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    1. #19. The Ninja Maid

      by , 06-14-2010 at 04:52 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I have the feeling that I ran into a recurring character last night, a woman I suspect might be my dream guide. I'm leaning toward a name along the lines of Elaine/Lane/Lana, and I think I used Elaine while I was talking to her. I don't remember what was said.

      The people taking a first aid course become evil vampires and Quickton (nickname for the city I'm living in) becomes Sunnydale.

      I'm arguing with a character from Naruto (which is odd, since I don't watch it). I think it might be Sasuke. We spot an ambassador for something and make a bet that I can't catch him.

      The man is being driven either by a car or a coach, but it's black either way. I follow from the rooftops and then from within buildings, tracking my progress mentally while I can't see the car.

      I take a shortcut, arrivin at his home before he does, coming across hostiles as soon as I do. Before I even realize that I've reacted, there are bodies on the floor. I inspect them, coming to the realization that these people were here to kill the ambassador. I just saved his life - this is an in.

      Half a dozen people walk happily through the back door, as I wait around a corner for my entrance. Hm. Too many. Presumably the ambassador's wife and family. The bodies disappear with the lack of a thought, and I step out of my hiding place, all smiles.

      Well, I'm the maid, of course! I tell them, playing on my gender, charm, and general blondeness. Who wouldn't trust a sweet, unarmed woman? (I tuck the knife/gun in the waistband of my jeans.) You mean you didn't order maid service? I say to the wife. Oh, dear, I say, the company must have made a mistake. Perhaps you can help me with the directions?

      I take out a couple pieces of paper with scribbles on them, making up street addresses as I go.

      An opportunity to talk to the ambassador arrives, and I take it. It's time to reveal my true purpose. I propose an alliance of sorts, leaning on his gratitude for saving the lives of his family. We have a common enemy after all. Blackmail is also involved.

      The Ninja Maid. Scare Factor: 2.
    2. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 02:30 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Go Ninjas (Non-lucid)

      Had this non-lucid a few nights ago. I'm gonna try a different style, for teh lulz.

      Wheeeee! Oh, joy, this giant airborne trampoline sure is a blast. Water far below us, a big 'ol blue sky with puffy clouds above, and no netting to keep us in! I sure do hope I sustain no injury from this venture. Whoops, I slipped and fell! Good thing I fell in the middle of the trampoline. Crap, now everyone is jumping on me! Ow! Ow!! Ow!!!

      I think they broke something. . .

      Being disabled and unable to properly move sucks something awful. Luckily, I'm just gonna ignore this plot point until later and go about my absolutely ordinary life. What's that Dad? There's an interactive Fallout demo you just found out about? Oh, well I've known about this one for awhile, but go ahead and start it up, I'll be watching the city from this little ledge over here.

      Wowzers, this fallout sure is realistic. Look at how marvelous the deadly blast from a nearby nuclear explosion is. Oh my, I think I died. It sure is a good thing everyone gets insta rezzed during these demos, and my HUD even keeps track of how many times I died! Look at that number climb!

      I'm going to drift into random thought now. . . .

      . . .

      . . .

      Holy shit! A lion is attacking me! I must toggle on Fly and escape! Aaaagh! It's following me! Quickly, Ninjas: Attack my Target! What a sight my own personal Ninja army (of 6!) is as it swiftly cuts down that mean nasty lion.

      That was a close one, indeed it was. You can go now, my good friends, I'm just going to fly over to that building over there. Oh, look, some officers from our evil authoritarian government. I hope they don't spot me hovering about 10 feet above them. Gorrammit! They saw me. . .

      Go Ninjas go Ninjas go! Yes! Wipe them all out. Wait, not those two. They are going to die of a terminal illness soon anyways. Aww, look at that one run off and cry. It's like he actually believed me or something. Oh, hi LJS! Didn't expect to see you here. You can leave now before they start the actual nukings. No? Kay, suit yourself, buddy, I was only kidding about your terminal illness, you know. I'm gonna go and board that plane over there now.

      Since I'm disabled, I have to sit in the back because it's easier that way, apparently. Plus there are no other seats open. Everyone back here sure is awful noisy. I'm quite uncomfortable with this arrangement, but I guess I have no choice in the matter. . .
    3. Ninjas at my Aunt's house.

      by , 01-10-2010 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I can only remember this dream in fragments.

      I am in a house that is of my Aunt Estelle's house. The house is dark, but full of people like there is a party going on or something. I cannot recognize any of the people because of the darkness and I keep bumping into them. There is something about going to the bathroom on the first floor several times.

      I gain control of my actions in the dream but do not become aware that it is a dream.

      Still in my aunt's house there is suddenly less people walking around in the dark but suddenly we are all dressed like Ninjas and are weilding Samurai swords. I have the longest one. While the others attack me they cannot damage me because their swords are too short to reach me. I cut, slash and kill my opponents, which shocks Moordryd Paynn and his Dragoneyes Crew who are suddenly watching from nearby.

      I cannot remember the middle of the dream but near the end I am walking across a field, chasing a man who is my target. Still armed with my samaurai sword, I know I have to kill this man. Obstacles like bushes and small tress keep rapidly growing in front of me to hinder my progress. I am slowed down by having to cut away at the rapidly growing plants with my sword. The sky is yellow ochre coloured and suddenly floating dots or bubbles fill air and surround me, multiplying like cell osmosis. This doesn't impede my pregress but is really trippy to watch.

      I find the man I have to kill near a shell of a burnt out brick house in the middle of the field. The man clambers up a large oak tree to get away from me. As I approach the tree I realize that I am unable to reach the man even though he is sitting on the lowest branch of the tree which is not that far from the ground. I have suddenly shrunk in size for some reason and cannot complete my goal.
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