I'm in Håkanssons old TV-room where Diego lives now. It's like before Diego moved in. I'm sitting on the bed under the TV, Therese is sitting on the couch in front of me and William is sitting on the couch to my left. I watch out a window behind William. It's only plain grass and a demolition machine with a wrecking ball about 300 meters from here. It starts to swing the wrecking ball and the chain that hold it is really long. It comes against us and I start to panick. The wrecking ball destroys the wall where William was next to. William and Therese are calm. Peter comes and I know that it was he who used the machine. William and Therese have full confidnece in him. The wall where Therese was is also destroyed. William equips working clothes and starts to put up temporary fences around the house. I walk out and inspect the fence. I look at some cords that are holding the fence together and see how they tangle themselves up in some roots in the ground. I try to fix them. Notes: Dad and I tried to call William yesterday. I'm at a party and those who party have bad energy. They are dressed as different Batman characters such as Batman, Joker and Harley Quinn. There is a pillar where someone is tied up. It is maybe me but I'm not certain. Some of them punch the tied man and the person dressed as Harley is doing some kind of dance against the tied man. Notes: I looked at a batman game some days ago. I'm about to play table tennis but my racket is wrongly designed. The table tennis rubber and the layer under the table tennis rubber have changed places with each other. The racket feels heavy and I am about to rip the upper layer off. My mom is behind me and urge me not to destroy the racket. I tell her that I'm about to fix it and she is okey with me fixing it now. I rip it of and I feel how light and good it feels now. The rubber has a lot of spinn in it. There are some people next to me who are playing against a wall. I feel how heavy their rackets are even though I don't hold them. I could be one of them too. Notes: My life just got much easier and this dream symbolises how I am the one responsible for my well being.
Updated 11-14-2020 at 11:35 AM by 97565
Afternoon of March 12, 2015. Thursday. This dream was based on an ongoing real-life event when I was resting in the late afternoon/early evening, except that my dream is an extreme exaggeration of thoughts I had previously, before I learned more about what was going on. The event involved a telephone company digging a hole right near our house and even blocking off our fence and gate and ability to leave our own backyard. There was no notification that they would be doing this and it is yet another good example of the thoughtlessness and imposition of modern society and the incompetence of the infrastructure in general. In my dream, we seem to be living in a different region where urban renewal is going on. It seems as if we live in the downstairs apartment of a commercial building (which may also be connected to someone else’s business) of some sort. The ceilings are quite high. The walls are concrete but the building seems to have a large crack near the front of it - related to the adjoining sidewalk and street. There is an area where you have to step across a crevice to go from the building’s front entrance to the sidewalk. It seems some of the cracking was made worse by recent digging related to the so-called urban renewal and no one was informed about the dangers they would be exposed to if continuing to live in their own homes. Kitty corner from our fictional in-dream apartment building is a house similar to the one we presently live in in reality. However, there seems to be adjoining apartments on one side as well as a large parking area in the back of the other apartments. An unfamiliar female and her older son live in the house, renting it. At one point, even though I am not lucid, I become more and more annoyed by all the digging and building activity going on to where I develop a sense of having special abilities. I decide to attempt to bring things back to how they were. At this other house, I lift entire sections of the sidewalk up using nothing but my hands and notice that the concrete is still somewhat soft and moist but still hard enough to pick up in larger pieces. I remove the entire sidewalk from each area of the corner in both directions and am able to toss it into the street where mostly only smaller debris is left. I remove all the construction fencing and smaller barriers blocking the area as well. For some reason, I also tell the unknown female that I will help her find a much better house in the area (even suggesting that I will create it out of nothing with mental powers). I tell her that I am taking control of the entire town. At this point, a group of people (of about eight or so) who apparently serve me and my unwavering goal are lined up near the curb. They are all wearing some sort of black-and-white uniform. I notice my wife as well as male friends from junior high school and a couple unfamiliar people. I ask them how many people they have eliminated from the area and the report is twenty, although I eliminate several people as well. I do not do this violently, however (which I suppose is unusual considering how angry I am). I mostly only focus and wave my hand to cause their elimination - possibly teleportation to another region rather than instant death. There is one scene near the parking lot where I am talking to the unknown female and someone I do not see closes their back door as if they thought I was looking into their apartment (which was not the case - all I was aware of was a shadowy area near a screen door prior to this). Near the last part of my dream, I somehow (using some sort of in-dream “magic” or mental will - though I am still not lucid) wave my hands to seal up all cracks in the buildings, including our apartment house (recurring). Parts of the entire building and areas of the street move to more properly adjoin and stabilize. From there I go on to refurbish any areas that were ruined by the so-called urban renewal project. A few government buildings, including a police station, are completely and swiftly covered with large vines until only a park-like area is left. It is interesting how I repair some buildings while others are swiftly split up and crumbled into dust by plants. Everything seems to be going well at this point. Most of this dream is based on real impressions and experiences (and a level of wish fulfillment) other than the ongoing imposition just outside our window. There was even a time in real life fairly recently where someone started to set up equipment and a lot of demolition fencing right near our house and fence. This was by mistake on this occasion, but by the time we got his attention (yelling directly at him had no effect whatsoever - apparently he was hard of hearing but we did not know this), he had already emptied the truck. He seemed to partially blame us for his ridiculous mistake - partly by living in a house that was vaguely similar to where he was actually supposed to go - apparently no address was given to him; talk about an insane level of incompetence. (Apparently we were also somehow supposed to know he was hard of hearing as well as knowing the exact moment he started unloading the heavy materials when we were in the house for a time and were not aware he was there at first).
I feel like I've had this dream before, and it's a strange one... The main character of the dream is Tom Hanks, mostly - and I am watching him as an omnipresent viewer. At one point he appears to morph into Will Smith, but for the most part, it's Mr. Hanks all the way. Mr. Hanks is trying to flee some evil foe, but it's fairly easy for him, seeing as he has a special jet pack that employs the use of helicopter blades over top of it to facilitate its flying. Unfortunately, whilst trying to escape said unnamed foe, Tom is forced to fly up through the roof of a house. It's the only way out. The good news is the blades chop easily through the roof and he escapes. The bad news? His blades are now hopelessly damaged. He must find replacement blades, and soon! Tom goes about his desperate search to find new blades. In his mission he comes across and evil Chinese Businessman (who looks just like Chairman Mao), who is intent on destroying a subdivision of houses with his massive backhoe. Innocent people are getting in the way, trying to thwart the efforts of evil antagonist. Being the heartless and cruel man he is, the businessman just runs right over the innocent residents, killing them in droves, so that his demolition can continue! Tom discovers that the bodies of the slain are being cleverly formed in clay, taking the shape of classic Greek statues to disguise them. They are then sold off to fund the demolition project. Tom feels he must stop this evil man, but he is helpless without the aid of his trusty jet pack! Oh, the horror! So that dream ended and lead into another one in which I am a celebrated author, writing a book about Eels. Unfortunately I don't remember all of that one.
Updated 03-08-2011 at 02:59 PM by 40720