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    1. I was THIRSTY!

      by , 03-17-2015 at 05:16 AM
      Oh, Joy of joys! I went to bed at a reasonable hour last night, and was awarded with a nice plot-like dream!
      I will separate it into little chunks.

      Mafia Wife is Thirsty:

      I was the New Jersey-esque wife of a Mafia boss. Just imagine that Mafia wife show, or Melissa Tomei in "My Cousin Vinny", but older. Like 40s. Skinny, flashy jewelry, tacky yet expensive looking clothes. For one reason or another, I was wandering the sewers, perhaps hiding from someone. I remember large tunnels made of cement, some rounded like a sewer, others roughly cut into the cement to create holes between on area and another.

      I must have been thirsty in this dream, because if you read this you will notice a theme to this!

      Suddenly, I found myself in what looked like a boiler room or 1960s control room to some factory. Everything was tightly packed together, large rectangular computer systems with gauges, buttons, and knobs on them. The walls were lined with these large computer machines, and others formed small aisles to one side. The whole placed glowed with the red of an emergency alarm light flashing, and yellow lights supplemented the red for lighting. In this tiny room, small little Dwarven men worked hard, dressed in construction gear. What they worked on specifically, I couldn't tell you. But they were the engineers who controlled the computer systems in this room. They pushed buttons, read gauges, and turned large industrial sized spigots to control the flow of, what I guessed, was whatever was puddling all along the floor.

      Perhaps ankle deep, brightly colored liquid with a smoothie-gooey consistency covered the floor of the control room. Depending upon where you looked, the giant mess of liquid was different colors: orange here, purple there, yellow in the back. Throughout this puddle, swirls of white were also present.

      I was thirsty. But someone was chasing me. I had no time to look for something more sanitary, or less smoothie thick. Listening cautiously for footsteps approaching the room, I grabbed out a striped straw and poked it into a puddle of red liquid. It tasted like Hawaiian Punch fruit punch. I think I knew this liquid was drinkable. But, it was a smoothie. Not very thirst quenching! I kept sucking on the straw hoping for that layer of juice that usually melts underneath the smoothie. I got some of that, but not enough to quench any kind of thirst. The little dwarven men told me to hurry up, since someone was coming. I tried as much as I could with the red punch liquid, then ran off.

      Destroying property in NYC:

      Next, I was with my friend "B" in NYC. I guess we decided to go there on a whim. (I live very close to "The Big Apple" IRL, and go there frequently with my friends and family.) We decided to go to a grocery store there, of ALL PLACES one could go in the big city. We were in the produce section. Suddenly my friend had a sudden desire to wreck different fresh items in the store, kind of like as a prank. A nonsensical prank. She's also vegetarian, so she may also had been doing it to teach this particular grocery store a lesson.

      I didn't want to have anything to do with her prank, humorous intent or not. I didn't think it was right, and told her that we should leave before anyone saw us. I went to another part of the store, because I was thirsty, and wanted some nice refreshing fruit to quench my thirsty. I remember grabbing some white grapes. They're so juicy, of course they were going to help me out! By the time I went back to my friend. she was hiding behind a vegetable rack as some store employees were within our line of sight. I looked down, and she told me she already had started her idea. A pack of a dozen eggs lays open infront of where my friend crouched, and she had poked and crushed each one so that no one would know they were getting soggy eggs until they opened the box. I knew we had to get out of there now, so I believe we avoided the guards and ran out of the store.

      My sister and her boyfriend were also in NYC, on a separate trip. As I ran ahead, I bumped into them. It was nice seeing them! I think they were trying to avoid something, or were in a hurry for some reason. My sister's BF specifically was in a rush, and felt they didn't have time to talk to me. I tried to talk them a bit, but realized I left my friend B behind. I went back to get her.

      I feel we were all running from something, like we, or all of the city, was evacuating.

      As for the setting of the city once I left the grocery store, I went up a stairway/escalator to the street level. Everything on the block was kind of cramped in, like I was in a clean alleyway that was closed in yet open enough to let regular ample light down to where we stood. Three tall buildings made up the walls of where we stood, and I think one of these "walls" had a stone archway in it to lead to somewhere else. I remember red doors, black metal fencing, and I think even a British royal guard with the big fluffy hats. Maybe for this smidge of my dream, I was in London!

      I woke up.

      As you may have seen, I was obviously thirsty for something sweet and fruity! I took a large, large swig of the Iced Tea Snapple I kept by my bed that night and went back to sleep for a little bit.

      The next thing I remember is packing drinks into a soft lunchbox style cooler, because me and my sister and her BF were leaving wherever it was we were. Either that or we were packing things away to go to a drinking party. More drinks! We were in an older style house, decorated as if it hadn't been redecorated since the 1970's. Wood paneling, hurricane lamp styled chandeliers, and the colors of harvest gold and rusty orange occupied this kitchen. Linoleum flooring and particle board counter tops, yuck. I put a couple of Redd's Apple Ale into my cooler. My sister, I think, gave me a half opened Coke in an old fashioned glass bottle and asked me to try to stuff it in there with my drinks. I couldn't fit it. I think I ended up drinking it and putting the empty bottle on the counter top.

      For some reason, Michael Jordan was there helping us pack various things. I guess he was our friend.

      Thats about it really. I got up again, grabbed a fresh bottle of Snapple, and drank that too. I also made sure to have fresh oranges and a banana for breakfast, since I was craving fresh fruit juice!
      Now I have a craving for white grapes, and a desire to have a yummy Jamba Juice.
      Thats all!

      Possible Inspirations:
      I saw Chappie yesterday. (Screw the reviews. See it. It is awesome.), and that may explain the theme of evacuation in the dream. Also the slight British-ness of it, although the movie took place in South Africa.
    2. a lot of cold drinks; boss, homer, and my phone; uhura's table manners

      by , 07-23-2011 at 01:40 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a fast food restaurant. The place looked a bit drab, with brightish, green-grey fluorescent light and kind of dirty, red-tile floors. There might not have been any seats.

      I stood over by the drinks dispenser. I was really hot, and all I wanted was a 32-ounce cup of some kind of fake fruit juice. The sign over the drinks dispenser indicated that the drink was some kind of pink "fruit" juice. This sounded just right to me.

      I pushed a plastic cup (possibly with a blue Pepsi design on it) against a lever like a soda dispenser lever, although both it and the dispenser were kind of big, like for an ice dispenser. The fluid poured out.

      I took a sip. As I did, I noticed that the color of the drink was kind of pale brown, like watered down soda, or like tea, more than like any kind of fake fruit juice. I held the drink a little way away from me. I looked at it and thought that maybe it was iced tea after all.

      I was kind of disappointed. I wanted something that had taste. But I couldn't quite believe that I had poured tea instead of fake fruit juice. So I took a really big drink now, to get as much flavor as I could. This time the drink definitely tasted like lemonade.

      So I figured that I had been thrown off by the color of the drink. I'd thought it was going to be pink. So when it was yellow, I thought it was brown. So I'd mistaken it for tea. (WTF???)

      I felt bad that I'd taken such a huge drink of the lemonade. There were one or two Latina girls behind the counter. They were both kind of pretty, and I didn't want them to think I was a big pig for drinking so much before paying.

      I wanted my drink to stay extra cold, because I was really hot. I put some ice in the cup. I then filled the drink the rest of the way up.

      I was walking in a big city, as if I'd left the fast food place and was heading back to work. I seemed to be in a big hurry. I crossed a smallish, triangular plaza in front of a big skyscraper.

      A man called out from behind me. I turned around. The man looked black and Latino. He was holding out a bag of fast food and a big drink. The man told me I'd forgotten to take my stuff with me. I was kind of surprised that I had done so.

      I now walked into a small building, which was like some kind of community center or some kind of hospital for underprivileged people. There was a yellow sign with lettering in red italics on the wall to the left of the door. It said something about how the cafeteria here makes its own chili. It was really proud about this, and it boasted that it wasn't like other cafeterias, which buy processed chili.

      I had a little time before the meeting I had to go to -- some kind of community support meeting. I didn't like going to the meetings, because I felt like people were always assuming I was poor or stupid because I had to come to them. But I also felt like they were important to go to.

      The cafeteria was just across the hallway from the front door. I walked into the cafeteria. I was really hot, and I wanted some kind of fruity drink.

      I looked around at the cafeteria for a moment. It looked more like the kitchen area of a dining hall rather than a cafeteria. The place was really small. There were no seats. There was a stainless steel counter, probably where all the food was served up, buffet-style. I may have known the workers behind the counter.

      I walked out of this room and across the hallway. There was a smaller room, basically just a little nook in the wall. There was a small, glass-doored refrigerator with drinks inside it. I saw something like a Nestle peach-flavored ice tea. I didn't think this was exactly what I wanted. But I figured it would be good enough.

      But for some reason, I didn't grab it. I felt like maybe the workers in the other room would think I was being mean or ungrateful if I bought a drink from this room instead of from their room -- even though I had to go to their room to buy the drink from them, so that technically I was buying this drink from them, anyway.

      Dream #2

      I was "at work." The space was like an office space in a small office complex. Sometimes the area seemed big, with no offices or cubicles, just a big space with desks. At other times, the area seemed like a big office, with possibly two big desks inside of it.

      The place didn't have any lights on, but there was a decent amount of daylight coming in through the windows, giving the place a gentle, greyish kind of atmosphere. The place seemed slightly cluttered, and it also seemed like there were potted plants all over the place.

      I was going to quit my job. This may have been my last day at work. My boss was preparing for me to leave. I think a young woman was coming to take my place. My boss was putting some stuff in order so the woman would know how to do the things I did.

      My boss was sitting at one big desk, and I was sitting at another desk. I got out of my desk and walked over to my boss. At first, my boss was doing something like filing through cards that had the consistency of business cards but a size maybe about between that of business cards and that of playing cards.

      But then my boss was paging through some of my old notebooks. He found verses of poetry by Homer. There were three or four passages that I'd transcribed into the notebooks. Each passage was about half a page long.

      My boss asked me why in the heck I'd transcribed Homer into a work notebook. I felt that the transcriptions had had something to do with work, but I couldn't explain it.

      I kept stuttering in my explanation. But eventually I said something about instinct and how reading Homer provided me with some kind of abstract understanding of things, which then melted into my instincts and helped me make better choices.

      Later on, my boss was trying to make some kind of weird deal with me. I can't remember exactly what it was. He wanted to keep me working with him, but on one project, so that my time would be free for doing other things. I can't remember what the project was, but it sounded like a terrible deal that my boss was trying, half-assed, to dress up.

      At another time, my boss walked away through the big office. I may have kind of hung around in the huge office all by myself, kind of spinning my wheels and getting bored.

      I was now outside. I was out on a flat, open field mostly of dark-tan soil, with little patches of grass here and there. The soil may have been a tiny bit damp, as if from a dewy morning or a recent rain. It was a clear day, with a cold, blue sky marbled with thin cirrus clouds.

      There seemed to be a chain-link fence and some kind of structure somewhere. There were also a few vehicles, including a couple of big, black pick-up trucks.

      I found my boss before a small, hatchback car, which may have been really shiny and cobalt blue, maybe even with glittery flecks in it, like on the car of an amusement park ride. My boss stood before the opened hatchback. The interior of the car just seemed to be stuffed full of papers.

      I conferred with my boss a little bit about something. I was getting ready to leave work for the last time. My boss understood this. He said, "Oh, I still have your phone. I'm listening to some of the songs on it. I'm not done with it yet. But I'll meet you upstairs" (as if this outdoor area were really the "basement" of the office!) "and give it to you as soon as I'm done."

      My boss now seemed to be wearing huge, Skull-Candy-like earphones.

      I was really frustrated with my boss. First of all, I hadn't even known that he had taken my phone to listen to stuff on it. Second, why was he telling me that he was holding onto my phone and not giving it back until he was done with it? It was my phone! Third, I just wanted to get out of here once and for all, but it seemed like my boss just kept trying to find ways to keep me here. And this was another one!

      Dream #3

      I was watching some kind of commercial or infomercial. It showed the woman who played Uhura on Star Trek. The commercial seemed to refer to the woman by her real name, but only using her first name.

      In some kind of haughty, "she-knows-better-than-you" fashion, the male announcer said that Uhura always heeded her table manners, and that she'd never make the mistake of forgetting them.

      The screen showed a kind of red-and-white photo of Uhura, which faded into an actual view of her. She responded to the male announcer by saying, "Yes, I never forget my table manners. My daddy taught them to me a long time ago."

      There was now a view of a family in a nice dining room. The family was apparently Uhura's family. The family all gathered around the left end of the table. Some sat at the table, while others stood. All the people in the family seemed to be adults, maybe from their mid-30s on up.

      The head of the family was some man, who may or may not actually have been there. He was rich and very classy. He seemed to have grey and black hair and mustache. He wore a very nice suit with a cream-and-red striped tie.

      The rest of the family seemed to be dressed in a kind of middle-class style. One woman was dressed in a nurse's outfit. Her hair was really nerdy-looking, about shoulder length, light brown, kind of oily, with a bit of a tight, gerry-curl style. She also wore clunky, but small, kind of round glasses.

      The woman seemed to be speaking for the family. She said something like, "A lot of families teach their children table manners when they're young. But then they don't follow up on it as the children get older. So the children forget what they learned about table manners. But not our family. We were taught table manners all the time. So we never forget."

      Uhura seemed to be sitting in a big chair, either at the other end of this room or else in some other room, but visible by a big video screen. The woman and Uhura seemed to be having some sort of conversation with each other about how important table manners were.