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    1. Hard life of a children

      by , 03-14-2015 at 09:31 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I had something like a retrospection. I was applying for a teachers job in school. I was teaching a group of children. I tried my best, but somehow I used bad methods. Many years later children of that children I teached were going to school. I was their teacher.

      Through all the years much has changed in the society and ways people teach. Teachers started to use cruel methods. I was trying to stop it all. To do this I wanted to advertise good ways of teaching. I wanted to make a billboard, but the platform allowing me to do this has broken. The children were disappointed, and I felt like I lost miserably, and nothing can be done to help them.
    2. 9-27-14 World War V

      by , 10-02-2014 at 06:19 PM
      I lived in the country during World War 5. One of my friends had a job as a mail carrier, and she hated it because she has bad knees.

      I was riding down a road on the back of a flat-bed pickup with a bunch of noisy teen boys. They were all carrying rocket launchers and machine guns and grenades and stuff. As we drove down the interstate, we would occasionally drive passed a big billboard. At that point, the boys would all jump off, run up to the sign and just DESTROY it with their weapons. Pretty epic.
    3. Adult Anime Billboard Animation, Eating Plastic Plates, Seroquel and Competition....(SDE DAY 01)

      by , 08-15-2012 at 05:27 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      First day for the Shared Dreaming Password Experiment I'm hosting for 30 days, this is the first day....and today's my birthday as well!

      Adult Anime Billboard Animation (Non-lucid)


      WOKE UP AROUND 4:39 AM and started to sleep around 11:30-11:40PM, and most likely went into deep sleep around Midnight or so, and it's my Birthday today! Way to start off this experiment huh?

      Hopefully my subconscious will give me a gift.....I don't...like seeing my dream guide or even spirit guide?

      I believe I'm outside of an area that seems to be near sunset, or early morning. I can't tell if the sun on the horizon would be going up, or going down. It seems to be an intersection I go to a lot in College Station
      (except now part of that way is blocked off from a construction site).

      I look at a billboard and see something very graphic, in fact, it was an animation as well.

      Spoiler for 18+:


      I continue doing all sorts of things, but then I see a car coming near me, which prompts me to just stop the whole act before I make a fool of myself to someone. The car itself is some form of a dark color, and the person driving the vehicle has a familiar vibe to them.

      I think the dream shifts here, actually, it most likely shifted when the person in the car drives near me. He looks really familiar, but I don't know anything about this guy at all. Every time I'm looking at him, it's like my mind is saying "Look look look!l look pay attention to this guy!"

      But I can't get anything off from this person, I can't even comprehend why I would get these little mental pokes that this person is important in something. Anyway, since my mind is indirectly giving me hints here, I wave at the person passing by in the car, and they wave back as well.

      The man seems to be in his 30s-40s, looks Hispanic, has a dark gray shirt. By the time he gets out, I see noticeable changes in the dream environment. We're now in the middle of the road, and I believe my father is to my right side. I'm bracing my back along whatever vehicle I'm near, and it's probably what my dad was driving in the dream.

      The man is now in full view, and he's wearing dark blue shorts. It seems that based on his visage, he went through a stressful lifestyle. Certain areas were jagged, and some parts looked like his skin was going to drain in youth. I take my hand out, since I got a hunch from before, and he takes his hands out as well.

      The handshake wasn't really a decent handshake, the guy looked more oblivious than I was, or even awkward to see me. His laconic and almost non-verbal speech (mostly him saying "uh-huh" etc.) really bothered me because I felt this was just a random dream character that I had to pretend to show interest to.

      I think this same man started to ask my father some questions, and my father answers them almost immediately, I'd say 3-5 seconds after the question was asked. I think one question was related to me and college/university, and my father responds something along the lines of,

      "Oh no, he doesn't go to college, he works-----" I blocked off everything else he said in my mind or at least made the auditory input he made more passive in my hearing.....

      I look at my father with a very concerned look on my face, but I keep quiet and see how this plays out. My father is still having conversation with this man, and I noticed he's (father) wearing a dark vanilla looking shirt, and some khaki pants, along with some brown sandals or brown lace-less shoes.

      That's all I remember for that one.

      Eating Plastic Plates (Non-lucid)


      I'm outside somewhere, and it seems a party would be starting in very gloomy weather. It looks as if it might rain, and the dark clouds creating this slightly cold environment didn't make anything better.

      I remember seeing myself from aerial view walking somewhere along a sidewalk, and I would enter some kind of gateway to get into the front yard of someone's house. The front yard itself was very spacious, for a front yard that is, and I think there were party items and accessories confined a few series of tables covered in what seems to be a very very light violet color.

      I think I take one plastic plate, and then eat it. I don't know why, but I'm pretty sure I'm just eating the plastic plate....and I actually remember how it felt.

      It felt like having those mint breath strips in your mouth where it would dissolve easily, but while it was as thin as a breath strip, I still have to chew the waxy coating from the plastic, and then it feels I'm chewing hard gum now.

      Seroquel and Competition (Non-lucid)


      I remember being in a large room with light violet flooring, and Seroquel apparently has quite a few paintings and drawings for a competition that displayed the results through several meter-like objects.

      There were certain categories that I can't really remember, but I'm sure they were associated to the drawings and other aspects of the competition. I remember seeing a blue and green object flash before my eyes for a few seconds, and then came back to focus.

      I can't remember anything else from this dream.
      Genderless Man??? (Non-lucid)


      Apparently, a dream character who looks like Robert Andrew Ri'chard does not have male or female private parts. I see he's wearing a skin-tight light blue suit that looks like it's fit for gymnastic use.

      Apparently, the loss of not having either private parts gives him an advantage when competing. I remember seeing him from a close view, and he's in the process of talking to someone near him. He looks enthusiastic and content when he's talking to this person as well.
      Why are my Parents Here? (DILD)


      I feel an engine running, I feel myself resting at a 90 degree angle on a chair, and I hear someone talking inside. I open my eyes slowly, and find it's my mother talking.

      My father is driving the vehicle, and
      I do a nose plug reality check. I do this a few times to make sure I'm really dreaming. I take a moment to look at both of them inside the vehicle. Then I tapped my mother's shoulder and waited for her to turn around and look at me.

      This dream character looks exactly like her. I tap on her shoulder a bit, and she finally turns around waiting for my question, but all I wanted to do was gaze at her visage for a bit. I turn over to my father, and asked both of them,

      "What is the purpose of you two being here?"

      My father responds with something along the lines of,

      "You mother is not -------------"

      I can't remember the rest, but I remembered that I couldn't do anything but just pause and widen my eyes in shock. I felt as if my body was shaking. What does he mean by that?

      I most likely woke up, but I don't know why, and this was probably when I woke up for a few seconds and went back to sleep.

      Updated 08-15-2012 at 06:57 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid
    4. wtf

      by , 07-13-2011 at 04:23 PM
      I think i recall dreaming about a TV talkshow. And they where hosting Shared dreamers to come tell their shared dream experiences on TV.

      Took a nap this morning.

      I dreamed i was in a park talking to people. I was thinking about lucid dreaming and i hopped on my bike to ride away. Then i noticed this huge billboard sign saying : "NOTHING BEATS LUCID DREAMING, DV FORUM"

      I'm like.. wow how didn't i notice that sign. I guess lucid dreaming is getting populair if there are billboards like that noawadays. Wait a minute ! I pinch my nose and i'm able to breathe.
      But fuck.. i'm back in my bed. I was vaguely aware of that the whole time actually. Seeing both scenes at the same time. I didn't bother pinching my nose in bed. I was pretty sure i woke up. I just tried to get back in the dream, without success.
    5. Two nightmares

      by , 07-02-2011 at 11:53 AM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I apologize if I wrote this in a bit of a confusing way.

      There was a competition held by an evil spider lady who loved to kill people. Me, Kenneth and vin were on a team vs a group of girls. She forced us to do meaningless things and if we argued we would be killed. The person actually doing the event was like a gameshow host/announcer. We had to jump into a pool and grab the sponge/die with the right number on it for the question. It was soon 2 to 2, but we knew we are all going to be killed no matter who won the contest.

      I remember that earlier on I was in a room with a huge slide-like thing with huge pearls going down it. The lady and I were at the top. It's like she was training me to be like her. There was a screen at the top. She asked me what my favorite animal at the circus was. I replied lion. She pressed something on the screen and a lion came into view and started attacking the people on the screen. It was only like an animation, but it represented what was really happening somewhere in her huge building. She was telling me how to work the machine. I was begging her to stop but she wouldn't listen. After that, she made me work for her. My job was to collect the pearls that didn't have numbers on them. While working I tried to rebel and attack her but she got mad. I can't remember what happened, but then it skipped to the competition.

      New dream, I think this one was before the whole evil lady dream. I was in the huge decrepit mansion. The place was made of only wood. Soon these pink-skinned dragonlike creatures broke through the ceiling and began to attack everyone and crush everything around it. People were screaming and running. I looked for an exit. There was a girl on a sort of loft-like platform with a ladder leading up to it. She told me this was the only safe way out. I started to climb up but there was a huge spider on the ladder. I freaked out (I hate spiders) and the girl was getting impatient. I could still here the crashing of wood inside.

      I also remember being in my moms car while she was driving over a steep hill. So steep that it was almost a 90 degree angle to the ground. At the top we could see an ad on a bilboard for six flags. It said that you can buy their commercials on a DVD for ten dollars. "why go to six flags when you can experience it from your own home?" I asked my mom why they were selling commercials on a DVD.
    6. Cliffside Drive

      by , 05-04-2011 at 11:38 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:07 AM by 44350

    7. No “Circus World”

      by , 12-18-1980 at 06:18 PM
      Morning of December 18, 1980. Thursday.

      Summary: A town called “Circus World” does not seem to exist regardless of billboard indicators.

      I am riding in a car in the back seat - with my older sister Carol also in the car in the front seat, and her husband Mel is driving (it seeming to be the car they own at the time in reality). It seems to be nearing six o‘clock in the evening. We are looking for an actual town near La Crosse or West Salem apparently called “Circus World”, though that is actually an attraction in Baraboo, Wisconsin in reality. Mel is regarding the billboards to determine where to go, but we never reach the town. It almost seems as if the fictional town of Circus World had moved years before. We go past some of the same sketchy billboards a few times over - most displaying an elephant head (back and forth in both directions, north and south, on a few occasions, Mel trying to determine if there is a main road that goes to the east or west). It may also turn out to be, I reason, a small town at the end of a back road, but we do not stop anywhere or get out of the car at any point. Perhaps it is not the right “season” for the town to be visible and is somehow invisible otherwise (or more reasonably, named differently during off-season).

      In real life, a few years prior to this dream, I had given Mel my paperback copy (which I read) of Alistair MacLean’s “Circus” as a Christmas present when I was a teenager (which was a spy fiction story or thriller). Though I saw it on the bookshelf in their home some time later, I was never sure if he would have read something like that and I never asked. That was possibly at least partly the “trigger” for this dream scenario. I also thought that perhaps he did not know what the plot involved due to the “unlikely” cover and title.

      Conclusion: A self-interpreting giveaway occurs; an inadvertent revelation that reveals that what is first read as “All star (Circus)” is actually “Alistair” upon closer examination. This is during hypnopompic dissolution.

      Updated 05-27-2017 at 06:26 AM by 1390

    8. Biplane Directive

      by , 01-02-1972 at 07:02 AM
      Morning of January 2, 1972. Sunday.

      I am apparently a member of a group of detectives. I seem much older and I do not seem implied to be my conscious self. I am riding in the front seat on the right and I am not the driver. The driver is an unknown male with a celebrity essence, though unfamiliar. We are in what may be a police car, but from the 1920s or 1930s.

      We are supposed to prevent a biplane from taking off from the runway of a small airport. Soon, it is headed right for us. Oddly, we are also copied into a scene in front of us at somewhat of a distance. That is, we are watching “our” car on the runway ahead, with another us (yet somehow still us). I am thinking “we” might be struck by the biplane if we keep going but it is not that fearful. (The sense of anticipation is not that vivid.) The biplane lifts from the runway a few times, but only just a little, and is back down.

      Eventually stopping, and the other us no longer present, it turns out that the biplane is only a painted mural (or perhaps a low-set billboard) so it was never really a threat. We get out of the car. The biplane is now facing the left side of the car and it seems we may be on a normal city street. I feel like saying something but I do not.

      Updated 09-11-2019 at 07:17 PM by 1390
