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    1. 7/1/14 - airplane cartoon

      by , 07-01-2014 at 10:41 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      I'm walking in a sloppy line and there are teachers keeping us in line as we walk next to this blue and red airplane. The other people in this line are kids, they look like 5th graders, but I'm a cartoon character, like a cross between sonic the hedgehog and marvin the marshian. I'm shorter than all of them, I'm touching the airplane and I shouldn't but I feel the need to disobey, then my grandma runs through the line to get to me to try and catch me, but it was too late because I touched the airplane again and an engine burst on at full speed and I flew into the air, then I landed on the other side of the plane and my grandma was there waiting for me, we get into a different line that leads into a school cafeteria, their are middle schoolers in there. She tells me I shouldn't be wearing sandles to go in there so she makes me run around the corner to get some vans slip-ons to grow up or something but then a grab a old crappy razor scooter to ride around the corner and she tries to stop me but i'm faster, then I come back with different shoes and a new scooter. Then the line moves enough for us to be inside, and once into the door the temperature changes the sound changes and my scooter is gone and now I look like I'm in middle school too. I see that we;'re in line for the salad bar type thing in the cafeteria, I look to the roll out tables and see they're all full but it doesn't bother me. I grab a plate and think to myself that I have no appetite right now, but the line move more and I see apple crisp stuff and decide to get some, my sister is on the other side and says she got the rest of the apple pie, I tell her it's alright and that I like the crisp part of the apple crisp better anyways and put some on my plate, then I look up and see this girl watching me and I get nervous and try to get away and get my sister and grandma to hurry up.
    2. salad bar

      by , 11-26-2010 at 12:51 PM
      Good morning, everybody. I've had zero dream recall recently. But I remember this dream from last night.

      Dream #1

      I was in a cafeteria in the basement of a building. I had gotten food from a salad bar. I had a lot of food on my plate.

      Now I was at the salad bar again, as if the whole scene were starting over. I had a plate. I was walking along the "salad bar," which was more like an open-faced refrigerator section for displaying drinks at a deli.

      I heaped some lettuce and mushrooms onto my plate. I put some other kind of vegetable onto my plate. I lay a couple of long ears of baby corn by the lettuce. I also had some other kind of food by the baby corn.

      Feeling the plate, I thought I had gotten too much food. The cafeteria would charge by the pound. This plate was heavy. It would cost me a lot of money. So I decided to put back the baby corn.

      At this point I may have had a double-vision, as if my consciousness were in two places at once. I was still in the cafeteria, getting my food, or walking to the register to pay for my food. But I was also sat down in some long, glass-ceilinged corridor eating my food.

      (The cafeteria itself had an eating area, I'm pretty sure, just past the registers. But the area I ate at seemed like it was in a different place altogether.)

      I hunched over my food at the edge of a long, communal table that looked kind of like a big picnic table. A lot of people passed by me. I may have been in the hallway of a mall. The sunlight was pretty strong coming in through the glass ceiling. To my right, maybe 10 meters away, was a red cinder block walled elevator bank.

      The speakers were playing "a U2 song," which may have sounded like "Vertigo." The lyrics said something about how everybody always said bad things about the Internet, but how Bono thought it was great, because it was like the Mona Lisa of porn.