Rings: I'm in a grassy area, and I may have just emerged from a cave. There are tall rock walls all around. The area feels serene. I become aware that this is a video game. My girlfriend is here. She gestures to an item in front of me I can pickup. The item is in a green glowing circle: an object I can obviously interact with. It's a wedding ring. She is proposing. The ring is a tiny thing. Thin and wooden, like a splinter. I obviously accept it and move to put it on. I'm not concerned about how much she spent on the ring. But, I am focused on making sure she knows that I don't mind. I'm embarrassed because I have to ask her which is the ring finger. I vaguely think about how this is gender role-reversal. It doesn't bother me much.
I wear a black ring on my right middle finger. And once in real life, I lost it for a couple days before finding it again in the house. In the dream, I was in an area that was basically a cave, but not a remote one in the middle of nowhere. Someone owned it and it served some purpose, I forget what. And just inside that cave, in some leaves that had blown in the entrance, I found a black ring. This ring looked totally different from my real one. It was hugely thick, like donut shaped. And instead of a black band it was black but with the elven writing from Lord of the Rings on it in gold. But I knew it belonged to me and I was shocked that, as often as the place had to have been cleaned(again it served some purpose, people were paid to keep it clean), I happened to find it again after losing it. I apparently hadn't been there in some time and was sure the ring was gone. What shocked me more, though, was that I remembered this was actually the second time I'd lost the ring, come back to the cave a while later, and found it there again. It was like I simply could not lose the ring; if I lost it it was just always going to be in the cave if I looked for it there. And also it's worth pointing out that my right hand was noticeably deformed with my fingers far too short and thick, like they suited the ring's size. I didn't outright ignore this, but accepted that yeah, I've always had oddly shaped hands.
7th December 2020 Very fragmented: Me and H were getting some pipes out of an organ. It was a rank supposedly, but actually it can't have been more than an octave. Pipes were semi-stopped? With some blue felt inside the top to achieve this. Some other bit, something about water in a container; it looks odd inside. I drink some (why?) but it has weird fibres floating in it. I try to search online about it. But then we pour the water out on the floor and it's revealed that the fibres were half parasite things; they moved but incredibly slowly. Later I sweat them out through my thighs and I decide to use a H2O2 spray to kill them all and almost bathe myself in it too so it soaks into me and kills any remaining inside my body. I have doubts about what I'm doing and what is going on. At a mansion place, I'm with my family here. We're guests to some friend of dad. I remember paintings hanging on the walls. There are stone or white wood ballustrades and there's no ceiling or it's made of glass. The host eventually becomes very surprised when he learns (from a servant?) how much it had cost him to accommodate all of us here. An unknown man comes in, he's wearing a dulled red jumpsuit. He is a thief, I quickly observe but I allow him to continue and I say nothing. I do not dislike our host but yet I allow this thief to steal from him. But when he tries to steal a painting with strange colouring patterns on it, with the figure of a woman in a white-ish dress, I let him get away with it for a while before I start following him. I follow him into a corridor and jump on him and tell him he absolutely cannot take this painting because it's special to me. I think I'm angry? I ask him to take anything else except for this painting. I tell him that there are many other paintings in this big house and that many are by famous artists and can fetch far better prices on a black market. I have some feeling the painting is about my cousin T, but there was nothing identifiable on it that would indicate this. The visual recall is too vague. Then, we're all leaving. I am more wary about the thief now but allow him to continue with his subtleties. I see mom and my sibling T and three others from the family, squeezed inside a white or silver Peugeot. I don't notice which is side the driver is on. I try to find the car I'm supposed to get in, but I can't find it. Eventually I'm just walking around a town with dad and some more family. It's sunny, with a few clouds. Distant mountains kind of like where I live now, but sharper contours? But otherwise the area looks more like my native country even though it is a dream-generated place. In the distance I also see a thin but very tall smoke stack. Dad tells me this stack is for the purpose of "releasing the excess gas from the dormant volcano", and he refers to the volcano by name but I lost the recall of that name. We all cross a street at a crossing, except dad, who goes into an open manhole, with a warm orange glow coming out of it. I look in and there's a vertical climbing pole at the centre of it and it seems to go down a very long way, it's bright inside but a saturated orange dominates. I tell the rest I'll lag behind so that dad can catch up with us. I am across the road and there's some kind of cafe on this side. The rest of the family go in and through the cafe and out again on another side. (recall gap) Mix of several RPGs and reality. I kill a mob pack referencing something to Lord of the Rings. A unique and unidentified teal rarity ring drops and there's some kind of interface overlay even though I'm in first person. It's some kind of occult void ring. It distorts reality around it and I put it on, on my right hand I think. I'm in a room with pews, gothic windows and some kind of statues too maybe. Everything becomes dark except outside through the windows still seems bright, if dull. There's some kind of wind that I can't feel, but can see. Objects like the pews leave a trailing ghostly effect, with a dark, dark red after-shadow-image. I go to a piano. I realise there's two time limits now that I see at a top/central position of some UI. I was supposed to do something on the piano and don't manage to open some kind of secret passage in time. Then there's a cutscene about an ogre and a witch. There's animosity between the characters and there's an extreme distance between the two. Some dialogues? He loses all the will he had to kill her for some reason but still he rampages forward. While watching, I make note of the fact that there's some gold piled up in the side of some rooms as the ogre goes through these large underground gothic halls. Notes: - The ogre and the witch were very stereotypical in their representations. - The woman's painting had a dark background that contrasted her brighter dress. The painting had a rainbow-like spotty pattern all over it, like light scattering or something. It's similar to an idea I've had for painting but I haven't been able to attempt it properly. - Before falling asleep, I tried doing this active imagination thing and I remember getting a bit lost or carried away in it, especially as it made me get closer to falling asleep. - The smoke stack is like one where I live but it was taller than that; I'm not sure what the volcano thing could be about.
25th September 2020 Scraps: School. Construction, building or making something. 26th September 2020 In-line note; finally had a chance to make some proper DJ notes again. 7:30 (recall from last parts to first) Dream: In a town with H. We were selling this prankster "frat bro" guy some metal keg, full of something, for a prank of his. We'd brought the keg to him on top of the van. H disappeared and left a shoe, one of his red and white ones. I assumed H had gone for a wee. Then something changed. H was back and we saw the other guy off. Now we had a lorry with a weird trailer thing, just like a really long wooden-looking beam, with axles and wheels. Earlier; Vision of the prankster guy and a group of people his age in a parliament building of some kind. Then, in a street in a city, I see one of his posse. A fake blonde, a white girl. They were all in their early 20s. She tries to use an ATM and doesn't understand how to work it at all, looking a bit like an animal trying to understand the contraption. Something about her only having 23 or so in her account? Earlier; In a school. Passing thoughts about old friends. I'm my current age, I roam through a very busy underground/maintenance area where all the other students of this school are passing through. I feel as though I am so different from when I was a kid. I walk through the crowded area with some type of confidence, not letting any anxieties or worries stop me or bother me. I spent a moment wondering how I could have ever let myself feel so anxious at school. Then I have some passing thoughts about how many of these kids will be struggling with some or many of the same issues I had and with no guidance either, which I also didn't really have for many aspects of that stage of my life. Earlier; Talking to someone. Old friend or similar? The same underground place but not as busy. The other person has a Pepsi and gets it open? Has issues and the cap of the bottle gets deformed; I put it back on for him when he starts to struggle with it. (more recall but faded) 9:00 Fragment: Remember being in a building. I'd been there earlier in the dream. Now me and C from school were here to find out something about some guy? It was the guy's birthday? Or maybe we were going to prank him and so we needed to know more; maybe a combination. I remember I couldn't be seen by anyone else at some point. I put on the one ring. I was effectively invisible but I could still see myself. I think someone specific could still see me. I remember an interface with something about this universe's rules on the top left, but I didn't look in it. 27th September 2020 Had recall but let it fade, didn't care enough to make notes because I felt too tired. Notes: - The moment of deep introspection through thought was somewhat unusual for a dream, especially with how specific it was. Oddly enough it's something that happens frequently enough in waking life but not much at all in dreams for me.
Morning of August 23, 2020. Sunday. Dream #: 19,606-03. Reading time: 2 min 42 sec. There were more kinaesthetic and somatosensory events in this dream than usual. The processes sustained my dreaming experience but resulted in an exaggerated and prolonged sensory focus that was predominant in the unusual narrative. In the first part, my instinctual awareness I am sleeping results in the opening scene being in an unknown bedroom. My conscious self identity mostly remains present throughout my dream. Zsuzsanna and I are going on a trip to another part of town (fictitious location). We are sharing an apartment with an unknown woman. I have to get dressed, but it is too difficult. My pants will not go up over my hips. I am annoyed by the irritating sensations. (This sometimes happens when I sleep with a heavy blanket.) Even so, the scenario eventually changes, and Zsuzsanna and I are walking along a dirt road. There is an exhibition in an unfamiliar region. Zsuzsanna introduces me to an unknown male named Chris. She supposedly knew him when she was younger and living in Nimbin (though that is impossible, as he is only about twenty years old). An unknown man takes a picture of Zsuzsanna, saying how beautiful she is and acting as if she is on her own and available. I take his camera and smash it, noticing that there is a roll of film inside with images of people. I am unsure if he will still be able to develop it, but I mangle the camera as much as possible and throw it on the floor. (This situation was influenced by a scene from “King Kong” I had seen a small part of last night. It is the scene where Carl discovers his destroyed camera. The only difference is that, in my dream, I could see transparent individual images in the film.) Somatosensory dynamics cause me to focus on my hands. I have a silver ring that used to be tight on my finger, but now it is far too big to stay on it. I move it around over my finger and tell others about the situation. It seems I am shrinking, or at least my hand is. Zsuzsanna and I are going to leave. I start to walk down a staircase on my own and (as is typical in dreams) imaginary kinaesthesia becomes predominant. The steps are individual stacked storage boxes, and some below me fall to the ground as I remain on the higher section. Other people cannot get down either. I consider that some people below can put the steps back, but they walk off. A woman at a counter in the building tells me I can turn and go to another area. I teleport to the back of the building by going under the large gap in the lower section. There are many people around. I soon teleport back and jump to the ground. I tell the woman at the counter (from outside the entrance, though the setting is ambiguous) that the staircase is illegal (because of being unsafe for the public). She cheerfully tells me that she knows it is obviously against the law but that it is only a temporary setup for the exhibition. Zsuzsanna and I and our youngest daughter are walking home. An enormous vehicle approaches from the opposite direction, and we go to the side of the street. However, the machine is so big it is over most of the area. The bottom of the long truck is over ten feet above us. It seems to be a street-building and maintenance device that pours the asphalt as it travels as well as smooths out the surface and performs other tasks. The driver is aware of us at one point and swerves slightly, but we still cannot get past and cannot continue safely either. There is a high-set chain-link fence on our left that prevents us from going another way. Despite the gigantic size of the vehicle, I push on its wheels and slide it away from us as if it weighed hardly anything (though I am aware of some weight and momentum).
I was semi-lucid throughout the dream. I was kindof aware it was a dream, but it was basically a layer two. Most of the dream was spent with me walking circles around an fps map with a gun that could auto-aim as long as you're pointed in their general direction. There was only one opponent at the time so I didn't really get any action. I eventually found myself in a central point of the map where several people were gathered. The scene shifted as I was now in some sort of 2 story home with several tables about and people of all sorts waiting for some event to begin. I used telekinesis to break some glass and shift about some plates and cups off the tables, causing general destruction. The physics were all weird, so things were hard to move and they didn't fly very far. Sometimes they'd just slowly drift in the air. Some people were disturbed, but most people were just bothered that I kept making a mess. One old lady was different. She had a look on her face like something wasn't right. She recognized that this isn't how reality is meant to be at all. She asked me what was going on with her hand. She had a ring wrapped around her middle knuckle, fused into her hand. I told her she must be dreaming and that she would be able to control the dream if she realizes that fact. I then go downstairs to leave the home and as I get near the door someone on the floor grips my ankle and I can no longer drift away. As I look around I notice a full blown yonko from one piece ready to attack me while I'm trapped. I manage to make it outside with them chasing me. I start making slow progress into the air to escape, but I'm still dragged down by something. Unsure if it was the person who was still holding me or something else. I then noticed two more yonko appear as well as these enormous versions of the same yonko appear on the horizon. These things were unbelievably tall. Like bigger than any mountain you'd ever see tall. I kept getting beat into the air by the yonko as they took turns smacking me with their full might. They then all hit at once and I flew straight through one of the giant yonko and left a hole in them as I woke up. Which yonko they were idk, but I'd assume big mom first; then big mom, kaido, and blackbeard. This whole last scene from the moment the old lady asked me what was going on until the dream ended only lasted about 38 seconds, or at least that was the final thought I had as I woke up.
After journeying through strange and bizarre imagery of tablet chargers and seeing through my closed eyes, I arrived quite suddenly in a small habitat-like area, tastefully constructed with wooden materials to evoke a sense of warmth. I briefly reality checked to confirm my state.Through the window, one could see endless deserts with a reminiscent red-tint. Moreover, two asteroid-like moons hovered in the expansive sky. As I stood in the corridor, an African-background woman approached me, and confirmed my thoughts; I was on Mars. As I prepared to open the door, she immediately stopped me, as neither of us, let alone the rest of the habitat, would survive the results. Reluctantly, I decided against it. Instead, I noticed a rotatable cylinder, and consequently developed its purpose; it would allow me to travel forward in time. I cranked it clockwise as far as possible, for my surroundings to alter completely. Mars enveloped in a black space-station-like structure, and with my dreaming companion, we flew around the ‘streets’ of Mars in utter amazement. Nonetheless, I saw a sign that attracted my attention, “Ancestry”, a shop that offered tracking ones ancestors. I realized that given I had travelled forward in time, perhaps I could see my descendants. The results are in my personal DJ. Later, I was in a jewellery shop, trying on rings after gifting them with powers such as invisibility and transformation. Before long, I had about 5 rings on my hand, along with two bowls of rings, magical, and not yet.
A lot of cool world-building in this dream. It's (presumably) the future. Neo-Nazi groups have taken over vast swaths of Africa and the Middle-East. Europe is now one nation, the United States of Europe. The European refugee crisis and SJW culture has gotten so bad, cities now have entire (dilapidated) ghettos that are utterly lawless and where the 'refugees' can do whatever they want. Dare to criticize this state of affairs, and they call you a bigot. Basically, the present but worse. I think the North America was also one nation in this world. Anyway, me and two others walked through such a ghetto and visited an outdoor market where merchants hawked their wares. I saw the world map on a retro-looking computer screen in the wall (like an ATM, but not an ATM), highlighting the factions and the territories they controlled. Someone put something with a Neo-Nazi symbol on it into my friend's backpack, and he was immediately cornered by angry 'refugees'. No police here, so usually the scum just murders anyone they don't like. My friend (who looked like Brendon Hartley, a race driver in F1 and WEC) was a very smooth talker, and managed to talk his way out of it. When we walked away from the market, I expressed outrage over how they could just threaten someone's life and get away with it. Being SJWs, my friends ignored me, saying I was a racist. Apparently, liking law and order and disliking your country turning into a garbage dump ghetto is racist. Robin Williams was there too, and he spouted some stereotypical anti-Trump bullshit. Anyway... We arrived at some other shop, and some kid was behind the counter. My friend handed the kid a ring. The kid looked like he was getting a vision. He said he'd seen my friend in a vision of the future (the ring was 'connected' to him and acted as a conduit for the kid's ability), and said he had to save the world. We (myself and the second friend) also played a role, but more as sidekicks. What followed was bizarre. The world turned on its side. We were still in the room, and it was like gravity suddenly changed direction. It came from the side instead of below. Objects from the wall in the distance 'fell' toward us, and we had to dodge all the debris. The wall itself started crumbling and the glass of the windows broke. I struggled to dodge the razor-sharp glass shards. But time was also weird. The scene event kept repeating, like Groundhog Day. After a while, I knew exactly where every piece of debris would fall, so I could dodge it easily. Later on, this room was a crime scene. It looked like it had burned down. I was alone, and entered the building while the cops were still setting up their equipment. I was there to recover the ring, which was still there.
Updated 04-28-2018 at 02:09 PM by 17412
Ring. So my WL ring lost a stone maybe 2 weeks ago. I took it off couple of days ago when I was mixing up some ground beef'. I didn't want to lose another one in the food. Then I didn't put it back on and I'm still torn about that decision. Then I had a dream, where I look at my hand, and ring that looks just like the real one is missing 3 more stones. I'm so sad. I lost something that I can't get back. Amusement park. This was 2 days ago. I'm walking on a street in a Disneyland style park. Tons of people on sidewalks, lots of doors into bars and offices in a part that looks like just after the entry to Disneyland. I'm reading the signs above the doors and I finally see the name I'm looking for. It's an Indian name, all I can think of now is Rajesh, but it could have been a different one, and it had a surname too. The name is on a yellow sign board. For some reason I keep walking to look around some more thinking now I know where it is and I'll get back to it later. I come to an area where the attraction is falling snow. Somehow they made it snow for real. I can feel it hitting my face from a side, it's cold and wet. I'm going back to the place where I found that guy, but I can't find it anymore. I walk all over the place, back and forth. No luck. MTV style competition. Me and my partner are being told the rules of the game. There is another couple we don't see, but we are competing against them. There is a couple of bags made of tarp. We are suppose to find one that's moving. It has live frogs in it and we are suppose to take it somewhere. I start taking the bags off of the wheel barrow and I find one that's moving. My partner says, frogs will be all me, because he is not chasing those. So apparently we are suppose to collect 10 different animals. I find some fish and gut them, then some other fish, and I understand that my part of the task is done. There is something about some bag hanging from some metal walkway couple of feet in the air and my partner is going around to get it off. Last part - I am kneeling on a wooden boardwalk at the end of the comp. I suddenly feel something on me. I imagine it's a bucket of crabs. I cover my face with one hand and put my other hand in safety. I don't dare to move. I barely breathe. I'm not scared, but fuu, I'm pissed, I think. When it's over, I watch some of the hermit crabs finding new homes in planters and small containers, and I ask the guys if they are ok with it.
Morning of January 31, 2016. Sunday. Dream #: 17,940-03. Reading time: 1 min 10 sec. Readability score: 70. This dream branched off into today’s volcano and “circling the globe” dream (without any apparent waking transition or consciousness shift other than the second dream situation becoming more vivid over time). My wife Zsuzsanna, our children, and I are going to a public Halloween celebration. My dream self does not perceive the presumed October date as incorrect. I will be wearing a hooded cloak, though I perceive it as light-colored at one point rather than black (of which seems more suitable to my implied character as the Grim Reaper). There is minor difficulty getting it to fit. My only other costume feature is a silver skull ring which goes on the middle finger of my left hand. The skull is upright when viewed by others when my arm is naturally at my side. There is a slide switch in the back of it that makes its eye sockets shine with brilliant light, so bright that it would light up the street. I see the two beams, but they are not overwhelmingly bright. As with many of my dreams, I take to the air in flight without thinking much about it. I notice an unknown young girl also flying to the party, ahead of me by about half a block. In these types of dreams, I decide to fly while considering it a completely natural event. My dream changes into the type where I need to push through barriers at times due to the unusual maze-like layout of various unfamiliar buildings. At one point, there is a very thick window on a high floor of a commercial building. I attempt to push through it and eventually succeed. I walk or fly through walls, with slight difficulty at times. Mostly, I fly around enjoying the view.
So some of my actual goals are summon fire in my hand and to teleport. i tried both now several times and have more or less difficulties with it. i thought about how to approach this goal or problem and how i could solve it. i longer thought about to ask a dc to help me but i never know who might be a good candidate because either i dont know them or they are not practiced in lucid dreaming so it would be "harder" to convince myself that in-dream this is THE right person to show me something. i had some days ago a low level lucid/semilucid where someone showed me how he uses fire with his hands with channeling his energy thru a ring. i liked the idea. but again thought about where to get a ring with a history (not just summon out of pocket and expect it to be special but have a story for it) i thought about an antiquarian where i would "find" one but it was too much incubation and too locationdependend... so i forgot about this for some time again. yesterday i talked to Fryingman and how he tried to summon Sensei... later in the night i had a micro-wbtb and thought about some goals i want to do in my next lucid. suddenly i had THE idea i could summon Sensei. i had a lot of contact with him so i kind of know him and he is very experienced in lucid dreaming, he can teleport so i dont need a special place for him and so on. he seem like the perfect in-dream-mentor! i was pretty exited so i needed to focus on my mantra and not get too awake from this thought... Here comes the dream: i am in a university library and have 3 books in my hand i want to borrow. i also have my phone in my hand and read a message. one of my (not so liked) Professors stands at a computer and wants to search for a book? he has some problems. i see it and out of reflex snort with laughter. he turns around and i look fast down on my phone. he starts choleric to complain: "i am sick of it that people are laughing about me, that is it, its enough blabla" i justify myself telling him that i dont laugh about him but i got a message and laughed about that. he dont belief me and keeps complaining. after some time i finally can convince him that it has nothing to do with him and he should stop... i turn around and want to go. i say "have a good success finding what you are looking for!" he answers " yea i need more luck that success..." i look down and suddenly have only two books in my hand. i see the third on a shelf right next to me... wait a minute that makes no sense. i pick it up again and it looks different. i do a nosepinch and i am lucid. my first thought is: "Ah this lucid is not worth it... it is over soon anyway..." but then i am like "wait you dont know you can atleast try." i go out of the room put my hand behind my back and say: "hey sensei take my hand" i nearly immediately feel a small rather soft hand. i turn around and a big guy is standing infront of me. he is atleast 2m big. he has short blond hair and looks rather calm and reserved. he looks younger than me and smiles softly. i start right up "Hey senei... wait you are sensei right?" He just nods and smile calmly . "okay so you helped me alot and i know that you have persistent items and among others a ring right? and you now are very experienced and have over 1000 lucids so would you give me your ring please and show me how to make fire with my hands?" He nods again and give me a 2€ coin. i look at it and i am a little confused because its not a ring but i dont hang up on this thought and look at him. he starts telling me something and says i should put it on. i try to but i cant get the coin on my finger. i tell him: "Sensei this is a coin, i cant put it on my finger?!" He just answers "This is all in your mind" i get it and tap some times with my finger against the coin until it feels a little liquid and sticky. i then just push my index finger thru it and the coin/ring sits on my finger. i am exited and tell him: "Hey i got it i just need to tap some times on it and it gets permeable" He says something like: "Yea the frequency and combination of tapping is relevant" Suddenly a woman i saw some times IWL turns to me and says: "Yea i use tapping too sometimes." I turn again to Sensei and say to him: "Now show me how you make a fireball in your hand." He starts bending is hand and concentrating but i just dont wait and do it on my own and without any effort a little fireball instantly appear in my hand. I freak out of excitement and am super happy and i hear him say something. i dont get the words but i feel like he regret a little he gave me the ring and want it back when i am done with it. because i am sooo excited i wake up prematurely like it didnt happen for month^^ This was sooooo awesome because everything fitted exactly and perfectly together i didnt have to convince myself about anything or belief in the result because it was consistent. sensei can teleport, i know he has persistent items and he is very experienced so he can show me new dreamcontrol and should have no problem with sharing his item with me. it worked like a charm! i think i will summon him from now on way more often to show me stuff. he is already my mentor so why not use him as a mentor in my dreams too? i also thought now that he handed me a ring and i kind of know it is a "persistant ring" i should summon it out of my pocket and just know that it is THE ring and not just some ring. the only thing is that it is a coin maybe i will use it nevertheless and find someone who can craft it into a ring for me but now i have a really good starting point in creating my first "persistant items" and how i can channel my power when i might have some problems with any dreamcontrol i can take my ring and see if i can fix my doubts then and straighten my expactations later that night i had another lucid: i need to bring two things to someone i go up the street and to a busstop here i need to deposit the things. i did it already once (dejavue) but i cant remember to whom exactly. there is more than one person. another girl seems to need to do the same thing and she asks around. a girl with a cart seems to be the person of interest. i give her my dreamjournal. and say "ah with all this dreamjournals you know a lot secrets about the persons right?" "Nah they are boring" "i dont read my dreamjournal too often" i say. "why not what sense does it have then?" "i just dont have the time but it still helps me LD." i go away with her into some basement. i want to get my botany book back i forgot last year... some book is missing and she thinks someone stole it. they first think it was the girl who asked around whom to give the DJ. she is there and says "i feel uncomfortable hearing you talking about me..." "no we know it was not you we think it was this guy" and they point at me. "he seems poor so probably he stole it"... i tell them "I dont care about fukkin botany at all i did only two semesters my basic lectures i needed to do and i just dont care about your field of science AT ALL!" she is pissed a little because of my attitude but she seems to belief me. i go to a bookshelf and find the book i was looking for. i try to recognize if it is really mine. i look into the pages and on one stands the name of a friend of mine. i show it to her and say "this is my book i taking it. here you can see the name of a friend of mine so cya" she is not amused but dont stop me. i go outside to "my" car with a backpack where i put the book in. i want to open the trunk. i suddenly think wait is this my car? (IWL i dont have a car xD) i turn around and expect the car to be blue instead of wine-red. i turn around but it is still the same car. nevertheless i do a nosepinch and can breath clearly. i already opend the driver door and put in the key. a girl comes and is like "hey this is my car right?" I tell her "yea whatever drive away with it" and go away. i want to summon sensei again but i am not in a relaxed mood. i put my hand behind my back and say "hey sensei take my hand" but i am unsure about the result and fair enough noone takes my hand... i keep going and enter a bar. i go to the counter and see an old friend from school. i ask him if he knows where sensei is and describe him as a big guy with blond hair. he nods and starts walking with me and point on a random big guy at at table. "no its not him" okay we keep going and he points on a lot of guy that are random but tall. we go in the direction of the exit und suddenly a lot of people are coming and all are atleast two heads taller than me. even the girls are huge. i start feeling overwhelmed and pressed. i want to get out of the throng and shout out "Sensei" i hear somewhere a "Wuhu" and i go in the direction but the dream gets unstable and i wake up. so here again i was to much in a rush... i sometimes have this dreams where i want something to deperate and it just dont work i get hectic and the dreams get an unpleasent touch. next time i will try to ground myself first and then do it "Zen-Style"
Updated 12-09-2015 at 03:32 PM by 87116
2.23.15 This just came to me. I'm someplace with Ophelia. I have 2 rings right next to each other on my finger, and Ophelia has 2 as well. It occurs to me, that since we are both there, and we both have 2 rings, we should exchange one of them. So I have one she wore, and she has one I wore. 2. FA (3 days ago) So I wanted to get up around 3 am, which is an hour earlier than normally. I wanted to work before I had to leave for another work. But I also realized I forgot to set my watch alarm and didn't put it next to my bed as usually. So every time I woke up (and I was waking up often because didn't want to oversleep), I walked to the bathroom and on my way I checked the time on the cable box. So in a dream: I wake up, grab my watch from the usual place and push the button to backlight it to see the time. But the button doesn't work. I try few more times. Then I just get up, into my room, and decide to look out through my window. While I'm looking at a grassy area, part of a parking lot, street lights on, night outside, nice a vivid colors, everything is quet and calm. I ahve a view from maybe fifth floor. I'm expecting some danger. While at the same time, I also see my kitchen behind me and door opened to the walk-in closet, that is normally opened during day so my cat can sleep there. And I'm realizing, that if any danger comes, it will be from the closet, not outside. The room, kitchen and door to the closet were same as in WL. The outside was not.
Riding my bicycle on a narrow path through the snow. I stop to let another bicyclist enter the path. As he does, someone else approaches and they block the entire path as they talk. I wait a bit to see if they start moving. They don't. I go to sneak past them, but they shift their stances and block my way. I'm just happy they are having a good conversation. The second guy notices me and lets me through. As soon as I pass by, I notice a side path that goes to a floating wooden island in an ice river. I ride out to it. The two guys follow me to it because it is a really cool raft that is connected to the path. The two of them ask me where the forest is. They have heard there is an impressive forest around here. There was. I look around at all the tree stumps from where it was all around us, and inform them that it is gone now. Also, it wasn't that impressive in terms of size compared to other forests. Suddenly, the platform jerks loose from the path, and begins moving through the water. We all hang on, nearly knocked into the river. Stabilizing ourselves, the two of them jump off as we near the shore. As they do so, the raft jerks again as it accelerates rapidly, nearly knocking me off. I hold onto the front edge of it, letting my bike fall into the river as I lay down to stay on it. It speeds up again, too much for me to hang on, and I fall into the water. Before being left behind completely, I grab onto a small metal ring with one finger and hold onto it with all my might. It is really cold, and I am completely soaked. Holding on against all odds, I stay with the raft, and manage to pull myself back onto it. It is just coasting now. I lay down on the raft and catch my breath for a bit.
Dream - Lucid I was having to share a bed with Katie S. and one of my exes, Ryan. I was really pissed about it. It was dark in the room and I felt the bed shaking. They were doing it! Are you kidding me?? I was also really pissed because they were together. They had just started dating. For some reason, it made me really mad. Plus, I thought Ryan was married? I thought about that and how his relationship must have ended. I didn't think about the details of what could have happened though. I remember coming up to the bed at one point and seeing them in it together. I was really pissed at them. There was more to this dream, but I can't recall it all. ~ There was this big yard/garage sale going on throughout the neighborhood. Dallas and I hadn't known about it, and even though we have a ton of stuff we need to get rid of (true IWL), we had no time to get it out, as it was already the afternoon. There were still people walking around and shopping however. I remember seeing this guy walking around in this indoor area with lots of empty shelves. I asked someone, my brother I believe, about how long the garage sale had been going on. He was telling me that some people were still holding theirs this late in the day. I then was picking out these wads of paper and used coffee filters that were starting to get brown spots on them. They were on a table. They were called boules (pronounced boo-lays). They all had stuff in the middle of them, for example, the used coffee filters had coffee grounds in the middle. I picked them up one by one. I think I was going to sell them. Someone, Dallas I think, then either threw or shot one of the boules off by this lady. The lady appeared to disappear! I then looked up for the moon in this small cloud break, even though it was daytime, and the moon was gone too! I then saw it starting to reappear. It was some property of the boules that made that happen. Nothing actually went away, it just appeared invisible. It was being explained to me, but I don't remember the details. I then had some loaded in this small double-sided cannon thing. I wanted to try the disappearing act! I shot the cannon, and two fired out, one from each side. One shot close to a lady. When it exploded, red dust came out of it. I don't think anything disappeared though. We were then looking at a garage sale at furniture that was being sold. It was like walking through a furniture store. We saw all these ugly chairs, many were red, but I can't remember the colors of the rest. This part had something to do with Dallas's mom; I think the chairs had been hers. We then moved on to some couches and chair sets. There was one that was green, and every piece of furniture looked as if it had trees and plants broken out of the soil and growing in the middle of them. A cool art piece, but not practical. In fact, it was kind of ugly. We moved on past that set and onto another green set, though this set looked cheaper and not as artsy; there were no trees in this one. A young black man then stopped us and started trying to give away the furniture for free. I thought he was talking about the tree furniture, and I was afraid Dallas might take it when I DID NOT want it in our home, but he was also talking about the other green, cheap-looking furniture. I examined the green coffee table and saw that it converted into a small pool table. I told Dallas we could use that for a game room. He then asked me what the point of a game room was. ~ I was in the playroom of the house I grew up in. I was play fighting a friend. We were using fake lightsabers. It was a game that we had played with each other before. It had something to do with these rings we were wearing; we had to get the ring off the other person. We could also put on an extra ring, but hadn't done so before this game. I went over to this box and started looking through it for a ring that fit. All the rings looked like silver colored bolts. I tried many on, and they were too big. I couldn't find one that fit. Then, something happened that was part of the game that had something to do with me rolling up this, big, round, flat chicken patty thing in wax paper. I did it, which meant I won, but it didn't seem fair for some reason, maybe because my opponent wasn't ready yet or something. Either way, I didn't feel like it was fair. I then was walking through what appeared to be a mixture of all my childhood homes. It was as big as this wooden house we lived in when I was 4-5 and had rooms similar the first house I remember living in. I was showing this guy around. He seemed to be a bit mentally challenged. I was approaching the room I had when I was very little. It was located on the same side of the house as the one in the first house I remember living in. Before I walked in, I realized I hadn't been in there since I was a little girl. I walked in and stopped dead. I just stared at everything, taking it all in. I felt so strange being in that room. My bed was in the right corner of the room. It seemed much bigger than the bed I used to have. It had a bedspread on it that was split into two different patterns right down the middle. The left side was hot pink and white, and the right was black with maybe some other colors in it, but I only remember black. I looked at all the furniture and stuff; most of the actual objects, like toys and stuff, had been moved out when we moved. I then moved on to another room, by brother's old room. I announced that it was my brother's old room to the guy I was showing around. I then moved on to the room I had grown up in. It seemed much more comfortable and familiar than my first room, I suppose since I had spent more time in this one. It didn't look anything like any of my old rooms that I can remember. The same thing applied to the objects and stuff though; they had all been moved. I then went back into my old room and the guy was there printing off labels. It was then like the room was the bakery/store where I work. He had printed a ton of labels. I hoped we needed them all and wouldn't have to go into the system and alter the inventory. I then went and saw my cat. She was very hurt, but was running around like nothing was wrong. It looked as if she had been cut so deeply with something on her leg/side, that you could see her muscle, which looked like intestines. There was also a spot on her back where she was bleeding. She was very hurt! I figured maybe she got hurt when we were playing with the fake lightsabers. I thought about taking her to the vet, but it was Saturday. I then knew I needed to take her to the animal hospital instead. For some reason, I needed to go to the Dr. as well? Not sure about that part, it is vague in my memory. I then let my mom know that I was going to take Belle (my cat) to the animal hospital. I don't remember if I talked to her on the phone or if I actually told her in person. We were then at the entrance to the animal hospital, we meaning my mom, my brother and I. I went to get Belle out, but her cage wasn't anywhere to be found. Shit, had I forgotten her? We opened the trunk and she wasn't in there either. I then thought about my mom being able to handle my cat (she is the only one who can besides me without getting growled at, hissed at, and bitten/scratched IWL), so she went back to get her. I stayed and walked into the animal hospital. Instead of an animal hospital, though, it was...a food court. What. The. Fuck. They turned the animal hospital into a damn food court! I then "remembered" the last time I was there, they had been remodeling the place. I "remembered" that they were going to make it into a food court. I walked out. I was so fucking angry! I tried to yell about it being a food court, but all that came out were whispers, no matter how much force I put behind my voice. I eventually got a yell or two out. I then started to punch the wall, but again, no matter how much force I put behind it, it was like I was only lightly tapping the wall. Over and over this happened. It was frustrating. I said to my mom, out loud, "They turned an animal hospital into a FOOD COURT?! Why would they do that????" ~ I find the part where I entered my oldest room to be very intriguing because of the feeling that I had. I can't really explain it, it was a nostalgic/shock/feeling of awe. I'd definitely say there's something to that...
Updated 10-16-2014 at 05:03 PM by 32059
26.08.2014Futuristic tiny homes (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was driving a car, apparently, I was going to visit a friend who moved in town into some futuristic but very affordable homes. I was lost and the GPS was not working well. Also, I was in a neighborhood which roads were very steep and massive turns. For some reason, I was driving like a maniac, but when I tried to drive slower, the car just did not obeyed me, but I managed to park. I got inside a round building, very futuristic, looking something like this, but without the stairs and much bigger: I was with my wife and we were going to help the friend move. The building on the inside had brown carpeting and it did not have windows, despite on the outside seeing windows. The elevator was tiny, but when you got in, it was huge. Once I got into the building, it had stairs going in many directions,similar to the bizarre room, something like this (ignore the persons in it) But with brown and lots of carpets. There was a big closet on the outside and I grabbed a couple of those blue Ikea bags, full of stuff to move into the house as well as some suitcases. We were going to call our friend, but he was not at home, but the door, more like a hatchet, opened and we got in. The home was very small and it was round as well. I could see the kitchen from the outside and it was all made of stainless steel, including the table and the food, lol. I wandered around the small living room and it had a window where I could see a massive downtown (and those were not there before) I then noticed a huge computer screen, that said that there were 3 bags inside the home and room for 19 more bags. I was surprised that the house knew what was inside. I lifted one bag and I could see that there were 2 bags. I also noticed that this screen was counting the guest at the house and said that there were room for 3 more guests. Weird stuff. At the end, I noticed that there was a huge engagement ring connected to this machine. The diamond was about two inches long and very heavy. My father in low appeared out of nowhere and said, "Thats a ring!" I told him that those friends were very of the show off type in addition of being in the very upper class and they could afford it.