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    1. Back in Haunted Time Passage House, Hidden Objects Style, Ties to Other Dreams

      by , 07-04-2017 at 05:31 PM
      06-03-2017 -- This one was from a month ago, jotted it down immediately, but didn't have time to get it on the computer until now. Much of the earliest bits have faded, but I am probably Harry Potter, judging by much of the stuff that comes later. It is late at night and I am trying to get some sleep, but I am rooming with a slightly stuck up but more or less OK Draco Malfoy. So while I am looking for a little bit of private relaxation time before falling asleep, Draco has been getting more and more into muggle electronics, so wants my help setting up his TV, cable box, DVD, video game systems and so on. So I'm kind of half-assing it, hoping in the process he doesn't stumble across porn and go nuts about it.

      I've got most of the stuff at least partly hooked up when somebody new wanders in and notices that his VCR doesn't have the cable channels tuned in, so he's only getting 6 or 7 broadcast channels, and the new guy starts to correct that, and is also showing him how to hook up and use his CB radio. Since he's now got other help, I'm more than happy to just turn around and head to bed.

      The next thing I know, I find I'm in a new circumstance that relates to several past dreams, including the Doctor Who/BtVS dream of a few months ago, and many others, including various secret passage dreams and more. I find myself outside an old three or four story house that I think I fought a plant in during another dream I can't find to link to, and I have a lot of memories of the last time I was here, and the things I had to do, but not exactly, or in what order, so I'm still having to puzzle a lot of it out.

      I start on the West side of the house, can't say what floor, but I'm kind of looking in a window at a room where the mom has fallen through a trap door in the floor (and possibly also time ala the Tonks scene in the above Doctor Who dream) to a lower dungeon-style room. The thing is, she'll need to be rescued on that floor (and in that time), not through the trap door she fell through. Meanwhile, though I should only have a limited view through the window, I can somehow see all kinds of people wandering up and down stairways throughout the house, though they should be out of sight, and quite possibly in other times. Strange.

      I move along the back side of the house, the area that most seems like the plant-fighting area, then I find myself in a hallway along the East side of the house, and there are ghosts wandering through the area, some helping and some hindering the regular people. At first I seem to be one of the ghosts, but as time goes on, I become more and more solid. Meanwhile, I am trying to use my half-remembered knowledge from previous dreams to help the regular people solve the 'puzzle' (it's all feeling kind of like a hidden object game), and am giving instructions. I point to one ghost in a room next to the corridor, and ask it to grab some tools and bring it to me.

      I realize almost immediately that this is unlikely to work. The ghost is probably not going to be able to pick up the tools, because it is a ghost. But it might be able to pick them up if that room is in the same time as the ghost, but even if it can pick them up, it probably won't be able to take them out of the room, and finally, if it did get them out of the room, then the tools would probably be insubstantial to me, so I probably wasted my time making the request. The ghost grabs the tools, and starts to bring them to me, but as it passes through the doorway, the door slams shut, and I figure the tools remain in the room. But no, the ghost kept them and brought them to me, and I found I was able to hold them, so that's why I figured I must be a ghost, too, at this point.

      I follow the East corridor to a large room at the back of the house, where there are a lot of people and ghosts around, and a lot of junk to possibly sort through. One of the ghosts is an old-fashioned housekeeper dressed in the appropriate garb, and looking just like Hermione Baddeley as the housekeeper in Mary Poppins. The room is one where I found Luna Lovegood in another time trap in a different dream, but this time there is no sign of her. Instead it is a long room with piles of junk to actually climb over, and some broken and damaged walls being guarded by an angry and dangerous tiger, who has several tiny ghost tiger cubs in the area. I suddenly manage to remember that I have to find some balls of ghost food to feed the ghost tiger cubs to be able to get by the real tiger.

      I ask the housekeeper to hand me the box full of food balls, and I start trying to toss them across the room into the cubs' food bowls, but being ghostly balls, they have no mass, so don't toss well. First I try to help them along by blowing on them, and it helps a little, but not enough. Finally I just throw the entire box of food, which gives it just enough mass to reach the other side of the room, and get a little bit of food in all five bowls. So I carefully creep past the ghost kittens, and the live tiger leaves me alone, and I crawl over more of the stuff, getting nearer and nearer to the ceiling, where I find a sort of secret passage way. It looks like there is a wall, but it's an illusion, and you can move right through it.

      I crawl up into a hallway on the floor above, and again I can remember it from other dreams (but not any particular dream the I can link to). I am now in a medium-length corridor. I crawled up through a passage at the floor level, and I know that there is another passage directly across from it at ceiling level, but it seems whatever point I have arrived at, we either have not yet found the step-ladder that we'll need to climb to reach the ceiling passage, or we haven't moved it here yet.

      There are doors at both ends of the hallway. The end close to the two secret passages is behind me, and it doesn't seem important. It is probably the first way we entered the hallway, early on in things. I seem to remember the door at the other end of the hallway being locked, and we have to pick the lock. I send my friend off to find the step-ladder, and head to the door at the end of the corridor, just to find it is already unlocked, so we must have already gotten that step taken care of.

      Spoiler for Humor and Sex:
    2. Exploring Haunted Secret Passage House, Cross of HP/DW/BtVS

      by , 06-13-2017 at 07:22 PM
      03-25-2017 -- An ever-morphing cross between HP, BtVS, and DW. A group of us (an odd mixture of regular people, Harry Potter and Buffy characters) are exploring a large old house that I've explored before in many dreams. Sometimes things remain normal, sometimes they get a little strange, but this one got odder than usual. I'm sort of a Xander-like character, just the normal guy that stuff kind of happens to/around.

      The house seems to be morphing into a kind of a cross between Grimmauld Place, the house from the Classic Who episode Ghostlight, and the hotel from the Shining. There is a very evil, corrupting feel to the place, and an odd variety of ... creatures ... are popping out at us, trying to scare us and frighten us, yet over time you almost get the kind of feeling that they are past victims, themselves, now trapped in the place.

      At one point, we're exploring one room, and Tonks steps on an area where the floor is weak, and it collapses under her, dropping her into a room in a lower level of the house. The problem is, it is not only a lower level, but also is somehow located in another time, so while we can see her, and are trying to rescue her, we're having a really hard time reaching her. Thankfully the Doctor (the 10th Doctor) arrives, and manages to bridge the gap, so to speak, and rescues her from the evil cat-girl who was after her. So now we're wandering the halls of the horrible place together.

      The corrupting influence is still there, but now it is kind of muted, and not as strong, and we realize the TARDIS's telepathic circuits are kind of holding the evil influence at bay. Because of this, the Doctor has got it on a sort of old-fashioned looking pallet jack, and is wheeling it around with us. One of our members is being referred to as 'Dog-Boy,' and I can't help but wonder if it might be Xander, with a hint of the Hyena possession coming out, due to the evil spirit of the place.

      Soon we find ourselves in a large room, perhaps a kitchen or a living room, I'm not sure which. One of the beings we're fighting against seems to be a slightly sweet, slightly sassy girl with a sort of a Victorian appearance, who is actually rather cute, and I am sort of falling for her. In the house, only seen under the low lighting of flickering candles, she looks almost completely normal, but then I catch her in direct sunlight pouring in from an uncovered window, and suddenly the makeup on her face shows a completely different image, of a very evil looking clown with razor-sharp, long, demonic teeth.

      Doesn't stop me or change how I feel, though. I look her in the face, and explain I am a sometimes clown, too. She doesn't believe me, and I start explaining about the face I designed for my clown. In real life it was a classic white face appearance, with small purple highlights around the eyes and the lips, but in the dream I was explaining it as a rich, violet purple face with white highlights around the eyes, which would probably look rather frightening, itself.

      I am explaining how I did a lot of work with balloons, while she is playing with a yellow balloon poodle (sans head), when somebody randomly asks "Hey, where's Dog-Boy?" One of the other enemies, a bit of a mean one, just starts laughing, and says he was killed three days ago, and we never even noticed until now. Personally, to me it only feels like we have been here a few hours, so I'm figuring it was much more recent, but it is still a terrible thing, and as he's still laughing like a loon, I decide to take my revenge on him. I grab a pink bee-body (a kind of twisting balloon) and try to inflate it to pop it at him, but my balloon is full of holes, and won't inflate. So I ask the evil clown girl if I can borrow one of her red ones, and she lets me. The problem is, no matter how big I blow the thing up, it just will not pop! I'm getting more and more frustrated with the thing.

      Others are discussing what might have happened to Dog-Boy, and I take the opportunity to spent a little time kissing my evil clown, while also trying to think of a way to save her. Somebody makes an odd mention that kind of indicates that Cat-Girl and Dog-Boy got together for a short time in another time, and had a kid. While others are trying to figure out the logistics of that, I suddenly grasp on an idea of time travel, and saving even the earlier victims of the place, by maybe traveling back in time, saving them and taking them all to another time to safely live out a good life, then bringing them all back to this time for the ending of it all, letting them all have most of a good life.

      I start to search out the Doctor, wanting to explain my plan to him, and find him right outside the front door of Draynor Manor, somehow managing to exit the door that is usually entrance, only, and approach him with my idea, but as I run the idea through my mind, trying to figure out the best way to explain it, I can just picture him, ever-more-clearly, muttering about fixed points in time, and how it can't be done, and by the time I reach him, I just kind of glare at him, reproachfully.

      "What?!?" he demands, at the way I'm looking at him. "Never mind," I mutter, and start to walk away. But he demands to know why I'm looking at him like that, and I explain the whole idea, and as I expect, he starts muttering about fixed points, and impossibilities, and starts to get angry at me, and accuses me of either being possessed by the evil spirit, or perhaps not even being myself at all, but a replacement that has been foisted on us, and I just re-enter the manor, to see what little I can do for the poor past victims.

      As I get back to the kitchen or wherever it is that most of us are now at, a strange cross between Rory and Angel is in the process of hanging a huge pack of firecrackers on the wall of the place, while an equally odd cross of Amy and Buffy is wielding a crossbow and trying to shoot the firecrackers to light the fuse. The idea is to set them all off, which will start a large fire on the wall, which will quickly spread to the entire evil house, burning it to the ground, and destroying all the evil victims within it. I am trying to block the shot, keep it from happening, and figure another way out of things, but I'm just not having any luck.

      Just before they manage to send the place up like a roman candle, an earlier version of the 10th Doctor bursts through the back wall, accompanied by Rose and Jack, all three carrying big, shiny, advanced sci-fi weapons, as the Doctor confronts the smallest, meekest, shyest member of our party, and exposes -them- as the one who has been replaces and is working against us (instead of me, as he accused earlier) and says he managed to take my plan and make it work, so now everybody has managed to be saved. Which is when I woke up.
    3. Save the World, Get Fired, All in a Day's Work

      by , 10-07-2015 at 10:27 AM
      10-05-2015 -- Working in a building that kind of reminds me of the Toshiba Medical building, but whatever kind of work I am doing, this time I am not security. But I am working perhaps some sort of warehouse work, and it is late in the evening, and we're sort of heading into the office portion of the building. Thing is, as we start to get into that area, the building is turning more into the version of Savanna that I know from past dreams that has a row of classrooms/offices directly north of the Main Office, with locker rooms, and secret passages and hidden stairways leading into off-limits areas. [I've had dreams taking place in this version of the school several times, though I am not sure where or if any of the others have been entered on the computer.]

      We're pretty sure there is something in one of the offices that we want, so somebody just goes to grab the door, and I'm worried with how late it is, about whether that office might be locked or alarmed. It is locked, but the guy has a key. Unfortunately, it is also alarmed. The guy opens the door, and a light beeping starts. One of the guys is saying it can't be that bad, since there are no flashing lights going off ... so of course, red flashing lights immediately start up.

      Soon security shows up, and starts to force all of us out of the building, and it seems like we're going to have to abandon the facility completely; one of the scientists tell us there isn't really any choice. But as we're being pushed out of the building, I'm listening to some of the alarms going off, and reading some of the warnings that are appearing, and I come to realize we were nearing access to a project which could have destroyed something like 99% of the world's population, leaving the ones who controlled it in control of the whole world.

      Thing is, it would have worked fine, but the scientist doesn't want to allow the calamity to happen, so he falsely claimed the entire project had been compromised, and rigged the entire place to self-destruct, so he could save the world. I sidle up to him and explain I see what he just did, and try to thank him for saving the world, and he reacts by firing me on the spot, and calling over a couple of huge security thugs who grab me by the arms and start to haul me out of the building. They throw me into the Buena Park Mall parking lot and are threatening to beat me up. Somehow I can't help but feel its still a lot better than the destruction of almost all of humanity.
    4. The Balloon Convention and Backstage at Disney and in Trouble

      by , 10-07-2015 at 10:12 AM
      06-13-2015 -- I'm in a room somewhere for a sort of balloon jam or lecture, and we're learning some neat and large balloon sculptures, and oddly enough Mike and Lisa are here, and they are trying to copy one of my designs, but they are "doing it wrong" and in the process coming up with a much better design, which I am then trying to copy, which just seems sort of weird.

      Soon we're moving along, and we're soon walking through a school that might be Savanna. I see no teachers I know, but I soon find myself walking through some lab classes that are very familiar from both real life, and dreams where I end up walking through closed up labs and finding places to hide and secret doors and passages to wander through, including off-limits employee locker rooms that I have dreamed about several times before.

      Unfortunately, things are changing to where I am wandering around back stage at Disneyland, where I know I am not supposed to be, and have gotten in trouble for being before, and just before I manage to exit safely, I am caught by somebody who is a cross between a blond I know from TV somewhere, but can't quite recall, and the cute Freedom Insurance agent I met last October (Murray? Something like that.) She knows me, she knows I don't belong there, and she grabs me and tells me I am in big trouble as she starts to drag me off to security, or even out of the park.

      It seems she is taking me somewhere to have my annual pass revoked or have me banned for life or something, and I'm really bummed out about that, but as we're walking through a parking structure, some people are driving around rather crazy, and she seems to forget about me in the process of dodging them and chasing them, and I quietly climb over a fence to the next level of the parking lot, and just kind of disappear.

      The bad side of things is that I cannot, for the life of me, remember where the car is parked. The good thing is, when I call Dale on the cell phone, he has it written down, and all I have to do is manage to find the section he tells me.
    5. #104. Ghosts!

      by , 07-10-2010 at 07:59 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Just a short nap...


      Time travel complicates things.

      I'm reading a book in bed, when my mom pops her head through a secret passageway and tells me something. I start looking around, and the entire house is filled with these secret passages.

      I'm Vlad Masters, an antagonist from the cartoon Danny Phantom. Shut up, I was in their age demographic at the time.

      Danny has disappeared, and I have a chat with his father (who doesn't seem anything like the cartoon version). At this point in time, the man doesn't trust me at all, as I've been exposed as an enemy at some point in time. The man asks if I really mean it when I say that I'm going to help them. I assure him that, of course, I have Danny's best interests in mind.

      Strictly true, but the way he's looking at me, I almost wish I really meant it.

      Unfortunately, the DC seems to hear my train of thought. He steps back, looking betrayed, before his expression hardens and he stalks away.

      You know the real twist? Danny actually got thrown back in time. I'm Danny, several years after the accident.

      I'm not moping. I'm looking out the window, plotting, when Serenity slams open the heavy wooden double-doors to my study. She looks around and hurries into the room, explains to me that she's hunting after an enemy DC.

      I wake up.

      GHOSTS! Scare Factor: 1.