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    1. Eggs in the baby cart, Body bags, and more Madness.

      by , 04-25-2012 at 08:15 PM (My Dream Records)
      Black means non lucid
      Orange means semi lucid
      Blue means lucid
      Red means dream characters talking
      Purple means possible shared dream person
      Green means notes

      Got it? Great! Enjoy as always.

      Dream #1 an Eggcellent choice.

      Im in a crowded store about to buy some chips. And i notice that there is this one Black girl with a stroller with a giant egg inside. I did'nt question it, but right here i begin questioning something. This woman walks in with a huge television set on top of her head, she says its her new hat. (Seriously subconsious WTF!?) I reach in my pocket and start rubbing my totem, and walk out of the storeand enter another store. Im looking for some sort of juice and can't seem to decide waht kind of juice to get. (Dream fades)

      Dream #2 Drop the body off here.

      Im riding with Natalia in some hippy van. There is a dead body in the trunk, and me and Natalia are yelling at eachother about who should dump the body. She tells me..
      "You should do it, because you are the MAN!"
      "Oh so now i have to get my hands dirty?" Uh-uh..FUCK THAT!
      "AW..DON'T BE SUCH A PUSSY!" You done this plenty of times!
      "Thats not the point NATALIA!" Im fucking tired of it though alright!?
      We get to a lake, and me and Natalia pull the body bag out of the trunk, and drag it across the dirt road. Its night time and it is a full moon, i look up at the moon.
      "Stop fucking day dreaming, and help me carry this corpse!"
      "ALRIGHT damn..stop yelling at me!"

      We get to this bridge, and pick up the body bag and dump it in the lake. Me and Natalia look down at the lake then look at eachother. (dream fades)

      Dream #3 Hitting Awareness at Dennys.

      Im with a group of people sitting around a table at Dennys eating some food. I think i was eating some Nacho's, And Natalia was with me drinking some pop. (Soda but i call it pop)
      These men walk in they look like some Mafioso guys, and Natalia looks over at them and looks at me and says..
      "Hey, those men ova there look suspicious." Maybe we should follow them after they leave from here.
      "Mmkay ima go run to the bathroom real quik." I walk into the restroom and look at myself in the mirror, I become lucid and put my game face on. Now wearing my usual suit attire i walk out and have a seat back at the table. "Alright how do you want to do this?"
      "Whats with that look in your eye tiger?" You finally aware?
      "Yea, just needed to have a look at myself in the mirror thats all."
      "Lol, for a man you sure do spend alot of time in the mirror looking at yourself."
      "Whats wrong with that?"
      "Lol nothing tiger."

      Final dream High tail the car.

      Me and Natalia are in the car high tailing those suspicious men in their car. She is explaining to me, that we should follow them to their hideout. Natalia cruises so we don't look too suspicious, And i reach in the back seat to grab a shotgun. (Natalia calls her Lola)
      We watch as the men pull up to this Huge building (almost like a warehouse) And we sit in the car and wait. Its night time and i can barely see anything. Natalia explains to me to write down the name on the building. (I forget the name) But a street light post was shining a little light on these numbers...i remember seeing 40815.
      Dream fades and i wake up.

      Updated 05-08-2012 at 01:47 AM by 54142

      lucid , memorable , side notes