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    1. CN13- sky lights, filthy bathroom, tree mission, etc

      by , 01-20-2024 at 03:55 AM
      I was on some floating platform with my father, a sheet of ice I think. There were some of those pretty aura things in the sky and he was pointing them out to me, but I fell off the ice. It had drifted away a bit so I started swimming for it. I noticed my boots were really loose on my feet, one of them fell off, but it floated up to the surface. I grabbed it and thought about how awesome it was.

      I was in some sort of hotel like place, I went into a room which turned out to be a bathroom. I was assaulted by a piss smell so strong I almost fell over. I looked at the floor, it was plain cement almost completely covered with puddles, some fresh, most had dried into a crust. My father just walked in and used it like normal, I hesitantly walked into the room. My foot slipped forward and I fell on my back. The only thing worse than the liquid soaking my whole back was the crust I could feel with my hands, it was sticky and oily. I got up and started going to the sink to rinse out my clothes.

      I was in a dark warehouse like building, there was a hole in the ceiling and a few feet of water on the floor. I was on a sort of mission, I had to go into a room. I felt a slight sense of danger so I went under the surface and hid behind a box. I watched around the corner, and when I decided it was safe I made my way to the hall. It had a warm relaxing lighting and a luxurious red carpet. There were a couple robots at the end guarding a plastic door like the ones in the back of a grocery store. I was trying to come up with some complicated plan to get past them, and I decided to just make a run for it. I ran down the hall, they didn't shoot, but there was another set of doors to my left so I dove in. I then saw a giant ball fall and start rolling towards me. Fortunately there was a cement pole thing like the ones in front of walmart, so I flattened myself behind it and the ball rolled past me. I went back into the hall and just walked into the main doors. I walked down a giant mansion room. I then realized I passed my target. I pulled up a map of the room. I was a pink arrow and there were a bunch of yellow dots behind me, one smaller than the others. I walked back to look for who it could be, I noticed a ring of light on the ground. I stepped on it, and trees sprouted out of the floor which I thought I was measuring for some reason, I then saw pillars of light flash over them once.

      I was in a suburb with red rocky mountains in the distance. There was a small boy with me and he started playing with a wolf, so some guy with a clipboard started scribbling things down and muttering to himself. I looked at one of the mountains which had a bunch of houses carved into it and tried to remember when I had seen it before. I came to the conclusion that it was one of the mountains on the road to flagstaff. There was a helicopter noise, I looked behind me and there was a white and red helicopter, but it looked wrong, It was more rectangular than it should have been, and a lot of the parts looked like inflatable pool toys. I was right, as it touched the ground, the helicopter parts deflated and disappeared, leaving some camo print rv. I went to investigate, the back was open and there was some middle aged guy with a bunch of kids lined up in the vehicle. He cheerfully greeted me,"I got ten drunk kids in here!" I decided that the best response was 'Make that eleven!' and I walked into the back and he handed me what appeared to be a white gatorade. I forgot about my drink and punched the ceiling in excitement, leaving a small dent. He told me I'd get something special if I did some real damage, so I punched harder and left a hole. I was then standing in the center, and water pushed me up like some sort of park ride. I failed to punch the ceiling a third time, and was then slowly let to the ground. I then stood in a group at the back and watched another kid get shoved into the air. I walked outside where they had two picnic tables. There was a bunch of food on them, I saw a box of french fries, so I grabbed one and the bottom was covered in black grease. After I ate the worst fry of my life, I walked to the other side of the table and started eating off a plate that had refried beans and some green stuff I assumed was spinich. My grandfather sat next to me and we started a conversation on some service or something to do with housing and why it wasn't communism.

      total -5
      comp total-69.5[/COLOR]
    2. 4 Apr: Underground fascist world, elevator and mountain adventures

      by , 04-04-2021 at 11:34 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      People live in underground tunnels and different communities occupy different zones and compete among themselves. There isn't an open war, but there is a feeling of war. No one enters the other community's space but when outside there are no rules. I had to be outside for some reason and was chased by some dudes. I escaped in time to the tunnels and once I crossed the entrance they respect the limit and just stay outside, taunting me to come out.
      We are run by nazi like leaders and everybody lives in fear and we can't trust no one. I have a girl friend who just recently fell in love with a guy and vice versa. He is staying at her place and he found some really old stuff she had forgotten under some bed sheets in a chest. She wasn't hiding them or anything, just forgot of their existence and they are now considered forbidden items. She tells me she fears for her life, because there is a chance he denounced her for it.
      There is an Ikea like factory, which is the sole source of income for much of the people of my community. Without it, they'd starve, but the workplace is a constant climate of terror. I do not work there, but I am passing by at one of their workshops, for some reason and they make me line up with the workers, who are terrified. One of the big nazi bosses is there today and he claims someone did something wrong and asks for a certain number of people to come forward and admit to the wrong doing or they'll have to fire random people until someone admits to the error. People are hesitant. No one wants to admit guilt and they know they might even die if they piss off the bosses, but losing the job also means an almost certain slow death. Still, a couple of people move forward, but not enough to reach the quota of people they say they were looking for. But today they are feeling generous, so they fire those people and just demand the rest of the employees to watch some extremely boring brainwashing film for hours.
      I try to sneak out with the ones that were fired, but a supervisor who found some pencil that is supposed to be over some furniture in the expo area, asks me to put it back and he is extremely detailed that it has to be put in a certain way on a certain piece of mahogany furniture and nowhere else. He'll now if I put it somewhere else and threatens me with severe punishment. So I need to go in and cross the workshop where the workers are watching the stupid film. But I cannot, in any way, disrupt it or bring attention to me, as I risk being killed for doing so. So I find myself stuck in the middle of it, moving one baby step at a time, trying to blend in, so that I can put back the stupid pencil in its designated place.

      Me and Riverstone live in an apartment building. Our apartment has a balcony that is falling apart. It has cracks that are getting bigger every day and one day as I am outside watching the cracks on a pillar underneath it, the whole thing breaks down and drags a whole wall with it down a hill on the back of the building, into a parking lot. No persons get hurt and it seems like it didn't even hit cars, but actually it scraped a van a little bit. The kid who owns the van comes by and is very upset, not angry just shaken. He is imagining how he could be there a second earlier and be hit by the debris. He wants me to hug him. I feel weird about it but I do and he cries on my arms. Meanwhile the whole neighborhood is assessing the damages. The building seems stable.
      Later, inside, I pick up my cat Cuscus which appeared on the hallway for some reason. and take him to the elevator with me, alongside some neighbor. I push the button to 4th floor and while riding the elevator I remember the recurring nightmares I used to have with the elevator never stopping and I see it about to happen again as we reach 5th floor instead of stopping at the 4th. But I reject the nightmare and the elevator stops at the 5th floor. Then I take the stairs down to the 4th. I am surprised by small beautiful golden statues of different Buddhas placed in the handrail down the stairs. I am sure Riverstone put them there but I wonder what the neighbors will say. Also feel like they'll end up being stolen, so I take one with me to go ask him what was he thinking.

      I feel like a tourist in some Portuguese village in the mountains. I am walking up towards the village center and I am being harassed by two African men. I think one is trying to rob my bag by having the other one distracting me, but I may be wrong. Anyway, I feel uncomfortable so I fly up and land on the church terrace that oversees the village center. Lots of tourists, including a dutch couple who is sunbathing fully naked, lying down in the church terrace, with something covering their genitals, like their hats or so. There is a restaurant and snack-bar and I go in looking for a snack, but food is really expensive, their signature dish is some mix of seafood that costs a fortune, like hundred euros a person. And the snack bar on the other hand is at the very back of the place and looks pitiful, dark and unwelcoming, So I decide to give up on this one and instead I find a very cute place run by Koreans. An old Korean lady sells beverages and snacks at her own porch, which has a beautiful view to the mountains. Her daughter introduces herself, her name sounded like Jane Over, which I find amusing. She is a lawyer or something, and apparently rich as she is picked up by an helicopter. I continue my adventure by not going back to the village but hiking down a hill leading me to a river valley. At a point, the helicopter passes by, really low and hovers and turns around without them noticing I am on the hill and I am almost cut by the blades on its tail. I escape into an excavated rock, where I stay until they are gone. From there I look up to the higher mountain around and I see something that I'd like to try. There is an hanger inside the mountain from where comes a kind of tobogan slide that goes downhill. From inside the hangar come large transparent spheres, like zorbs, for people to go downhill. But the zorbs are not of the kind that send people tumbling down uncontrollably, but more like the vehicles from the Jurassic World. I find a dirt road leading upwards and I take it. Then it spreads out in 3 paths and I am not sure which to take, but go for one that is sided by fences. It is getting darker and the wind starts blowing heavily with icy air that freezes my bones, so I just want to go back to the village. I spot a black dog ahead on the road looking at me and then he runs away. I keep going and find a couple gates, a bunch of dogs behind them and a small path leading to a house. I am cautious about getting on that road between all those dogs, not sure if they can get lose or not, so I just wait there observing if the dogs are friendly. They are, but still I keep my distances. Two old ladies come out, they look alike, probably sisters. They ask if I need help, but not very happy to see me. I say I am a bit lost and looking for a way to go back to the village. They reply with a bit of contempt that I won't get there this way and there is no way from here that would eventually take me there except all the way down from I came from. I say that's a pity but thank them for the help. They ask me where I am from and I tell them. One of them seems to be thinking for a while and then asks me how is my dog and I am surprised by that. I say I don't have one but 5 and also 4 cats, but she hints that she recognized me from years ago and that then I had only one dog. I don't remember her at all but she is right about the dog.

      Updated 04-06-2021 at 12:44 PM by 34880

    3. clxii. An artifact that everyone wants

      by , 09-12-2020 at 04:31 PM
      7th September 2020


      At a village of some kind, there's a crypt building? It's hidden away behind bushes and completely blocked in by trash and rubbish, the locals don't care about it anymore.

      I hesitate because of feeling like things will be dirty, but I start to lob some bin bags out of the way. I'm expecting I'll uncover a stone staircase down into the crypt but eventually I uncover a metal lid instead.

      I see an axe, it's been together with steel sections, it looks new. I pick it up and wedge it in between the lid and the floor and pry it open with some leverage. It works and I go in, down a ladder? Then I'm in some sort of ancient dilapidated engineering section. There are catwalks, everything's metal but nothing seems rusty or oxidised in any sense but I think the metals appear dull. The structure I'm on seems to be over an endless black pit. For some reason this doesn't bother me, it feels solid?

      Then I'm holding the axe in my left hand, my phone on my right, using its torch. I realise that if danger were to show up I'll be having a hard time swinging the axe this way, so I swap hands. I wander and go through several different sections of this area. Some zed-like clones start appearing.

      Using the axe, I swing aiming for their heads, my reach seems to exceed what it should be but I seem to be having trouble killing them. I don't remember what happened, but then I'm further into the compound. I find something in a different area which is more office-like. A magical artifact of some kind? It's why I was here, but what was it? Some golden dust bracers or something?

      There's a tiny bit of a Fallout feel to the whole place but I'm thinking now it also reminds me of Stanley's parable and the back-areas of Portal. At some point some back-up power comes on.

      (Transition or recall gap)

      At a mansion of some kind. It's connected secretly, I'm speaking to someone and some dream character is a dear friend of mine, apparently. Vague memory of Patrick Stewart or Captain Picard? But I am hesitant to share details about this artifact thing. But I tell him that it could be used to control all of humanity, despite the fact that it could also be used to usher some new era of technology that would be of great benefit to everyone. Visions of this.

      In the mansion place there is some kind of lift thing in an ornate square room, wooden panelling. The lift is cylindrical? Floor is made of glass, lots of teal/cyan light coming from below.

      (Chronology of the dream is messed up)

      I'm in Un'goro, I'm a hunter and kill a Horde hunter, level 68. Don't see my level but assume 60. Get him with an aimed shot.

      Some bit out in a street. There's a Toshiba drive-by? They fail but then I'm shooting arrows at them.


      Back at the secret bunker place. I remember lifts several times. One time, one of them leads to the surface, something about the artifact. I remember sea all around and then when I get the artifact out of a bag or something there's 59 notifications on a UI from admirals and 100+ from other individuals or nations. They all want the artifact. I did read through the messages from the admirals but it's basically all crap, demanding the artifact some more politely than others.


      Back at the bunker place. In an office room with lobby. I leave the room, and I'm outside but still within the premises of the compound. There's lots of wild vegetation and some wire fence delimiting the premises. H is with me now, he's doing something with an odd-looking metal door. I wait while he does this and look around. Then I see a mini-helicopter thing. It's right here next to us but they don't spot us right away, it's flying no more than a few feet off the ground and there's a military man riding on top of it, doing weird acrobatics involving the helicopter's blade. I tell H to look and we both greet the man casually. I was afraid he'd alert someone but he didn't.


      Then inside the helicopter, it's massive, impossibly big, but still low in terms of headroom. This military guy and the pilot are sitting on a cushioned bit and we're talking. They are about our age or younger, I think to myself how they don't seem very imposing even as military without their uniforms, as they are now in casual wear. I wake up at some point here.


      - This dream was incredibly long and many details are missing, including character interactions. The recall chronology was a bit off too somehow.
      - The themes in the dream seemed to mostly revolve around exploration and finding some kind of rare/valuable treasure, effectively.
    4. Sunday, June 14

      by , 06-16-2020 at 11:41 PM
      I am outside with some people from work. From where we are, we can see downtown. It is fairly far away, but close enough to make out one building from another. There is a sense of something happening or about to happen. I say ‘I want some action’ and then start to regret my words as what looks and sounds like fireworks starts going off among all the buildings. I realize they are not fireworks, but explosions, their thick grey clouds lingering. I think we’ll be safe out here, until I hear and see mini explosions approaching rapidly in a straight line. I see they are actually shots fired from a helicopter. They pass close enough that were the line of them a few feet closer they easily would’ve taken us out. Kyle from work casually says not to go downtown for a while. She says that the people there have guns and will be fighting back. I think Mom is downtown and I am flooded with worry, imagining all the carnage.

      I am at what I think is Disneyland with Melissa and her mom. There is a tiny parking lot, an ‘L’ shape with maybe 12 spaces, where at least one person has parked between two spaces. I think I comment on this. Now I am parking a small motorized something that I stand upon. I reverse and nose back in a few times, trying to get it perfectly straight. Her mom tells me ‘that’s probably good.’ There is some dense green foliage around the lot and I think around a small body of water.
    5. Flight Over Niagara Falls

      by , 01-03-2020 at 06:46 AM
      Morning of January 3, 2020. Friday.

      Dream #: 19,373-01. Reading time (optimized): 1 min 30 sec.

      Water and its essence remain one of the most beautiful and appealing factors of dreaming. That is because bodies of water signify the state of sleep and its dynamics and sleep is bliss (as the virtually countless commercial recordings utilizing the sound of water to induce sleep verifies). It also expresses the fluidity of the dream state’s imaginary physicality with its abandonment of defined muscularity.

      I instinctually enter a more vivid status of imaginary proprioception without drop anticipation (as a result of my vestibular cortex nuances in sleep-wake mediation). I fly slowly near Niagara Falls. The water is luminescent, and its flow is enrapturing. When I fly directly in front of the waterfall, there is a shadow that has more definition than it would in reality. It is not my body’s shape, but the longways silhouette of a helicopter. It tips to the left at about 45 degrees as I occupy myself with thoughts of diving into the refreshing water. I am not a helicopter in this scene (only my body’s shadow is), but a vehicle signifies the extension of imaginary physicality while in the dream state. A helicopter’s status in contrast to an airplane in a situation like this implies more cognizance in emergence.

      The waterfall briefly becomes a curtain of turquoise and cyan silk ribbons, some swaying out as if with a breeze from within, as wall mediation initiates.

      Looking to my right again, I see the helicopter silhouette has transformed into a hake (fish) silhouette of the same size and orientation, though briefly, ambiguity dictates that the shadow is both hake and helicopter. To oblige the illusion, I perform butterfly stroke swimming motions as I fly downward. Instead of entering the water, I become incorporeal and remain in abstract space for a time.

      A dream with similar sleep-wake mediation is “Helicopter Digger” from August 23, 1987. In that dream, a helicopter dives to the ground while a friend and I are fishing. Instead of crashing, it becomes a digging machine, the rotary blades churning the soil as if with a purpose as it enters the ground while tipped to the front at about 45 degrees. Typically, going underground indicates anticipation of returning to slow-wave sleep, whereas diving into water implies acknowledgment of REM sleep.

    6. 30 Jan: Miami Vice mixed with other movies and witness of a crime

      by , 01-30-2019 at 10:06 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      A Miami Vice dream. Sonny is in trouble, there is a bomb under his chair, pressure activated. A team comes on helicopters and he is saved. A rich guy offers Sonny a high tech helicopter that looks like Millennium Falcon in black, but he has some trouble learning how to fly it and at first he bumps against everything. Then the helicopter turns into a Transformer and while morphing, Sonny is left hanging outside the helicopter as it goes away.
      Then a chase on yachts and helicopters, I am on a yacht. On another yacht is the dead guy from Weekend at Bernie's.
      Then I also get on an extremely high tech flying gear. Some secret agency hasn't found good pilots for it and I kick ass on it. It does vertical flying, instant speed changes and is controlled mostly by the mind.

      Go down a hill to a riverbed, some kids playing there and freaking out over a tiny frog. I put the frog back in the water before they hurt her. Some dudes on horse are coming fast to where we are and I scream to the kids to get out of the way and take cover in the bushes nearby. The guys have assault weapons and carry someone's bloody arm. We're not sure they saw us or not. We go tell the police. Then we all take a bus home together and these guys hop in and sit by our side. The kids freak out.

      A dream with my guru. (secret)
    7. Cheerful “Helicopter”

      by , 11-19-2018 at 07:31 AM
      Morning of November 19, 2018. Monday.

      Dream #: 18,963-04 and # 18,963-05. Reading time: 42 sec. Readability score: 52.

      Having fallen asleep briefly while sitting on our couch, there is the usual natural melatonin trope of the illusory sound of splashing water. Someone unknown had thrown a hardcover book, and it breaks the surface of a pond. This autosymbolic event is a lifelong recurring process that encodes my liminal acknowledgment that the wakefulness required for the reading of a book is usually no longer present when sleeping.

      Later, while lying in our bed, an additional melatonin trope is present, this time as an upside-down surface of a water body about three feet above me (atypical). A whirlpool (vestibular nexus) forms. At the same time, I hear the sound of a helicopter rotor, though it is very soft and pleasant. It is as if a whirlpool and a helicopter rotor (without the helicopter present in this case) are the same. A hummingbird flies down from out of the “whirlpool” and cheerfully says “hi” in a young feminine voice (water nymph as shapeshifter) but as if the formant is a band higher. I am very amused by this brief encounter.

    8. White Helicopter and Clock Tower (with comparisons)

      by , 07-30-2018 at 01:37 PM
      Reading time: 3 min 53 sec. Readability score: 57.

      Many specific patterns linked directly to the dreaming and waking process and its autosymbolism have been occurring continuously in my dreams for over fifty years, most occurring one or more times each sleep cycle.

      White Helicopter and Clock Tower.

      Morning of December 31, 2012. Monday.

      A white helicopter flies over a mostly featureless green field. It flies to the left of a clock tower that displays five minutes past ten. There is a vague apprehension of the rotor blades hitting the tower, but this does not occur.

      Vestibular system correlation of this nature is by emerging consciousness definition, represented by the clock tower which also correlates to the ultradian rhythm at the end of the waking process.

      Now I will look at other dreams (posted previously) that are a model of the same dreaming and waking process.

      In “Brother Earl’s Flying Saucer,” from November 29, 1976, this same waking process renders a spacecraft that my older brother Earl supposedly built. The spacecraft looks much like the Flying Sub from the television series “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.” It flies to the left of a clock tower. Regardless of a couple near misses with the tops of buildings, it successfully flies away.

      In “Not Quite Paris,” from June 13, 1978, I non-lucidly choose to place my focus closer to the process of vestibular system correlation. In this specific case, it is the Eiffel Tower, not a clock tower, but it is still the reactive representation of the emerging consciousness.

      In “Helicopter Ride into the Beautiful Mountains,” from February 8, 2017, the right side of the helicopter I am flying in taps a commercial building, but surprisingly, does not result in a mishap.

      In “Failed Flight (Wing Knocking On Eaves),” from October 1, 2014, the wings of the Cessna that someone else is flying is tapping the eaves of a building I am in on the fourth floor. I see it through the windows to my right. Instead of crashing into the building’s exterior wall of which is perpendicular to the section of the building that I am in, it stops and falls.

      In “Computer Tunnel?” from September 11, 1983, a low-flying airplane crashed into one of two skyscrapers. I am in a wheat field and run through a tunnel with walls like a printed circuit.

      In “The Future Delegates,” from September 11, 1982, while hugging, my “dream girl” (Zsuzsanna) and I jump from atop an airplane as it approaches a burning city and one of two skyscrapers. (Note that this was the precognitive form of Zsuzsanna before I knew of her in waking life, before our contact in 1991 and before we met in 1994).

      In “Amusing Helicopter ‘Rescue’ (with Pierce Brosnan),” from May 19, 2016, a miniature version of Pierce Brosnan (as James Bond) in a miniature helicopter “rescues” an effigy of me from the top of a high building. I place a tiny human-shaped pillow (meant to be “me”) into a small bed in the miniature helicopter.

      In “School-Bus-Plane Over Ancient Greece,” from November 16, 1969, I am on a flying school bus. Ahead, through the front windows, I see scenes of ancient Greece; the Oracle at Delphi and the Temple of Athena Nike. We seem to be ready to land. There is a sense of looking into the distant past.

      Thousands of other dreams that I have experienced and resolved since early childhood use this same basic template. Astoundingly, most people seem to ignore everything that is in plain sight (no pun intended). They prefer to pretend that the dream has “symbolism” related to waking life when such a process is typically not even viable. (Consider how difficult it is to read in dreams, or for that matter, even think at all other than in lucid states.)

      This type of dream is an extension of the flying, falling, or rising dreams, which has nothing to do with real-life factors other than in rare cases. It is a result of the vestibular system correlation of the waking process, as the reactive representation of emerging from sleep and is not symbolic in the conventional sense. A tower or other high building of the emerging consciousness becomes the focal point in some cases, though not always. It is all about correlating illusory physicality and increasing dynamics of the conscious self as in waking life. Whether or not you maintain either non-lucid or lucid dream control, such control has little to do with real life, but the extent of knowledge of the dream state and specific level of sleep.

      What does the conscious self possess that the dream self does not? There are many factors. One is the inability of the dream self to viably discern where his physical body is as he or she sleeps. That is a no-brainer, but many people do not even seem to have the slightest grasp of what it means or the nature of related reactive representation in the dream state. They go on to pretend there is a correlation, corrupting the “I am” of the dream state with the “I am” of current waking life, thereby on a path of misconception.

      Once anyone of reasonable intelligence dismisses the notion of waking life “interpretation,” or things “indicating” other things (relative to dream self to conscious self) new opportunities and clarity of mind develop. People who only pretend to understand dreams are easily recognized and dismissed. The causes and effects of the dreaming and waking process are more clearly understood, and non-lucidly or lucidly controlled. (Contrary to popular misconception, lucidity and dream control are unrelated, and in fact, many dreamers have less control when they are lucid than non-lucid. That is because of how the reticular formation functions. Many people who talk about “becoming lucid” have no understanding of what the dream state is.) “Bad” dreams become very rare and the potential for prescience increases. However, as can be seen here (with the September 11 dreams), prescience often correlates with the patterns of the dreaming and waking process.

      side notes
    9. 40 Helicopter Dreams (Part 1)

      by , 05-20-2018 at 12:46 PM
      Afternoon of May 20, 2018. Sunday.

      To save time and space, I include my age (for the first version of each dream) rather than a specific date. As I have only a tiny portion of my dreams online (about 5,000 presently), this list is very incomplete. Vestibular system correlation, inner ear dynamics, and the autosymbolic rendering of liminal physical body awareness in sleep are the cause of helicopter dreams (though spiritually represent the Merkaba), even for literal carryovers into the dream state (such as actually having been in a helicopter, elevator, escalator, and so on). This is a key factor of the dream state caused by the lack of viable discernment of the physical body in sleep (and the ambiguity of vestibular system function during REM sleep), and being as such, is unrelated to the myth of “interpretation” for waking life. (Dreams are autosymbolic, not symbolic in the conventional sense. They are rendered by way of the preconscious during RAS mediation, not the unconscious mind or so-called subconscious. The dream self is the subconscious personified, which in non-lucidity does not even have viable access to the unconscious mind or the conscious self identity, but does have more access to the transpersonal interconsciousness than the conscious self in waking life typically does, which is a key factor of prescience and other inexplicable experiences.) For some dreams, there is detail in this entry that was not included in the original post.

      This entry lists the factors of helicopter autosymbolism and is not meant to fully explain a particular dream or combined causes of a dream.

      1) The In-Store Ride (4). Combines checkout (dream exit) autosymbolism with vestibular system correlation. I am vividly aware of being upside-down in semi-darkness in a fetal position in a coin-operated (kidney-shaped) helicopter ride. (Prenatal memory influence.)

      2) Hummingbird Satellite (7). In childhood fantasy and naďvety, asteroids are perceived as giant prehistoric bones. One is approached by a “helicopter” in space, which is actually a kind of spaceship (possibly unmanned) and is caught in its orbit, whereby an “umbilical cord” (cable) connects the “helicopter” and “asteroid” (influenced by a photograph from a Time Life “Birds” book that I got for Christmas at age 7). I await news of its status.

      3) Hallicopters… (8). This series of dreams was heavily influenced by my father’s Hallicrafters radio and the “helicopter” sound it made on certain channels.

      4) The Sacred Rock of Thought (14). A helicopter only appears in the last segment to lift the rock (shaped like a brain). I have liminal dream control and “wish it away”.

      5) Rocket Science? (15). A school bus slowly flying above the horizon in the distance has helicopter rotor blades and ambiguously has an “ancient” essence. Smoke billows out from the back. This is the last scene in this dream. (My dreams often end with vestibular system correlation as the waking process.)

      6) Pterodactyl (versus my Helicopter) (16). This dream is based around liminal (non-lucid) dream control and the attempt to mediate the vestibular system ambiguity of the dream state. The pterodactyl is the RAS modulation factor.

      7) Helicopter Digger (26). In this dream the vestibular system correlation fails and my dream is sustained when the helicopter, flying overhead where Leonard and I are fishing, crashes onto the ground as it oddly transforms into a digging machine (as the rotor blades continue to dig into the ground, which is autosymbolism for a desire to sleep longer).

      8) Not by Helicopter this Time (34). I decide to get bicycles (which I am not sure are ours) to travel with Zsuzsanna rather than taking a helicopter, which is having problems, clotheslines (at least perceived as such) caught in the rotor blades and partly melted rotor blades. This has links to other dreams, such as ones where bicycles had melted and another where only a rotor blade was tied onto parts of a clothesline. Both bicycles and helicopters are a similar form of vestibular system correlation in the dreaming and waking process.

      9) Vapid Comic Strip (34). This vestibular system correlation is based more on the precursory anticipation of the waking process and remains static in the ultradian rhythm event. I am looking at unusual daily (black-and-white) comic strips but I only recall one more clearly. A woman approaches a man near an alley and asks him if he has a helicopter and he says “no”. After the woman walks away, he says, “There goes my social life”. This is a play on the dream self not interacting with people in the real physical world until the waking process (such as vestibular system correlation) is initiated.

      10) They’re After Baby Huey (35). I am watching Baby Huey (the cartoon ducking) in an unusual (fictitious) movie. Airplanes (as well as helicopters) are bombing the area. He does not even seem affected by an atomic bomb in the distance. There is a likely play on the UH-1 Huey Helicopter.

      11) Twilight UFOs and Souls (36). A small unmanned helicopter gathers data about the souls that fly thought the sky just before sunrise.

      12) Haunted Fun and Budgie the Little Helicopter (36). Even though the main theme features “haunted places” and “ghosts” (though at an amusement park), Budgie the Helicopter flies around at one point, seeming life-sized and “real” (though which is a mechanical park attraction, I assume, rather than “alive”).

      13) White Camels (38). I fly around using a portable helicopter propeller.

      14) Angel Doctor (48). Helicopters are only mentioned in this dream, as a dream character erroneously states that I am probably flying around because of a helicopter holding me up with wires. (This dream still ties in with liminal recognition of the autosymbolism of dreams.)

      15) In Defense of the “Siren” (53). Burl Ives talks about how my wife Zsuzsanna called up the giant turtle and crashed his helicopter in a direct reference to the movie “The Bermuda Depths” (a television movie from 1978).

      16) Futile Shooting at a White Gorilla in the Enchanted Forest (53). “Twelve multicolored butterflies eventually encircled the area (horizontally) so swiftly that they created a clear impression of a helicopter rotor - in fact, a subtle sound of a rotor was vaguely discernible later on during a transitional (shift in unconsciousness) period.”

      17) Sensual Bliss, Enhanced Sense of Touch, Infinite Peace (53). Another family visits me and my family, arriving and leaving in a helicopter. I also telekinetically cause a stolen barbecue to fly back to its owner.

      18) The Helicopter Bag (53). I try to cause a medicine bag (with marbles in it, though the contents become pillow stuffing later) to fly by use of a toy helicopter’s rotor blade and rubber bands.

      19) Volcanic Events (53). In a very surreal situation, the potential of rescue by remote-controlled miniature helicopter in lifting us from a rug that is somehow floating on lava (but of which is ultimately not perceived as dangerous) is part of the scenario.

      20) Helicopter and Seagulls (54). Seagulls telekinetically guide a helicopter I am flying in (in which the pilot had disappeared) back to shore. A young mischievous version of Zsuzsanna (implied to be a seagull in her “true” form) flies up (from the surface of the ocean) into the doorway to greet me.

      21) Snake Afire (54). RAS modulation using the snake alert factor is sustained into a much longer dream scenario with Zsuzsanna. A man in a helicopter shows up and flies over the area checking for the presence and activity of snakes. He later walks up with a temporary map saying how they are mostly in the mountain belt at this time.

      22) Pterodactyl Driver (54). The white spy from Mad Magazine’s “Spy vs. Spy” is driving a real car. His head turns into a pterodactyl’s, which then spins and becomes a helicopter rotor blade, and which then flies up and away.

      23) Blocked-off Buildings (54). A helicopter crashes near a building at the end of my dream, causing glass to fly, though I (and another unfamiliar dream character) am not injured.

      24) Straight-up Mining (54). In this dream, vestibular system dynamics are very skewed. Cars and trucks go straight up and down a tall mountainous structure for mining purposes. I ride in a helicopter with my wife Zsuzsanna in the first scene.

      25) Dreams Define the Path of Waking From Them (55). A helicopter rotor blade is connected to the top of monkey bars (apparently with a clothesline, as the unlikely and illogical structure was supposedly being privately used to hang clothes on). Vestibular system autosymbolism and transitional associations with waking autosymbolism is combined, as the helicopter rotor blade also implies part a bridge of sorts in this case.

      26) Helicopter Landing (55). A miniature remote-controlled helicopter somehow flies me back to our bed in our present home. Both it and my dream body phased through the ceiling in this curious waking transition autosymbolism.

      27) Amusing Helicopter “Rescue” (55). Pierce Brosnan, as James Bond, but only about five inches high, flies a miniature helicopter to come to “rescue” me from the top of a commercial building. I oblige my dream’s intent by placing a pillow-like version of myself in bed into the helicopter to wake myself.

      28) Helicopter to Spaceship to Helicopter to… (55). This dream was somewhat “dull” in its level of dream self awareness until the last segment. A helicopter flies overhead but transforms into a spaceship (unknown if alien or not) and back again each time it flies over.

      29) Lucid Priest Indeed (55). The last scene in my dream (though part of a false awakening) features an upside-down silhouette of a helicopter in a magazine I am looking at.

      30) Being Wrong in a “Nights in White Satin” Argument (55). An additional dream state indicator (as well as the unfamiliar bedroom I am in) relates to playing and hearing the “Nights in White Satin” Moody Blues song. I get into an nonthreatening argument where I mistakenly remember the song included sounds of helicopters, actually thinking of the beach scene from “Apocalypse Now”.

      31) Helicopter Not Landing Yet (56). I am in a very large room in a commercial building where at least two unknown males are looking at monitors. I am “sleeping” on blankets on the floor. This setting is ambiguously supposed to be occurring inside a helicopter that is flying over a foggy area with jagged rocks (and I feel vague movement as such), but I am never concerned about any possible danger.

      32) Return Flight Oddity (56). There are different types of vestibular system autosymbolism, though both are caused by liminal anticipation of the waking process. In this case, the association is static and an image is featured that displays, in four panels, an airplane (top panel), two helicopters (each in middle panels), and a flying man in a cape (Superman, bottom panel). All are facing to the left, indicating a liminal desire (or intent) for reinduction.

      33) Bizarre Tourist Trip into the Past (with Apollo 11) (56). From a helicopter falls the Apollo 11 spacecraft, its parachutes immediately opening, the craft seeming a bit larger than it should be. I expect that it will probably explode (liminal dream control) and it does. It explodes into a massive fireworks display, debris flying everywhere over a dense forest, though my dream continues from here into other typical forms of waking process autosymbolism.

      34) A Beautiful Beach, Cool Water, and…Almost Kicking Someone (56). I expect to get a “ride back” by helicopter, but instead, I become more self-aware and my dream is sustained by water reinduction on a beautiful beach at night.

      35) Helicopter Ride into the Beautiful Mountains (56). I ride with others to high beautiful mountains to a fictitious workplace where lamps are made from precious stones, as well as at least one transparent statue of a dolphin with human limbs.

      36) The Wrong Dodo (56). I am viewing the scene as if incorporeal. A dark-haired girl (probably a young version of Zsuzsanna) is piloting a helicopter. A large dodo (bird) with a blue ribbon around its neck jumps into the helicopter from some sort of door or opening on top. (This is not logical, as the helicopter’s rotor would otherwise prevent an event such as this.)

      37) Fixing a Bridge (featuring Dean Norris) (56). A helicopter drops off a young version of Zsuzsanna in a bridge-fixing scenario with Dean Norris.

      38) Usual Induction; Atypical “Snowmocopter” Waking Transition (56). A composite vehicle of snowmobile and helicopter occurs in this dream.

      39) No Toy Soldier Rescue (57). A helicopter is apparently on a “rescue” mission to recover toy soldiers from the backyard of our present address.

      40) Helicopter Vestibular Autosymbolism in Education Report (57). With the Department of Education report I am working on, I also have papers related to my own ongoing education. I see an A4 paper with my sketch of a helicopter on it and consider if the parts should be labeled.

      Updated 05-25-2018 at 05:38 AM by 1390

      Tags: helicopter
      side notes
    10. Helicopter Vestibular Autosymbolism in Education Report

      by , 05-10-2018 at 11:10 AM
      Morning of May 10, 2018. Thursday.

      I am in an unknown location that has somewhat of the essence of the middle room of the east side of the King Street boarding house (where I have not been since 1990). I am putting together this year’s education report.

      Curiously, a young female from the Brisbane Department of Education is present (though is a fictitious character or at least unfamiliar). I am showing her the documents that have been correlated thus far. One section is based on a calorie intake study relating to cereal. In going through the papers, I recall that half of the documents relate to my own education and are also due.

      I notice a sheet of A4 paper that I had apparently sketched a helicopter on, lengthwise on the paper. I am wondering if it is complete or needs labeling.

      Helicopters in my dreams are a common form of vestibular system correlation in anticipation of the drop.

      Updated 10-23-2019 at 05:49 PM by 1390

      Tags: helicopter
    11. Usual Induction; Atypical “Snowmocopter” Waking Transition

      by , 10-31-2017 at 01:40 PM
      Morning of October 31, 2017. Tuesday.

      The dream state induction symbolism here is water flowing in (most common). The waking transition symbolism here is water lowering over time and “return flight” waking symbolism (most common; over twenty percent of regular dreams and about ninety percent of all dreams). Dream state induction symbolism and waking transition symbolism are inherent to the dream state itself based on the real-time dynamics of going to sleep, being unconscious, and waking, and is unrelated to real life or the inventive untruthfulness of “interpretation”. These forms of induction and waking transition factors have occurred at least once per day for over fifty years. The water induction and reduction is biologically based on the glymphatic system and the flight-related symbolism is based on the reticular activating system (RAS) and inner ear dynamics during sleep (especially as a factor relating to the fictitious dream body as being upright while the real physical body is lying down, which is what causes most falling dreams and is unrelated to the deception of “interpretation” or cruelly fabricated “meaning” to negate someone’s livelihood under the oppression of disinformation - in fact, if you watch a baby sleeping and a noise occurs in some cases when they are in the dream state or when air blows on them, especially their face, they will throw up their arms and automatically briefly maintain a falling position - not to mention the common term “falling asleep” - how could people miss this?).

      Stepping into a beach scene in late afternoon (a very common lucid entry simply because I like the beauty of the ocean and the liminal space of the beach, which symbolizes the state between dreaming and waking), a young version of Zsuzsanna in black lingerie approaches on a black horse. The essence of beauty increases and is appreciated. Zsuzsanna is with me in an extended love-making scene. My lucidity decreases to semi-lucidity though my conscious self identity remains intact. Sexuality symbolizes…wait for it…sexuality (oh snap), at least in lucid and semi-lucid dreams, because, well, that is what I unconsciously will via conscious self identity (it is not rocket science).

      Over time, after indulging in sensuality for seemingly a long time, the usual water lowering event as a waking precursor “timer” (common since around age four) commences. (Among other analogies, this directly represents the tidal analogy of the glymphatic system.)

      We have somehow teleported, while on our sides, to a field of knee-high grass adjacent to the beach we had just been on. In the distance, I see a red combine harvester approaching, but not that close to our location. “Oh-oh,” I say, but with somewhat of a comedic mocking of the semi-lucid dream content.

      A change occurs where some of the ocean water nearest the beach is topped with ice. I see what I think is a helicopter and I assume it is the flight symbolism (end marker) out of my dream. Instead, my dream does not decay but transitions to being slightly more vivid again. “It’s a snowmocopter,” I say, noticing that it is actually a snowmobile (though was a helicopter that changed into the snowmobile).

      I sit down on the snowmobile and do some sort of kick start maneuver with my left foot as if I was on a motorcycle. As I am doing this, the preconscious (as an unfamiliar young male) sneaks up from behind me. Some sort of strange teleportation occurs again, and I am standing and watching the preconscious on the snowmobile (as I am standing on the left of the snowmobile), and he is now trying to start it. “Well, that thing ain’t gonna fly,” I say, as he looks amused, as I laugh myself awake.

    12. 15-11-01 Arrested at Gen-Sys

      by , 10-24-2017 at 12:36 PM
      I was at the top of the Gen-Sys company building. Gen-Sys was a company that did breakthrough science in genetic engineering and the like, transhumanist sciences that I support. It was night. There was the brightly-lit reception area, where people arriving by chopper are received. The Gen-Sys symbol above the door leading out to the helipad. I was arrested by a typical "MiB" FBI agent, and escorted out to the helipad. The agent commandeered the Gen-Sys chopper parked there, and intended to fly me across the country (out west, to California) to be interrogated and imprisoned. I "knew" the company HQ I was at was located in the north-west of the country, but probably not at the coast. Maybe Chicago, or Detroit? The building was on the shore of a large river, and on the other side of the river was a major city, its many lights shining in the night. I was very angry for being arrested. I called the agent terrorist scum, and that he was helping the real bad guys without knowing it. I think I was talking about the luddites always trying to sabotage the company's efforts, trying to make them look bad. And being a transhumanist zealot... well... you never know what I might have done to the poor luddites, the cause of my arrest. The helicopter took off, but I struggle and jump out (it wasn't hovering very high yet), my hands still tied up. I sees Gen-Sys personnel at the entrance to the reception area, so I calmly walk up to him and tell him I changed my mind about leaving. Apparently hoping he'd be deceived, and let me leave through the building. It didn't quite work. Not sure what happened next.
    13. Fixing a Bridge (featuring Dean Norris)

      by , 08-24-2017 at 10:24 AM
      Morning of August 24, 2017. Thursday.

      My dream begins with the most common form of dream state induction; the presence of water, in this case, an unknown river. (This is based on circadian biology and the glymphatic system, whereby at least one dream per night for over fifty years has featured water, not including the numerous water-based hypnagogic dream sequences, which number in the hundreds each sleeping period.)

      I am standing and looking out over this unfamiliar river in seemingly late morning. There is a wooden bridge present, but it does not go all the way across the river. A helicopter flies in from my right and drops off a young version of my wife Zsuzsanna. My dream self is not fully aware of her identity, though I am uncertain of my dream self’s implied age. Zsuzsanna is on the outside of the two-tiered wooden railing, on my right and facing to the left in profile, appearing to do some work on it by tightening the bolts. I think about helping, but I am unsure how to get to where she presently is, as the walkway now seems fully underwater. This seems somewhat unusual, as I vaguely puzzle over why a railing would be fixed when the walkway itself is underwater. Another section of the bridge, which includes a ladder, is also submerged.

      Time passes, and Dean Norris, the actor, appears. I do not see him as a celebrity but as a bystander, though possibly associated with the repair of the bridge.

      Somehow, though this would certainly not be possible in real life (or even consciously resolvable in method), I lift a large section of the walkway up from the water, the farthest edge towards me, while I am still standing on the riverbank, though squatting slightly at one point. It seems more like a square platform constructed of small logs, the orientation of the logs parallel to the river bank.

      An alligator, its head oriented opposite from the riverbank, surprises me by swimming out from under where the section was (yet there is a vague awareness of instinctual dream control suggesting that I created the alligator, and this is further evidenced by the alligator not being perceived as a danger or being the coalescence-based waking prompt). I am wary at first, but it does not attack or show much aggression. Instead, it swims back down under the surface. I tell Dean that there are other alligators in the river, though farther away from where we are. He does not comment.

      “My father built this bridge,” I say to him, somewhat absentmindedly.

      “Your dad built this bridge?” he replies without emotion.

      “…and he built a lot of utility buildings,” I add.

      I rethink what I had just said. Although I know that my father built a lot of park utility buildings, bathrooms, and rest stop shelters, I am unsure if he was involved in the building of this bridge as it was first constructed and that he may have only worked on it years after it was built. I consider that he may have been a part of a team of builders, but I then consider if the bridge had first been built in the 1800s (though I really have no knowledge of when it was built). If so, I consider if Dean was puzzled by my comment, but we do not talk much after this. I consider if Dean will bring in men in speedboats to cull the alligators, but this is not certain.

      Ordinarily, a bridge symbolizes the progression from dreaming to waking (as well as possibly representing the biological construction of a new memory or neural pathway) though sometimes seemingly represents a potentially prescient timeline. There seem to be two preconscious factors here (Dean and the alligator), both atypically passive (though this may be due to instinctual dream control). However, the dynamics are a bit curious, as Dean may be coalesced into the interconsciousness.

      Submerged walkways are otherwise common in my dreams (and have been since early childhood) as a natural result of circadian biology and water symbolizing the dynamics of sleep in real time. A helicopter is a common symbol in my dreams that is linked to Merkaba energies and gamma brain waves in a similar way as a tornado often is, though it typically relates to “return flight” waking symbolism (though here it may relate to Zsuzsanna being in the waking stage while I remain asleep, seemingly validated by her arriving by helicopter, being on the outside of the railing and tightening it - becoming more aware in her emergent consciousness and outside of my ephemeral dream self incarnation).

      I am not certain as to why the preconscious so often appears as a celebrity (sometimes recognized as themselves, sometimes recognized only as a fictional character they have played, sometimes as an ordinary person with no celebrity association as in this dream - there seems to be no determining factor as to why this is other than concurrent threads of available memory). It may be due to the transpersonal element or how the preconscious is completely different from the conscious self identity (though this seems deliberate to subliminally begin to initiate dream state realization in how neither the dream self nor conscious self is anything at all like the preconscious - which often creates conflict or emotional augmentation of enough energy to trigger waking).

      Updated 09-08-2019 at 04:53 AM by 1390

    14. Helicopter Ride into the Beautiful Mountains

      by , 02-08-2017 at 08:08 AM
      Morning of February 8, 2017. Wednesday.

      I am at an unknown location in an unfamiliar business building. It may be in Montana when considering the overall landscape. There is work to be done; a new job for me. It is a company I am not familiar with but relates to digging for precious stones and certain valuable minerals. I am to be a part of a team of three (four counting the foreman) to do work in the mountains. I am not yet focused on the concept of how I will feel about being higher up.

      I go out to the parking lot with my two coworkers and the foreman, who is also the helicopter pilot. It seems to be late morning. We will be riding in the helicopter to our workplace. Curiously, even though the helicopter is under a large tree, where the branches extend over the rotor blades, there is no problem in taking off. The helicopter is of an unusual layout inside. Each of us sits at a corner of the large and spacious interior, including the pilot.

      I vividly feel the movement of the helicopter as it rises from the parking lot. We go very close to a building, close enough to touch it slightly, yet I sense no danger. I feel very cheerful and optimistic. (An aircraft “tapping” the side of a building at this stage and precise point in time in a dream has occurred before. Evidence shows it is a mechanism that increases conscious self awareness without activating a more dominant waking thread.)

      We fly up through a few different vertical tunnels, which are somewhat like volcano vents (though not implied to be). I notice men on ropes and with pickaxes digging at the sides. I watch one group of men atop a mountain. They are dragging a large jagged jewel-like stone. As I look around, I notice other scenes like this. There are beautiful colors and a positive sense of activity and progress. Still, I consider that this job may not be suitable for me due to being wary about being so high up and close to cliffs and ravines. The overall beauty of this part of my dream is utterly amazing (the second recent dream where the beauty was breathtaking, the other being the beach dream).

      Eventually, I am in a large room with a number of other (unknown) people. An unfamiliar young girl (though who may be a younger version of Zsuzsanna) has been working on carving a semitransparent statue from one of the gems that were found. It looks like a dolphin but seems to have human arms and legs. I find it curious that people are involved in this level of mining as well as making unique salable products in the mountaintop building.

      The helicopter pilot is very jovial. In a smaller room we go into, I see a small rectangular lamp on the wall. The lamp was somehow made from a precious stone. It has an engraved human face in profile (looking to the right) on it. Bright light is emitting from the top. There are a number of other items on picnic tables. There is a mystical beauty to most of the items.

      Even though this is a return flight scenario (over one in five dreams utilize this component and waking transition as a transmutation of the biological falling start), there is a sustained transition similar to my recent beautiful beach dream (though in that dream there was no return flight mechanism - the helicopter never arrived). The difference is that this dream ended on a very positive note and sustained focus on beauty and well-being. Even the personified preconscious did not act as a direct waking precursor (which is quite rare).

    15. Helicopter Not Landing Yet

      by , 12-25-2016 at 06:25 PM
      Morning of December 25, 2016. Sunday.

      I seem to be in a very large unfamiliar room with a high ceiling that seems to be in a large commercial building. However, it is meant to be the inside of a helicopter (though the fact it looks nothing like the inside of a helicopter in any way does not trigger any level of doubt or any type of realization). I am apparently flying in this “helicopter” as a passenger. There are two unfamiliar male pilots (in black pants and white shirts) who mostly remain seated on the opposite side of the room from me. They face toward a wall looking at a number of monitors. At times, they seem to be typing flight instructions on keyboards as they look at the monitors. There is also some communication now and then with air traffic controllers or at least some people on the ground.

      The “helicopter” is supposed to be landing somewhere soon, but it is not safe to land anywhere in the area due to a mist that remains at least six feet above the ground and is covering unseen large rocks everywhere in the landscape. Some parts of some rocks protrude upward from the mist. It seems to be part of a canyon or possibly a series of canyons, all with mist and rocks. This puzzles me somewhat but nothing about the situation seems wrong or threatening to me.

      One of the pilots, while standing near the desk-like extension from the wall, seems to relate to the other that he could land without hitting a rock though no attempts at landing occur, at least any of which I become directly aware. There is a sense of movement at one point where the room seems to slowly turn in a circle but there is no disorientation or perceived danger on my part. I seem to be lying on my left side at one point though not directly aware of being on a bed. I start to think about the “helicopter” landing on the flat ground between large jagged rocks. I do not feel concerned about anything. The pilots do not address me at any point.

      This dream’s autosymbolic meaning is based on the biological nature of the dream state itself and obviously has nothing to do with waking life, especially as the autosymbolism’s phrasing in hypnopompic disclosure is known. A helicopter (which has been a recurring emergent consciousness factor in my dreams since early childhood), as with vehicles in general, is an autosymbolic extension of my physical body in REM sleep, though with a more defined subliminal discernment of the vestibular system ambiguity that occurs naturally in unconsciousness, than with similar autosymbolic extensions such as a motorcycle. This dream’s autosymbolism was based on a typical unconscious phrasing, “Although I am now sleeping, I am becoming more aware of my real environment and of my physical body, which is operating smoothly”. The jagged rocks are autosymbolic of a vague anticipation of a waking start (hypnopompic kick or other involuntary muscle event), though of which does not occur, and the mist of course is autosymbolism for the dream state itself. This dream has a curious ambiguity of taking the subliminal awareness of being in our bedroom and sustaining it with the typical return flight waking symbolism, a type of RAS mediation which has occurred in at least one dream per regular sleeping period for over fifty years. As I am already in the more defined liminal space of conscious self recognition in passive waking transition, there is no dominant RAS modulation and the pilots of course are RAS personification and the emergence of thinking skills, which typically do not exist in the dream state.

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