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    1. dreams I missed.

      by , 01-10-2025 at 02:00 PM

      another beautiful white horse was playfully rolling in a field. i was enjoying the show.

      I had a false awakening.
      I was in a shop and it was gloomy so I told the shopkeeper I could easily help sell his stuff and make his shop better. so I went outside and saw a dog and squeaked its nose and I became lucid, and somehow I needed up sat downstairs telling my sister I had a lucid dream last night and told her I squeaked a dogs nose... then I woke up and realised I had dreamt it all.

      I have only ever had a handful of false awakenings but they give me hope I am getting there

      I was serving an old boyfriend coffee, we were both young again and I had curly hair and was fixing it in the mirror, I felt intoxicated but woke up.

      I was in a bar upstairs in my old town with the same exboyfriend from my youth, and we were in love again and arm in arm, and I looked outside and the church was having a fair... I felt on the cusp of becoming lucid but woke up. damn.

      white horse was running around in the country and I was serving the police force some sandwiches and tea. then suddenly
      I was being taken in a taxi to meet my soulmate. I was wearing pjarmas and we pulled up at a beautiful country pub...I woke up abruptly...after intently looking at my slippers! damn, again no lucid luck.

      dreamt I was having my hair done. I had lovely curls again. non lucid

      I was in a field with beautiful fluffy new born foals. I was telling everyone how cute they were, my friend said she would go and look, then it switched to 2 fluffy dogs, one of which was Scotts from work.
    2. dreams?

      by , 01-10-2025 at 03:01 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Okay, This time the Jamie voice was asking if we become an in person physical couple, will we be praying together daily? Yes, that's my intentions. Google: success rate of marriage couples who pray together daily.

      Anyway dreams.


      I was wandering around a small city. The size of Red Deer or lethbridge... a bit of Chilliwack in there. This place had a lake or marina. I was by some docks. I left some big building. I ran into Raven somewhere on the street. We had a brief chat. Can't remember about what. Just that we both agreed to meet at the library later. I continued walking. I came near Jamie's house, but decided not to walk by... Didn't want to seem like a stalker.

      Jamie 1

      Just a flash of me standing in a hallway talking to Jamie she was complaining about something. She said something like, "I kicked Chelsea out because she showed you her bum!!!"

      I woke up from that laughing... Add that to the list of quotable Jamie dream quotes. I forgot about Chelsea. I live far away now and made sure she would never consider talking to me again.

      Jamie 2

      I went into Jamie's room. Some young guy was there with curly hair holding her hand. He said he was her new boyfriend.

      Seems we are both having dreams of cheating. Her voice seems fine so I don't think that dream means anything.


      I was in a strange mall around didsbury. I was in some store looking at a piano. Apparently someone was hired to tune it. It was a blond girl. But she had jamie's face? I didn't really recognize her and said, "Oh really we have another piano tuner in this area?". She said nothing and started talking the covers off the piano.

      I left but came back. The woman had removed keys out of order and far away from the piano. The woman piano tuner came up to me and said she really messed up and that I could have this job. I looked for numbers on the keys or a line drawn across the keys to determine the key order. I couldn't. This was going to be a headache to figure out.

      Yeah, figuring out pianos is hard. I hope Jamie would be open to some training to help with the business?


      I was in my car and someone else was driving it. We passed someone on the road. The car hit a tree. I saw the entire front end squish. Somehow no one was hurt.
      Tags: chelsea, jamie, piano