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    1. I join the mythbustersw

      by , 07-17-2012 at 04:46 PM
      Im in front of the wall at grand parents house. But there house is not there a sky scraper is there and at the base of the wall is a white car and im with the mythbusters.

      They keep pulling a string with a hook on it and it launches the car next to the building I ask can I try and they let me

      I graped the hook with my left hand and the string with my right beacuse the strings long I pull it with both hands and the car launches perfectly up and over the roof and lands on it were all happy and congraduating each other
    2. Never thought the Mythbusters could get any better

      by , 07-03-2012 at 02:46 AM
      I start off walking from somewhere to somewhere else (a strange concept indeed). When I decide to get into my car and start driving crazy fast down a highway watching tons of exit signs fly by. Somehow I end up driving down the walkway on my campus, as I'm about to get to a wall I pull up on the parking brake and kill the gas by turning off a rocker light switch (The kind that you press in the bottom of the switch instead of flipping it).

      Suddenly I find myself sitting and eating cereal with someone as we watch to talk radio hosts direct a weird episode of mythbusters. There are people playing what appear to be arcade games that have some sort of trick when they lose (trap door, thrown backwards, and some others I don't remember). The episode is coming to an end when a fight scene starts and Adam and Jamie start fighting what I believe were clowns.

      The Mythbusters now stand as some of my favorite heroes of all time.