I dream of the [X] library again. I've dreamt of it before, I'm sure, and it was like trying to recall my other dream - I struggled to remember where everything was. I slip out of my house from a back door (white, frosted glass pane) into a narrow cobbled alley, and head towards the library. Soon enough I'm there. Entering the large double doors of the library I see a huge neon red sign, below which is surely a bar - tables clustered together, people clustered around them, moving, a long bar at the back wall, and everything is dark in there, as if it's midnight already, although the sky is bright outside. I turn and head down some corridors towards the library. They are all white linoleum, white walls, windowless, winding - but somehow I find my way. At the end of a corridor are two curved white doors, leading off in different directions, where I know the library should be. They have circular porthole windows at the top. I push each one open, look inside, rush around searching, but all I find is more white rooms and offices. They are all empty and so quiet - it feels like I shouldn't be here. Finally, whoever knows how, I find the library. I peek through the round windows in the door and see, set against purple carpet and dark green walls, shelves and shelves of books throughout a moderately large rectangular room. Children and (a few) teenagers mill around and stand and sit reading. I realise that this is the children's library and I need to find the larger one, and I turn back to search once more. When I reach the large library, it is almost outside, a large glass wall facing onto a paved courtyard, accessed from a semi-covered walkway. I can see, through the full-length windows to the courtyard, the huge room filled with books and a few people walking around. But there is no door in sight. I proceed along the walkway, following the library wall, looking for ways in - I find none. When I at last come across a door, quite a ways along, I peer through its window and see just another corridor; narrow, curving, dark, empty, dimly lit with yellow lights here and there. It gives me an eerie feeling. I retrace my steps to the courtyard and wonder how this can be. A woman in uniform (looking like an employee) marches briskly towards where I am, turns sharply to face the library wall, and shouts out an admonishment to the people inside while raising and bringing down her arm, just once, in a forceful slicing motion. The courtyard window seems to pop out of the walls a few feet, revealing hidden side walls which are also full-length glass - and then, as I watch from the side, the whole library slides forward out of the concrete at a dizzing speed, while shouts and protests come from inside - I see people leap up from their desks and gesticulate angrily towards the now departing woman. The library comes to a stop with a glass door now in front of me. I enter. This is a library I used to visit often as a child. Not anymore, however - when I was 11 I lost a book and was too ashamed to go own up and pay the fine, so I never went back. The guilt has never gone away...
Desert Cave Adventure: I'm driving with my girlfriend on an expressway at night in the desert and we are being chased by a gunman. My coworker, A, shoots the man in the head. The Desert Gunman. We're parked now, and looking at the body. There isn't blood or gore, rather, just a hole where the bullet went in. I'm driving a smaller quad-wheeler now and I offer my coworker a place to stay. He agrees and gets onto the quad-wheeler. We discuss the logistics of how long he will stay with us. ... It's daytime now and we are still driving. Ahead of us is a twisty turny mountain, closer to a course from Mario Kart than to reality. Desert Road Spirals. I miss a turn, and now I'm carefully maneuvering around a spiral road rising around a small pillar-like structure. We eventually reach a sandy cave entrance where the road ends. Desert Cave Entrance. There are two arrow shaped signs ahead. The one pointing left says "Mafia" and the one pointing right says "Goomba". We choose Goomba and proceed. As we go deeper into the cave, there is a glass display case on our left. It appears to contain Game of Thrones paraphernalia. I notice one of the Night's Watch coats in particular, alongside some swords and other weapons. They may have been numbered. At this point in the hide, we are expecting an award. The cave opens up into a larger chamber, almost like a grand palace or tomb.
Updated 01-17-2024 at 08:39 PM by 99808
3 Jamie dreams. one where she is looking at me expecting something of me. Like what? other two she is unreachable, being like a celeb you can't be near. Yeah not happy with these dreams at all. Asuka was in a nughty dream... Lucid Became lucid in some empty basement. mainly just a white hallway with a living area surrounded by 4 rooms. KI vaguely remember walking down the stairs I found and the level below looked exactly the same. Reminded me of some Backrooms stuff, so my mind continued with that. Went down the steps a few times and each time wound up in exactly the same place. inspected a few rooms. Just blank generix rooms with beds. Went in the room nearest the stairs. Tried to manifest a lover in the bed. The sheets rose up as if someone was underneath. Started pulling the blankets off but there was only more crumpled up blankets underneath. got bored again and went down the stairs and wound up in the same place again. went walking to the far room and woke up. LOST Yes, I was browsing disney+ and managed to binge watch it twice after not seeing it for 10 years or so. anyway had 2 related dreams. One vague one where there is a plane crash on the beach and a bunch of people are running around and screaming. Second dream I am swimming towards wreckage. This blond hillbilly guy swims up on a part of a raft and points a gun at me. He's yelling at me saying I took the kid. An angry black guy is asking me where his kid went? I try to say something but they won't let me speak. The blond guy (Sawyer), says I was there at the crash and then i vanished for a month and now I just came out of nowhere and keeps calling me an other. I'm just confused and don't know how to get out of the water. Sawyer comes close enough to knock me out but I wake up.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With Nighthawk and Riverstone. We've been talking about this and that and Nighthawk says he misses me. He is sitting to my right and I hold hands with him, My heart is full and I drop one tear down my right cheek that only he can see, because Riverstone is to my left. Then the guys discuss something in private and Nighthawk leaves without even saying goodbye and I feel heartbroken. Riverstone says they talked about us all being together but him being afraid we would have to cut ties with everyone else and I say I don't care as long as we have each other. Then I spot him standing down the road, which goes down hill. Slowly he walks back to us and although we say nothing, my heart warms up again. Then we take to the train station to go somewhere and they simply jump over the gates, not paying tickets. I feel uncomfortable and stop. Then the lady from the ticket office starts yelling we have to pay. Riverstone is adamant in not paying and says to ignore her and I insist in going back to pay. I am disappointed at them. I pay the 3 tickets and it's like 60 cents. On the train, I meet Zilla and our girl gang. The train fills up after a while, to the point where I feel a bit claustrophobic, so when it stops at a couple stations later, I briefly get out just to get some air. Finally at the last stop everyone gets out, including me and my friends, but I notice I can't find my bag. Now the train is actually a bus and I run to the front door to meet the driver. I ask him to not leave while I go inside and look for me bag. He pretends not to understand what I am saying. He speaks to some dude inside with him in a mix of french and english, so then I try speaking in english and he still says he doesn't understand. I speak in french and then he starts looking at me like he does understand. But he keeps being rude and denying me entrance, so I force my way into the bus and look for my bag under every seat and on overhead compartments. Can't find a thing and he mocks me. I finally give up, but have the feeling he kept driving the bus and we are somewhere else entirely different. So I ask for his help, because I have no ID, no money, no cards and I am lost somewhere in the middle of this city. He does not care. So I get out, thinking about asking a local for the nearest police station, when I realize we are still at the exact same place where people descended from the train/bus. Then wonder about my guys and I hear them yelling from across the road, where they were sitting in a park bench. I run to them and hug them in tears, thanking them for having waited for me. They don't understand why I am so emotional about it, because from their perspective it was like 5 mins and they were always seeing me from their seat. So they say "of course we waited". Then we keep walking to whatever destination we're heading.
29th March 2021 Fragment: I'm at my old home. Me, mom and L are home. I can't remember why or how we notice, but we realise that T should be here too but is actually missing. I ask mom if he isn't just downstairs or something. She says they've checked. The next thing I recall I'm outside, with mom. We're in some streets which don't seem familiar, but I don't have that notion in the dream. Diffused shadows, desaturated light. We look around for T outside the building, which isn't really like ours. I think I notice a bus stop and wonder if he'd used that but become dismissive of the idea. Later, we are at a square junction. Past a crossing, I spot him and tell mom, I think. We can't cross yet, but he sees us and starts walking away. I notice he's wearing a skullcap hat thing and generally warm clothing. For a moment I mistake another man near him to be him but I realise it's not his face and wonder how I could let myself make that mistake. We eventually cross but we've lost track of him again as he moved away. Then there's some stairs or something in front of a cafe, going down into the ground. Worn stone steps. I am on my own now, it's darker here? Something about vampires and a dungeon, I recall some kind of yellow sandstone or limestone.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some sunny city somewhere in southern Europe, I think, which has canals. There is some international event going on and I am actually walking away from it. Then I spot Trump in a very bad disguise on a motor boat, going in the direction of the crowded area. His kids Baron and some of the girls are going in other boats in different directions. I know immediately they are going to commit some terrorist attack and try to stop it, but can't. In the end, I end up with the ashes of the victims, for some reason. In France, at a natural history museum, I stalk a guided tour with high school kids, so I can listen to the guide. The guide notices me, but pretends not to care to avoid causing a fuss. There is a display of ancient dentures with semi precious stones as teeth. The guide tries to make me feel self-conscious by asking me a question about it. I feel embarrassed and I separate from the group and head to the museum shop. I am delighted with a Star Wars encyclopedia and there are books that resemble some of my childhood Russian books and I get very excited, but turns out they are just similar and not the real deal. A couple kids that were in the guided tour before, also come to the shop and start flirting with me. I feel flattered, but they are just kids. I go get my coat from the cloakroom and the guy there is really gorgeous and age appropriate for me so I also flirt with him a bit. I can tell we both feel like we don't want to depart so soon, but I am the one taking the step. I touch his hand and say I loved meeting him, but I have to say goodbye and that I am going away from this country soon and will probably never see him again. He looks heartbroken. At the exit we are thoroughly checked to see if we stole something from the museum, but instead they confiscate some pills I have on my pocket. I explain my need for it and make a bit of a scene, so they end up letting me go with it. Outside is already night and I have no clue how to get "home". I just have a vague idea I need to go to a bus stop near of after some place named L'Envers. I go to the closest bus stop and wait for a bus to come. My french is a bit rusty, but when a bus comes, I beg the bus driver for help and he ignores me and starts moving away. I keep begging for some indications and some Asian dude steps up and offers to help me. So the bus driver stops and and I come on the bus. The dude says he can help me to get closer to my destination and teach me what buses I need to get on and off to get there, so I sit a couple seats away from him.
11/27/20 I am with mark weins He is a swinger with some norwegians He wears pink lace underwear 2069 I am on a layover in texas, Ben asks if we can hang out before my next flight, I agree. He picks me up and we drive back to his parents house without notice. When we get to his house he gives me a small black electronic device I do not recognize. It kind of looks like a small digital camera with a display on the back and buttons on top but I don't know how to turn it on. The house is incredibly large with hundreds of rooms and a grand foyer which has been extensively decorated for Christmas. Multiple floors overlook the entrance room with many hallways coming from various directions. It is reminiscent of the house from Home Alone only it is cartoonishly large. I gather that this is mostly Ben's family and extended family. Only there are almost a hundred people scattered about running their own unique intentions saying goodbyes and everyone seems to be in a hurry. I gather that the adults are dropping off their kids of various ages and they are all going on some adult outing together. I do not recognize anyone, everyone is quite comfortable and I get the impression this is a yearly occurrence for everyone involved. The kids all form their own little friendship groups as if they were being dropped at summer camp. No one recognizes me and I don't even see his parents anywhere. I was traveling and forgot what time I needed to be back at the airport. I do not have my ticket but remember I had a picture of it on my phone. Looking at the time I realized my layover was only 45 minutes and I have been in this house much longer than that. I was somewhat anxious but am now resigned to the realization I have missed my flight and now am only looking for Ben. Walking up stairs and checking hallways I decide to start walking into rooms, they are all different shapes with different groups of people in them having their own little social gatherings. I lean against a large papasan chair that has a smooth leather jacket hanging on the side. As soon as I do a smug looking short haired blonde teenager appears and immediately starts chastising me for wrinkling his perfectly smooth leather jacket. He points to me as I am wearing my members only jacket and insults me saying I wouldn't care because I'm already wearing a wrinkled leather jacket. I'm inclined to agree. I move along. I understand that there are going to be 50+ people all staying in this house in various rooms scattered all about. Only the adults were leaving one by one couple by couple out the grand entrance, assuming they are all congregating in front of the house for their adventure. I do not know where they are going but they are all excited to leave their kids and the kids are apathetic/happy to be with their friends. I cannot find Ben anywhere, like no where no where. Always new rooms new couches new arrangements of kids of all ages 18-5 having their own little gatherings scattered about. I wander around for almost an hour looking for him to no avail. Things are starting to not make sense as I don't recognize technology or even the styles of most people. It occurs to me I may be out of my time. I ask some kids what year it is and they are just laughing at me thinking I am kidding. That there is no way someone doesn't know what year it is at Christmas time. Finally someone says it's the year 2069. I am somewhat flabbergasted. I have no idea how I have slipped out of my time again. But I am welcome to the adventure. There are still some adults here and there saying goodbye to their kids. I notice a somewhat concerned couple saying goodbye to their children and assuring each other that everything will be fine and they will be back in no time. They are dressed somewhat bohemian and I feel a comradery with their style. Most of the parents are ritzy and done up like they are at a formal Christmas party, like upper class glitzy styles and too many conflicting expensive perfumes. I see an older gentleman come out of a door to the grande entrance and I think at first it is Ben's father. Only his face looks like Caesar. I extend my hand and tell him it's good to see him again and it's been too long. He doesn't know who I am but shakes my hand anyway. I wonder if my hand is dry or sweaty from the hurried walking around this expansive house. I finally see Ben up some stairs walking a girl with mocha skin up more stairs and to his loft getaway. I gather he has been avoiding everyone and I am somewhat frustrated I have missed my flight and have been wandering around for the better part of an hour in another time, confused as hell. His loft has a large balcony overlooking the city below. It is a cartoonishly large futuristic and detailed city, with purples and greens and blues and yellow hues to the buildings. I now definitely know I am out of my time. I am standing on the rail looking out to the view just taking it all in when he approaches me to my side and stands by the rail next to me. He asks if I've ever seen anything like it before. I say yes, it's exactly like the city I saw in my dreams a couple nights ago. He is taken aback but not entirely surprised. There is a girl sitting on cushions behind us who is the girl he was leading up here. She is confused at our conversation. I remember that he left me in the beginning so I start into some great tirade exclaiming my frustration with him. I take off my jacket and I have no clothes on underneath. I have no shame but I am yelling at him that I have been lost, and out of place, and I have no clothes, and I missed my flight, and I have no idea how I got to 2069. The girl with him is bashful at my appearance and several people walk by gawking while I am going on my monologue. I am unphased in noticing them as I am always comfortable nude. He assures me he can get me to Denver quickly. I look off the balcony, there are multi hot air balloons in various shapes and colours, I joking say Oh you're gonna fly us there in a balloon!? He smiles knowingly and responds that if I had left with his dad we could fly the blimp. 'Noah?' I hear, and I am awake.
I noticed that when I start to journal out my dreams, that I end up recalling ones that have long been forgotten. So I have decided to creae a montage of dreams that appear while posting up new dreams. Dream #1 I'm not sure when this dream happened but it was some time in the late year of 2019. I'm in a bright, peach colored room and I'm watching something on TV. I have a toy Dragonzord next to me, he is talking to me through my voice about something and then I leave from in the room. I'm in a dark hall with the room I was in next to me, spilling it's light out into the hall. Then I go downstairs, I saw people there talking and chilling out then ended up in the basement. I was a low laying place but big and on the floor was a black bag. In it was something black and wet. I went over and looked into it and got hit with a foul smell. I quickly tried to tie it up, but it busted and got all on the floor. It looks like it was huge chunks of flesh and angular things. I quickly started cleaning this stuff up and tied the bag once it was inside. I got away from there and headed back upstairs. But everything was all different. I wanted to get back to the place I was at earlier but the environment changed. The hall was strange and darker but managed to find the room dragonzord was in. It was the same and dragonzord was glad I came back to it and told me not to leave from there no more. Things are always changing in this place and we don't know if we will get teleported to another place. Dream #2 I'm exploring a basement, which has always been a childhood thing I did and I'm one the main side. There is stuff there as usual and I go into the part of the place where it is smaller and had old wire mesh chicken wire there. Instead It was a much bigger room and saw some closed off places that looked like some homeless man made an enclosed room. I peeped through the curtains and saw someone inside, sleeping. He show up and I took off running. All he was was the curtains falling back into place as my shadow ran off to the left. He didn't come out but I wasn't going back over there to find out if he actually did come out. The second chain put me into the room I looked into, luckily the man was gone and nothing but an empty cot but I can see all the trinkets he had hanging down from the walls and ceilings. It was darker inside there and crammed up. I saw a drawing that looked like it was made by a kid with crayons.
I am outside somewhere in what looks like a marsh. The water brilliantly reflects the sky, making it hard to tell how deep it is. It’s also hard to tell what/where the land is, as the plants are lush and thick. I am walking through this, giving in to the inevitability of my feet sinking into the water at some point. I still try to avoid it as much as I can, and at one point I am jumping higher, farther, and slower than is humanly possible. This marshland is really peaceful and beautiful. Now, I’ve ended up on the edge of a forest, traveling inward. It’s gotten darker quicker than I expected, and I feel a brief pang of fear as I don’t have a light or a sense of direction. I’m in an unfamiliar college building and walk into Mike Holmes’ class (different than his real class), finding it full when I thought it would be over. I see my empty seat at the high desks and take it. Now, I am presenting a model - a plain, rectangular, multi-floor shopping mall. I don't think I've ever actually seen this model until now, and I'm only talking about its simplicity as if it is its biggest asset. He seems to like it.
What? A dream of Jamie's voice or, The Voice. Telling me she's upset at something I'm doing online IRL... Not sure how she would know that. I'm always cautious of the voice. Is it a familiar spirit repeating her thoughts to me and mixing it up with lies? Or does she really sense what I'm thinking or doing?Hard to say, but if you wanna call the shots in my life, you kinda gotta be in it you know. crazy I was on top of a building overlooking a scene. there was a hole with a building over it like in the show: LOST. Something exploded inside and I saw a bunch of metal getting pulled in. The building collapsed and got sucked up. Next random cars were getting magnetically pulled in. The town nearby was in a panic and I saw military pulling into the town. People were saying it was an excuse to bring in martial law. Creepy guy I was walking through a huge shopping building with my dog. I was heading outside when a blond man approached me. He said we had to take my dog somewhere safe or something and he was offering a ride. I said, "NO," He kept insisting. I kept refusing and he started getting angry. I mentioned to the people walking near us that this guy had an agenda or something. Two guys with him insisted that he was okay. I didn't buy it and kept ranting as I was walking away. He kept following but backed off when some women walking by came to my defence. Last part of the dream is driving away and seeing a bunch of tornadoes in the distance.
Find the one without a mask There were a lot of people everywhere, they were all around my age. So in their early 20s basically. What I noticed was that they all had animal masks on, covering their faces. The masks looked really terrifying and I couldn’t help but to feel very uncomfortable when looking around. The swine mask seemed very popular which also happened to be the most scary one. I was the only one without any mask and therefore felt very scared and alone. As I kept looking around, I noticed a guy standing in a corner staring down at the ground, without a mask. Suddenly I felt so relieved and walked up to him to say hello. When I came closer I saw that it was Jay. He was really shy and as he spoke, I could easily tell english wasn’t his first language but I already knew about that. He even tried to speak spanish but it went hilariously wrong and I couldn’t help but to laugh. I told him that he could sit down since he seemed so nervous because of the other people with the masks. He smiled and we kept talking. Note: Jay is from a Kpop group, iKON.
Updated 10-13-2018 at 11:15 PM by 95361
Date of Dream: FRI 20 OCT - 2017 Dream No. 215 - Separated Sections Dream 215 A - Which Way To The Vet I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, my mum and my brother were planning to take the cat to the vet. Originally, they were going to go on their own but then I insisted coming with them. They complained at the start but after a while, they eventually accepted my presence. In the dream, we were all walking to the vet, with my brother carrying the cat in her cage. We were on the main road but then for some reason, we decided to take a detour and ended up on this random empty beach which looked grey and cold weatherwise. I realised that we were now all lost. I told mum and NB to stay on the sand while I took a step closer to the calm water. Even though my mum was standing right behind me, I loudly called for Dreamy WB. I quickly looked back at my mum and I'm surprised she didn't give an extremely negative reaction... It was just a look of slight shock, like “what are you doing?”. As usual, there wasn't any response the first time around. Now I'm looking out to the far horizon while really declaring that call for Dreamy WB. I end up sitting down, putting my feet to the waves and whispering, “please let me know you're here... Come and give me a sign”. Just then, this massive wave comes for me and washes over me, crashing into me and knocking me down onto the sand. When I sit back up, I all of a sudden finally know where the vet is and I tell mum and NB to follow me. I don't remember what happened after we left the beach. Dream 215 B - Grumpy Verandah Man I can only remember some fragments of this dream. What I do know is that the entire dream took place at my old house. My brother had some electronic product with him, something related to a mobile phone, that he wanted my dad to look at. My dad wasn't in the house and so my brother went to look for him... He ended up being on the back verandah. My dad wasn't the least bit interested when my brother showed him. Rather, my dad fobbed him off straight away and was just automatically giving NB criticisms about his product. It wasn't long before my brother went back inside and told me and mum what happened... Mum said she would go out and talk to dad. As she was doing that, I went to my bedroom, which connected to the verandah, so I could hear what was going on. My mum really raised her voice at my dad, scalding him for being “rude” to my brother. Something told me that my dad was in such a bad mood that he could eventually come for me, so I decided to prepare early for my defences. I said to myself, “I have to find Dreamy WB before my dad can attack me”. I was rummaging through and on top of my bed when I eventually found my phone. I would open my phone when I wanted to activate her but since no one was hurting me, I kept the phone closed for the time being. I can't remember what happened next in the dream. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
Date of Dream: THU 5 OCT - 2017 Dream No. 207 - Don't Bother Me I don't remember everything that happened in this dream. From where I can remember, I was doing something on the outskirts of Waverley Gardens Shopping Centre. I did a few laps and about on the second one, WB was located on Hansworth street, just randomly set up there, giving some PowerPoint presentation to Ms L. I came back on the third lap and saw that my water bottle was beside their computer. I really wanted to get it but then I thought WB and Ms L would both be angry at me if I disturbed them... So the only solution was to fly away with no water bottle at all. This is interesting: As the dream was ending, a scene is played at my house. In the dining room, the water bottle fades into existence. It's like the dream is saying “I'd better give it back to you before you wake up”. Then I woke up. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
Date of Dream: WED 4 OCT - 2017 Dream 206 - Review The Missing Area I don't remember how the dream started. From where I can remember, my mum and I were looking around a MYER store with an unfamiliar layout. The clearance for Miss Shop was on level 4 but in the dream, there was also clearance for designer brands on level 1. There was a lady from the brand of Revival that was talking to us... She said that we buy too many things from there. We then told her that we were going over to Review. Along the way, there were so many racks of fancy shoes to look at. There was one rack though that I wasn't allowed to look at... I asked my mum why she pulled me away from it. I forgot what she said in response. Then we arrived at the Review section which had a massive amount of stock, the whole MYER store was filled to the brim with stuff. I then found out that I had a random $50 voucher from somewhere that I could spend on Review products. We looked at all the cardigans first which had all various designs on them... Nothing like the real life stock though. I had picked a cardigan and my mum suggested to have look at some belts. The belts were very vivid in colour and mostly one style. The belts at the front of the shelf were full price but as you rummaged towards the back, the same type of belt was discounted. My first choice of belt was a pink one, a colour in-between fuchsia and a candy tone. My mum suggested the colour of the next one which she claimed to be orange. I started complaining when I matched it against my black clothes and said to her, “mum, it's caramel...”. Eventually though, I admitted that I could see orange in there and so it became the second belt. My mum then said I could pick a third belt. There was some yellow and green but it was mostly purple... I ended up going for purple. We weren't ready to purchase the stock yet though. My mum said we would look around the store and see if we could find anything better. In the middle of MYER was this outer mall section, a circular area in which you could look down to the rest of the shopping centre. For a while, my mum and I were exploring the middle to see what other designer brands it links up to. Soon after, we decided to return to Review to get the items. We looked around the store for a while but soon I started to panic as we couldn't see the Review section anywhere. I said to my mum that I think I knew what to do. As I walked her back to the centre circle, I told her that I knew someone that could help us. At first, I was afraid that my mum was going to get extremely mad at me and so I was wondering how to call my Dream Guide. I then stepped a couple of metres away from my mum and went for it at full volume. When calling for Dreamy WB, I noticed I was using a muffled voice... It was loud and clear but muffled at the same time. There wasn't a response straight away but for the first time, I didn't sound like a broken record. Additionally, instead of speaking in English, I was speaking in this weird language to the awareness to affirm the request for Dreamy WB. My mum couldn't understand what I was saying, only that I was getting help. So she looks at me to ask where this person is. I said to mum, “don't worry mum, she's coming”. After what seemed like a long time of waiting, Dreamy WB walked out of nowhere in particular and towards us, the two of us now sitting down. In this dream, she was very thin and lanky, more so than her real life counterpart. She crouches down to our level and puts her arm around me as I tell her what's wrong. Then as my mum gets ready to speak, Dreamy WB actually moves closer to her and nuzzles her on the chest. Now her arms are around both me and my mum. Soon, we all get up and Dreamy WB leads us back to the store. Before anything else can happen, I wake up. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None I was surprised when Dreamy WB came up to my mum. Usually my Dream Guide wouldn't get that close to a parent.
D1 - Trying to get somewhere as usual. Lost my way on a track through some woods, I come out into the open air there is a large glassy pool of dark water to my right. I have no idea which way to go. D2 - I am cosy in bed, early morning I get up to go somewhere but on coming out of the door I am presented with a series of landings that all look the same and are just other people apartments. The carpet is old and red and faded, looking familiar from somewhere long ago. So as not to lose my way back, I hurriedly get back indoors.