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    1. Bachata Music, Library

      by , 07-30-2010 at 03:21 PM

      Bachata Music

      I'm in a bar. There is a group of Mexican guys sitting across from me. The bar area is an island in the center of the room and I'm on the opposite side of these Mexicans. I look over and try to start a conversation with them. I say, "Esten familiares con la musica bachata?" Which translated into English is something like "Are you relatives with bachata music?" I conjugated the verb estar completely wrong and used the English word for familiar, so they must have known I was a total gringa. This is probably why I was not successful with talking to them because they ignored me. Oh well.


      I'm at a public library looking at rows and rows of books. I wander over to another section and see that it's the young adult section. I'm checking out all the books when I look over and see my ex Missy sitting at a round wooden table at the opposite end of the row I'm in. I wonder what she's doing there. I pick up the Lord of the Rings book and walk over to the table that Andrea's sitting at and show it to her. I sit down and her mom comes up to me and hands me the phone saying that it's Lionel (her husband, Andrea's dad) and I should talk to him. I don't remember what we talk about, but then he asks if I want to talk to Dawn. I say sure and her the voice on the other end and conclude that it's really Stephanie (who just got married to Brad last year). I ask Andrea if she wants to talk to her. Next thing I know, I've got a gimp leg and I'm walking over to look at more books. I'm like dragging my right leg behind me. Then I see Missy again. I go back over to Andrea hoping that Missy didn't see me and ask her if she saw her, too. I don't remember anything else.
    2. Underprivileged Kids Camp, Slot Machine Hunting, Lucid Casino #2, Spiderman @ the Mall

      by , 07-28-2010 at 01:43 PM
      Underprivileged Kids Camp

      I'm at some event. Like I'm in a hotel and there are all these other people there I guess training to be camp counselors. All the hotel rooms are enclosed in glass instead of walls so you can see everything that's going on in the rooms. I've lost the person I came there with. I'm looking all over the hotel for them. I walk to the end of this hallway and there's some people on a couch and I recognize one is this girl Beth who I was seeing briefly before I got together with Andrea. I think nothing of it really and I go peek my head into the room at the end of the hall. Inside this room are four people playing video games. One is my ex Missy! I ask them if they saw whoever I was looking for and they said no so I left and kept looking. I saw Beth get up off the couch and go into the room I was just in.

      Slot Machine Hunting

      I leave the hotel with the camp counselor training and now I'm in a casino. I've got a device that is pointing out where the loose slot machines are. Funny, it seems like I'm in a computer lab from school because of the way the machines are set up. Every machine that my device pointed out (it was a little electronic circle that beeped louder and faster when it detected a good slot machine) had someone sitting at it already. So I just hung around and waited for someone to get off their machine. Finally this one girl walks away and I notice that the machine still had nine dollars left in it. I barely sit down and the girl comes back saying she had just gotten up to get a drink. So I get up and apologize and she gives me some money. It's foreign.

      I walk around and try to find a place to exchange this money for American money. I walk up to the cashier and tell him of my dilemma. He has behind him a big board telling the exchange rates of different countries' money. I don't know what country my money is from, so I just hand it to him. He says he can't exchange this money because it's from a communist country. I'm sort of upset and he says just kidding. He looks at my money a little more closely and tells me that it's worth $1500. I think, well, I'm only going to be here for two days, why not give me half of that and I'll keep the rest here in the bank. So he gives me some paperwork to fill out with a fancy pen that writes in purple glitter. I had it back to him and he gives me the money.

      Next thing I know I'm with my mom, dad, and sister and we're on the way into the casino and I think we have to cross the casino floor to get to the parking garage. I'm telling them I'm going to get the car. In order to get into the casino, they're doing some sort of security check and you have to take your shoes off and they give you slipper boots instead. Like Isotoners. I'm arguing with the security woman and some lady breaks through the line and she looks like she's insane. She's just running back and forth trying to get out of the casino and she can't figure out how to go out the bank of glass doors. The security lady tries to stop her and when the woman runs back my way I try to tackle her. I end up not getting the slippers and I walk toward the man in the cashier booth.

      Lucid Casino #2

      I approach the cashier desk. Behind the counter are two men and a huge vault that requires both of them to open it. One of the men is wearing a white button up dress shirt and boxers but no pants. Once the doors are open money starts pouring out of it, but it's like huge coins the size of frisbees. They're not making any clanking noises as they're spilling out onto the floor. I realize that because of this, I must be dreaming. I hop over the counter and confront the guy in the boxers. I realize that he's just a dream character and I can do whatever I want. I must have been feeling particularly naughty so I tried to grab his package and realized it was abnormally small. I felt bad for him and went over to the other guy. I think I went inside the vault and there were packages of baseball cards all over the place. I was mentioning something about how I used to collect baseball cards and then I look at the guy and realize he looks like Anthony Edwards from ER. I asked him if he wanted to put his hand in my pants and he said yes. Right as he was going to, I felt myself slipping out of the dream and I woke up.

      Spiderman @ the Mall

      I fell back asleep and had another lucid dream! I'd never had more than one in a night! I have a hard time remembering how this started, but I was in a mall, and I remember something about Spiderman being there. Like visually I remember him, but not in what context. So I get the idea that I can jump all around from floor to floor in the mall. I remember thinking, "wow, this is what my subconscious thinks a mall looks like." I'm performing some crazy acrobatics and gravity defying maneuvers. I was looking over the railing from the second floor and I just hung over the edge and my feet slipped and I was falling, but I made invisible wires come out of nowhere to anchor me to the ceiling so I wouldn't hit the ground. I remember a big Christmas display. Then I was jumping through what looked like a Halloween display. I think this was my longest lucid so far.

      Porn Store Klepto

      I really wish I could remember what this one was about. I think it had something to do with stealing sunglasses.
    3. My Lost Ring, The Souvenir Shop, School / Grocery Store

      by , 07-28-2010 at 12:36 PM
      Night of 2/7/09

      My Lost Ring

      Backstory: I had this really nice sapphire and diamond ring that my dad got for me for a birthday. I don't know when it dawned on me that I couldn't find it. I've been looking everywhere for it for more than a year now. I keep wondering if it's just somewhere that I haven't looked yet, but I think that maybe it was stolen. My parents' house is always really busy and there are people always coming in and out so there's a good chance that someone just went in my room and helped themselves to it.

      So I'm in a house that I don't recognize as my own. I think I'm in a finished attic because I don't see any windows. In the corner of the room is shelving built into the walls and some drawers. I look in one of the drawers and find a jewelry box. I open it up and tucked into the corner is a piece of paper. Written on it is an apology from my ex Lauren saying that if I just keep looking, I'll find my lost ring. I don't know why I never saw this note before and I start looking in all the corners of the box and there are drawers in the box and I keep finding all this jewelry! I go back to the shelves and find more boxes to look through and it seems like it's just all jewelry all different kinds. I don't have the feeling that I'm snooping around someone else's stuff, and that note was just for me, so it must be my room. I just keep looking and looking and don't find my ring.

      The Souvenir Shop

      I'm at what seems to be a beach souvenir shop. I'm looking through a shelf of suntan lotion. All the bottles are clear and shaped like Bond #9 perfume bottles. They all have different names on them of suntan lotions and they're not in any particular order. I don't know exactly what I'm even looking for. I take a bottle up to the register when I see a display of those drink mugs that you put in the freezer and there's liquid in them that freezes to keep your drink cold. I walk over and start looking and see one with a picture of the Simpsons on it. I think my dad would want it so I take it to the register to buy it.

      School / Grocery Store

      Next thing I know I'm in school. It's my old middle school. I'm walking around finding these gold coins all over the place. I'm just walking around looking at the ground finding these coins. It didn't feel like I was in a video game or anything, though. I had the notion that it was a competition and whoever found the most coins won, but only a certain group of people was looking for the coins because not everyone was looking for them.

      I made my way to class still looking for coins and it must have been Spanish class because the teacher was handing back our group compositions. I got my group's back and gave a high five to the other guy I was working with because we got a hundred "because we're awesome!" is what I told him.

      Now I'm in a grocery store. Instead of looking for gold coins, I find class rings all over the place. I saw one and it was from a student who went to Harvard and I stuck it in my pocket. Then I realize that they're part of a display but I didn't put the ring in my pocket back where I found it. (I think I'm a klepto in my dreams, I'm forever finding stuff and putting it in my pockets!) I find my way over to the vegetable section and see my ex Mike standing there looking at vegetables. Someone else, a girl, walks up and asks what he's wearing, and I say, "of course it's the Cool Water I got him when I was on vacation in Spain." (Which it true, I did go to Spain and bring him back Cool Water.) He must not have noticed me until then and turns to me and says that he's so glad to see me and things aren't working out with "Sara" and he still has feelings for me and he knows I still have feelings for him.

      I woke up wondering what was up with 2 of my exs coming up in one night.
    4. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 11:00 PM
      106: 5.30.10; 7:00AM Part 1: A Humourous Encounter with an Ex. (Non-lucid)


      I had a humourous non-lucid in which I was back in middle school. While there I went in search of my old locker, remembering my combination to be 13-49-15. I found the locker, and discovered that my ex-girlfriend Krystee was nearby and had noticed me. I acted civil toward her, unsure of what to expect, and thought of introducing Julia to her. Looking around, I found there were several people around me I didn't recognize, then I spotted Julia.

      Taking her by the arm, I brought her over and introduced her to Krystee. I looked to Krystee and told her, "This is who I lost my virginity to," and she went insane. I don't recall if she started beating on me or if someone held her back, but I remember her screaming at me hysterically.

      I found that to be pretty funny.
    5. Clyde Machine's Dream Journal

      by , 06-17-2010 at 10:37 PM
      98: 5.18.10; 8:21AM Part 1: Without a Trace. (Non-lucid)


      I was hanging out with a few girls I recognized, one of which being an ex-girlfriend of mine. We walked through a parking lot toward a movie theater, and she passed out cold on the pavement, in the line of on-coming cars. One of the other girls stopped the cars while I picked up my ex. We rushed to the theater and everyone but me and my ex, still passed out, had disappeared. I asked an attendant for assistance, but she said I should go next door for a phone and to get to the hospital.

      A little traveling around outside, still carrying my ex, told me the entire area was desolate, and after exploring a few alleys and coming out of one at the side of a freeway, I realized I should use my cell phone to call an ambulance.

      I debated if I should call an ambulance or try to find a hospital, as it would take time for them to arrive at my location and I didn't know any nearby addresses to give them a reference point to find me. Julia called while I was thinking, so I explained to her what was going on. By the time I got off the phone, which wasn't more than a minute's time, my ex was missing, without a trace.

      Later in the dream, I heard a radio station saying she was arrested for a traffic-related offense, which I suspected had to do with passing out in front of those cars back in the parking lot.

      At one point earlier in the dream, I had passed by a pawn shop with the group of girls plus my ex, and saw some dark-cyan/teal shirts on display that I knew were clothes Julia had left behind/sold some while ago, and it made me miss her to see them.
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