So i was at school sitting in history and i think the teacher brought them or i did but i don't exactly remember it was probably the teacher but anyway, i took a handful. now they were either oreos, chocolate chip, or both but i handed them out to the class and later on in the dream i was sitting at this table in that same room but this table was not here earlier so it kind of just came out of no where but i was sitting with a group of people they were different people than the ones i handed out cookies to and we were just talking having a conversation
Still some issues with her voice. It's been very faint these past few days. The first night going to bed her voice did a false break up thing for a few minutes, she was claiming she wanted to go her own way and try something else... But after a few minutes came back. Her voice has been hard to hear/ seemingly distant ever since. She hasn't done that since early last year. Hug I was in Jamie's house. She was holding me by a doorway very possesively. My guess is she's very shaken up by what happened. Really love affectionate dreams though. Killer I was in a dream with Dexter, from the show ( I've been binge watch the OG seasons now. We were with Miguel from season 3. We her outside a big grey building walking up impossible walkways. Killer 2 Someone was driving. I was in the back seat. In the backseat was a bald dead guy. The corpse was pale. I was really grossed out. I told the driver he needs to let me out. I'm getting scared and sick. He stops to let me out. But he follows me by some apartment buildings. He says he wants to ditch the shirt with evidence on it. I'm paranoid he's going to kill me too. What about the evidence in his back seat?