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    1. "Battle with Death Eaters"

      by , 12-25-2014 at 11:19 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      Harry Potter dream. I am in some sort of dining hall with friends. All of a sudden, Death Eaters appear at the dinner. A black pair of tennis shoes, somehow symbolic, appear first, and then Death Eaters begin showing up. A lot of negotiations are going on. I finally decide that there has been enough talk. I signal to one of our guys to attack.

      He releases a spell and zaps a Death Eater's toe. Someone else zaps back, and slowly the entire dining hall descends into chaos. I cast a protective spell on myself and hunker down to hide. One of my friends in the dream (don't know her in WL) is distraught, and says that now she will have to find another job. I tell her that the Death Eaters would have just turned on us anyway.

      Afterwards, my friend is trying to gather components for a spell, but needs to call someone to get a special ingredient. I spend the rest of the dream trying to figure out how to make a collect call in my state. I finally
      wake up.