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    1. Hanging w/ Ellen Degeneres at The Peoples Choice Awards Show

      by , 08-30-2016 at 10:02 PM
      D1: I am hanging out w/ Ellen Degeneres & we are getting ready for The Peoples : Choice Awards Show. We are good friends. We gone down w/ Mike & are scoping out our seats. I tell him she has some things to do & I have to go get her a gift. He's irritated that we are leaving him there alone. Ellen says "Fuck It", "lets just go." We see Melissa McCarthy & say hi, cuz we are all good buds ya know. We went shopping & picked up things & ran into other people. When we got back Mike was even more pissed & saying, "See, I knew this would happen if you left!" He couldn't save the seats. I told him not to freak out & that Ellen can get us seats. So we leave him there, lol. I would never normally leave him but it's Ellen & we have to get sat down before things start. We finally find seats but I can see Mike & he's fuming!

      Meesha Cat started bugging me & I batted her away but only had time to phase into a frag.

      D2: I was still w/ Ellen & Mike & now we are at some really weird tacky ass funeral outside.

      I had a third but just couldn't hold on to it. My A/c seems better today but my nose is still running from allergies. But I'll take the dreams I got because they were fun. Ellen is a common DC for me, also so is Melissa McCarthy.
    2. All For Her

      by , 08-30-2016 at 08:47 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Hit another two day snag of no recall. Whereas lately I've been recalling a pretty similar handful of fragments and small non-lucids, this morning's dream was a very long non-lucid, all recalled in a lot of detail. So, without further ado, here's the latest dream adventure:
      The real world was set up as a sort of role playing game, with items, stats, levels, and magic all being just a normal part of this dream's universe. In comes me, just a humble guy from the local village, preparing a large building in honor of the upcoming arrival of a very important guest. This guest was apparently some famous girl, a girl my dream self seemed to be rather infatuated by. It was normal to be though, as everybody in the village adored her. According to local rumors, she had mystical powers. Some said she was the chosen one. Me, I was just happy to be setting up this nice place for her. According to the people who assigned me the task, the building would need prepared for her to stay in while she visited the village. I even had to go grocery shopping so there was plenty food and drink for her.
      So the girl, I sadly cannot recall her name, arrived. I took her on a tour of the building, and she was extremely impressed.
      It's here where things get hazy. But next thing I know...
      In a twist of fate, the girl turned on the townsfolk. She revealed her true evil intentions, and transformed the building into a deadly dungeon filled with traps and monsters and just all around evil crap. It had turned out that all my preparation of the place was really just a trick to get it in good shape for all the previously mentioned things. I was devastated. Heartbroken. The townsfolk held me responsible, saying that I must go deal with her or suffer the consequences. And so I did.
      Heading into the building, I was surprised to not find any traps or monsters at the front door, but instead, the girl herself. She was acting more like her kind self from before, but this illusion didn't last long, and she quickly transformed into her true form, a hideous red monster with wings.
      It was then that I knew what I had to do. Running outside, I quickly found a climbable pathway up the side of the tall building. I scaled it, and reached the open-roofed top, where I found some potions to help me conduct a powerful magic spell. The spell, which took quite a moment to prepare, transformed the entire building back to normal in a dazzling flash of light. As for what happened to the girl in the aftermath...nobody saw her ever again.

      An explosion of detail, if I do say so myself... Let's keep it up! Also, what a dream.
    3. Remembering dreams more often

      by , 08-30-2016 at 04:17 PM
      I'm at a clubhouse I go to and I or someone isn't happy that there is no free food... Someone that didn't like the clubhouse started something...
    4. [30-08-2016]

      by , 08-30-2016 at 02:11 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was roaming around school and then shops with two other girls. There was one blonde girl that was jealous of them for some reason and they were arguing all the time.
    5. 30/8/2016

      by , 08-30-2016 at 07:33 AM
      My father had died I had to drain some fluid from around his shoulder. I made a few incisions then started sewing them back up, I noticed his leg moving, then it happened again and I heard him breathing and was thinking that I would have to explain to him why he was waking up in a mortuary. I mentionned it to my wife. Then all the dead bodies in the mortuary started waking up.
      I was being followed by lots of zombies. I jumped down onto a roof to escape. Someone handed me a gun, then I came across a zombie walking towards me. I tried using the gun, it didn't fire. I then put it directly to the zombies head, but again it didn't fire. the zombie seemed more like a real person and actually quite nice and I realised that he was in pain and wanted me to shoot him.
    6. #201: Intercity

      by , 08-30-2016 at 03:20 AM
      I'm in the Netherlands. It's a sunny day. I'm with my grandma and we're in an intercity train. The train consists out of a single wagon [this never happens in reality] and is taking the route that normally the tram would take. We pass my grandma's house. She doesn't want to get out at the nearest stop. Instead, she wants to continue. We pass another two stops that don't exist in real life. Eventually she lets me know that she wants to go into the city centre, meet up with someone and after that she will go home. Well if that's the case, I'd much rather go to her home straight away, considering I'm on crutches. We say bye and I get out at the next stop. I cross the street to the stop in the other direction. It is now something.54 and the train will be here in 1 minute. There's a woman on a bike who asked me a question about the train, I think about the departure time. There'a a bag of tissues somewhere near and I take a few to blow my nose. I can see the green/yellow snot in the tissue once I'm done. The train arrives and I get in. This one, for whatever reason, won't stop in front of my grandma's place. Great, means I have to walk longer. I consider where I want to get out. I see some car2go cars parked on the route. I'll just take one of those, perfect. It would be even more great if they were autonomous and I could just get one of them to pick me up.
    7. Sip of lucidity

      by , 08-30-2016 at 12:53 AM (AndresLD's (somewhat) Crazy Dream Adventures)


      I was working at WCP. Bev, my manager, asked me to take over the front desk while she worked out. I was happy to be working there, and seeing all the members again. Mai was complaining about something. I saw Steven from my physio class, and I wondered how he had done in anatomy. Then I realized that I had just snoozed, as I was actually about to wake up to write my anatomy final. I pinched my nose, and confirmed I was dreaming. I wanted to impress Steven, so I tried throwing spiderweb at him, but instead, confetti paper shot out of my hand. I laughed and the dream started to destabilize. I recognized my alarm waking me up, and wondered if I could shut if off inside my dream. I grabbed my phone in the dream and tried to shut it off, but it didn't work. I woke up, and got ready to write my anatomy final.
    8. DJ#281: Lucid Induction Dream Fail

      by , 08-30-2016 at 12:36 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: In a classroom/working setting, in smallish groups, leaning about stuff, sassy lecturer

      Dream 2: Trying to use a lucid dream induction device to get lucid, even do hand check and nothing (DOH!!!), eating food

      Fragment: Cooking

      Dream 3: Playing football with primary schoolkids, dominating

      Dream 4: Shoeonhead video, gets steamy, showing off random body parts.
      Tags: non - lucid
    9. DJ#280: Pirate Swashbuckling

      by , 08-30-2016 at 12:35 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: Playing a pirate swashbuckling game, evading hundreds of ships, then sleeping and changing class, eventually find way to proceed as game is called pirates of vernaculis or something, island called vernaculis is the secret.

      Dream 2: Dota awards, media question choices, get trolled by winners.
      Tags: non - lucid
    10. DJ#279: Athletics & Christmas

      by , 08-30-2016 at 12:33 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: Dream about cake, people eating it at a basketball stadium as well, maybe christmas party or something with oma

      Dream 2: At Rio for an athletics meet, watching events old guy does ok

      Dream 3: Part of a workshop of some kind, maybe game making

      Dream 4: Playing a new pokemon game, then going to a nightclub

      Fragment: Trying to celebrate christmas or a birthday but cant find the person

      Updated 08-30-2016 at 08:58 PM by 63366

      Tags: non - lucid
    11. DJ#278: CCG & Inception

      by , 08-30-2016 at 12:32 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: Look through yugioh collection a bit, then play hearthstone arena, get 25000 gold somehow, happy

      Dream 2: Reading abc magazine, thing on a painting, then a show where people need to guess which of two items are most similar and use them, if they die then the other person moves on, guy drinks milk with bleach. footage of war in brazil, soldiers milling about stupidly

      Dream 3: North melbourne playing us, i think we lose by a couple of goals

      Dream 4: Part of a movie or inception like thing, think inception, complete a dangerous mission in someone else's mind, barely escape, come back on an island resort

      Dream 5: A competition between two groups of cleaning a room, one has disabled kid, other husband and wife.
      Tags: non - lucid
    12. DJ#277: Olympics & Adventure

      by , 08-30-2016 at 12:29 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Fragment: Bunnings

      Dream 1: Watching olympics with bishke i think, going back to school

      Dream 2: On an adventure, guy trying to find his dad or something, first ship battle with cannons, then crazy old guy who lost his son to my companion used a sword as a huge scything boomerang, grazed me.

      Dream 3: Rowing game of sorts, race, i win, rival is angry, elemental bonuses, chile
      Tags: non - lucid
    13. DJ#276: Manufacturing & Crime

      by , 08-30-2016 at 12:27 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: DA amp lab, 3d printing metal and foam, making plane model for a project

      Dream 2: Involved in some crime bust, driving through backstreets then police involved at house, shouting maybe

      Dream 3: In city, go to observatory near state library, get food, watch beautiful scenery
      Tags: non - lucid
    14. DJ#275: Race Walking

      by , 08-30-2016 at 12:25 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: Darryl from the office printing a milion copies of something to prove his love

      Dream 2: Race walking at the olympics at little aths, get disqualified almost immediately, have a laugh, meet Yi Jie

      Dream 3: Talking about harry potter books and old tv.
      Tags: non - lucid
    15. DJ#274: Hogwarts & Crash

      by , 08-30-2016 at 12:24 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: Going to hogwarts kind of, filming an ad of some kind there, lots of alcohol but end up going to a different school.

      Dream 2: Jeremy driving car, almost crashes, refuses to stop until i force it, get out and take key out. very angry
      Tags: non - lucid
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