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    1. False awakenings make me mad.

      by , 10-06-2010 at 07:01 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid dream, [Commentary on dreams made after the fact, while writing this journal entry]

      I hear the text message chime on my phone go off, so I get up and check it, saying to myself, “I'd better check that. There are only a couple of people who would text me in the middle of the night (P. and Ashley R.), and they're both important to me.” But when I check it, there's no indication of a new text message, and the screen looks completely normal. [I think. Was only the Vibrate icon showing, or was the Alarm icon showing, too? I'm not sure.] It says that it's 4:38 A.M., which seems right, so I conclude that I've just unwittingly dreamed myself up an unplanned WBTB alarm, but have reacted to it in reality. “Great, that should help,” I think. I move the phone over from the sewing cabinet to the dresser and go back to bed. [I'm an idiot! If I had just thought to look back at the time display on the phone one more time, I might have realized that I hadn't actually woken up at all, but I didn't. As it stands now, I'm pretty sure I just dreamed this entire sequence of events, but not positive, which is frankly rather disturbing.] [And I just remembered while writing this that as I was first trying to go to sleep last night, one of the things I was thinking about was the fact that the current Task of the Month is to have an in-dream text or IM conversation. That must have triggered the in-dream text message chime. LOL!]

      Later, my phone alarm wakes me up again. It's set up so that the alarm sound is a recording I made of myself narrating a dream journal entry that talks about some embarrassing topics. Still lying on my bottom bunk, I grab the phone off the floor and muffle it between my body and the mattress so my parents won't hear it. Too late; they've already heard the beginning of it. They come into the room and ask me if I'm all right, and I explain that yes, I am, and I have my phone alarm set up to play back a recorded dream journal entry that I made on my trip to Europe back in September. (It was another of those tours with Pam S., by the way.) So I get up and go into the kitchen to have breakfast. [All this happened in the house I grew up in, by the way. It was exactly the way I remember it. I completely failed to clue in. As far as I could tell while I was in the dream, this was reality, and I was supposed to be there. I conclude that it's true, at least for me, that when dreaming about real places from memory, it is easy to be unaware that you're dreaming. I fail. To be fair, though, it's very easy for me to accept that setting as normal reality because, for a little over half my life, it was normal reality.]

      So then I'm outside somewhere, going up a hill in some kind of vehicle on a road. There are LCD screens above the road that have scrolling text on them, talking about how barbarafett comes off as a ranty, opinionated blowhard in her dream journal entries and forum posts at DreamViews. [Of which I had made none, so far, in reality when I had this dream. A warning?] It expresses some of this meaning through TVTropes potholes. When I get to the top of the hill, there are these little go-karts that are only a little bigger than a roller skate, but are strong enough to support the weight of a person and have enough horsepower to move around fairly quickly when a person is standing on them. That's what we're supposed to do here, so I do. I stand on one of the go-karts with my right foot and navigate it along a path painted onto the glossy concrete. The path has a lot of switchbacks in it. The go-karts go fast enough that staying up on them is challenging and fun.

      I finally did wake up for real, felt around on the dresser for my phone, didn't find it, and then saw that it was still on the sewing cabinet where I always leave it. I cried out in anger and frustration. “How many FAs can one person have in one night?!” I asked myself, irritated. I did the nose-plug RC and it passed, so I said, "Idiot! You should have checked that the first time!" (Meaning, when I first heard the text-message chime.)

      Updated 10-11-2010 at 07:04 PM by 37356 (fixing color coding to match the scheme I devised later)

      non-lucid , false awakening , task of the month
    2. Choose Your Ride

      by , 08-03-2010 at 06:58 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was on a school field trip with my classmates. We were inside a modern building with white walls; a few of the corners were softened and curved. I don't remember what the flooring was like, but there were a large potted plant and a stand-up menu to the right of the small room. Next to this, there was a purple awning that led to another part of the building, which looked like a restaurant.

      There was a short hallway, a few feet long, in front of our group of around ten people. It opened up into a larger room with five polished wooden pillars; four students started to walk in front of their own pillar and position themselves in front of it. No one else seemed to want to go; they were all standing there, so I took the last pillar. All five of us were now standing in front of one pillar each, which I now realized were labeled with a small sign framed in metal.

      My classmate in front of the pillar beside me laughed, almost in pity. "Oh, Puffin, you got the pain section."

      "Great," I replied, rolling my eyes and exhaling in a gust. I knew that this was a ride, and nothing would really happen to me, but I was still nervous. I knew you could personalize your ride by choosing "pain", "wisdom", "heat", and two others which I forget.

      Suddenly, the room changed. I was on a circular, three- or four- foot thick wooden platform in a darkened room, seated in a chair with a seat belt on. I looked to the left and could see the four people who were with me before, and they were also in a chair. The ride started and it began to tilt backwards; at the same time it went downhill on some sort of track. Above me, there were circular saws, but they were slightly thicker than they should have been, and not shiny.

      The ride lunged back upwards and my knees hit the saws as they turned. I expected pain but realized that the saws were rubber. I looked to the left and above the student beside me, there were flamethrowers (how is that not dangerous?). I didn't look to see what else there was.

      The dream changed again, and now I was in a small banquet hall with brown walls, white trim, and long tables with white tablecloths. My classmates were still there, and they were signing cheques at the various tables. I saw my teacher and I went to her. She had a cheque lying on the table for $22,000.

      "You still owe me two thousand," she told me. But I replied that I didn't have any more cheques on me, and that I had to get some more.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:42 AM by 28408

    3. The Train and...

      by , 06-22-2010 at 08:14 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Dream 1 - The Train

      I was on a train. You know, one of those passenger trains with the multiple cars. It was very cozy yet airy inside, and there were maroon leather seats on either side of the car I was in, almost like a luxury bus. There were also round tables covered with white tablecloths near the back of the car. It had very large windows so people could look outside; these windows made up nearly the entire sides of the car.

      I became lucid almost immediately. I exclaimed out loud and did a little dance because I hadn't been lucid in a few days, and immediately decided to do something (although I wasn't sure what yet). I wanted to exit the train but I knew it was moving, pretty fast too, but I didn't want to go all the way to the conductor and ask them to stop it manually. That would have been silly. So, I punched a large hole in one of the windows (no one was around to witness it) and looked outside for the first time. The train was not on a track, but in the middle of traffic, moving along smoothly with the other cars. There wasn't much traffic though, so I jumped out, landing on my feet in the middle of traffic.

      I looked down the lane and saw a forest-green colored car zooming towards me at around sixty miles an hour, so I leaped on top of it, causing a large dent and feeling the top of the car implode. The car stopped abruptly, as soon as I touched it, but I didn't get thrown off. I then jumped off the car and onto the sidewalk. I tried to do the second jump stylishly but I failed miserably. I had to balance myself a bit, and almost felt pain as my feet contacted the cement sidewalk. I walked it off.

      I spent the rest of the dream flying around because that's one of my favourite things to do.

      Dream 2 - "Why'd you do that?!"

      As soon as the train dream ended, I found myself in my bedroom, all tucked into bed. My room was situated downstairs; I was in a queen bed with mint green covers, a polished dark brown nightstand beside it, and an oak artist's desk in the other corner of my room.

      I was suspicious of this, though, because something felt wierd. I got up a bit, still covered in blankets, and looked at my alarm clock. The first time I looked, it said 1:00. Nothing strange at all. However, I looked back and forth a few more times, because sometimes in dreams my clock tricks me. Caught it.

      The next sequence of numbers was 2:00, 3:00, and then 4:04. I immediately got up and said, "a second lucid dream!?"

      By now I was pretty excited but I knew better than to go around destabilizing the dream. I went out through the door to my room and ran upstairs, towards the front door to get out of the house. Through the window next to the door, between the blinds, I saw that it was dark. But I knew, through expectation, that I could make it light outside. Before disregarding the window, I looked at the door and expected it to be light outside. I turned the doorknob and it was light. Perfect.

      I walked down the driveway and was about to fly away.

      Then my mother woke me up, and I was back in bed. I was sure I was awake, so I asked, "why did you do that? I was in the middle of a lucid dream." A few moments later, I woke up for real.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:52 AM by 28408

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
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