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    1. 21st July 2012 - 14th & 15th Lucid Dreams [Maybe successful WILD?]

      by , 07-21-2012 at 02:23 PM
      Italic Text = Personal Thoughts
      Normal Text = Non-Lucid Segment
      Light Purple Text = Partially Lucid Segment
      Purple Text = Lucid Segment

      I was attempting a WILD and became the closest I've ever got. I felt like I was in full sleep paralysis but despite this wasn't seeing or hearing any hallucinations. (I'm beginning to think hallucinations just don't happen for me, each time I've been in sleep paralysis I've never had any. Or maybe I've just not been in complete sleep paralysis yet.) After I while I got the urge to roll over, but resisted and just tried to focus on the HI I was seeing. I got quite uncomfortable, finding it hard to breathe, noticing the heat and weight of the duvet on top of me. But then... I don't remember anything else.

      Next I know I'm in a dream, first thing I remember after attempting the WILD is being in this room where I'm checking my hands and fortifying the lucidity.

      I walk out of the room and see that I'm in a tropical rainforest, similar to the place I was previously incubating with HI. I walk around for a bit but the dream becomes unstable and incredibly blurry. I rub my hands together and feel all the texture of the world around me, managing to re-stabilise the dream.

      I walk into this open expanse. I'm still not fully conscious in the dream, but I guess the incubation I had of chinese dragons in the sky of this tropical rainforest enters my mind, as I take to the skies and try transforming into a chinese dragon. I see myself in the reflections of the waters and I am still in human form, but I am weaving effortlessly through the sky, just like a chinese dragon.

      I have a false awakening. I'm laying on the floor in this room, surrounded by people talking about lucid dreaming. I get the impression that I'm a sort of test subject, but I also don't want to be here. I attempt to DEILD while still laying on the floor while in this dream, but I think I woke up properly and DEILDed because the voices of the people disappeared and I vaguely remember the feeling of my bed for a few seconds before I entered the next dream.

      I'm instantly lucid in my kitchen. I decide to try turning the lights on and off, just to experiment with dream physics. They turn on, but I'm unable to turn them off again, so I just head outside.

      It's early morning, there's sporadic streaks of orange darted about the dark cloudy sky. I begin walking to the street when I hear footsteps coming up behind me. I turn around and my mum's there. She hands me this cup she has in her hands, but when I try to take it she resists me, similar to a lucid dream previously. My lucid DC version of her seems to be very aggressive, I've noticed.

      After a short while of struggling, I decide to try yelling commands at the dream, something I hadn't tried before. I yell "Let go of the cup!" and sure enough, she immediately stops. Almost robotically she yields the cup over to me. I wonder what else I could try with yelling commands, so to make sure my DC mum doesn't interfere with my lucidity as she has a tendency to be a pest in my lucids, I yell "Jump up and fly away!" she looks at me, somewhat confused, before leaping into the sky and flying away. I chuckle at how comically she flew away, and then take to the skies myself, flying in the opposite direction. I'm still holding on to the cup, using it as dream stabilisation by focusing on the solidity and texture of it. I decide I don't need it after a while and simply drop it.

      I hear a crash and a yell behind me and I assume my mum had crash landed, but I don't really pay it any attention. I'm more interested in the DC that's standing on the street, in awe at the fact that I'm flying. I land and for some reason electrocute them with my hands. There's no electricity graphical representation, but as I aim my hands at them they shake violently before collapsing onto the ground.

      I remember the Task of the Month, to find alien life and go on a date with one of them. I try conjuring a portal on the nearby wall, to no avail. I decide to use the door technique to change scenes with the door on the house nearby, but like every other time I've tried it I seem to not focus enough beforehand and simply walk through the door.

      I'm inside this house and close the door behind, struggling to get it to latch on. The house has a seemingly endless hallway with lots of tiny rooms with people doing various tasks in each of them. I was looking for another door to try the door technique but every room in this house was open-plan.

      Without warning, I have another false awakening. I'm back laying on the floor surrounded by these people. They've moved on to a different topic now but I still don't want to be here. I seem to get this pop-up in front of me, as if my eyes were a computer screen. It asks "Do you wish to leave the room?" To which I click "Yes."

      I end up in a different room, I have no clue where I am but don't have time to find out. The dream fades to black and I wake up in my bed, completely confused. I wonder if I should DEILD again but after the long stream of dreams I decide I'd be better off simply journalling them so I didn't forget any details.
    2. 9th July 2012 - 13th Lucid Dream [Successful Scene Transition!]

      by , 07-11-2012 at 05:53 PM
      Italic Text = Personal Thoughts
      Normal Text = Non-Lucid Segment
      Light Purple Text = Partially Lucid Segment
      Purple Text = Lucid Segment

      The dream started non-lucid, in this random person's house with a friend. We were fascinated over the kitten that this person owned, it was really miniature, small enough to be cupped in your hand, and it frequently went into this "slug-like" pose where it tucked its legs under its body and and squinted its eyes. I was petting the kitten as my friend held it and eventually it got really angry, hissing at my friend and standing up before leaping out of her hand and running away as fast as it could with its tiny legs.

      We laugh, and tell the owner of the house that we really should be going. She insists that we stay until her husband gets back with dinner that he's picking up from a restaurant as we must try this food before we leave. We agree, but state that we really need to have a shower as we hadn't had one for a while due to travelling.

      We're pointed upstairs and upon reaching the top, I ask my friend why it is that every house I'm in always resembles the layout of my own house.

      That's when I become lucid, I realise that of course it's a lucid dream and although my hand check seems to fail, I focus on my hand anyway to try and stabilise the dream as it's quite blurry all of a sudden. I walk into the bathroom where my friend is preparing for her shower and realise if I stay here I will probably get caught up in the dream and lose lucidity, as has happened before.

      I walk out of the bathroom and to make sure I don't get caught up in the dream again, attempt to lock the bathroom door. There's no lock on the outside, so I look away and make one up, soon enough I hear the sound of the door locking and try to decide what to do next.

      I remember I wanted to practice scene transitions, something that I'm not too good at it. I walk into a bedroom when I realise too late that I could have used the door as a method of scene transitioning. At this point I also remember the Task of the Month, but I'm too intent on completing my other goal to really focus on that.

      I walk up to the wall in this bedroom and decide I will phase through it into a new scene. The wall is solid at first, but after some trying I eventually start slipping through. It isn't like when I usually slip through walls in my lucid dreams, I usually just get a "tight" feeling as I squeeze through the wall and appear on the other side. This time as my head approached the wall and started going through it my vision became blurred, everything was going fuzzy but when it came back into focus I had passed through the wall and I was in my new scene.

      Just like a previous lucid, I was picturing my "Mushroom Valley" photo-manipulation, and while I didn't quite achieve what I was picturing, I came pretty close. I was in a desert-like environment, only there were patches of dead grass dotted around. In front of me were multiple "pyramids", but they weren't really pyramids, they were giant cubes.

      As I'm inspecting the scene it starts to change colour in front of me. Instead of everything being a shade of sandy beige and browns the cubes change colour to a deep red. I want the previous colour back so I lift my hand and sweep it over the scene in front of me and as it passes over, the colours return to normal.

      I take flight and fly towards the cubes. I've become infinitely better at flying now, with none of the turning issues I had previously. I think it was because I wasn't particularly trying to fly and just let it happen. As I approach the cubes they seem to turn a reddish colour again, but as I go in between them and start flying throughout the "streets" that these cubes had created, I noticed that the cubes seem to be made of loads of sheets of paper all stacked on top of each other. I could see the thin lines, just as a stack of paper of would like, only in giant form.

      As I near the end of the passageway between the cubes I think to myself, "I hope I recall the details of this dream" because everything I was seeing in that moment was so insanely vivid.

      I land on the other side of the cubes on some of the grass. There seems to be a "cutaway" here where the dream scene didn't quite stretch out to this point because the grass I was standing on was normal, green grass instead of the dead grass like I had imagined in my original scene. I kind of stretch out the dead grass, changing all the green I could see into dead variety by lifting my hands up and willing it.

      As I turn around though, I notice behind me that everything was a lush green, it was a park of sorts, I noticed people in the distance and I recall laughing from somewhere. The trees were unique, they were the shape of palm trees with palm-tree style leaves, only the leaves and branches were arranged in a way that a Christmas Tree would be.

      As I walk closer to this lush landscape I decide I want to try another colour-transition, I want to make everything green into a vivid blue. I try swiping my hand across the scene but this proves harder than simply making things dead as nothing happens.

      I then try to focus on a single tree to begin with, I walk up to it and place my hands on the trunk, only to be stabbed by these tiny, sharp pieces of bark that were poking out all over the tree. I rub my hands in pain before finding a safe space on the trunk to place my hands. I look down to the floor and try to imagine the tree leaves being blue, but when I look up I had only turned them yellow.

      Things become slightly less clear here, next thing I know I'm walking away from the tree singing a song, which seems to be a combination of two songs. One of the lyrics in the song was "A million miles down below" and this sprung the idea in my head to try another scene change to at the bottom of the ocean.

      Alas, before I got a chance to try it the dream faded more and more until I was in "the black" and eventually back in the waking world.