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    1. Two nightmares

      by , 07-02-2011 at 11:53 AM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I apologize if I wrote this in a bit of a confusing way.

      There was a competition held by an evil spider lady who loved to kill people. Me, Kenneth and vin were on a team vs a group of girls. She forced us to do meaningless things and if we argued we would be killed. The person actually doing the event was like a gameshow host/announcer. We had to jump into a pool and grab the sponge/die with the right number on it for the question. It was soon 2 to 2, but we knew we are all going to be killed no matter who won the contest.

      I remember that earlier on I was in a room with a huge slide-like thing with huge pearls going down it. The lady and I were at the top. It's like she was training me to be like her. There was a screen at the top. She asked me what my favorite animal at the circus was. I replied lion. She pressed something on the screen and a lion came into view and started attacking the people on the screen. It was only like an animation, but it represented what was really happening somewhere in her huge building. She was telling me how to work the machine. I was begging her to stop but she wouldn't listen. After that, she made me work for her. My job was to collect the pearls that didn't have numbers on them. While working I tried to rebel and attack her but she got mad. I can't remember what happened, but then it skipped to the competition.

      New dream, I think this one was before the whole evil lady dream. I was in the huge decrepit mansion. The place was made of only wood. Soon these pink-skinned dragonlike creatures broke through the ceiling and began to attack everyone and crush everything around it. People were screaming and running. I looked for an exit. There was a girl on a sort of loft-like platform with a ladder leading up to it. She told me this was the only safe way out. I started to climb up but there was a huge spider on the ladder. I freaked out (I hate spiders) and the girl was getting impatient. I could still here the crashing of wood inside.

      I also remember being in my moms car while she was driving over a steep hill. So steep that it was almost a 90 degree angle to the ground. At the top we could see an ad on a bilboard for six flags. It said that you can buy their commercials on a DVD for ten dollars. "why go to six flags when you can experience it from your own home?" I asked my mom why they were selling commercials on a DVD.