidence of a car accident - and then the dream ended.

      Elaboration on The Factory:
      I wrote that my mother and my brother were accompanying me. This is partially true. However, sometimes my stepfather was in place of my brother, particularly during the middle of the dream. During the beginning and the end, it was my brother. We were under the impression that the factory was abandoned. The style of factory function(wood splitting) is likely derived from playing Skyrim, where the mills operate in the same manner. I stood on one of the logs and it began cutting in half. When I got up and asked my mother what she thought, she speculated that the factory must run from a fuel supply contained within the factory (eg, not electricity from the city, but from a gasoline reservoir). Shortly afterwards, we heard faint talking coming from a room, and we left. My mother and my stepfather slid down the pole, but I figured the pole was too long and if I were to slide down it using my hands the friction would create heat much too hot, and I would let go and fall. If I tried to use my shirt to slide faster with less friction, I might slide too fast and get hurt at the bottom. So I wished there were some gloves. Upon that wish, I looked in the conveniently located tool box on the window, and procured a pair of gloves. When we were leaving, my mom told me she overheard the plant manager talking evil things about forced labor and keeping the factory operational...

      Updated 04-26-2012 at 08:15 AM by 54417

    2. Relapse

      by , 04-21-2012 at 09:15 AM (Dream Trek)
      Quote Originally Posted by Original Text
      Had a dream that I went to some old guy's storage place. The guy that ran the place looked like a micture of Honest John and censored. I found one joint in my storage box. I tried to smoke it in my truck, but the storage guy's grandson kept fucking with me. Eventually, the storage guy came to my house and we smoked half the joint in my truck, when suddenly my parents came home. They got pissed and I tried to request a drug test to prove my innocence.
      The censored part is the name of an RL friend.

      The storage place was in the location of the local car-wash in town. The storage units were small lockboxes on a rack, all outdoors. The lockbox was my old Smoke-Box. After being discovered, I sat on the porch with the old hippie and discussed the situation. I joked with friends that this was a nightmare because I had quit smoking marijuana a few weeks before having this dream.

      Updated 04-26-2012 at 08:17 AM by 54417

    3. The U-Haul Fall

      by , 04-21-2012 at 09:08 AM (Dream Trek)
      Quote Originally Posted by Original Text
      Today I dreamed that I rented a u-haul truck and flipped it on a european highway. The first responders were the U.S. Embassy, who took me to the U-haul people. No insurance, so I was to be in debt my entire life
      I must have been tired when I wrote that journal, as I didn't elaborate much at all. I cannot remember why I was in Europe, but I rented a truck. This was coincidentally after watching the Family Guy episode making fun of U-Haul trucks being dangerous and allowing anyone to drive it. I took a sharp turn and the truck fell over on one side. When the U.S. Embassy came(U.S. Embassy, really lol?)... Anyway, when they came, I went to a meeting where they explained to me that my insurance was "Liability", not "Comprehensive"... And therefore I would be in debt for the rest of my life paying for the damage to the truck.

      I've also noticed that this dream may have a strong influence from the recent car accident my step-mother was in, which I was a first responder to, and perhaps a part of my subconscious... anxiety? about car accidents, having witnessed a few car accidents in my life, including one with my own family.

      I wouldn't consider this a "Nightmare", in that I wasn't ever in "Fear" during the dream, but it wasn't exactly pleasant either.

      Updated 04-26-2012 at 07:57 AM by 54417

    4. The Bunker | Tall Trees

      by , 04-21-2012 at 09:01 AM (Dream Trek)
      Quote Originally Posted by Original Text
      Last night I dreamt I was in a house with an underground bunker. Inside there was a long tunnel, and 3 battle tanks. One huge and two small. Later, I dreamt that there was a huge network of extremely tall trees - so covered in vines that a civilization made its home there. I was in a bed high in the trees, and was censored by dozens of people. When I wanted to get down, there were two choices. One scary and slow, and one fast and painful.
      Elaboration on The Bunker:
      It originated as a dream of simply being in a garage. The room was exactly the inside of a garage, with some weird industrial stuff inside of it. I don't exactly recall the plot, but I remember that somehow a battle-bot style tank began to chase me, and as I was running, I was going up a winding tunnel that was uphill and veered to the right. In retrospect, this was the first instance I remember of being scared and taking control of the situation... I wished that I had a bigger tank - and suddenly a bigger tank appeared around the corner. I immediately ran over the other tank, and my dream changed to the tall trees.

      Elaboration on Tall Trees:
      It was a network of tall, tall trees- mainly tree trunks with minimal leaves. Connecting the trees together were incredibly strong vines. The people that lived in the tree village used the vines for everything. Their homes were built into the vines and trees, and they climbed the vines to travel. I found myself tied down in a bed, where the locals took turns doing something of a ... sexual nature ... to me. When they were finished, I remember being scared of climbing back DOWN the vines. The locals told me that there were two ways to go down. I could be afraid for a long time as I crawled down the vines slowly, or I could be scared for a short time as I fell down the vines. They explained that the vines would break my fall, and that it wasn't actually that dangerous.

      Addition of the Facebook:
      For a brief time after the Tall Trees, I was browsing Facebook, when I stumbled upon one of the females from the village ... I sent a message, and felt desperate to go back to the village...

      Updated 04-26-2012 at 08:16 AM by 54417

    5. Time Travel Dream #1

      by , 04-21-2012 at 08:50 AM (Dream Trek)
      Quote Originally Posted by Original Text
      Last night I dreamt that I went back in time to 2002. The catch was, I was in school and I was 10 years old. I attempeted to play RuneScape in class, as well as explain my case to a young classmate named classified. I showed him my English-German dictionary, which was published in 2008. Six years in the future. I planned to relive my childhood, fixing all of my mistakes. Later on, I was in a diner, and I asked if they sold cigarettes. I showed the clerk my ID, which was issued 10 years in the future. She agreed to sell me cigarettes. The dream ended with me desperately trying to come back to the future.
      Elaborating on the classroom scene:
      I argued with my teacher, during the argument she cussed at me, and I cussed back, but didn't get in trouble. While trying to play RuneScape, I downloaded SwiftSwitch, and found that it had many vulgar "Hacker Subculture" elements to it. Curse words and the such in the coding, etc. RuneScape showed an error when I tried to play it that was incomprehensible. The English-German dictionary was a key part of the dream in that I seemed to have it with me the entire time.

      Elaborating on the diner scene:
      I don't know why I was suddenly in a diner, or why they sold cigarettes. I neglected to mention that the clerk offered to give me the cigarettes on Tab, but I declined to accept the offer because I had no guaranteed source of income and therefore no collateral to pay her back. This is something I do often in real life because I am unemployed. The dream ended when I sat down on the sidewalk and began to think about the seriousness of the situation I was in. I had gone back in time, smoked, but was underage - and I had no money and had to go through school again. I began worrying about how I was going to cope with reliving my childhood - how I could make the most of it, and then I woke up.
    6. 1 Dream & 1 Fragment

      by , 04-21-2012 at 08:49 AM
      The fragment:
      I was taking away dirt from my contact lenses, it was hard corns, like sand.

      The dream:
      I was on a computer, inside an IRC chat. I chatted with some of my old friends who I haven't been with in over 5 years. I had found a video posted by myself year 2005 on YouTube, the video had 500 000 views. It was somewhat random video where in the middle of the video I danced/shaked like crazy, and therefor reason to that much views I guessed.

      That's kind of all I remember. I rememebered the fragment when I woke up, but the dream I could recall a couple of minutes later.
    7. The Hive

      by , 04-21-2012 at 08:42 AM (Dream Trek)
      Quote Originally Posted by original text
      I don't recall the exact details of the dream I had last night, as it has been some time since I awoke. I recall that there was a grave catastrophic event from which many humans were forced to flee. During my flight, I encountered a beautiful female companion. She took me to a sort of "Hive", which was like nothing I've seen before, with spheres in a network serving as housing units. She took me to her unit, where I was introduced to many of my high school aquaintences. The first and only one that I remember was classified.
      I don't remember details about the catastrophic events from which we were fleeing. But I remembered the "Hive" with vivid imagery. It was like something out of science fiction. The hive was made of a dark metallic material. The hallways shot out in many directions, including diagonal and up-and down. They were narrow crawlspaces - resembling a "Jeffries Tube" from star trek, except not as well lit. The rooms had a bed, a sofa, a lamp and a desk, and they were perfectly spherical except for the flattened floor. This hive seemed to network through something, like a mountain - so that it could be safe from the outside world.
    8. wired dreams

      by , 04-21-2012 at 07:01 AM
      Does anyone else have wired dreams like me, for example a few days back i had a dream where i was walking home and i was walking on the road for a little while then out of nowhere there was water on the road as if it was a river.
    9. 2 of three step task done

      , 04-21-2012 at 06:24 AM
      I saw myself in the mirrow and understood that its a dream. Made RC. I was in my old flat. Want nightspy 2 was after the door - open the door - there was fairhaired boy. I noticed that first threesteptask done and disassemble wall outlet. toched the wires - it was so HOT! and I decided to play with elictricity in a distanse - it entered in my hand about 10 santimeters from outlet and i felt warm. Then i decided to swich off lamps and have elictricity in hand - switched off all the lamps. and then i saw the sun on the street and took all it energy in my hand. It became night with stars then i tryed to make third of three step task, i tryed to make portal, paint lines in the air and in the ground and want to move to another place - but nothing
    10. At Work Again...

      by , 04-21-2012 at 06:07 AM
      April 18, 12. 10:30pm-6am

      I was at Bloomfield Head Start working with Jessica and her teacher's assistant. Today was awesome, we only had four kids and they were the good ones too! The TA was laying on the floor and I had my head on her stomach Jess was walking around to make sure the kids were okay and would sometimes set down to relax. The three of us were talking about everything that came to mind. I mainly remember talking about how nice it was to only have four kids and how good they are. we didn't even have to watch them. One of the parents showed up and we jumped to our feet pretending that we were really doing something. The parent came to pick up her daughter. The little girl looked sad. She looked like Lucrisia, a little girl in Tamera's class. Anyway, mom seen that her daughter was sad and told her, "honey, don't be sad, we will be back tomorrow. i'm not taking you out of school." The little girl smiled and left with her mom. now we had three kids. Jess told me that mom switches schools on her all the time. Jess told me, " in the last year the little girl had been here three different times." "wow," I thought, "so wonder she wasn't happy to see mom so early." everything changed, I was in a store looking at shirts. The store was all white, there were no signs, only clothes. I was looking at a white shirt with black lace in the back. I thought, "I have a shirt similar to this at home. I think ill go home and wear it." My alarm went off and I woke up.-End Dream-

      Thoughts- I really had a hard time remembering this dream. I wonder if it ever gets any easier remembering dreams. Ohh, and do I really have to dream about work, I get enough of it during the day.
    11. Red Chemical Warfare

      by , 04-21-2012 at 02:41 AM
      The dream I had last night involved me going to a city to stay with my dad during his visitation hours, with my brother and sister. Now this city would remind one a lot of Tokyo or even Rio De Janiero on a stormy day. It was rundown, and there were a lot of really tall buildings and skyscrapers, but it was still, how should I put it....A wasteland.

      This city was supposedly here in America.

      As I was arriving in the city on a plane, the city was being attacked by a monster (supposedly, as I never actually saw it).

      The dream faded in and out to another scene where I was running through a trench like system between buildings towards cover under a small stone bridge.

      As I entered the space underneath the bridge, I caught sight of a steel door to what looked sort of like a bunker. I entered into it, and closed the door; locking and barring it. The inside of this "bunker" resembled that of a house, but the floor was made up entirely of dirt and small puddles.

      I hid in an alcove, waiting for the "monster" to pass. As I was waiting, the steel door started to vibrate viciously as if something was trying to get through it. As the vibrating subsided, I began looking around the building I was in. Towards the steel door was two regular sized rooms across from each other in the hall. Further down the walkway was an alcove on either side. On the left was a couple of windows, a books shelf and a table and chairs.

      Past that was another hallway, with smaller rooms containing one bed. There was only enough room for the bed and to open the door in these rooms and that was it.

      Then the scene changed and I'm in a different house with my siblings and father. There are three girls there --sisters-- who we apparently know.

      We are here for a long time, hiding and waiting until it is safe to go back outside or leave. While we are here, we try to find things to do in our free time, but there really isn't much because we have to be quiet.

      At some point, me and the oldest of the three girls end up having sex (I hate dreams like this. There's all this interesting stuff going on, and then something completely random like this happens xD ).

      In another scene, planes are flying over the house dropping bombs on the city, which has literally become a post apocalyptic war zone. The sky has turned a bright red color as the planes drop their load. The bombs when they explode, release a poisonous acidy gas that is a vibrant red and if inhaled, becomes a fast acting poison whose symptoms resemble that of radiation poisoning.

      The scene changes again, and the chemical has dissipated and it is safe to go outside. Laying outside in a heap are two VERY large lizard creatures, that look vaguely like a cross between Godzilla, a dragon and a Spinosaurus.

      The dream ends there, and I wake up.
    12. Odd Dream

      by , 04-21-2012 at 01:54 AM
      April 17, 12. 10pm-5am

      I was talking to a glowing pink, blue and white ball of light.(it was either one of those skyrim balls of light, or God. I'm not sure.) He had a strong voice, and was telling the rules of the place in was in. I'm not sure where I was.(maybe heaven...) "the light" was telling me there was one of everything and most things could only be used once. I wanted the color green and by old phone back.My dog Rusty wanted something i wanted as well, I kept pushing him back so, he couldn't have it. I told Rusty,"get down, you can't have it, it's mine. Then, "the light" told me about a verse that every body gets at some point of there stay. "Once you complete the assignment it goes to someone else," he informed me. I finally got Rusty to stop and he laid down at my feet. "the light" gave me the verse and told me what to do, I ran off to my car to get started. - End Dream-


      what a odd dream. I remembered more than I thought I did. I think the part with Rusty came from him getting in my face at night and I push him down to my feet.
    13. Can't remember anything!

      by , 04-21-2012 at 01:21 AM
      April 16, 12. 6am

      I can't remember anything, not even a face. Last night I was worried about not having enough time to write my dreams down, that may be why. I also have a math test coming up that's stressing me out, that could be why too. i figured it would help to set my alarm early and have a recorder near just encase. i'm so sad, i feel like I have to start over.
    14. Partial O.B.E. & Subconscious Chatter

      by , 04-20-2012 at 10:34 PM (Chronicles of the Cosmos)
      When I woke up after having the dream about the Gant Bees, I was lying in bed under the covers on my stomach--the same position I fell asleep in. It was kinda dark but I could see enough to notice that I had two left arms!! I pulled my arm closer to me and looked at the other one which lay motionless. I was partly out of my body.

      I sat up, threw back the blanket, and quickly looked around the room, forgetting to check and see if I was actually out of my body. It was kinda dark but it looked exactly the same as the real thing. Then I woke up and did the exact same thing again. The only difference being it was morning and the sun had come up. I laid back down and pulled the blanket up over my head and closed my eyes but didn't go back to sleep because it was nearly time for me to get up and go to college.

      Subconscious Chatter

      I heard my subconscious chattering away as it usually does right after waking up in the mornings and laying in bed with my eyes open or closed. It said "God, that's not going to work on me." I'm like "huh?.." Usually I'll hear a voice speaking but am unable to tell if it's mine or somebody else. Other times I'll see words or sentences flash before my eyes if I have them shut or I'll see a word or sentence and hear a voice read it to me while I'm wide awake. The way it reads these sentences is not how I read them. So, I thought that was kinda strange.

      When I hear these voices, they usually answer a question I've been pondering about the previous day, or they'll answer a question I asked myself while lying in bed. And other times, it'll say something totally random but with a hidden meaning. This crap started near the end of 2011 but I actually think it's kinda cool. Either I'm going insane or the world is about to end.

      Updated 04-26-2012 at 01:45 PM by 53119

      false awakening
    15. Time Travel, Giant Bees and Strawberries!

      by , 04-20-2012 at 10:20 PM (Chronicles of the Cosmos)
      Back to sleep. I'm walking down a dirt road through a forest. I come to a small off-road clearing of sand. At this point, I am am fully lucid. I decide to try to summon my dream guide by calmly calling out to them. I didn't want to overexert myself and wake myself up. No one came.

      I continued walking until I came to a narrow path with walls made of wood on both sides of it. Before I entered the path, I looked around and saw two fat women sitting at a table with a laptop in front of each of them. They were also wearing headphones and they were tracking the movements of some drug cartels via satellite. I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a device that allowed me to time travel. I checked the date and it said the year was 2080 something. I forgot the month, day, and time. Then I warped.

      I arrived in the exact same area and checked it again. It now reads September 9, 1923. I looked around a bit. The women weren't there, of course, and the path looked plainer. But it had these logs sticking out of the dirt walls which were wooden in the future. I decided to go and see where this path led. As I exited the path on the other side, I saw a small, partly destroyed city, with these humongous bees flying over it and terrorizing the townspeople. Those bees were bigger than cars.

      The people were killing these bees by throwing giant red strawberries at them... These strawberries were about 4 ft. in height but very light. I know this because I remember throwing one at a bee. Whenever they threw a giant strawberry at one of these bees, the bee would grab it with its legs, stick a stinger into it, and use up their stinger, which in turn killed the bee. The townspeople were stacking bodies of giant bees in a pile in the center of town. I woke up.

      Updated 04-21-2012 at 05:51 PM by 53119
