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    1. Night of Friday 7/5/24

      by , 07-06-2024 at 08:58 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm at a small apartment or house rental with my girlfriend.
      Her parents have just arrived. They have flown in.
      I hug my girlfriend's Mom and sarcastically tell her long time no see.
      I know that we had just been on a trip with them recently.

      Something JRPG related, probably because I've been watching Delicious in Dungeon lately.

      Updated 07-06-2024 at 09:05 PM by 99808

    2. Night of Sunday 3/31/24 (Comp Night 3)

      by , 04-01-2024 at 05:48 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm intimate with a woman with long curly black hair.
      I false awake into my bed and see the bedroom door slowly creek open.
      A little girl who looks straight out of a horror movie quietly slides into the room.
      She approaches the bed. Her mouth isn't moving but I hear crying.

      My girlfriend wakes me up. The crying I heard was my mouth making noise through sleep paralysis.

      North Korea:
      I’m driving with my brother on an expressway.
      I miss a turn and he starts to berate me.
      I get upset and leave the car.
      I'm in a sort of parking structure.
      I have some basketball gear and am now looking for somewhere to change into my shorts.
      I see a security woman and she approaches me.
      She tells me I shouldn't be here, but I communicate that I'm looking for the Basketball room.
      She begrudgingly lets me go, and directs me to an elevator off to the left. It’s a big furniture-moving elevator.
      I get in the elevator, and notice there are a bunch of Asian-looking teens.
      When the elevator gets to the bottom, off to the side, there is an exit for a “breast reduction center”.
      The main entrance up ahead though, is into a hotel with red carpeting. It seems like a lobby.
      The teens are speaking another language and are interested in me, getting all up in my face to the point where I am worried for my safety.
      I realize that I am in North Korea.
      We exit the elevator together, and I start trying to communicate.
      I bounce the basketball, hoping that we could play a game and maybe form a bond of sorts.
      The ball bounces far too high (but I accept this).
      The teens seem friendly. I go to grab my phone and try to find a translator, but all I can find is text to text translation.

      North Korea is Best Korea.

      Updated 04-01-2024 at 08:26 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    3. Night of Friday 3/22/24

      by , 03-28-2024 at 12:24 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm with Androids 17 and 18 from Dragonball Z, and a coworker.

      King's Training:
      I'm in a warehouse-type area on a metal stairwell going up.
      There is a line of kids, classmates, lined up for try-outs.
      An intercom announces that the King's Tournament will begin soon.
      I remember that the King's Tournament is for basketball.
      A group of 3 kids in front of us recognize me and the person I am with.
      They seem impressed that we have King's Training.
      There is a sense of belonging in the group. Something similar to how I felt in marching band from high-school.
      In this situation I was the senior, inspiring the younger ones.
      The person in front of me in line is up. He messes up his free-throws and become very frustrated.