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    1. Rave, pigs, and the Ultimate Warrior.

      by , 04-09-2014 at 04:28 PM
      This dream takes place at night time, on what appears to be an empty airstrip, with a row of tal floodlights erected upon tripods which 100s of people gather around.

      I can hear rave music, very generic, as i walk along this airstrip, and i can also see others behind a fence waiting to get in. I then get flashbacks of actual flyers that once advertised these rave parties waaaaay back in the early 90's.

      The dream suddenly shifts a bit, i now find myself indoors, in an almost white room, with grass on the floor, UV lights which makes everything glow brightly, and there is one lone raver on the dancefloor waving his arms about but not moving his feet. There is an opening and i go through it, and naturally i see pigs, real pigs, snuffling about on the floor, but the pigs look strange, their actually covered in orange "cow like" markings.

      Now i am outside again and it is an early summers evening, another airstrip, this time one i actually recognize from the waking world as a place where i once had a fab night out partying til the sun came up.

      As the dream continues, i find myself milling with 1000s of other ravers waiting patiently for the party to begin. There seems to be cars driving about with no wheels on them, not only that but i soon find myself in a car at this dream location, just looking for somewhere to park.

      I do not recall much more of this, aside from the fact that it felt so real, specially the first and last parts that i can remember, among the floodlights on an airstrip, as i did go to many parties on airstrips/airfields/hangers from 1989 onwards, the last one being 1993, a Perception all nighter on an airstrip, this was the last part of my dream.

      In reality myself and my friend Arfur, arrived at like 5pm, joining about 50 or so others to wait, it was a lovely summers day on april 30th, so we head towards the marquees and sit on the grass to smoke some reefer before the party began. Some hours later this is rumour that the rave had been cancelled, and a little later more, we ran towards the marquees and had a gib party anyway.

      In the dream i only dream about waiting during the early evening, when more and more were gathering for the same reasons as us. Its a shame that dream didnt go all the way to the actual party, as my memories of that night are fading fast now anyway.

      I dont know what the cow marked pigs represented, maybe the police, thats what we call the police sometimes, which is wrong i know, pigs are sensitive and intelligent animals whereas the police...

      Anyway, not a bad dream in all, quite vivid, id say 11/15 for vividness, but i have no idea how long this dream lasted.

      I also had fragments of american wrestler The Ultimate Warrior appear, not surprising as i read before bed that he had sadly passed away, i briefly watched american wrestling in the early 90s and he was my favourite, he just looked so powerful and striking, the best mullet in the business. RIP you giant.
    2. The Kangarant

      by , 01-13-2013 at 04:29 AM
      I'm glad to be in a patch of more peaceful, relaxed lucids that are geared toward exploration. These are usually among my favorites and tend to provide more opportunity for completing tasks. (Not that I was successful completing anything in this dream, of course, but theoretically...)

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #56: The Kangarant

      I'm in a small prop plane flying over a high, snowy mountain range. There are two other guys in the plane with me, both in their 20s. There are no seats -- everyone is standing. Nobody appears to be piloting the aircraft.

      The plane barrels toward a mountain peak, and I shout, "Agggh, watch out!!" But the plane clears the peak (though just barely) and the two guys high five. They look at me like they don't get why I'm being such a baby.

      "Where are we?" I ask. One of the guys ponders this for a moment and says, "California."
      California? "No way," I think, and become lucid.

      The plane goes into a hard, sickening turn to the right and starts losing altitude. My two companions think this is great, but I want off. I phase my left hand through one of the plane's windows. After a brief pause, the rest of my body follows and I'm flying outside in the clouds, the plane buzzing off into the distance.

      I'm descending pretty rapidly but I feel like I'm in control. Unexpectedly, I pass by a gray-haired man who's dressed in an Army Service Uniform. He looks extremely high-ranking, almost certainly a general. He's staying still while I'm moving so I whoosh right by him. He's muttering something as I fly by, but I can't make it out.

      My descent slows and I land in an airfield. Some planes are taxiing on runways while others are refueling. There's even a rocket set up nearby! It looks vaguely like a Saturn V but it's way too small.

      Stranger still are the animals roaming everywhere across this airfield. Each has at least one human handler. I spot camels for sure, and several other types that I can't remember. But the animal that really grabs my attention is something that I can only describe as the cross between a kangaroo and an elephant. (Kangarant? Eleroo?)

      This animal is about 30-feet tall, gray-skinned like an elephant, but with the powerful hind legs and dainty forelimbs of a kangaroo. It has a marsupial pouch but its head has tusks and a modest trunk. The head is elephant-like, but sleeker and longer than an elephant's. I watch this beast in fascination for a while. A handler on a raised platform is passing it some kind of hay to eat. The kangarant munches away, passive and content.

      I start thinking about tasks and I fly past the airfield to see what's out there. I come to a beach where several vendors have stalls set up. I decide that this is Australia and that I should do the Australia Task of the Year. I remember something about Mel Gibson.
      Actual task: ("Hitch a ride on a sea turtle, dolphin, or humpback whale and explore the Great Barrier Reef. Bite a great white shark and don't die. ") I decide that since I don't know what I'm doing I had better try something else. I decide to figure out some kind of way to travel to the Colosseum and have my gladiator battle.

      I convince myself that a time machine will appear behind me. I turn around, shouting, "Time machine!" This fails to do anything but make me feel stupid.

      A girl who looks like she's about nine walks up to me. I think she's perhaps Philippina. I ask, "Can you show me the way to the time machine?"

      She nods, looking a little cross with me. "But I'm not a girl! I'm a boy!" She glares at me, waiting for me to make this right. I don't really know how to respond, since she can apparently read my mind (and I still think she's a girl.)

      "Sorry...?" I offer, and this seems to satisfy her. She starts running inland across a nearby road and I follow. We've only gone a short distance when
      I wake up.