My last work day was today and I had a taxi cab to work booked at 11 am to return my hardware. I had several dreams about either missing my taxi cab, showing up to work and getting my hardware wrong, Or having my whole work day done already just to wake up several times. Finally, I woke up somewhere at 5 am in the morning as my body's response was to wake me up just to be sure I wouldn't be late. It was a relaxing workday, by the way! Glad that it is now over!
The Break Room Sessions A group of workers meet up at the break room og their office to do spoken word sessions, all behind the company's back. Each employee has a poem representing a different emotion. This one employee is the master at it and is the one organising the break room sessions. A podcast becomes available with each poem. This one black guy warns the poem master that he's getting on dangerous levels as the company does not approve of the break room sessions and if they ever find out, he's in big trouble to which the master makes fun of his drumsticks that he always beings for lunch, the guy defending his drumsticks saying that they're a very nutritious meal. One day they all visit the break room with the master nowhere to be seen, a woman, unsure if an ally or not, calls for the employees through the intercom. In her office, she explains to the colleagues that the company found out and took some measures. Unsure whether the master got fired or transferred to a different floor, the guy takes his drum sticks out of his lunch box and enters the elevator saying that this is all his fault. The colleagues follow him trying to cheer him up as he looks at them while the elevator door closes. My alarm then went off.
I had multiple brief snooze dreams about singing into work from home but constantly clocking in too late or my supervisor messaging me why I'm late or not at the office. In all dreams, my room was much bigger and had different variations of offices like a company room. In one of my dreams, I had a door in my room that lead to the room in the neighboring apartment building that was much bigger and built around my room.
Was my birthday yesterday, fell asleep in a good mood I dreamed that I was at my workplace, but it was a different workplace and this old man accused me of filling the printer with goo or something despite the fact that I hadn't been to the office in a while. I then sit in an express bus driven by no one other than Tyler The Creator, who gets into a fist fight with an old man, different one from before, before telling the man to return to his place as we've almost reached our destination. Tyler then proudly shows us a pet bird he just adopted. We get dropped off in South East Amsterdam where everyone leaves into an apartment while an angry looking cat walks into my direction. I get into the apartment quick wondering how I'm getting to work tomorrow. I then woke up. Dream was in English, Tyler's part at least, and also in Dutch I think. The express bus was probably influenced by the fact I travelled to the Netherlands this weekend and on my way back someone got stabbed in the train and all other trains were cancelled because of it, after being stranded for three hours, an express bus picked us up snd brought us to a connecting station.
Cannot legally disclose the contents but I basically dreamed I was at work, updating my IMDb and used [redadted] from my workplaces as proof and verification. Sometime later my supervisor comes in, asking me if I have an IMDb profile and shows me [redacted] which I apparently had uploaded to IMDb instead of proof. I immediately try to log in and delete it. I woke up relieved lol English dream
I snuck into the office of my old job and checked their computers, to my surprise, they never updated their files and there was literally an entire folder with my name on it containing my projects from when I worked there that they were still using. I manage to sneak out unseen and notice a mysterious boy with sunglasses following me around, I briefly leave my room and come back to see that the mysterious boy now is trying to deconstruct the monitors from my home office. I ask who he is but he doesn't respond, I angrily grab him by his neck and legs and swing him around but he doesn't budge. He must've been a corporate spy from my old job or something. I woke up drowsy. Can't recall what language this dream was in. All locations were just bright white rooms, like some sort of labyrinth.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At an office with coworkers but during the weekend. Some team building thing, which includes a sleepover at the office. First day all goes smoothly and we do our meetings and activities normally. Then at night we party, and from thereon all descends into chaos and debauchery, with lots of booze and sex. Some guy passed out and others put him on the xerox machine with his pants down and are printing dozens of photocopies of his butt. Maybe someone drugged us, I wonder. Next day, when I start feeling sober, I notice there's security cameras all over and I panic, because I remember doing some sex stuff right under some of the cameras. I tell my colleagues about it and they don't care. Some claim the cameras must be turned off, but I go check a central console that provides info on the cameras and I confirm they are on. Unfortunately, for security reasons, the console does not give access to the recordings nor allows to shut it down, it is just informative stuff. I then think if the office is all clean and tidy, maybe nobody will feel curious to see the recordings. If someone does and finds out what happens, they might end up on the web on some porn website and it will be the end of me. So I start taking out the trash and tidying things up frantically, in an effort to hide whatever happened during the night. The others really don't care and are already waiting for their ubers and lyfts. I find a document briefcase that seems abandoned. Nobody claims it and it is indeed mostly empty except for a crumbled paper inside, some kind of dirt at the bottom and something sticky in a pocket. It looks old and dirty and certainly should go to the trash, but first I look into all its pockets and crevices, as I always tend to find something useful or important left behind. And there is indeed a small blue plastic box, the kind that usually contains jewellery. I open it up and also contains some crumbled small pieces of paper, but beneath it isa bunch of necklaces and earrings that look like gold, but I am not sure. Then Fernanda looks over and she says "Oh, that's gold alright, 35 karats." And I am like "How can you tell?" And she just smirks and I remember she is into fashion and all things luxury, so I trust her judgement. Others call me a lucky bastard and I put it away before they start getting ideas. There's a few thousand euros in gold right there.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With Nighthawk, somewhere with other people around. Looks like an office as we are sitting in office chairs with wheels, but also feels like a café as people are just chilling in nearby tables. He is talking about something and I want to get closer to him, so I give an impulse to my chair to slowly roll to his side. But I pull it a bit too strongly and I roll too fast and bump into him. As a result I grab his legs and put my hands too close to his crotch and his reaction is to flinch and push himself back. I say sorry and he asks if I did it on purpose and I honestly can't tell. I feel like it was both accidental and intentional to a certain extent. I am also upset that he reacted that way but I guess it is to do with being in a public place with other people, so I don't insist and we just continue a normal conversation. At my parent's house but the house looks totally different from what it really was. My bedroom is normal but it is attached to some shed that has the roof cracking in the middle and we are all waiting for the moment it falls apart and trying to keep everyone in safety. But when it falls apart, the roof in my bedroom also falls apart and then half of my parent's room also goes down. We are tryig to take it calmly and make plans to cover it all with plastics until we get the reconstruction done, but my father starts calculating the costs and it is despairing. Anyway, we adapt to living like this. But for no good reason I now have to shower in my room, as the shower head is right above my bed. So I wet my bed completely. My mom suggests I wash quickly to reduce the amount of water soaking the bed and I wonder how I am going to sleep on it later as it won't dry until then. Then I remember we have a second bathroom with a shower that wasn't affected and wonder why we ain't using it. Then I become aware that I am dreaming and I teleport involuntarily to a street in a city with very modern architecture mixed with old palaces at an ocean front. I want to see the place but then I notice how long the street is and I don't want to walk it all the way, so I lift off to see it from above. I see this shore line to my left, another to my right and some more in front but far away. I dive in the water just for fun and wonder what to do with my lucidity as I don't have anything prepared. All that occurs to me is to summon Buddha Tara. All I get instead is a red or pink tide on the water, as if something is gathering to form a shape, but it never does. I focus harder on any Buddha to appear and one starts forming and getting out of the water. It is actually a white porcelain figure, looking much more like Budai, not any Buddha. Not very fat but a little chubby and with thin green lines making beautiful designs all over its "skin". It is human sized and I touch it to see if it is a statue or a living being. I am still in the water and he has risen above it, but I manage to touch its arms and legs and I am surprised that it feels like porcelain but also like a peachy skin at the same time and it is warm. It feels so pleasurable to the touch that I continue caressing it, I reach for the neck and chest. The statue then comes to life and scolds me for touching him inappropriately. He gets mad and summons guardians from the water. I start feeling threathened by the figures that start emerging and grabbing me. There is a floating platform nearby and I get up on it. A strong current forms and drags it, but I allow myself to go with the flow. Then I hit the shore and some monks appear requesting me to come along. I ask what is it and they say some Rinpoche requires my presence. I hope it's what I am expecting but deep down I feel that it is not. I follow them anyway and they take me to a house. We pass through a room where some monks or lamas are sitting watching tv and they take me to a bedroom in the back. I feel uncomfortable when all I see is a bed and a lama I don't know in a poorly lit room. But then I see there is a young lady laying down on the bed, I feel like she is his companion. I ask what is it they need me for. And he explains she can't sleep for a week or so and she is going mad and they are desperate. I ask if we can talk and he asks her to come forward and listen to me. At first she looks angry and uncooperative. I don't know what she expects from me, but I start by telling her about a friend I have that also couldn't sleep for a week and it was because of anxiety he wasn't even aware of. And suddenly her face changes and she is interested. I ask if there is anything in her life, past or future, that could be the source of anxiety. Something that happened and she can't let go thinking about it or something that is going to happen and she is consumed in fear or doubts about it. Slowly she admits it may be fhe latter. She is studying something and she is going to do an exam for which she feels totally unprepared and she thought she wasn't worrying at all, but now she sees she just wasn't aware of how the concern was consuming her. I give advice on how to let go and examples of how my friend managed to let go and she seems definitely calmer.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am working at a company and I am totally lost about what I do here and what I have been working on. It is morning and I arrived late. I am taking ages to sit at the desk to work, so my boss calls me out and asks me several questions. I don't understand what she says. I never hear the end of her sentences and I ask her to repeat over and over. It seems she is asking about some project I am very late with and she complains it should be over a long time ago. I promise her that I will finish by the end of the day and that I have been having these health issues that have been affecting me. Then she asks if it was I who did some promotional stunt at some event and I don't recall having done it, so I am afraid to say so, but she says it was brilliant and all the clients loved, so I guess I am not going to be fired. Then she asks about some other promotion event involving a film and once again I don't know what she is talking about. Then I am possessed by the spirit of some dead publicist, who knows exactly what she is talking about and shows her the two films and the campaign and explains how that small event will raise 70.000. She seems glad about it. Sends me back to my desk. I then talk internally with this guy that took over me, to find out his intentions. It is now clear why I had totally forgot all my work and projects, because he is the one actually doing my job and I don't recall anything from when he takes over.
I was laying down pretending to be asleep in till I notice the door open by itself and someone walk pass me as I slept. I open my eyes a little to see who it was as I notice they walk pass me again. I thought to myself how did this person get in and where even was I? As I begin to realize I was no longer laying in my bed but on the concrete floor. It was very dark , I got up from the ground as soon as I notice the person walk the opposite direction from me. I began to walk and and turn around to see the person was some kind of deformed alien looking creature and made this screeching sound. It was about 8ft tall and skinny. There was 3 of them so I decided to start running anywhere in the darkness and ran in to a factory. When I reach the factory a couple of employees there started to fight me. I became lucid and realize none of this made any sense. Which made the employees no longer violent but friendly. I would then wake up in real life before going back to sleep in a few more minutes. Once I fell back asleep my dream started with me working in an office and having a discussion with my fellow co-workers. We were deciding on what new product should be promoted. At some point I left the meeting and found myself in a situation where I had to climb to the top of a huge mountain. I found this some what odd and started climbing it. I felt so much pressure from doing this but felt strange. I became lucid while climbing it and felt an extreme desire to reach to the top of it as if my whole life was depending on it. I told myself I better not wake up yet in till I reach the top of it. It felt like 10 to 15 minutes gone by and I was still climbing. Then I could see the end was near. Once I reach the last of it I felt all my energy was gone and I smile saying I made it. Right at that moment I woke up. When I woke up, I was shock to see only 10 minutes had passed since I last awoken. The dream felt like an hour long.
Updated 02-19-2022 at 06:07 AM by 67903
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With Riverstone and Nighthawk at what I think is his place. There is a table with a feast and we are chillin. He is laying down on the couch. We have some weird interaction and I feel like he wants to speak with Riverstone alone, so I leave. He says he has some IT issues and hints that I might help out, so I offer to do so and he instructs me to go to an office room down the hallway. Outside on the hallway it feels like a hostel or guest house, not a private house. And indeed the office looks more like a cyber café, with dozens of computers and printers and people on many desks. I sneak peak into someone's work and seems like he is writting a thesis. I spot a pc that is the only one without someone working on it. By its side there are also some papers, of someone clearly working with it and maybe on a break, and I almost decide to steal the pc and leave with it, but then I don't. Instead I need to pee and go look for a bathroom. Weirdly, I have to go out on the street and walk back and forth some stone stairway at the top of some avenue, because the toilet stalls are all lined up on the sides of the street and stairway. I finally find one free, but despite my efforts, can't pee. (Wake up and really need to pee) I am in some weird surreal place, at first can't really characterize it, but looks kinda hellish, a barren land with a lake of lava or black oil on fire. I notice there is a big fuss and some dudes are fighting with some weird kind of weapons, and I try to walk away discreetly, but then all eyes turn to me because I have on my hands a bigger and more spectacular weapon than theirs. The weapons are hard to describe, but are sort of an eliptical light saber which we grab in the middle (which is void, maybe some kind of force field, but my hands can hold it). Everyone feels like I am challlenging them, so they stop fighting and start attacking me instead. I fight them off easily. I think I start becoming lucid and just drop the dream. Find myself in a dark empty space and decide to rip apart the dream fabric, quite literally, like a paper scenario. Behind it is total void and I plunge into it. The fall is short and I land with my back onto what appears to be the lower bed on a bunkbed. To my right is a wall, to the left is another bunkbed. People are sleeping in those. I get up and when walking to the door I have this clear feeling I should look up to whomever is on the top bunkbed. He just raised his head. It is my teacher. He smiles and extends his hand. I grab his hand and kiss it. I smile back and say "I am finally here" and we just smile at each other for a while. He comes down. A male attendant also gets up from another bed. I am surprised he can also see me. My teacher walks outside with me, and we are followed by his attendant, who is acting like a body guard, but not against me, against anyone else we might come across. We enter some kitchen or canteen and my teacher sits on a chair. I am holding his hand still and I lay my head on his lap and wrap my arms around his waist. He suggests I get a chair to and sit, but I hesitate, because I don't want to move. Eventually I agree to get a chair, but then wake up.
Updated 12-08-2021 at 10:28 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Someone trying to kill me. Can't recall details. At what appears to be some back offices of some warehouse. Some lady and her daughter went in there as customers wanting to complain of something. I am alone in an office with them. They turn into some kind of mutant aligator-mouth canibals and want to eat me and someone else who just came in. The younger lady catches the other guy and kills him and I am trying to escape the older lady, but the exit is blocked by the corpse of the other man being eaten and I am stuck, climbing shelves and throwing things at her. She manages to bite my hand and it is really painful. But I hit her with something and escape. Manage to hold on to some ropes or cables from the ceiling and try to escape through the false ceiling, but get entangled in the cables. she keeps tying to reach me and sometimes manages to take a painful bite in an arm or leg. I hold on for dear life and then 3 unlucky guys from some next door offices come by and they attack them instead, giving me time to escape. I lock the door behind me, but then feel sorry for the poor guys and unlock it again, to offer them a chance to escape, even knowing that also gives the monsters a chance to kill more. As I escape down a hallway that has a wide window view to that room, I see them laying the 3 dead man in line and ripping flesh from their limbs, all happy like kids with new toys. I am at my mom's house, at my old bedroom, looking at my closet for some clothes to wear and suddenly I have to run away as some crazy serial killer is in the house and tries to kill me. I take the elevator and decide to hide in the tiny compartment that exists under the stairs at the ground floor. If he doesn't know the building, he won't even look at it. Unfortunately this killer has some kind of sixth sense of super hearing. He comes across someone at the entrance lobby and they say good morning or whatever and in that meantime I breathe a bit deeper and he looks back and sees the door and instinctively knows I am in there. When that other person leaves, he grabs me and then I blank. When I wake up somewhere else, turns out he is the devil, but a sexy devil. And with him are two ladies looking like prostitutes with goat legs and hoofs. He has sex with both of them and somehow I get involved and feel him penetrate me. I confess it was actually hot and pleasurable, but I don't want to turn into one of his whores, so I try to escape again. We are in some kind of house in the middle of nowhere and I can't get out. He then tries to poison me and also the other ladies, because they actually saw me trying to escape and did nothing to stop me. He orders us to drink some pasty thing that tastes like hell. I hope it won't kill me for just putting it in my mouth, so I do but do not swallow. Then spit it out as soon as I can. He takes us to a giant bed but then it is no longer a closed bedroom but in the middle of a very populated place like a stadium and the bed is like a stage and everyone is in some concert/event. I mingle with the people and meet lots of familiar faces from my school years. Then there is a football game for old times sake and as it used to happen, nobody wants me on their team. But this time I kick balls (literally) and right away score a goal and then more. All the guys are kinda upset with me, even those in my own team, because they aren't playing shit and they feel embarassed. So they stop playing and leave. I then realize I was left alone with just some child and some guy and this place is now like a deserted building we are trapped in. Outside is a completely different planet and the atmosphere isn't breathable. Here we will die, so we decide to make a run to a spaceship parked a few dozen meters away from the building. The gravity and air pressure is the same as on Earth and the air isn't toxic but has very little oxygen and so we can only hold our breath or breathe it for a little while before passing out. We hold our breath and run for it but we collapse half way, just in time to see a ship approaching and a bunch of my friends coming out to rescue us.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At a huge place wth different departments, can't tell exactly what it is, seems like a company. Suddenly all turns into silence and people seem to form groups and start killing each other mindlessly, as in the Purge. I am caught in a large open space office with a group of 4 people with guns but all I have for my defense is office supplies and a bar code scanner, which I aim at the eyes of an attacker to defend myself. I turn a table upside down and from behind it I throw stuff at attackers and then manage to escape. I meet some nordic man who is a researcher or something else with some status in his country for some reason. I get really upset when others try to kill him, so along with a couple other people, we decide to protect him no matter what. One of the killers gets closer and I recognize him as a friend of mine, so I am shocked, but he laughs in my face. Asks me to surrender the guy, we don't. I say he might make me bleed but then I am gonna kill him. We escape this place and enter a moving train, but I am sure some of our attackers have managed to also get into it. I try to find a place where we can be safe. I pass by a wagon where I find Zilla with her partner and her baby. They are entertaining guests as if they were at home. I stop for a while just to kiss and greet. Then quickly move on. I spot our attackers, they are now wearing Halloween costumes and people are amused by it. I jump from the train and hope to make them chase me. I enter some warehouse. They follow me. I spot a small window between some shelves and sneak out through it. Outside I find the back of a museum and there is some construction work going on. I keep running across the place and enter the museum. Inside is happening Comic Con.
2nd July 2021 Fragment: In Outland. Some alternate version of Helfire I've dreamed of before, years ago I think. It's a mix of Netherstorm in terms of landscape features but looks like Helfire. Something about me trying to get to level seventy but I find out that eighty is actually the maximum level, through seeing other players I think. There's a back-and-forth mix of D3 and WoW. I'm both trying to create a level twenty or so questline involving dragons, for the zone I'm in, I think; but also trying to work on an art project about an erotica comic in a M/M theme. (recall started fading at this point) At one point, I'm working on this comic project and alt-tabbing between games and drawings for reference and then H comes in to this odd office room I'm in and starts talking to me. The room is very wooden? A dark-ish stain, probably? H is kind of having a go at me for "not doing much". I feel annoyed and partly insulted, since I try as much as I can. Constant interruptions occur (not just or only from H but something else) while I'm trying to work on this questline thing. The dream eventually deviates into some other bit in a town. (recall gap) I'm in a subway starting at my home town and I'm sort of composing a train run schedule that will go from a yellow line to the blue line? Stations seem dark and unfamiliar, not to mention cramped, they seem more like my vague memory of the London underground and some other generic subways I've seen. I'm alone in this train with the conductor, I'm just in the passenger area at first looking at the maps. Then I knock on the door to the cabin or something and I tell him about what I'll be doing. I can see through the front glass that we are arriving at a station full of people, mostly university students or something, people in school uniforms. I tell the conductor that we can't stop here for now because "that's too many gamers" and that I'll add this station later on into the schedule. And I think about how they'd probably end up giving this new route I'm making a very bad reputation and causes issues later on. So I think to myself that they'll just have to catch a different train for now. Notes: - Feels like it's been a while since a proper subway dream, though I suppose I have had a few not that long ago, that come to mind. -- As always this should be enough of a cue to question reality, but it never seems to be enough, nothing seems to be enough. - Again, dragons. Dragons are rarely the central topic in my dreams. This time they weren't the focus of eroticism but seems there was still a loose link since I was working on both their questline and the erotic comic. -- This thematic could relate both to my difficulty in sticking to a single project and to the fact that I always want to do really involved things. Doing either a comic or a full questline are projects that require a lot of time and attention. Relating to the difficulty in sticking to a project, I often lose track of myself and my attention to things when things start feeling long. - Unusually, the train was symbolically under my control though indirect influence of its compliant conductor, maybe a metaphor about navigation, guidance or inability to lead action directly. -- Relating to this, I have found that I am much calmer and more able to work effectively if I'm not directly in charge of something. If I am in advisory or assisting role, I tend to be able to remain emotionally detached for better results. Thinking further about this, ironically this is not the case when it comes to doing artwork for others, since that's still primarily based on my own ability to lead artistically (since I'm not being asked to emulate another artists' style). - When in the dream H has a go at me, I think this is actually a metaphor for me having a go at myself. I do sometimes think I'm not trying as hard as I could be. I often think about how it feels like I'm not leading myself anywhere but also about how it feels so hard without anyone guiding me. -- The irony to me feels like even under guidance I still feel like I'm not getting guidance, which makes me feel like it's a problem relating to myself only and not to others and their interactions with me.
9th June 2021 Fragment (5:30): I'm in an office building. It's day time and there's lots of light coming through a skylight. At different points I'm different people. It's quite busy here. Something about making a breaded fried chicken enterprise (i.e. a joint business) and physically half making it and the other half being bought from a unique source. I remember myself scraping some chicken off one of our blue kitchen plates into something else, like for cooking. Scraps (10:00): (Several dream sequences but recall fragmented.) One sequence about Q? Another bit near the end of a dream, I'm walking through some kind of cavern. It's dark but I might have some kind of light source. Someone else is here with me, following me? I am looking for something, an exit maybe. The cavern is not straight or flat at any point. I walk past corpses on or next to mattresses. Maybe some are alive, but either way, they're related to some previous part of the dream. I think I was trying to lead a bunch of people and they didn't like my ideas or what I was doing, which was why I ended up in the caverns. Something about shooting some objects with H, but not sure what we used. Some kind of explosions were supposed to happen from the objects being shot. Notes: - I went to the bathroom and got back in bed with a WBTB intent after the first recalled fragment. - I went to bed at night with intents about lucidity and waking up in the middle of the night.