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    1. LD 4: Depressed Joseph Gordon-Levitt

      by , 07-21-2011 at 04:37 AM (Starr's Dream Collection)

      A friend and I had decided to sign up for the Food Network show Chopped, which is like an elmination every week reality show for cooking. We both get onto the show and are very happy. Me and my friend (H) get on the bus, which will take us to the set of the show. H and I sit down, and we're surrounded by other contestants. We try to socialize with them, and found one girl to be really nice. I don't really remember much of her, who she was, or what she said, except that she had a very narrow face, olive skin, and dark brown wavy hair with bangs that covered a lot of her face. I remember looking at a brochure for Australia, which led me to realize that these contestants came from all over the world to compete on this show. Finally, the bus arrives at it's destination. H and I get off with all the other people to find us standing in a mostly empty parking lot. We see the hosts, but I don't really remember them too well. I'm standing there and listening as we are assigned our first challenge, when I suddenly come to horrifying realization.

      I can't cook.
      In real life, I can make ice, and that's pretty much it. Even when it comes to simple things like trying to cook Kraft macaroni, I end up failing. Both times I tried to make it, I ended up making people sick...oops. Anyways, so that's when I come to the not so horrifying realization that I'm dreaming, thus making me lucid. Yay!

      So, I ditch Chopped. I remember the other contestants mocking me and jeering at me for being such a baby and backing out before the show even started, but I ignore them.

      Suddenly, I am somehow transported to a very modern looking mansion type office building. I see random DCs walking around, but I ignore them, too. I have a goal in mind. I find my friend N walking around, and I approach her. I ask, "Have you seen Arthur anywhere?" referring to my absolute favorite character from Inception, as portrayed by one of my favorite actors, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I figured that if I ask someone where he is, implying that I already know he's here, I'll be able to find him. Other methods, like trying to make people appear by summoning them with mind power, never work outs for me.

      N says, "Yeah, I know he's around here somewhere. Just keep running down the halls and turn the corner, you should find him." We both set off running down a hallway, and right before we turn the corner, and outstretch my arms, because I really wanna give Arthur a hug.
      (Don't judge, I'm a huge JGL fangirl, ok?) But instead, to my dismay, I turn the corner to find my old 7th grade English teacher wearing footsie pajamas. That image will never be erased. I keep running down that hallway, once more outstretching my arms. When I turn the next corner, I instead find my Grandma running towards us. As horrible as it makes me sound, I don't feel like hugging my grandma, so I disappointingly put my arms down again. I ask N, "Do these hallways just keep going and going?" and she replies, "Yep, pretty much."

      Eventually and thankfully, though, I somehow manage to get out of the constant hallways, and I'm standing in this hotel-looking lobby. I enter a doorway, in which I find myself standing in a HUGE ballroom place, FILLED with people. I automatically know that these people are all celebrities, and if I'm going to find Arthur/JGL anywhere, it'll be here. I see a set of modern looking stairs that lead up to a platform, so I run up to get a good view of the crowd. It's obviously a very formal event, because all the men are wearing tuxedos, and every single woman is wearing a fancy, sparkly black dress. They're all talking and mingling very loudly.

      Wanting to get their attention, I as loudly as I can yell out, "HEY! EVERYBODY QUIET!". It actually worked, and everyone turned up to look at me. "I'm looking for Joseph Gordon-Levitt," I shouted. Suddenly, I notice a figure beginning to walk away, only to be pushed back in place by a random group of people. It's JGL! Yay!

      He begins walking again, towards the exit, wearing a rather awkward smile on his face. He obviously doesn't want to be here.

      Oh, and he had facial hair. Don't know why that's important, it just is.

      Anyways, my mom suddenly is standing by me, and she says, "Well? Go on and catch him!" I run down from the platform and down the stairs, chasing after him. He begins to run faster. Now we're out in the lobby. He still has that weird smile on his face, which was starting to get creepy. He sat down on a couch in the lobby, and he looked slightly upset. (Still smiling, though. Don't know how he managed that.) I found a random drink kiosk and decide it would be smart to buy him a beer, which cost $7. Geez. But he refused to take it. And he wasn't saying anything, so matter how much persisting and prodding I did. Man, he was stubborn.

      Then, I "wake up." That's right, folks, I'm now in some sort of a false awakening. Except, in this "reality", I'm sitting on the same couch that Joseph Gordon-Levitt was just sitting on, and I'm hugging a water bottle. My best friend H is there, and she laughs at me for falling asleep in such a position. I tell her about the dream that I just had.

      Then I actually wake up. But, being the lazy teenager that I am, I went back to sleep, even though it was probably already noon. Oh well.

      I'm thrown straight into lucidity. This time, I'm in this strange indoor pool place, with lots of walls that you have to climb over to get to the pools. There are lots of scattered pools that are dark and murky, but I swim in them nonetheless. I remember swimming in this one pool, doing lots of spins underwater. I heard some man say, "Huh, I guess the water's not toxic, then." I'm pretty sure he was the manager of the place.

      I get out of the water, and lo and behold, sitting on a couch by the edge of the pool, is Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Also, to my surprise, I had transformed into and older version of myself and I looked completely different. Usually in lucid dreams I have lots of difficulty changing my appearance, but this time, I didn't even try. I looked just like Sarah Roemer, an actress from a show I used to watch called The Event. Hmm, random.

      Anyways, I walk up to JGL, who I know is supposed to be Arthur. He looks extremely depressed and lonely, and I automatically feel really bad for him. I guess I'm supposed to be his best friend, so I decide to go sit next to him. Turns out he has to apply for this design school and to do that, he needs to fill out an information card about him. He's too upset for whatever reason to fill it out himself, so I offer to do it for him. He gratefully accepts my offer.

      I notice he has a picture with him. It's a picture of a little girl and a little boy dressed in their Halloween costumes, with the little girl dressed as a princess and the boy as a pirate. I realize it's supposed to be the both of us, and discover that I'm not his best friend...I'm his little sister.


      I still have to fill out the info card, but I pretty much know nothing about him. Inception doesn't tell you much about our dear Arthur. But what kind of sister doesn't know these basic facts about their big brother? I really wanna play the part, though, so I stay cool. Eventually, there's a part on the card where I have to put down his age. Problem is, I don't know his age. I jokingly ask, "How old are you?" as if I was just messing around. He looks rather annoyed and answers very sarcastically, "Nine." He wasn't giving me a real answer. I put down '9' on the card...then he looks at me like I was crazy. "Why are you putting that down? I wasn't being serious. Put a '2' in front of that nine." I do, and say, "So...29?". He gives me a look that says, "Duh."

      Then he starts shaking his head and says, "Can we just skip to the 'About Me' part? I'm getting tired of this." I do, and ask what he wants me to right. He shrugs, and mumbles "I don't know." I sigh. Obviously, Arthur here isn't gonna be very cooperative.

      Somehow, we both get transferred to some school where he is giving a presentation on design to some kids. But, he's still really depressed. After the presentation, he just sits down in a chair, frowning, and he's not talking again. Perfect.

      All the kids, who I realize are kids that I go to school with, start clapping for him, including me. Hey, I'm not gonna be an un-supportive sister. Then, the kids walk up to him and start trying to make him move, by waving in his face and stuff. He's not having it, though. He looks pretty spaced out. I catch of glimpse of his face through the mob of kids around him, and you can just see the pain and sadness in his eyes. It was pretty intense.

      Now I'm not Sarah Roemer anymore. I'm my regular self. I realize one of my best friends J is standing next to me. She asks, "Wait, why is he so upset and stuff?" I just shrug and say, "I don't know. I'll just ask him on the car ride home." She nods at this apparently perfectly acceptable answer.

      One girl I know, M, starts poking her finger in his face. Then...he sneezes on her, causing everyone to start cracking up, and, guess what! He actually smiled! So much for the seriousness of the dream. Oh well.

      I'm transferred to another part of my dream, and I'm no longer lucid. Sad, sad. Anyways, I guess I'm at school, but it's my old elementary school. Class is about to start, but I could not for the life of me find my locker or remember my next class. I was completely confused. I start walking down the hallway towards a random classroom, where I find a teacher who I vaguely recognize. She asks me to help her with some classroom chores, and I comply. When I try to explain to her that I can't remember my next class, she ignores me.

      Then, the assistant principal walks up and stands in the doorway. I try to tell him that I don't know where I'm supposed to go, but he just says, "Oh, that's too bad," in a kind of joking manner. Which I can totally picture him doing in real life, by the way.

      The dragon has risen from its slumber. I wake up, completely intrigued by the awesome dream I just had. When I think back to that last little part of the dream, I keep picturing Rebecca Black, so I'm pretty sure she was somehow involved. God, I hope she wasn't singing.

      Also, on a side note, I feel very achieved. I've transformed my appearance, hung out with a celebrity, and lucid dreamt somewhere other than my house, which were all personal dream goals of mine. All in all, it was a definite success. Yay!

      Updated 07-21-2011 at 06:52 AM by 44036 (Just remembered another part. :))

      false awakening , memorable , lucid , non-lucid