Sorry for the delay, yesterday was super hectic, so I didn't get around to fixing any scores.

Night 6
WBTB - 2
DILD - 10
2 NLDs - 2
Being scared crap-less by a late-night nightmare that shook me up for like an hour - 0 (-10 cool points)

Night 6 Total - 14 pts

Spoiler for Night 6 Completely Uninteresting Lucid Part:

Though the lucid part is dumb, I might end up typing up this dream since that nightmare freaked me the eff out.

Night 7
WBTB - 2
DILD - 10
Partial Transformation - 5
New Personal Task - 15
Super Strength - 5
NLD - 1

Night 7 Total - 38 pts

Spoiler for Night 7 Lucid Part:

Competition Total - 161 pts